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If you have a list or audience that is:

Versed in Meditation and Personal Development

Email #1-All the things that haven’t worked-Back to Basics

SL: WARNING: Your Money Gone

Preview: “You don’t need another book, pill, or expert.”

Hey [First Name]-

I hope this isn’t too personal, but let me ask…

How much money have you spent on things to make you better?

Do you even know?

I’m talking:

-Personal Development courses
-Membership groups

The list goes on and on…

And chances are if you’re reading this you DO want to BE better in a lot of ways...

But you’re probably like most people and even with ALL the money you’ve spent-

There is still a TON you need to ACTUALLY improve on…

Habits you need to change…

Money you need to make…
Pounds you need to shed…
People you need to reconnect with…

If this sounds like you-

My friend Wesley Virgin can help you.

The man has a super simple, science -based method that is helping people train their own
brains to get or achieve what they want in life… from wealth, to health, to love, and just overall

He isn’t a guru.
He isn’t a celebrity (yet)
He’s just a regular black guy that grew up in the southern United States

That learned... through YEARS of trouble and poverty… (I’m talking 10+ arrests… bankruptcy

How to train his mind to go from being broke at 30…

To making his first one million dollars in just over 30 days, back in 2017.

That’s just the beginning of his story!

Wes is the kind of guy that just wants to help change as many lives as possible, so I told him I
could help.

Click here to learn about his exact techniques and why you won’t need to spend another dollar
on self-help products that don’t actually help you.
[Sign Off]

Email #2 If you aren’t here-what do you have to lose

SL: Podcasts shown to cause disastrous damage to Focus

Preview: Podcasts and self-help books are destroying your ability to manifest

Hey [First Name],

Have you listened to a Podcast lately?

Or do you have a book sitting in the room you’re in now…

that was supposed to change your life?

You can even see it from where you’re sitting, can’t you?

Listen, if you aren’t making at least 250K per year, or in the best shape of your life, or
working a career you love, or in the relationship you always dreamed of having..



-what you’re doing RIGHT NOW…

Back away from the podcast…

Put down the self-help book…

You need to go back to the basics.

My friend Wesley Virgin is an expert in helping everyone,

I’m talking from people who read or meditate or pray for hours a day

To non-spiritual people who have never read a whole book, or meditated-EVER(!!!)

…achieve what they want through his exact methods he used to go from broke to making over
1MM in 30 days.
He isn’t a guru.
He isn’t a celebrity (yet)
He’s a regular black guy that grew up in the southern United States

That learned... through YEARS of trouble and poverty…

How to reprogram his mind to make him a successful multi-millionaire.

Now you can too. Just click here to see how Wes did it.

[Sign off]

Email #3 Clickbait

SL: You’re not getting any better…

Preview: Start using Real Science to Get What You Want

You know, [First Name] Chances are if you’re reading this, you want to BE better in some way...

But you’re probably like most people, there is still a TON you need to ACTUALLY improve on…

Habits you need to change…

Money you need to make…
Pounds you need to shed…
People you need to reconnect with…

If this sounds like you-

My friend Wesley Virgin can help you.

The man has a super simple, science -based method that is helping people train their own
brains to get or achieve what they want in life… from wealth, to health, to love, and just overall

You can learn what Wes’ is teaching here… you won’t regret it.

[Sign off]
If you have a list or audience that is:

New to Meditation and Personal Development

Email #1 Genie Script Intro-Skeptical

SL: If you’re skeptical about “Manifestation” and “Meditation”...
Manifestation that’s not hippy-dippy

Preview: You’re not alone...


[First Name], it’s a term that, to a lot of people, makes them think of wishy-washy, ‘hippy’ stuff
and totally puts them off.

So, what if I told you my friend Wesley Virgin was able to manifest $1M in 30 days,
starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

He’s a black man from the Southern United States and the only thing he had was the
belief that he deserved more, and he deserved better.

Turns out, that’s all he needed-this insanely powerful manifestation technique...AND it’s all you
need too.

I call it the Genie Script because it’s as close to getting 3 wishes as you can get.

Find out more and master it HERE!

Wesley went from being a jailbird to building an 8-figure online empire, traveling the
world, buying expensive things, and spoiling the people he loves.

Don’t wait-it can work for you too!

[Sign Off]

Email #2 Clickbait
SL: DON’T read if you’re Perfect
Preview: “Perfection is a myth believed by fools.”

[First Name],

If you aren’t perfect, and you have-

Habits you need to change…

Money you need to make…
Pounds you need to shed…
People you need to reconnect with…

My friend Wesley Virgin can help you.

The man has a super simple, science-based method that is helping people train their own brains
to get or achieve what they want in life… from wealth, to health, to love, and just overall

You’re losing money by not clicking here.


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