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Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos 11

Wilfrido Massieu Pérez
Class: 6IV1

My hobbies
In my free time usually I’m watching horror movies in Netflix or series in the night, listening music for example
heavy metal or rap, playing videogames online with my friends and eat doritos, another of my hobbies is go to
the park with my dog to walking in the evenings for play in the grass . I don’t like throw garbage in the morning
also I don’t like washing the dishes. I enjoy sleeping late , I’m like eating pizza and spaghetti, sometimes Im
speaking with my family in the weekend on videochat, I don’t like eat papaya with lemon or oats because it has
bad taste, finally im go to visit my grandmother, she living in Estado de Mexico with my other family.

Things that are important to learn

The things are more important to learn is express yourself because ever interact with other people and
sometimes need explain ideas to work, another thing are important to learn is use the pc, in all jobs usually
need personal capable to work with pc and to make reports, graphs etc.
If you like go to the beach, you need learn swim because in the sea the waves can drown you as well as
disorient you, also you must be able to save a other person if he is in trouble, finally the most important to learn
is self-respect if you do not respect yourself, nobody else will.It is important to know how much you are worth
and have self-love.

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