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Millennials: An anxious generation

A. The disturbing reality of a generation of anxious

There are more than 40,000 people commit suicide due to depression every year
in Vietnam – This is 2,5 times higher than people died from traffic accidents.

Anxiety disorder is a popular yet increasing tendency medical condition in

developing societies. According to Bach Mai Hospital's Institute of Mental Health
(Hanoi), Anxiety disorder is a state of emotional stress or the inappropriate
response of the body toward environmental factors (both in terms of intensity
and duration). Patients, however, still feel anxious and stressed despite the
trigger factors that may have passed.

Millennials – The anxious generation: 50% of mental health issues happen in

teenagers (aged from 13- 19) and 75% happen at the age of 24. 1 in every 6 young
people is said to have at least one anxiety disorder. Millennials are the most
anticipated yet the most fragile generation. The intense anxiety could lead to
consequences such as panic-attack, depression, insomnia, chest tightness, sultry,
and even suicide. More seriously, suicide is contagious, this phenomenon is more
likely to happen when the suicide comes from a celebrity in the entertainment

Anxiety is not only a medical problem but also a disease of modern society that
needs our concern than ever.

1. Pressure from parents
For people who were born in the 80s and 90s, the pressure to succeed is even
greater due to being born in better economic conditions, receiving the best
investment and care from parents, so “there is no reason to fail”. Especially, Asian
parents are more likely to put their children under pressure, hoping them to
achieve excellent academic results, being successful in many aspects,
consequently creating the foundation of an anxious generation.

2. Psychological pressure from social networks

Studies have shown that social networks are also the cause of increased anxiety
levels in the younger generation.
Born and raised in the era of information and technology, Millennials are not only
overwhelmed by tons of information but also from peer pressure. Fear of missing
out syndrome (FOMO) is a common phenomenon found in the younger
generation. Constantly updating information and pictures about other people's
lives makes this generation often feel disappointed in themselves.
Additionally, cyberbully is another cause that leads to anxiety. Alarmingly, “Khẩu
nghiệp” (Vacì-karma) (karma caused by speech) – a form of cyberbully is seen as a
popular joke and spread all over the younger generation. Social network are full
of attacks and offensive words make young people worry to show their images
and opinions.
3. Pressure from the uncertainty
There is one characteristic of Millennials is that they have not been settled
whether in terms of career, finances, or relationships. This is the period in which
changes occur rapidly and frequently such as changing jobs, moving to other
places, relationships. “Quarter-life crisis” is considered as typical anxiety when
young people think and deal with the uncertain future with opportunities, unsure
what is the best option for them.

B. Brand & problem solving

Fulbright University Vietnam – Vietnam’s first independent, not-for-profit

university. Fulbright University Vietnam’s tertiary and postgraduate programs are
aimed to redefine higher education in Vietnam, contributing to creating
generations of skillful leaders who can cope with challenges in the new era.
“We must dare to think ‘unthinkable’ thoughts. We must learn to explore all the
options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing
world.”— Senator J. William Fulbright

The problem brand wants to solve

Fulbright University Vietnam’s objective is to conduct a marketing communication

Creating a proper awareness and attention for young people about their
generation’s depression problem as well as themselves, which partially reducing
the situation (1). Thereby, highlighting the mission, visions, and values of the
university. Thus, helping the university become the number one choice of
students, and young people (aged from 16 to 28, in big cities) who wish to receive
liberal education, as well as desire to be trained to deal with challenges in the
modern world whilst looking for tertiary and postgraduate programs in Vietnam.

Imagine you are Marketing Manager of Fulbright University Vietnam, to achieve

the objectives, propose a plan with a budget of 5,000,000,000 VND. The plan
starts from September 2021 with a maximum duration of 2 months and focusing
on two markets Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi.

C. Evaluation Criteria

1. Efficiency
Did the campaign achieve the objective? (40%)
2. Ideas
What is the big idea of the campaign? Based on what insights platform? (30%)
Is this idea effectively implemented through the right communication channels for
the target audience? (10 %)
3. Feasibility and application
Is the campaign budget applicable?
Are the activities feasible to perform? (10 %)
4. Presentation
Aesthetics and self-investment (10%)

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