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(Assignment 1, unit 1a)

Presented by:
Hernán Gabriel Suarez
Jose Enrique Soto

Presented to:
Yesenia Ganem Navaja


Monteria – 2021
University of Cordoba, Communication IV Course – 2021-2

Work’s Body
D. Read the article again, then with a partner, say in your own words, why
the following people are mentioned. Give as much information as you can.
1. Paul Clayton. he’s mentioned because he is a food expert from Middlesex University in
London and obviously, he is an erudite about the topic.
2. People on diets. These people are mentioned like a reference related to carbohydrates,
which says that this kind of people begin to feel depressed along the time because they
eat fewer carbohydrates.
3. School children are another reference, but about food rich in protein, which is that
school children who eat a high protein breakfast often do better at school than children
whose breakfast is lower in protein.
4. Paul and Terry are mentioned because of an experiment related to protein and
carbohydrates before to play a chess match. Paul ate protein food and Terry
carbohydrates. The result was Terry felt sleepy and with difficult to make quick decisions
because of carbohydrates.
5. Swiss researches are mentioned because they discovered that eating one dark chocolate
candy bar had beneficial effects on highly stressed people. This means that chocolate
helps to reduce stress, high blood pressure, and improve mood.

F. Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. What time of day do you usually eat protein and carbohydrates? How
do they make you feel?
Jose’s Answer: I usually eat protein and carbohydrates at lunch and dinner, after lunch I usually
feel drowsy and sometimes, I need to sleep a little. In the afternoon – evening, I usually eat less
carbohydrates and more protein, it makes me feel little sleep-in truth; on the other hand, my
mood almost never varies between one meal and the other.
Hernan’s Answer: I usually eat protein at lunch and carbohydrates at dinner. They make me feel
in a good mood because I feed very well without problems.

2. How often do you eat chocolate? Does it make you feel happier?
Jose’s Answer: I don't like to eat chocolate very often, I eat it rarely, but obviously chocolate
makes me feel very happy, it's a strange feeling
Hernan’s Answer: I do not usually eat chocolate. I would say three times at month. To me, that’s
the same if I eat chocolate or not, so in this way is a normal mood.

3. After reading the article, is there anything you would change about
your eating habits?
Jose’s Answer: I think I would change the amount of carbohydrates that I eat, in order to lose
some weight, and obviously to feel my body lighter and more rested, I think dieting is essential
but sometimes it is more a matter of disposition
Hernan’s Answer: Yes, I would change the amount of carbohydrates and proteins I eat, in order
to avoid bad moods and diseases.

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