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English V
Jonathan José Paredes Puche
Task 1 - To be or being, that is the question.
No. DE GRUPO: 518010_22

Nixdey Ruth Arias



Virtual Learning Object Screenshots.


Text about your interest and hobbies.

Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan Jose Paredes Puche, I am living and working in

Barrcanbermeja Colombia. Since my childhood, my interests have been playing basketball and

writing texts, because in my free time I used to go to the library to get to read different stories, try

to practice swimming winning several medals and learn to dance. Honestly, I didn't expect that it

would require so much effort to learn the different choreographies.

All my life I have considered myself an introvert, so socializing has never been good. From

this point I started to get interested in learning English but from time to time I like to spend time

with my close friends. I also really like to be locked up in my room trying to organize my things

seeing what things will help me to improve the space in it

At the age of 12 I became very interested in topics related to analyzing and investigating

nature. I remember that I went to a travel to a youth camp in which we carried out different

activities. I was able to enjoy a connection with nature, I was able to see different wild animals in

the distance, for which I was taking several photographs and analyzing them with my


Despite having my mind constantly busy, I like to relax watching series or listening to music.

When I was in the last grades of school, I started to write a lot of texts a little longer and even to

participate in a couple of story contests organized by the school.


I like to dance and to listen to all kinds of music, from the oldest to the most recent. Also

spending time with my family by playing board games and talking about how the week went.

Another of my activities is playing video games on the PC, I have come to spend a lot of my

vacation time on it or sleeping and sometimes I don't know when to stop. But sometimes i like to

do excersice

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