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Pembimbing :
I Putu Ngurah Wage Myartawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.



1. Research Background

Now the world is facing a global health crisis that affects every aspect of human life,
Corona virus disease 19 or often called Covid-19, this disease has been marked by the World
Health Organization (WHO), this epidemic not only attacks human health but also attacks the
economy, society and politically, the existence of this plague is frightening, (Taruna Malhotra &
Mahashevta Sharma, 2020). The Covid-19 outbreak is affecting the human population in all
aspects. According to Dun & Bradstreet, (2020) besides having an impact on humans, it also has
an impact on the government and economy of every country. Crowds were also stopped in order
to minimize the spread of the virus, inseparable from schools where crowds always occur, face-
to-face schools where usually carried out are now stopped and replaced with distance teaching
with an online system.

According to Vygotsky (1978), learning is a social process, students learn not only from
their teachers but also from their friends. So learning requires an environment for teaching and
interaction of students in developing their abilities. The government issued a rule that causes
schools to be bold with distance learning for the sake of online government policies, this is done
to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Thus, in order to keep learning worldwide closed, students
and teachers face social isolation, due to the isolation of self-study, to restrain the focus and
concentration of students the type of online learning is carried out worldwide. (Chowell G,
2020). Online development is quite fast, teaching and learning activities have dramatically
changed with the emergence of e-learning where teaching is done remotely using digital
platforms, with that online learning technology is becoming popular to meet educational needs,
online classes are the only way for schools, colleges and universities and students to meet the
needs in this difficult situation, (Taruna Malhotra & Mahashevta Sharma, 2020).

Online teaching can be done at home, but this requires digital tools such as smartphones
or laptops, online discussions are indeed more difficult than face-to-face, there are several
obstacles when learning online, for example, the signal, the signal needed must be good, not only
affecting the needs In learning, the signal also affects communication with teachers and friends if
the situation is unstable, this deficiency is often an obstacle when distance learning. On the other
hand, retaining student focus and concentration is more difficult if distance teaching, online
teaching and learning is not easy as it demands an integrated approach, guided by institutional,
student services and advanced teaching training, (Chowell G, 2020).

In this lockdown all aspects are closed of which schools and colleges are temporarily
closed, An unprecedented step has led to in Education, even though it is detrimental to
conditions like this technology takes over being at the forefront to carry out Education so that it
will not turn off, technology enters into In education through distance learning, such as online
classes and web-based learning, various online platforms are one of the supports when learning
online and as one of the best steps to help students continue learning during the covid-19
pandemic (Malhotra & Sharma, 2020). most schools and colleges do online learning so that
students can continue their education, learning from home has never been done before, online
learning is a means to bridge education during this pandemic, in general, online learning is very
dependent on the internet and must be supported by tools adequate electronics for interaction
between teachers and students, examples of platforms that are often used in online classes such
as Google meet, Kahoot Microsoft teams, zoom, telegram, etc. (Malhotra & Sharma, 2020).

Web-based online learning is a suitable for students due to the era that is already using
electronic devices. With the limitations of social distancing, online learning is the best way to
spread information. Teachers and students have entered the virtual, digital world of learning
where thousands of students from schools and colleges have to rely on computers, cell phones
and also the internet to gain knowledge. Distance education is undoubtedly due to technology
and digitization that have made it very accessible, with the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak,
face-to-face lessons have been changed to virtual, web-based or online classes (Malhotra &
Sharma, 2020).

Learner autonomy is the ability to take charge of student learning, learner autonomy
means that students have the choice to achieve their goals (Nunan, 1997). According to Benson
and Voller (1997), learner autonomy in which students in situations are completely self-taught
applied skills for self-direction and capacities supported by their education, students have
responsibility for themselves to succeed in their own goals. On the other hand, Dickinson (1987)
explains that learner autonomy is a situation where students are fully responsible for all their
decisions related to their learning. Dam (1995) suggests that learner autonomy has the capacity
to make decisions, they work independently, are responsible for their own education and they are
motivated by their learning.

Learning autonomy is the ability to take charge of one's learning, Holec (1981). The term
autonomy in language learning is a desirable goal for pedagogical and practical reasons, but what
is emphasized is the role of the teacher, learning autonomy is considered as uncontrolled learning
by assuming that a baby can grow with the help of his mother (Masouleh & Jooneghani, 2012).
In the realm of language learning where teachers lead students to independence by using various
strategies to help their students develop autonomy, apart from that many practitioners do not
consider autonomy learning similar to teacherless learning, and also many mentions that learning
autonomy is synonymous with self-access and self-acceptance technology-based learning
(Masouleh & Jooneghani, 2012). According to Thanasoulas (2000) states that learners come to
learning situations with the knowledge and skills to plan, analyze and evaluate their learning or
to make decisions about their goals.

Learner Autonomy in Language Education is defined by various terms such as 'student

independence' or 'self-directed' and also 'self-directed learning', learner autonomy as a social
process can be said from the point of view of knowledge and the role of students is in the
learning process (Masouleh & Jooneghani, 2012) . In education in general and foreign
language/second language (FL/SL) education in particular, learner autonomy has been claimed
as the ultimate goal for a long time (Benson, 2001). It is often identified to signify students'
active participation in learning activities (Benson, 2007),

Remote or distance learning has existed as a possibility for music guidance since the late
nineteenth century when proficient specialists offered examples through the mail (Martin, 1999).
Beginning in 1993, the University of Iowa utilized fiber-optic technology to deliver instrument
master classes to public school students through a two-way audiovisual television system that
allowed interaction between the instructor and students (Rees & Downs, 1995). Students access
online distance learning (ODL) in a variety of subjects including music via the World Wide Web
(WWW). Parents can obtain applied instruction (Lessons in your home, 2020) and general music
activities targeted to the age and ability level of their children.
Remote instruction in education today might occur when schools must close due to
weather or other condition. For some students, remote learning might simply involve receiving a
packet of instruction and materials from their school that they complete and return independently
(Hash, 2021). Others will likely participate in some form of ODL also referred to as Elearning
by some educators. Classes can be synchronous, meaning that they happen over a
videoconferencing platform in real time which involves guided independent study around
specific assignments and due dates (Sleator, 2010). ODL presents both advantages and
challenges. Advantages incorporate working with guidance to far off regions, adaptable
planning, and diminished travel (Albert, 2015;Meyen et al., 1998; Welker and Berardino, 2005-
2006). A few understudies likewise may feel that the internet based climate is a more secure
space contrasted with the conventional homeroom (Huang, 2014). Difficulties incorporate
guaranteeing admittance to innovation for all understudies, especially in high-destitution
(Warschauer et al., 2004). Schools keeping up with protection and security of online information
and interactions, availability of organizations, and firmware and checking understudies' Internet
activity. Also, instructors should conform to intellectual property laws (Meyen et al., 1998), keep
up with understudy inspiration and commitment (Wexler, 2020), form students' data education
(Huang, 2014), and address the issues of all students in the web-based climate (Straub, and
Vasquez, 2015). School overseers should uphold their work through continuous expert
improvement identified with far off guidance (Castelo, 2020).

Learning autonomy strategies, According to O'Malley & Chamot (Wang, 2010),

autonomous learning strategy can be divided into three; cognitive strategy, metacognitive
strategy, and social mediation strategy. Technically, the cognitive strategy is done through the
method of reading, remembering, note-taking, and questioning. The metacognitive strategy
involves the activity of planning the learning, data collection, self supervision, self
evaluation, learning reflection, and arrangement of the individual’s learning file. Social
mediation includes the relaxed behavior during the learning activities, the making of
group’s rule, the cooperation with fellow students, effective communication, and help for
evaluating fellow students’ task (Wang, 2010). Metacognitive strategy is the most dominant
strategy to apply in various researches on autonomous learning strategy process. Guo
(2012) stated that metacognitive strategy is effective to increase the language students’ skills
in listening course. In Autonomy learning strategies there are the benefit and the drawbacks,
Autonomy learning has merits in case it is contrasted with customary class. As indicated by
certain investigations by Long, Pao Nan, and Wei-Fan (in Francis and Flanigan, 2012: 2),
learning autonomy shows a positive relationship with understudies' accomplishment. The benefit
of learning autonomy are: (1) offering similar chances for various level of understudies; (2)
empowering understudies' certainty and obligation; (3) centering the understudies' consideration.
These qualities center around individual learning. There are some drawbacks of autonomy
learning. The drawbacks are: (1) student -teacher interaction is less intensive since
autonomy learning focuses on individual learner; (2) some teachers and learners are quite
uncomfortable because both may employ different learning strategy; (3) it is pretty
troublesome to handle strictly different learning achievements of each learner; (4) all learning
components need an extra hard -working to achieve goals as what have been planned in the
beginning (Zulaihah & Harida, 2017).

2. Problem Identification

Flexibility in determining learning autonomy patterns is a strategy for learning autonomy

patterns. In the research of Kupetz & Ziegenmeyer (2006), flexibility supports the success of
learning autonomy in online learning and face-to-face meetings. Learning autonomy is a certain
way that is applied by individuals because of the ability to know their own learning needs,
determining the most appropriate way for learning autonomy is to monitor their learning
progress. (Zulaihah & Harida, 2017).

3. Research Questions
1. What are the EFL students’ learning autonomy strategies during remote learning?
2. What are the challenges that EFL students experience in terms of learning
autonomy during remote learning?
4. Research Objectives
1. In general, this study aims to analyze the learning autonomy of EFL students
while online.
2. The specific objectives of this research are:
A. To find out what are the strategies of EFL students in self-study during online
B. To find out what are the challenges faced by EFL students in learning
autonomy during online learning.
5. Research Significance
1. Theoretical
Theoretically, the results of the research entitled “An Analysis of EFL Students'
Learning Autonomy During Emergency Online Remote Teaching” where researchers
analyze and investigate students in online learning autonomy during the pandemic are
expected to have a positive impact and contribution to the world of education in the
form of information, significant effect on students' learning autonomy during online
2. Practical
a. Students: The results of this study are expected to provide benefits for students who
are interested in knowing information from students' self-study during online
learning. EFL students themselves can compare the strategies they use and also the
challenges they encounter during self-study in online learning.
b. Educators/Teachers/Lecturers: The results of this study are expected to provide
benefits for English teachers, lecturers, and teaching staff to find out the strategies
and challenges of EFL students in learning autonomy conducted online during the
pandemic so that teachers can find and apply teaching methods higher quality.
c. Other researchers: The results of this study are expected to provide benefits for
future researchers who will conduct research with similar topics or themes. The
results of this research are expected to be used as a comparison for other researchers
in the future in order to achieve independent and maximum research results with
more critical thinking.

6. Scopes of Research
The scope of the research used in the research entitled "An Analysis of EFL Students'
Learning Autonomy During Emergency Online Remote Teaching" is that this
research focuses on learning autonomy in online learning.

7. Research Limitation

To avoid biased discussion, the discussion of this research is limited to two main
focuses: (1) analysis of EFL students' strategies in learning autonomy during distance
online learning and (2) challenges faced by EFL students when learning
independently during online learning.



1. Theoretical Review
1.1 English language teaching during the pandemic
Learning English before and after the Covid-19 pandemic shows a very different
process. The use of technology in supporting online learning depends on three
pedagogical factors. The pedagogical approach which is the first factor includes
student-centered learning, the teacher's role as a facilitator, and knowledge
integration. The second factor is learning design which includes learning flexibility,
learning according to the individual needs of each student, according to context,
social, learning process, and the use of appropriate tools and technology. The third
factor is facilitation which includes clear expectations, appropriate questions,
understanding and sensitivity to cultural issues, providing timely feedback;
constructive; and details, as well as a high attitude and commitment from students
(Carrillo & Flores 2020:2). English as a subject that is classified as difficult for
elementary school students brings with its own difficulties in distance learning,
especially if the material being taught is vocabulary. The vocabulary learned in
English is entirely different from the vocabulary that students know in Indonesian as
their mother tongue. Therefore, the skills of teaching teachers are needed in teaching
online so that students can memorize English vocabulary effectively. The challenges
faced by teachers in the online learning system are complex, ranging from pre-
activities to core learning activities. Huang et al. (2020) mentions three main
challenges faced by teachers in online learning methods. First, the time that teachers
have in preparing/adjusting offline learning materials to be online is limited; second,
the interaction of teachers and students during the teaching and learning process is
limited; third, more effort and innovation are needed in the pedagogical approach to
motivate and activate students in online learning. On the other hand, Byun & Slavin
(2020) said that it was possible for an imbalance in the education that each student
received due to family influences and financial problems even though school facilities
and the national online curriculum were adequate. Management-wise, in offline KBM
activities, teachers can relax by using several teaching methods according to the
material being taught, for example, teachers can use flashcards to teach vocabulary.
However, teachers cannot use this method in online learning. So that the practical
teaching and learning process takes place with the teacher center. Technically, the
teacher encountered problems when explaining the material being taught. The
division of opportunity between explanations both in writing and giving voice
messages from teacher to student and from student to teacher often results in
confusion. So there is often miscommunication between teachers and students.
(Fatoni et al., 2021)

1.2 Emergency Online Remote Teaching

Online learning systems are software or web-based learning to distribute and manage
learning via the internet, this learning enhances technological advances to direct and
design learning content and facilitate communication between students and teachers. In
online learning also contains features such as whiteboards, chat rooms, quizzes,
discussion forums and surveys to communicate online and share knowledge, productive
and convenient for teachers or students to achieve their learning goals (Mukhtar et al.,

The use of multimedia internet technology can shape the way of delivering material
and knowledge, online learning is learning that is able to bring together students and
teachers so that they can carry out learning interactions due to internet assistance
(Kuntarto, E, 2007). In the implementation of online learning, supporting devices such as
mobile smartphones or laptops are needed that can be used to access information via the
internet (Gikas & Grant, 2013). The use of this technology has a major role in
educational institutions in distance learning situations, various media can be used to run
distance online learning, for example virtual classes using Google Classroom and
Schoology (Enriquez, 2014; Sicat, 2015; Iftakhar, 2016). Online learning connects
students with learning resources that are far apart but can interact, communicate and
collaborate directly. Online learning is distance learning that utilizes information
technology with the aim of being able to continue learning even though it is hindered by
the outbreak (Molinda, 2005). (Emergency means because the situation forces)

1.3 Learning autonomy strategies

Autonomous english learning capacity of undergrads is one of the significant substance
of concentrate on English educating in organizations of higher learning. Increasingly
more significance has been appended to it as of late. Independent learning alludes to the
entire cycle wherein independent students take full liability regarding their learning and
expert their adapting exhaustively in the student focused homeroom. Students ought to
decide significant substance of their getting the hang of, learning reason and goals to be
acknowledged independently. The creator believes that independent learning ought to get
sensible direction of schools and instructors with the goal that homeroom educating can
turn into a stage to show and advance independent learning. In web in addition to time,
common mix of paper, TV, broadcasting, organization and cell phone media can be
acknowledged with computerized implies to frame a pristine learning design. Web in
addition to period can give more bountiful assets and approaches for independent
learning of understudies as instructors can utilize PC, yet in addition use arising network
media, for example, Microblog, Wechat and portable APP for learning and learning
substance are at this point not restricted to conventional time-space ideas like book, study
hall and library. Step by step instructions to utilize rich and beautiful organization assets
exhaustively to work on the impact of educating exercises and develop independent
cognizance is one of the significant issues in current school English educating. (Liu,

Autonomy learning has merits in case it is contrasted with customary class. As indicated
by certain investigations by Long, Pao Nan, and Wei-Fan (in Francis and Flanigan, 2012:
2), learning autonomy shows a positive relationship with understudies' accomplishment.
The benefit of learning autonomy are: (1) offering similar chances for various level of
understudies; (2) empowering understudies' certainty and obligation; (3) centering the
understudies' consideration. These qualities center around individual learning. There are
some drawbacks of autonomy learning. The drawbacks are: (1) student -teacher
interaction is less intensive since autonomy learning focuses on individual learner;
(2) some teachers and learners are quite uncomfortable because both may employ
different learning strategy; (3) it is pretty troublesome to handle strictly different
learning achievements of each learner; (4) all learning components need an extra hard
-working to achieve goals as what have been planned in the beginning (Zulaihah &
Harida, 2017).

1.4 Online Learning Media/application

Online-based learning media are very diverse. In Indonesia, there are the five most
frequently used media in various schools (Alam, 2020). Five these media are:

1. Youtube
Youtube is a video-based platform where everyone can upload and watch any video
available and appropriate with Youtube censors. This application is widely used as a
media learning because it is easily accessible and there is a lot of material available
learning in it, the teacher can choose the video according to the his needs. Teachers can
also upload their videos and instruct students to watch the video. Youtube too can be used
as a medium for students to collect assignments in video formats.

2. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a chat-based media. This media canused as a medium for exchanging

information between teachers and students.WhatsApp also has a feature to create groups
where teachers and students can students have a platform to exchange information

3. Google Classroom

Google classroom is a medium that allows teachers to create a virtual classroom where
teachers can upload teaching materials and assignments in one structured platform.
Features found on google Classroom make it very easy for teachers to organize their
online classes.

4. Google Meet

Google Meet is a medium where teachers can have virtual meetings in groups with
students. No time limit in one meeting on google meet.

5. Zoom Cloud Meet

Zoom Cloud Meet is an application similar to google meet but there is a time limit in one
meeting if you don't use a premium account.

1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

According to Malicaahmad (2020), not only do teachers feel the impact of online
learning but students too. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of
online learning according to Malicaahmad (2020),

Excess :
1. Time and place are more effective, students can follow learning anywhere

2. Students are not dependent on teachers, they can also learn independently through
the internet.

3. Students are trained more to master information technology because they have to
use the device as a learning tool

4. To raise students' awareness that the internet can be used more for learning and
seeking information than playing games.

Apart from these advantages, there are also disadvantages to online learning.

1. Not all students have devices for online learning, some of them still borrow from
their parents or friends.

2. The online learning method is one-way, which causes a lack of interaction between
teachers and students and teachers find it difficult to control their students.

3. Lack of supervision in conducting online learning which causes students to lose


4. With the ease of access, some students find it easy and postpone learning.

1.6 Learning Autonomy

Learning Autonomy refers to a situation where learners are responsible for their
learning, they are responsible for their own learning and are seen actively, they make
individual decisions according to what they need or their preferences are focused on the
goals they need to achieve, individual learners are where students themselves assume
responsibility for their learning process, therefore they should take the initiative in taking
lessons and making decisions to meet their goals, while teachers are expected to facilitate
the process by providing advice and guidance and assisting students when needed,
students involved in the environment learning autonomy from the guidance and
supervision of teachers and communication interactions from peers, they take
responsibility for their needs to meet their goals as well as self-assessment of the work
they have completed, approach to learning learning in which learners have the right to
regulate and control their own learning activities (Serpil Meri Yilan and Kasim Koruyan,

Learners are responsible for their own learning process, independent learners are also
called autonomous learners where learners are responsible for their own learning, setting
goals and choosing strategies that they feel good to use, they also monitor their own
progress and evaluate the success that has been achieved. Autonomy is the ability to be
responsible for their own learning, this ability is not innate but is acquired through
systematic and directed learning, and autonomy is the potential capacity to act in learning
situations, next is related to the ability of students to take charge of their learning
responsibly are responsible for decisions made in the learning process, including setting
goals and identifying content for their development, selecting methods and techniques to
monitor and evaluate what they have learned (Holec's 1981).

2. Empirical Review

Several studies related to online self-study have been carried out by several researchers in
this sub-chapter. Previously this research was conducted by Panggih Wahyu Nugroho and
Muhammad Arief Maulana (2021), this research was conducted at the University of Veteran
Bangun Nusantara, where this research is a literature study research, in this study they used a
type/approach of research in the form of Library Research (Library Research). Through
interviews with principals and teachers at a secondary school in Sukoharjo Regency, where
students prefer to spend quotas for online games rather than installing online learning
applications (office 364, zoom, etc.). on the one hand, this system is expected to provide
convenience for students to study time, but on the other hand, it becomes a weakness because
many students argue not to increase their independent study time because they do not have
quotas, weak signals, or even prefer to play online games rather than looking for learning support
materials. The results showed that the role of learning independence in the implementation of
distance learning was very important. Distance learning requires students to be more proactive in
finding materials to support learning activities, making the right decisions, being responsible for
the activities carried out in fulfilling assignments and participating in learning, and remaining
competitive despite various limitations in the implementation of distance learning.
Another study on learner autonomy was also conducted by Regyna, Endang and Stephani
(2018) where they conducted research on "The relationship between student autonomy and
student engagement in class XI SMK X Bandung". Researchers got data where there were
students who showed low student autonomy, according to the data obtained from the 11th grade
student section, there were 25 students who often showed negative behavior, namely often
breaking rules, not doing assignments and cheating and even skipping school. Researchers
interviewed 10 students, they said it was unusual to study when facing a quiz or UTS. Students
who show low student autonomy can be seen from students not having independence in deciding
the learning process that students are interested in, such as students doubting they can do difficult
assignments with their abilities, students not looking for new topics in material that is not taught
in class, students do assignments when reminded by the teacher, students feel unable to answer
the questions given by the teacher, and students learn to only borrow notes from friends. From
the behavior of students who show low student autonomy, it can be seen that the behavior
follows the academic process in the classroom, such as, students do not ask the teacher if
students do not understand the material, students chat with friends when the teacher is explaining
the material in front of the class, students violate existing rules. in the classroom, and students
commit acts that the teacher sees as violating school rules.

Other research has also been conducted by Firman, Priscilla, and Rengki from Jambi
University. This study is about students' perceptions of learning autonomy in learning English in
a high school in Jambi. One hundred students majoring in science were selected as the research
sample, using the purposive sampling technique. This technique focuses on the unit of analysis
based on the opinions of researchers who have special characteristics to assist researchers in
carrying out the analysis. The instrument for this study used a questionnaire for students given to
students, with 100 students as a sample. This research was conducted in one of the public high
schools in Jambi, researchers had access to submit questionnaires from guidance, teachers helped
researchers in giving questionnaires to students who were sampled, 30 minutes were given to
students to fill out the questionnaire and only 91 students returned it to the teacher, while the
others did not send it. The results of this study indicate that in general students' learning
autonomy is still at a moderate level, but in detail, it is at a low level, besides that teachers'
perceptions of learning autonomy are also important to study, therefore understanding the
relationship between the level of student learning autonomy and their learning achievement. is
also important, because it is very likely that their achievement will be influenced by their
learning autonomy.

(Zulaihah & Harida, 2017) Conducted qualitative research with title “Autonomous
Learning Strategy of the Successful Nontraditional Students” this research was done in STKIP
PGRI Ponorogo. Most students of English Education program in STIKP PGRI Ponorogo was
choosen to work in the morning and go to lecture in the afternoon to evening. They do it because
the lecturings in STKIP PGRI Ponorogo are started on 14.30. There were two main goals of the
research, (1) to find out the autonomous leaning strategies that were applied by the students of
English Education Department of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo, and (2) to find out the reasons
of English Education Department of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo to apply the strategy. The results
of the research were aimed to enrich the literature on students’ learning strategy in higher
education level. The general description was taken from the information in the first part of the
quissionaire. Most of the subjects (80%) were actively involved in Students Activity Unit and
got important position such as the chief of Students Union, the secretary, and document
coordinator of particular Students Activity Unit. 60% of the students had other activities
besides studying in the college such as working in formal educational institution and becoming
entrepreneurs. Only one out of ten subjects (10%) had married and got a child. The rest (90%)
were single and childless.

Muhammad (2020) Conducted qualitative case study research involving 25 grade 7A

students, this research came from the Department of English Language Education at Mataram
State Islamic University. The first activity such as the process of logging in in e-media was
observed to signal the learning process outside the classroom, the second process of students
participating in commenting on other people's ideas in feature updates, the third process of
student activities in answering the challenges of lecturers on several topics in discourse analysis.
The analysis is designed by applying the blende learning model, both real classroom meeting and
online learning using Schoology, the aim is to describe the implementation of Schoology as an e-
media to help students to learn independently. As a result, grade 7A students have tabulated
several facts to support if this e-media succeeds in encouraging students to be independent in
learning outside of face-to-face classes. Students show enthusiasm in becoming participants in
Schoology as seen from their analysis of frequent logging in, students actively comment on other
people's ideas, students progress in assignments without being forced by the teacher, students
show positive feedback that Schoology helps them to become independent learners, students
show good cognitive orientation which is indicated by their ability to comment on the opinions
of others which then they provide ideas and suggestions based on their understanding.


1. Research Design
This study analyzes and collects data using a qualitative descriptive approach to study
EFL students' Learning Autonomy, the strategies used and the experienced online remote
challenges teaching. Qualitative observation is a type of research that produces findings that
cannot be achieved using statistical procedures or other means of quantitative (Strauss and
Corbin, 1998). Qualitative research is generally used for research on society, history, behavior,
and other social activities, the reason using qualitative research is the experience of researchers
where this method can be used to understand and find something behind phenomena that are
sometimes difficult to understand (Moha & sudrajat, 2019). Qualitative research is research that
produces descriptive data in the form of observed speech or writing, a qualitative approach is
expected to be able to produce in-depth descriptions of speech, writing in observed behavior
from individuals, groups and also certain communities (Moha & Sudrajat, 2019). Qualitative
research aims to obtain a general understanding of social reality, this understanding is not
determined in advance but is obtained after analyzing the social reality that is the focus of
research (Moha & Sudrajat, 2019). In descriptive research, researchers must collect data first, the
data is obtained through observation. This qualitative method uses data to explain the
explanation of the research conducted. Qualitative descriptive researchers are considered
appropriate for the design of this study because the aim is to find out the students' learning
autonomy situations in terms of strategies and also the challenges they experience through
questionnaires and interviews.

2. Research Subject

Senior High school students were taken as research subjects. Senior High school students
were chosen as research subjects because they have experienced online learning autonomy, this
study focuses on the 4 samples used and analyzes what strategies and also the challenges they
experience when learning independently online, this aims to find out how they deal with online
learning by studying online. independence and the difficulties faced when learning independently
online. In this study random sampling will be used because it is simple and the sample selection
is random from the existing population group, next is the distribution of questionnaires via
google form, the possibility of the time required is one week, the questionnaires are distributed to
all samples used, then interviews with students last for two weeks, the data collection process
takes a minimum of three weeks.

3. Data collection Method

A set of methods and instruments of data collection will be carried out to collect the data for the
study. The method and instrument of data collection can be seen in Table.

Research Question Source of Methods Instruments

1. What are the EFL students’ Students Observation Questionnaire
learning autonomy strategies
during remote learning?

2. What are the challenges that Students Interview Interview

EFL students experience in terms guide, voice
of learning autonomy during recorder
remote learning?

Based on the Table, the methods used to collect data to answer research questions are
observations and interviews. According to Shazia Jamshed (2014) Observation is a type of
qualitative research method that not only includes participant observation but also includes
ethnography and field research. In the observation research method, several locations are
involved in this method, the observation data can be integrated as additional research. The length
of observation during the study is determined by the type of data collected. Interviews are
another method to answer this research. According to Oakley (1998), qualitative interviews are a
kind of framework in which practice is not only recorded but also achieved and reinforced. This
activity was carried out to find out the challenges experienced by EFL students when learning
independently online and to find solutions to the problems found, the data collection instruments
used in this method were interviews and voice recordings.
3.1 Instrument
a. Questionnaire
In observational research, the questionnaire is an instrument that needs to be used as
data collection, the questionnaire is made containing several standard questions
designed for data collection in the form of information. The results of the data from
the questionnaire are usually in the form of qualitative or can also be quantitative, but
in this study, the results will be made qualitative.
b. Interview Guide
Interview Guide is an interview on a topic that is planned and discussed during the
interview with quality questions and if the interview is not appropriate, the interview
can be completed.
c. Voice Recorder
Activities that support conducting interviews are recording, voice recorders will be
used to capture data experienced and allow researchers to fulfill their research notes
in the field.
3.2 Data collection Procedure
a. Observations were made to collect the first research questions about students' self-
study strategies in dealing with online learning. Researchers will learn how they can
learn independently during online distance learning.
b. After the observation, the researcher will conduct interviews to obtain findings
related to the challenges experienced by EFL students.
c. After the questions were asked using a questionnaire and the research questions
were completely answered, the next step was to conduct interviews to answer the
second question about the challenges experienced by EFL students when learning
independently online.
3.3 Data Analysis Method
This study will employ the data analysis procedure proposed by Miles and Huberman
(1994) in order to analyze the data. Data analysis is divided into three stages: data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or interpretations.
a. Data Source
Data from question no. 1 was obtained from a questionnaire distributed to determine
students' learning autonomy strategies when facing online learning. Data from question
no. 2 was obtained and collected by conducting interviews with EFL students to find out
the challenges experienced during online independent study.
b. Data Types
Data on question 1 will be qualitative in nature. Data on question 1 will be qualitative in
c. Data Analysis Technique
The two types of data will be analyzed descriptively and qualitatively.
3.4 Triangulation
The triangulation method is used in research to test the validity of the data by
comparing data information in various ways. Researcher used a questionnaire with
the interview method to collect the data needed to conduct research. Interviews were
conducted to find out the difficulties faced by students as well as to strengthen the
responses they filled in the questionnaire. This method compares the two collected
data to obtain the latest data that is close to the truth and is responsible for the validity
of the data.

3.5 Research Timeline

The study will be completed within six months. Research proposal writing, seminar
discussions, revisions, data collection, data organization, data analysis, and research
report writing are part of the research implementation process.
The table below shows the detailed research schedule.

3.5 Research Schedule

No Activity Months:

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Write research
2 Discuss research
proposal in a seminar
3 Revise research
4 Collect data
5 Organize and/or code
6 Analyze data
7 Write a research

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