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1st NOVEMBER, 2021


Traditionally, the role of raising children was the mothers’. Therefore, it is often
considered that women are better parents than men. However, today, circumstances have
changed, and both the father and mother are responsible for bringing up the children. There is a
stronger bond between a mother and child from birth. The relationship that a mother forms with
the child during pregnancy is evident even after the child is born. Mothers will do everything to
make sure their children are alright. This is unlike the fathers who always act aloof. This is an
argumentative essay that aims to prove that mothers are better parents than fathers.

Mostly, fathers appear to have a weak bond with the children. Fathers are detached from
their children and can quickly desert them, while women cannot. One of the reasons why fathers
seem less committed to their children is because most fathers are not sure about the paternity of
the child. For mothers, there can never be such doubts. Many communities assign the role of
caring for children to the mother while the father is expected to provide for the family and instill
discipline in children. The father is thus distanced from the children because they fear him as
they view him as a disciplinarian. Today, there are no distinct roles expected of either the father
or mother. In most homes, both the father and mother share the responsibility of providing for
the family. Mothers spend more time with their children and, therefore, the children form a better
connection with them. A hormone called oxytocin enables the mother to bond better with the
child than the father. It allows the child to feel secure as long as he/she is with the mother. When
the mother leaves, the child gets upset and cries but is happy again when she returns. This is the
reaction of the hormone. It makes the child know that the mother will always be there and will
never let him/ her down Therefore; women are better parents than men. Opponents of this
position may argue that fathers are better at parenting since they provide financial support.
However, active involvement in a child’s life is the most important kind of support in family for
children when they are growing up because it shapes their psychological development.
Therefore, there should be no differences between female and male parenting.

Mothers are more emotional than men. They are more sympathetic and understanding of
their children whenever they are in trouble. A mother may even defend her children when their
father is angry and wants to punish them. Children, therefore, see the mother as a source of
comfort and protection and will seek help from her whenever they need something. They will
invariably run to her when they experience problems.

On the other hand the father is less emotional and less likely to sympathize with the
children. Therefore, they will not feel free to share their issues with him. Women have better up
bringing skills than men because that is what they grow up practicing. The parents assign their
daughters the roles that involve caring and nurturing. Therefore, by the time they become adults,
they have perfected these skills. As they grow up, girls will engage in motherly activities like
caring for their dolls or younger siblings. Boys, on the other hand, are not concerned with such
roles. They are interested in rough games and machines, and these do not prepare them to nurture
their children. As a result, they grow up without a clue about how to raise their children.
Furthermore, women tend to be gentler than men. They treat the children well while the men are
rough and sometimes violent. Raising children is a task that requires a lot of patience, gentleness,
and tenderness. Women can withstand irritating situations like the constant crying and nagging
of a baby. As such, many people believe that women make better parents than men. Women are
more sympathetic and softhearted than men. Sometimes children go through experiences that
require the parents to be compassionate and comforting to them. Mothers are perfect at this,
while fathers are not willing to show emotion as it might be seen as a sign of weakness.  Of
course, the father needs to appear tough so that the children can be well-disciplined, but
overdoing it might scare them and negatively affect their relationship.

From the above discussion, it is clear that women play a more significant role than men in
bringing up children. There are several reasons why mothers are more important than fathers in
the family. They provide the right environment for the healthy upbringing of a child. They do
this by actively participating in nurturing the child since birth. Carrying a child through
pregnancy establishes a powerful bond between the mother and the child. They are also more
sympathetic and less aggressive towards the children than the men. Above all, women have
maternal instincts, which always make them look out for their children’s safety. These qualities
make most of the children to be more attached to their mothers than their fathers. Therefore,
women are better parents than men.

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