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In the first image, we can see that the children are undergoing study trip.

Dales Cone of Experience, by going to a study trip/field trip, the student would be able
to learn through actual situations or by seeing/observe it for himself/herself. If we think
about it, the student or even I must watch things in real situation because we also learn
through experience. Thus, effective learning environments should be filled with rich and
memorable experiences where students can see, hear, taste, touch, and try. By doing
this, students have a chance to discover new experiences and new awareness of them,
students have chances to practice their past experiences and combine them to create
new experiences, and students can develop their own dynamic experiences.
Using high-tech materials such as tablets, cellphones, computers, are part of the
learning of the students. The fast growing of technologies can help the student access
internet where they can gather knowledge in the world wide web or in different reliable
sites. Expanding upon the components in further detail, the level of television, motion
pictures and still pictures are counted in. This is considered as part of EdTech, as
televisions and motion pictures entail the values through media. Besides, other hands,
still pictures, recordings, and radio are visual and auditory devices that can be used by a
learner/group of learners that could enhance and extend the learning experience. A lot
of students right now, especially in the this time of pandemic are using their own
gadgets in order to attend online class.

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