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Research 2

Name: Ella Mae I. Tuazon Section: STEM 12Y1-6P

Teacher: Mr. Manalo, Michael Angelo Written Task No. 2

1. What distinguishes a non-experimental study from an experimental study?

- The difference between the two studies is the involvement of manipulation in
variable. Manipulation of variable is only present in experimental study.

2. Give the three (3) characteristics of a true-experimental research.

- Researcher conducting true-experimental research has the control of how the
experiment will be conducted.
- The researcher can manipulate the independent variable.
- It involves an experiment and control group that shares similar qualities.

3. Differentiate cross-sectional study from a longitudinal study.

- Longitudinal and cross-sectional study both uses observation, survey or interview
to collect data, the main difference of the two is that cross-sectional collects data
at a specific point in time while longitudinal collects data from the same subjects
over period of time and it can last up to several years.

4. Can interview be used as a tool in gathering data for a quantitative research? Explain
your answer.
- Interview can be used as gathering tool for quantitative data research. However,
conducting an interview for quantitative research must be more structured
meaning there are only standard question a researcher must ask.

5. Explain the line, “Quantitative research is objective rather subjective”.

- A quantitative research is objective rather than subjective because subjective in
dictionary means based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
meaning it seeks to understand human behavior and the reason of its behavior
while objective aims to seek for precise measurements and analysis of target
concepts to answer questions.

6. Enumerate the different types of non-experimental research and give an example for

o Non-Experimental Research
 Survey Research
 researcher intends to learn about the eating habits of teenagers. In that
case, he/she will follow a sample of teenagers over a considerable
period to ensure that the collected information is reliable.
Research 2

 Correlational Research
 Correlation between people’s height and shoe size

 Comparative Research
 Difference between the knowledge of online and modular Grade 11
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