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UNIT 4 :


ID : 1912442003





A. Background
The Millikan oil drop is an experiment that shows that the
electron charge is discrete, i.e. the downward force will be inhibited by a
Stokes force (resisting force). This can happen when the oil falls into the
air which will then experience downward acceleration caused by gravity,
while at the same time the motion of the oil drops is inhibited by the
Stokes force. The velocity of the oil drop will increase until a stationary
velocity is reached when the downward gravity equals the upward Stokes
force. "This experiment was carried out by balancing the forces between
the gravitational force and the electric force on a small oil drop that was
between two conductor plates".
The first stage that will be carried out in the Owned Oil Drops
experiment is to prepare the tools to be used and arrange the appropriate
tools. Then spray the proprietary oil in the area contained in the two
plates which are supplied with a voltage of 600 volts. After that, the time
for the drop of one oil was recorded and observed the rising time for the
drop of one oil. So that the value of falling speed and rising speed is
The Oil Drop Experiment was carried out to determine the
magnitude of the elementary charge of electron particles. Owned oil
drops can be applied in everyday life. Its application relates to electricity
and magnetism. The concept of electricity is micro, this is certainly
related to the value of the charge of the electron charge and the nature of
the charge of the electron in atomic units. Knowledge of the concept of
atomic characteristics and Electricity is used for technological
advancements such as lighting lamps and television.
The Milikan oil drop experiment is an experiment in determining
the unit charge of electrons (e) as the purpose of this experiment is to
determine the magnitude of the charge of the elementary electron
particles. In 1913, R.A. Milik by using the oil drop experiment was able
to demonstrate and accurately measure the electron charge, namely e =
1.60217653 x 10-19. Through this experiment, we will get the same
electric charge value as R.A Millikan's research using the Millikan oil
drop experimental tool.
To find out more about how to determine the value of the
elementary charge contained in an oil drop, an experiment was carried
out on Determining the Elemental Charge of Electrons with the Millikan
Oil Drop Experiment.
B. Formulation of Problem
1. How do you determine the elementary charge of an electron?
C. Purpose Of Practicum
1. Determine the elementary charge of an electron
D. Benefit
Own Oil Drop Experiment can be applied in everyday life. The
oil drop experiment carried out will determine the value of the electron
charge unit. Many natural phenomena in everyday life occur because of
the presence of electrons. Electron flow is encountered in everyday life.
Electrons are particles that have a negative charge. The role of electron
charge for example in electric currents, lights, batteries and others. One
of the working principles of electron charge is in electric current. Electric
current occurs because of the electrons flowing continuously in the
conductor material. Electric current moves from the positive terminal to
the negative terminal. The current in the wire moves from the negative to
the positive terminal. So it can be said that the direction of motion of
electrons is considered to be opposite to the direction of the electric
Elementary charge measurements have been attempted by J.J Thompson
since successful find the value of e/m for the determination electron the
elementary charge of the electron by the drop experiment Owned oil is done to
get the value of the elementary charge of the electron. In Thompson's experiment
using the "room" fog”, but Thompson failed. He can't determine the traces of
charged water drops such as which is expected to be able to determine the load
elementary. (Riwanto Dkk, 2010)
An early model of the structure of the atom was proposed (in 1904) by J.
J. Thomson, who was known for his previous identification of the electron and
measurement of its charge-to-mass ratio e/m. The Thomson model incorporates
many of the known properties of atoms: size, mass, number of electrons, and
electrical neutrality. In this model, an atom contains Z electrons that are
embedded in a uniform sphere of positive charge (Figure 6.1). The total positive
charge of the sphere is Ze, the mass of the sphere is essentially the mass of the
atom (the electrons don’t contribute significantly to the total mass), and the
radius R of the sphere is the radius of the atom. (This model is sometimes known
as the “plum-pudding” model, because the electrons are distributed throughout
the atom like raisins in a plum pudding.) As we will see, the Thomson model
gives predictions that disagree with experiment, and so it is not the correct way
of understanding the structure of atoms. (Khenneth, 2008)
Thompson's method was later improved by H.A. Wilson by doing two
type of speed, namely downward velocity due to droplet weight, and upward
velocity due to the influence of the electric field. From both measurements At
this velocity, Wilson determines the mass and droplet charge by observing the
peak sharp drip mist. Wilson found that in the presence of an electric field, there
are two even the three fog peaks moving with speed varies. This means there are
drops containing one, two, and more charges elementary. (Riwanto Dkk, 2010)
Viscosity in physics describes the level of viscosity of a fluid substance.
Viscosity is a measurement of the resistance of a fluid that is changed either by a
pressure or a stress. The concept of viscosity relates to the degree of freedom a
fluid can move. That is, by using a fluid with a higher viscosity value than other
fluids, a fluid with a higher viscosity value will be difficult to move than a fluid
with a smaller viscosity value. Viscosity will have a relationship with the Stokes
friction force theorem. The viscosity of a substance can be analyzed by
dropping a solid object into the fluid. (Alim, 2017)
There are several methods for determining viscosity, one of which is the
falling ball method. The principle is to measure the velocity of a solid ball in a
liquid and first determine the parameters related to the viscosity equation.
(Nurry, 2014)
The oil drop experiment was first carried out by Robert A Milikan, in
which the experiment was carried out by balancing the forces between the
gravitational force and the electric force on a small droplet of oil material
between two electrode plates. If the magnitude of the electric field used in the
oil drop experiment is known, it will be easy to obtain the charge from the oil
droplets dropped on the oil dropper set. The oil drop experiment can be
interpreted as an experiment that shows that the electron charge is actually
discrete, that is, the force that causes the oil drop to fall downward towards the
center.Earth's gravity will be inhibited and slowed down by a Stokes force or the
so-called inhibiting force. This experiment is carried out by balancing the forces
between the gravitational force and the electric force on a small drop of oil that
is between two conducting plates. Basically, the experiments conducted by
Robert A Milikan yielded a value that expresses the magnitude of the electron
charge present in an analyzed oil drop. (Alim, 2017).
Electrons deposit anus carriers in n-type semiconductors, burrows
provide anal carriers in p-type semiconductors. The resistivity of a
semiconductor can be changed greatly by introducing a few imperfections. Let
us introduce a small number of arsenic atoms into a silicon crystal. The arsenic
atom has a luma of electrons in its outer shell, while the silicon atom has four
(these shells have 44p and 3s 3p configurations, respectively). If an arsenic
atom replaces a silicon atom in a silicon crystal, its four electrons participate in a
covalent bond with its nearest neighbour. Electrons going to Laa require a small
energy (0.05 eV in sdikon, -0.01 eV in germanium) to escape and move
throughout the crystal, see Problems 13 and 14. (Arthur, 1987)
Electrical conductors, even the very best, resist to some extent the flow
of charge through them at ordinary temperatures. At very low temperatures,
however, most metals, many alloys, and some chemical compounds all allow
current to pass freely shrough them. This phenomenon is called
superconductivity. Superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by the Dutch
physicist Heike Kamerlingh Ones. He found that, down to 4.15 K, the tesstance
of a mercury sample decreased with temperature as other metals do (see Fig. 10.
18) At T, = 415 K. though, the resistance fell sharply to as elose to zero as his
instrumental could measure (Fig 10.49). The critical temperature T, far other
supereonducting elements varies from less than O.1 K1o nearly 1O K. As we
shall see later, it is significant that elements which are ordinarily gnod
conductors, such as copper and silver, do not berome (Arhtur, 2003)
When electrons move through a solid, e.g. a metal, they meet a series of
potential barriers generated by the atoms or ions located at the centre of the
valleys between successive barriers. Figure 13.13 shows such a one-dimensional
lattice array of ions. The electron wave function is derived via Bloch functions
and the electron behaviour is demonstrated using the Kronig–Penney Model
which replaces Figure 13.13 in the first instance with a periodic series of
potential wells of finite depth as shown in Figure 13.14. An exact but unwieldy
solution can be found for the situation described by Figure 13.14, but Kronig and
Penney, by deepening the wells and reducing their separation, were able to show
how the electrons behaved and to demonstrate the restrictions imposed on their
motion.. (H. J. Pain, 2005)
The Pauli exclusion principle will have an important effect on the
situation when more than one particle is in the one-dimensional box.
In the following it is assumed that the energy levels are not altered
when more than one particle is present. With two electrons, the
ground (lowest-energy) state of the system will have both electrons
in the =I energy level, one with spin up (1, +) and one with spin
down (1. - ). as shown in Fig. 14-2(a). Note that the two electrons
do not have the same set of quantum numbers (n, m,). Now consider
what happens when a third electron is added to the system. The
Pauli exclusion principle prohibits this electron from occupying the
n=I energy level: for if it were in the n=I level, two of the three
electrons would have the same set of quantum numbers (n, m,). The
third electron must therefore go to a different energy level, the n= 2
level if the system is in its ground state. similar line of reasoning
shows that a fourth clectron can be put into then-2 level, but when a
fifth is added it must go into the n=3 level. Excited states of the
above systems occur when the electrons do not occupy all the lowest
availahle energy levels, As with one-clectren systems, it is possible
for energy in the form of photons to be emitted when excited
electrons seek their ground state configurations. (Schaum’s, 1976)
A. Day/Time
Saturday, 16 October 2021
B. Tools and Materials
1. A set of Millikan Oil Drop experimental tools
2. Millikan Supply Unit
3. 3 Install Connecting cables
4. 2 Timer Boxes
C. Identify Variables
1. Measurable Variables : Velocity
2. Bound Variable : Oil Droplets
D. Operational Definition of Variables
1. Speed, is the speed at which the position (displacement) of an
object changes with respect to travel time, and is a vector quantity (has
both value and direction).
2. Millikan oil drops
E. Working Procedure
1. The ocular micrometer is adjusted vertically and the eyepiece is
adjusted so that it can clearly see the micrometer scale.
2. U switch and set in the down position (off state).
3. The voltage u is set on the capacitor by turning the ponthesiometer knob
slowly at a voltage (400-600 v) while observing through the telescope,
massage the automizer quickly so that the selected oil droplet rises at a
rate of about 1-2 scale marks per second (i.e. it appears to rise when
observed through the eyepiece).
4. The voltage is turned off on the capacitor by setting the switch u to the
off position.
5. After the oil droplet is on the selected scale, start running the time t on
the timer box by setting the switches to the on state.
6. After the oil drop falls (observed through the eyepiece) through 20 scale
marks (equivalent to 1 mm) apply voltage to the capacitor by pressing
the switch u and the time t2 is measured automatically.
7. As soon as the oil drop is at the top of the first scale mark, stop
applying tension to 6 times the up and down motion.
8. The measured values are recorded, namely the fall time t1, the rise time
t2 and the voltage u.
9. The measurement is repeated for another drop of oil (take 5 drops of
F. Working Principle
In the proprietary oil drop experiment, the working principle is to
determine the electron charge through the falling up method. The falling up
method is carried out by measuring V1 and V2 under the influence of the
voltage U. For drops of oil on the downward conductor plate, it is influenced
by the gravitational force when the oil drops down, The oil moves down /
down is influenced by the Stokes force where there is friction between the oil
drops and the air and also the Stokes force is influenced by the viscosity. And
also influenced by the Archimedes style or the threshold style. For the upward
conductor plate, the drop of oil when it falls is influenced by the force of
gravity and also the Stokes force, and when the drop of oil rises to the top it is
influenced by the electric force that is given a voltage so that when it moves
upward it is said to be negatively charged. And also when the oil drop moves
upward, it means that there are electrons in the oil drop.
A. Observation Results
Voltage : 522 V
Distance in electric field : 1 mm
Distance without electric field : 1 mm
Table 4.1 Observation Data

Waktu tempuh tetesan minyak (s)

Minyak tanpa medan listrik jatuh dalam medan listrik jatuh
bebas, t 1 (s) bebas, t 2 (s)
17.64 7.50
16.69 7.64
1 17.72 6.50
15.54 8.76
18.24 8.31
Rata-Rata |17 ± 2| |7.7 ± 1.2|
17.61 6.05
15.76 4.46
2 18.12 4.40
17.07 4.43
17.69 4.57
Rata-Rata |17 ± 2| |4.7 ± 0.3|
10.17 14.36
15.76 14.30
3 18.12 12.27
17.07 14.74
17.69 13.86
Rata-Rata |10 ± 1| |13 ± 2|
12.09 11.59
12.01 11.49
4 11.58 12.13
12.70 12.52
10.09 12.91
Rata-Rata |12 ± 1| |12 ± 1|
10.71 16.45
10.84 16.39
5 10.86 18.70
12.68 16.96
11.98 15.74
Rata-Rata |11 ± 1| |16 ± 1|
B. Analysis
1. Kecepatan kebawah
v1 =
v1 =
v1 =5.8821×10−5 m/s
v1 =
v1 =s t 1
δv 1 δv
δv 1= | | | |
δs+ 1 δ t 1
δ t1
δv 1=¿

Δ v 1=|t 1−1| Δ S+|t 1−1| Δ t 1

Δ v1 t 1−1 t 1−2
v1 st1 | | | |
= −1 Δ S+ −1 Δ t 1
st 1

|( Δss|+| Δt t |) v
Δ v 1=

0,00005 1
Δ v =(| |+| |) 5.8821×10 −5
0,001 17

Δ v 1=9.8616 ×10−6 m/s

Kesalahan Relatif
KR= × 100 %
9.8616 ×10−6
KR= ×100 %
5.8821 ×10−5
KR=16.7647 %
v1 =¿ v 1 ± △ v 1∨m/s
v1 =¿ 5.9× 10−5 ±9,8 × 10−6∨m/ s

2. Kecepatan keatas
v 2=
v 2=
v 2=0,00012987 m/s
v 2=

v 2=s t 2−1
δv 2 δv
δv 2= | | | |
δs+ 2 δ t 2
δ t2
δv 2=¿

Δ v 2=|t 2−1| Δ S+|t 2−1| Δt 2

Δ v2 t 2−1 t 2−2
v2 st2 | | | |
= −1 Δ S+ −1 Δ t 1

|( Δss|+| Δt t |) v
Δ v 2=

0.00005 1.2
Δ v =(|
0.001 | |7.7 |)
2 + 0,00012987

Δ v 2=1.1216 ×10−5 m/ s

Kesalahan Relatif
KR= × 100 %
1.1216 ×10−5
KR= ×100 %
KR=8,636364 %
Pelaporan Fisika
v 2=¿ v 2 ± △ v 2∨m/ s
v 2=¿ 1.3× 10−4 ± 1.1× 10−5∨m/ s

3. Jari – jari tanpa factor koreksi

9 η v1
r0 =
√ 2 Δ ρg
r 0 =7.57355× 10−7
δ r0
δ r 0= | | δ v1
δ v1

δ r 0=¿

3 √2 gη ∆ ρ v 1
δ r 0=
| 4 g ∆ ρ v1 |
∆ v1

3 √ 2 gη ∆ ρ v 1

δ r 0=
|√ | 4 g ∆ ρ v1
9 η v1
2 Δ ρg
∆ v1

1 ∆ v1
∆ r 0= ( 2
× r
v1 0)
1 9.8616× 10−6
∆ r 0= ( ×
2 5.8821×10−5 0
r )
∆ r 0=6,3484 ×10−8
Kesalahan Relatif
∆ r0
KR= ×100 %
6,3484 ×10−8
KR= ×100 %
7.57355 ×10−7
KR=8,382353 %
Pelaporan Fisika
r 0 =¿ r 0 ± △ r 0∨m

r 0 =¿ 7.6× 10−7 ±6,3 × 10−8∨m

4. Muatan tanpa factor koreksi
6 πη r 0 d (v 1+ v 2)
q 0=
q 0=5.5216 ×10−19
δ q0 δ q0 δ q0
δ q0 = | | | | | |
δ r0
δ r0 +
δ v1
δ v1+
δ v2
δ v2

δ ( 6 πηr 0 d ( v1 + v 2 ) ) v −1 δ ( 6 πη r 0 d ( v 1 +v 2 ) ) v−1 δ ( 6 πη r 0 d ( v 1+ v 2 ) ) v−1

δ q0= | δ r0 | |
δ r0 +
δ v1 | |
δ v1 +
δ v2 |

6 πη r 0 d ( v 1+ v 2 ) 6 πη r 0 d r 0 6 πη r 0 d r 0
Δ q0 = | U | |
Δ r0 +
U | |
Δ v1 +
Δ v2 |
6 πηd ( v 1+ v 2 ) 6 πηd r 0 6 πηd r 0
Δq 0

Δ q0=¿
| U
6 πηr 0 d ( v1 + v 2 )
Δr 0 +
|| U
6 πη r 0 d ( v 1 +v 2 )
Δ v1 +
|| U
6 πη r 0 d ( v 1+ v 2 )
Δ v2
Δ q0=1,0796 × 10−19 C
Kesalahan Relatif
∆ q0
KR= ×100 %
1,0796 ×10−19
KR= × 100 %
5.5216 ×10−19
KR=¿ 19,5527%
q 0=¿ q 0 ± △ q0∨C

q 0=¿ 5.5 ×10−19 ±1,1 ×10−19∨C

5. Jari- jari dengan faktor koreksi

A2 A

r = r 0 2+

r =7.1966× 10−7
δ r 0=
| | δ r0
δ r0

δ r 0=|(√ δ r 02 +
A2 A

δ r0

4 2
δ r0
) |
2r 0
∆ r =⌈ 2
⌉ ∆ r0
√4 r + A 0

2 r0
|√ | √4 r + A
2 A2 A
r0 + −
4 2

4 r0 ∆ r0
∆r 0

| ∆ r =4 r 0 + A 2 – A √4 r 0 + A 2
2 | r

∆ r =3.5739 ×10−19
Kesalahan Relatif
KR= ×100 %
3.5739 ×10−19
KR= × 100 %
7,1966 ×10−7
KR=¿ 4,9661%
Pelaporan Fisika
|r =7,20 ×10−7 ± 3.57× 10−19|m
Table 4.2 Analysis Results
V1 V2 r0 q0 r
1 4. ×10−6 1.3 ×10−4 7.6 ×10−7 5.5 ×10−19 7,20 ×10−7
2 5,9×10−5 2.1 ×10−5 7.6 ×10−7 7.9 ×10−19 7,20 ×10−7
3 0.1×10−3 7.7 ×10−4 9.9 ×10−7 6.8 ×10−19 9,4 × 10−7
4 8.3×10−5 8.3 ×10−4 9.0 ×10−7 5.8 ×10−19 8.63 ×10−7
5 9.1 ×10−5 6.3×10−4 9.4 × 10−7 5.6 ×10−19 9.0 ×10−7

6. Muatan dengan faktor koreksi

q= 1,5
( )
q= 1,5
( )
q=¿ 9,7375×10−19

δq = |δqδq|δ r +| δqδq|δr

∆ q 0 1,5 A ∆ r
∆ q=
(| | | |)
2 A
r (1+ )

∆ q=¿ 9,263 ×10−20

Kesalahan Relatif
9,263× 10−20
KR = × 100 %
9,7375 ×10−19
KR = 9.5127%
Pelaporan Fisika
|r =9,7 ×10−19 ± 9.3 ×10−20|m
7. q = n.e
n= q/e
n = 2.96
Table 4.3 Analysis Results

q N n
9.7×10−19 2.96 3
6,8 ×10 −19
4,26 4
6 .0 ×10−19 3.75 4
5.1×10−19 3.19 3
4.9×10−19 3.08 3
8. Praktikum
q = n.e
q 9,7375 ×10−19
e= = =¿ 1.58×10−19
n 3
Table 4.4 Analysis Results
q n E prak
9.7×10−19 3 1.58 ×10−19
6,8 ×10−19 4 1.70 ×10−18
6 .0 ×10−19 4 6.00 ×10−19
5.1×10−19 3 1.70 ×10−19
4.9×10−19 3 2.46 ×10−19

1.58 × 10−19+ 1.70× 10−19 +6.00 ×10−19 +1.70 ×10−19+2.46 × 10−19

e prak =
e prak =¿2.6908 ×10−19

e prak−e teori
%diff =
| eprak +e teori
2 |
%diff =¿1.43588775
C. Discussion
The experiment this time, millikan oil drops was carried out with
several working steps. This proprietary oil drop experiment process was
carried out with 5 repetitions on each of the same loads. There are 5
kinds of proprietary oil drops used. The results obtained from this
proprietary oil drop experiment are in the form of the time the charge of
the proprietary oil drop moves up or down and the load distance data.
The results of the experiment from the oil drops can be calculated the
value of the speed of falling and rising for each charge of the oil drops.
The data obtained are used to determine the size of the oil drop charge.
Based on the results of the proprietary oil drop experiment that has been
carried out, there are several results that can be analyzed, namely the
effect of stationary falling speed (vf) and stationary rising speed (vr) on
the determination of the drop charge value, the comparison of charge
prices obtained based on experiments with references. The experimental
results that have been obtained show that there is an effect of falling
speed (vf) and rising speed (vr) on the determination of the drop charge
value. The effect of changes in falling speed and increasing rising speed
causes the value of the drop charge to increase. This happens because of
the interaction between the Stokes force and the acceleration of Earth's
A. Conclusion
1. Gravity will always affect the movement of the oil droplets, both the
movement of the oil up and down, as well as the Archimedes force
2. Stokes style is also always influential. Stokes force will always be
opposite to the direction of motion of the oil drop
3. The electric field will affect the movement of the oil droplets. So,
when there is no voltage, the oil will move downwards, while if it is
stressed, the oil will move up.
B. Suggestion
1. For practitioners : so that they study the material more
before the practicum begins
2. For assistants : ensure that the tools to be used are ready
to use and properly calibrated before use
3. For the laboratory : to ensure that the equipment is still
functioning properly
Khanneth Krane, “Modern Physisc – Third Edition”, JOHN WILEY & SONS,
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Arthur Basier, 1987. “Konsep Fisika Modern – Edisi Keempat”, DR. The Houw
Liong Jurusan Fisika, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc, New York,
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Inc, New York,
Schaums, 1976. “Theory and Problem of Modern Physisc – Second Edition”,
New Jersey Institute Of Technology, New York.
of Department of Physics, Imperial College of Science and Technology,
London, UK.

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Mohammad Istajarul Alim, 2017. “Tetes Minyak Millikan” Surabaya
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