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Recall a recent incident in your life when you had to make a decision. Narrate the situation below.
Indicate what the decision was about, the factors that were involved and how you arrived at your

I remember the day when I was deciding to apply for a job or not. During that moment, I really want
to help my parents specially in our financial needs, but at the same time, I don't wanna stop
schooling. But then, since the pandemic happened, I got my full decision to work first for only 1 year
to save money and also to prepare myself enrolling in college. Luckily, I got a job and I just recently
quitted and decided to enroll to continue studying in college.


As you read through Freud’s theory, fill out the graphic organizer below to highlight the important

Oral Stage Eregenous Zone: mouth

Discripition of the Stage: the child is focused on

oral pleasures (sucking). Too much or too little
satisfaction can lead to an Oral Fixation or Oral
Personality which is shown in an increased focus
on oral activities. This type of personality may be
oral receptive, that is, have a stronger tendency to
smoke, drink alcohol, overeat, or oral aggressive,
that is with a tendency to bite his or her nails, or
use curse words or even gossip.

Fixation: may be over-dependent on others and

may seek oral stimulation through smoking,
drinking, or eating.

Anal Stage Eregenous Zone: Bowel and Bladder Control

Discripition of the Stage: The child’s focus of

pleasure in this stage is the anus. The child finds
satisfaction in eliminating and retaining feces.
Fixation: inappropriate parental responses can
result in negative outcomes. If parents take an
approach that is too lenient, Freud suggested that
an anal-expulsive personality could develop in
which the individual has a messy, wasteful, or
destructive personality.

Phalic Stage Eregenous Zone: Genitals

Discripition of the Stage: During the preschool

age, children become interested in what makes
boy and girls different. Pre-schoolers will
sometimes be seen fondling their genitals. Freud’s
studies led him to believe that during this stage
boys develop unconscious sexual desire for their
mother. Boys then see their father as a rival for
her mother’s affection. Boys may fear that their
father will punish them for these feelings, thus,
the castration anxiety.

Fixation: men experience feelings of inferiority

because they cannot give birth to children, a
concept she referred to as womb envy.

Latency Stage Eregenous Zone: Sexual Feelings are inactive

Discripition of the Stage: during this stage that

sexual urges remain repressed. The children’s
focus is the acquisition of physical and academic
skills. Boys usually relate more with boys and girls
with girls during this stage.

Fixation: immaturity and an inability to form

fulfilling relationships as an adult.

Genital Stage Eregenous Zone: Maturing Sexual Interest

Discripition of the Stage: The fifth stage of

psychosexual development begins at the start of
puberty when sexual urges are once again
awakened. In the earlier stages, adolescents focus
their sexual urges towards the opposite sex peers,
with the pleasure centered on the genitals.
Fixation: involves the child's unconscious desire
to possess the opposite-sexed parent and to
eliminate the same-sexed one.


the primal urges, primitive the ‘moral’ part of the mind that the mediator between the two
needs, and uncivilized passion internalizes and embodies that attempts to balance
we are born with. parental and societal values. primitive drives and socialized


You will now, express the valuable works of Frued’s Psychoanalytic theory and knowledge on
developmental theories and other relevant theories.through writing a reflective essay


Freud's personality theory is significant for a variety of reasons and considerations. My

conclusion on his idea is mostly based on influenced by the way we make decisions. Our
personality is based on our foundational bring up from our parents. Then proceeds into
whether we could make good decisions that are not powered by impulse. In his theory I am
able to identify the different stages of psychosexual development, personality components and
the three components of personality adjustments.

I believe that our intellectual being is driven by sex and aggression (being able to produce and
reproduce), but is also based on Eros and Thanatos which means life and death. Now, Freud’s
Theory is thought out and very simple. He simplifies the way we decide on things which is based
on our id, ego, and superego. Our id is sought out in the infant/newborn stages of life. A child is
born and has needs that are not based on how others feel. When the child is hungry,
uncomfortable, or not feeling well it cries unaware of how the parent is feeling at the time. Its
wants are pretty selfish and self-centered, but a newborn cannot identify this at this stage of
life. Now, as the child gets older its actions are based on the ego stage of life or doing things
from a realistic point of view. Both ego and id stages of life are co-parts.

One feed two, two proceeds to grow, and then three is developed which is called the superego
stage of personality and can be defined as our beliefs, morals, and attitudes. This stage in my
opinion is developed by our parents and what they install in us. It can also include our cultural
background and knowledge. This stage of personality teaches us how to maintain ourselves in
the world and how to make rational decisions in life. Yes, Sigmund’s Freud theory does not
work for all people, but when you really sit down and read it, it gives you a better

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