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How to be confidently speak in front of the camera

The first is we must pay attention to how to dress. How to dress is very important.
Through clothes, people can judge what we are like. If we wear nice and neat clothes, people
will definitely look at us well. It will definitely make us confident. But if we wear ugly
clothes, people will not like us either. It makes us insecure.
The second is speaking practice. We have to think about what we are going to talk
about before making a video. Pay attention to the way we speak, whether it is good or not,
whether it is too fast or not, and whether it can be understood or not.
The third is speak of what has been understood. One of the things that makes people
insecure is speaking not fluently. To avoid that, we have to talk about things that are already
understood. If we really understand that, of course we will feel comfortable when talking.
However, if we want to talk about things we don't understand, then before speaking we need
to practice first. Study over and over again so that we can understand.
The fourth is to be what you are. When we talk we have to be like who we are. No
need to be likened by someone. Even though it doesn't feel good, but it's okay. Because if we
imitate people, we will feel uncomfortable.
The fifth is to accept criticism and suggestions. We have to accept criticism and
suggestions. It will make a way for us to be able to introspect. That way, we can find out
what mistakes we have made and how to solve them. When we can listen to criticism and
suggestions, it will make us up level.
The sixth is to learn from experienced people. Learning from experienced people is
important. Because he definitely understands what we're going through. Because he has felt
what we are feeling right now. So, he must have a solution to the problem we're having.
The seventh is to make videos as often as possible. We have to be diligent in
practicing in order to master it. Learn to make videos over and over again even often, it will
get us used to it and over time we will feel comfortable. Maybe we don't feel comfortable
because it's a new thing and we're not used to it yet.
And the last thing is don't obsess on perfection. There are some people who always
want to look perfect. As a result, when something is lacking, he will fail to be confident. It's
okay when we make mistakes, it will make us learn. However, we still have to try our best.

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