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by paola hernandez

General metrics
1,567 276 19 1 min 6 sec 2 min 7 sec
characters words sentences reading

time time

Score Writing Issues

86 13 1 12
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 86%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
1 Correctness
1 Confused words

1 Clarity
1 Wordy sentences

Report was generated on Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023, 02:05 PM Page 1 of 5

Report: Untitled

Unique Words 55%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating
the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 20%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are
not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.4

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 14.5

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023, 02:05 PM Page 2 of 5

Report: Untitled

“A Travel Guide”
According to the text, answer the following questions.
a. What are some recommendations to visit Bangkok? Use have to/ must/
mustn't in your answer.
I have to recommend it for its accommodation. For something more authentic,
Phra Kanong offers an alternative place to stay, with its fantastic street
markets where ordinary Bangkok people eat, work and live.
b. What is the fastest way to get around in Bangkok?
The Skytrain is a fast and cheap way to travel from the river to the shopping
malls and nightlife of Sukhumvit and the famous Chatuchak street market.
c. Where can you find the best Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands in
It can be found everywhere, but the best Chinese food and Thai restaurants are
in the head of Chinatown, Yaowarat Street, there where, there are some food
stands that cook some dishes like fried chicken on rice or pad thai noodles.
d. Why is water one of the best ways to move around Thailand?
Must be one of the best as you can explore the temples and historical sites.
e. Why does the author say you can eat everywhere?
She says this because Thai street food is some of the best in the world and for
around $5 you can eat a hearty and delicious meal.
f. What would you add to a guide destination like this? Mention 2 different
items that you consider necessary to keep in mind.
1. Where to buy souvenirs to give to family and Friends.

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Report: Untitled

2. Important events of the city and their dates. I would also add the activities
that will take place at these parties.

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Report: Untitled

1. street → Street Confused words Correctness

2. some food stands cook Wordy sentences Clarity

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