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(Week 3 – Feb. 8, 10 & 12, 2021)

Learning Objectives
 Narrates central events in the lives of Abraham and Moses as Founder of Judaism
 Identify and distinguish between the different sacred texts of Judaism: the primary ones and the
supplementary text
 Identify and explain the basic doctrines and practices of Judaism
 Discuss some of the challenges faced today by Judaism
Subject Matter
Topic: Judaism
Reference: World Religions and Belief Systems
Materials: Laptop, microphone, headphones, webcam, book
Time Allotment: 40mins per class

Day 1 – Monday [Feb 8, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)
 State the objectives
 Activate prior knowledge to new lesson by means of questioning and short
activity/game. (Engage/Explore/Motivation)
 Introduce new lesson and topic Judaism
- Origin and sacred text of Judaism
 How does Judaism originate?
 What are its sacred texts?
 What does Judah means?
 What does Israelites mean?
 What does Jew mean?
- Abraham and his descendants
- Moses
 Who is Moses?
 What did God Given him?

Day 2 – Wednesday [Feb. 10, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Recall/review previous discussion/lesson
 Continuation of discussion:
- The Hebrew Bible and other sacred writings
1. Tanakh
2. Torah
3. Nevi’im
4. Ketuvim
- Rituals and Major Festivals
1. Sukkot
2. Rash Hashanah
3. Yom Kippur
4. Pesach
5. Shavuot
- Symbols of Judaism
Day 3 – Friday [Feb. 12, 2021] (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)
 Recall/review previous discussion/lesson
 Evaluation.

EXTEND AND ELABORATE (Intrapersonal, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Student must answer the questions:
- What have you learned in this lesson?
- Why is it important to acquire knowledge about this lesson?

Evaluation (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Quiz in Lesson 3: Judaism
 Multiple Choice (10pts)
- Choose the correct answer in the questions.
 Thru Book (pg. 65-66 A)
 20mins will be given to finish the quiz.

Assignment (verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial)

 Poster-Making
- Instructions: Make a poster showing the story of Moses from the Old
Testament which shows the Hebrew people’s journey back to the Promised Land.
1. Make them read the story of Moses from the Old Testament.
2. Select important events in the story and draw an illustration of each event on the
cartolina/ bandpaper.
3. Label each event and explain its significance to the Jewish faith.

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