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Nama : Shintya hafifah sari

Npm : A1D021049

Kelas : 1A(Pendidikan Biologi)

Task summary video

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration. An experiment in which I would drop a drop of food coloring, into a glass of
hot water and a drop of other food coloring, into a glass of cold water at the same time. Now
as you can see, red food coloring moves through a glass of hot water much faster than blue
food coloring moves through a glass of cold water and that's because diffusion is based on
molecular motion. the molecules will tend to accelerate at higher temperatures which means
diffusion will occur faster. now, how is this important in a cell context? Now, within the cell,
diffusion can occur across the cell membrane. a cell membrane is what we call a semi-
permeable cell membrane, and what this means is that some molecules can flow freely across
it or diffuse freely across it while others will be blocked. One way to know a molecule will be
able to traverse is size. so small molecules can pass freely across the cell membrane whereas
large molecules can be prevented from diffusing across the cell membrane. So we're going to
do an experiment that's going to show the movement of molecules, the diffusion of molecules
across a semi-permeable membrane. There is already a dialysis tube here. The dialysis tube is
just like the cell membrane, it is a semi-permeable membrane that allows some molecules to
move around and excludes others. Now what I do is pour some liquid into a tube with a
different solution into a beaker for each of these two experiments and we'll see if the solution
is able to pass through the membrane. to join each other. So the first thing I did was add a
solution of potassium thiocyanate to the tube, so potassium thiocyanate is a colorless liquid.
The next to be added is a solution of iron III chloride which will be poured into a beaker. how
can we know that diffusion has occurred? By looking at the color changes that occur, it
means that the two substances can diffuse across the membrane and react with each other.

the next thing we show is osmosis, so osmosis is similar to diffusion but osomosis is the
movement of water molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high solute
concentration. we will demonstrate it using an experiment with thistle funnel tube. Now the
thistle funnel tube has a long dialysis membrane running down the bottom. so again this is a
semipermeable membrane. what I'm going to do is fill the thistle funnel tube with a very
concentrated sucrose solution, after adding it to a sufficiently high level, for osmosis across
the semipermeable membrane into the thistle funnel tube and then leave it, because osmosis
in this context takes a little time to happen. So, what we see is that water will pass through a
semi-permeable membrane by osmosis, moving from an area of low solute concentration to
an area of higher solute concentration. in this case the solute is sucrose. and we're actually
going to see the liquid level in the tube increase over time 24 hours later well those are three
experiments that demonstrate diffusion and osmosis in the context of cell biology.

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