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(Week 5– Feb. 22, 24 & 26, 2021)

Learning Objectives
 Identify the spiritual and biological ancestors of Muslims
 Narrate some key events in the life of Muhammad, the founder of Islam
 Explain the basic features of Islam, sacred text, namely the Qur’an and Hadith

Subject Matter
Topic: Islam
Reference: World Religions and Belief Systems
Materials: Laptop, microphone, headphones, webcam, book
Time Allotment: 40mins per class

Day 1 – Monday [Feb 22, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)
 State the objectives
 Activate prior knowledge to new lesson by means of questioning and short
activity/game. (Engage/Explore/Motivation)
 Introduce new lesson and topic Islam
- Origin of Islam
 How does Islam originate?
 What does Islam call their God?
- Life of Muhammad
- Sacred text of Islam
 Qur’an
 Hadith
- Beliefs and Doctrines

Day 2 – Wednesday [Feb. 24, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Recall/review previous discussion/lesson
 Continuation of discussion:
- Worship and Observance
- Subdivisions
- Selected Issues

Day 3 – Friday [Feb. 26, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Recall/review previous discussion/lesson
 Evaluation.

EXTEND AND ELABORATE (Intrapersonal, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Student must answer the questions:
- What have you learned in this lesson?
- Why is it important to acquire knowledge about this lesson?

Evaluation (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Quiz in Lesson 5: Islam
 True or False and Matching Type (20pts)
 Thru Book
 20 minutes will be given to answer the question

Assignment (verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial)

 On a cartolina/ bondpaper/ digital drawing, draw a timeline of important events in the history of
Islam, from the birth of Mohammad to the expansion of the Islamic Empire under the four
- Make the students read about the history of Islam and ask them to select important
events regarding the history of Islam.

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