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Name: Rogelio O. Bernaldez Jr. Instructor: Deliarita Casundo, Ph.

BSOA – 4C October 03, 2021


Speak your mind

Recall a favorite story you have heard, read or watched. Summarize it by writing a slogan of
your own.
Answers: Personally, I have a lot of favorite story either I read or watched. But there is only one that
inspire and motivate me to go in life with faith. When I watched this story eventually I am emotional
and my tears fall immediately. This story made me realized that everything happens for a reason and
don’t lost hope.
Title of the Story: Miracles from Heaven (Non-Fiction)


Review/ About the story:

Miracles from heaven is a 2016 movie and it is based on true story of a young girl who had a near-
death experience and was later cured of an incurable disease. The family are very positive that the
young girl will overcome those pain together with have faith and believe in God. It is the inspiring
story of a chronically ill little girl whose condition was life threatening but who found miraculous
Summary of the story (movie):
It is a remarkable story, heartrending, and faith-affirming drama about the authentic story of a 10
years old girl name Anna Beam. The Beam family appears to have as close to a perfect life in their
spacious ranch house in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas. Christy and Kevin are the parents which feel
blessed to have three daughters. The family are always attending the mass and keeping their faith
always in God. Christy finds that faith tested when middle daughter name Anna becomes sick and
seems to be getting worse. When Anna is finally diagnosed correctly with an intestinal disorder, the
news could not be more disheartening. The condition is incurable and does not permit Anna to eat.
Christy is distraught, finding her only comfort in the hope. One-night Anna is screaming because of
pain that she is experiencing so they rushed her on the hospital. The doctor of Anna said that her
intestines are not working and they need to operate now. The operation is successful but they found
out worse. The mother started lose her faith because God does not healed Anna yet. Being a mother
she will do anything for her daughter just to save. She always reminding her daughters to pray
because as she say “Pray is the key for everything you need and have patient to wait”. Anna transfer
another hospital and she met Haley who have a cancer and talk with each other. Anna said that it is
reminder that God is always with her. One-day the girls are outside playing, when Abegail and Anna
climb on a big tree suddenly the branch where they sit began to crack. So Anna went to the other side
and she fell on the hole of the tree with 30ft. high and she almost there about 3 hours and still
rescuing. The Beam family worried about, and crying about her but they came to the tree and touch it.
They pray sincerely with a heart that hopefully Anna safe and fine. They Pray to God to help her and
eventually it happens. Later, miracle started to happen, miraculously overcomes, she is very ok and
no wound can be found. Her incurable disease is now gone and that is all about God. Because she is
also have faith in God and a kind daughter as well.
The story convey that faith makes all things possible and you’ll be rewarded for never giving
up. God gave every one of us difficulties for us to be stronger and realize the true miracle of life is all
around with believing in God. Having faith on him always is one of our weapon to surpass the
challenges that may come to our life. Trust his words and trust his time because with God nothing is
impossible, the word itself say, “I am possible”.

Extend your horizon

Discover how literature can change your life.

Literature is a group of works of arts which made of words. It accounts human significant
experiences that include their culture, belief system, language, identity, feelings, aspirations, and
perspectives. Eventually, it grows out of life, reacts upon life and fed by life. The main question is
“How literature can change your life”.

As I watched the recent video entitled how literature can change your life by Joseph Luzzi. Through
this video, I discover how literature can change your life. However, there are lots of lessons you can
get on how literature affects human life and the impact of literature towards life nor a person just like
the speaker of this video. It made me realize that literature brings you all throughout the universe and
in time it connects you to the world that happen even before you. It has the power to impact our life
especially when it comes to values and inspiration. I am inspired by his thoughts and knowledge that
shared by the speaker about literature. According to the speaker, literature is significant for him as it
serve his companion of life and motivation of life from the pain he got when his wife was died. It is
something gives you the way people thought, and lead us in the area of fiction almost become fact.
Through literature, it brings people together through narrative and the power of narrative as well as
bring a book of life. Eventually, it is an imaginative tells you the truth in this way. Apparently, this
video is all about the significance of literature in his life or even life of other people, and how this
contribute to us that we need to study and learn the literature for the beneficial. Consequently,
literature tell us what we see on earth, describe, and know what imperfects. Definitely, these are the
discovery about how literature can change your life based on the video or life of the speaker.
Knowingly, his aim is to show literature is not just an elitist collection of classics, something you are
supposed to read or have to study, whilst, he propose as the audience members realized that
literature should make a part of the everyday life.
On the other hand, literature can change your life by simply teaches us how to live,
helps us understand life, providing us with in-depth information, sources of inspiration and have
valuable knowledge that we can use in this world. Actually, literature was born because we give
literature its life and it is not created by speculations. By literature, we can learn and grasp people
who are different from us. It is the foundation of life, provides insight in the past and guides us to the
future. In fact, literature is a crucial course which adds a color of life. It allow us to laugh and dream,
enables us to feel emotions and of course allow us to see the world from a distinct perspective. It
gives us the reason to think a good manner and become a better person as well. At last, literature has
a way to touch human life to become more positive in life and no matter what circumstances may be,
there is always a way around it. It is a way to enlighten our mind that it is essential to continue life,
seek for the goodness and embrace yourself of who you are together we constantly thought to
ourselves that it is part of being who we are today. These are the literature can change human life
and the contribution of life. According to Joseph Luzzi, “Once you hear someone’s story you can
never think of them as a category and you have to see them as a human being for the reason we
need stories more than ever today in our society. That’s how literature can change our life. Thus, has
great impacts in our lives, influences us on how we should live and learn from other people’s
Name: Rogelio O. Bernaldez Jr. Instructor: Deliarita Casundo, Ph.D

BSOA – 4C October 04, 2021



Catch the Word

Directions: Match the words in column A with their corresponding meanings in column B.
Write the letters of your choice before the words in Column A.

D 1. Sundown a.) thin transparent fabric
F2. Grumble b.) a person asking for gifts
B3. Beggar c.) proclamation having the force of law
C4. Edict d.) nightfall
A5. Gauze e.) to put one’s debt in favor of service
f.) to mutter in discontent

Fuel the Thrill

When was the last time you helped someone? Did you expect something in return?
Answers: Helping others give you the opportunity to change someone’s life and improve your own.
Actually, everyday it is my pleasure and my eagerness to help someone. Apparently, the last time
that I helped someone is just this year and even yesterday. I helped a kid learn to write, my nephew
on his module, and my friends who are needed to be helped of mine. Honestly, I did not expect
something in return, what matters most is that I helped someone which makes me even happier. At
the same time, I do it wholeheartedly, and it is one of my purpose in life to help others. For me,
service is always a best reward and serving is serving God. Further, helping someone is great in
God’s eyes and this is what I believe in and so I did not expect a return. Thus, it is truth that helps
everyone to grow and live in peace.

Untwist the Loop

Direction: Read and Answer the Questions briefly.

I. Summarize the story using this diagram.
-The story is came from India
-One very hot day, a young prince had been hunting all the morning in the
Setting -Prince Country or Palace
-He rode on through the jungle until sundown
-Across three ranges of hills and through seven jungles
- Princess Lalun’s Country or Palace
-Old Woman Cottage where the Prince stay to take a rest.

Main Characters -Prince

-Princess Lalun
-King Afzal
-Fakir or Holy Beggar
-Old Woman
It is a story in Indian Folktales. One very hot day, there is a young Prince or Rajah had been
hunting all the morning in the jungle and by noon he lost his sight. By that, he sat down
under a tree to rest and eat some cakes given by his mother. When he broke those six
cakes, he found six ants and the Ant-King himself. “I think these cakes belong to you more
than they do to me”, said the Prince to the Ant-King. So, he gives it to the ants because he
will going to sleep. Later, the Ant-king crawled up to the Prince’s ear as he lay their
dreaming. The Ant-king was grateful for what the Prince did from that the Ant-king asks to
the Prince for what we can do for you in return? The Prince replied “I have everything I need
and definitely I am tired all of them”. But the Ant-king replied too that you will never tired of
the Princess Lalun wherein you should seek her and she is lovely as well. When the young
Prince woke up, he think what the Ant-king said to him regarding Princess Lalun and he like
to find out in what country this Princess lives. So he rode on through the jungle until
sundown and unexpectedly he meets a tiger roaring beside a pool because of the thorn in
foot and make the tiger hurt very much. Then Prince helped the tiger by pulled out the thorn
and bound some healing leaves. The tiger was very thankful and then the Prince asked the
tiger about the shortest way to Princess Lalun’s Country. The tiger told him it was across
three ranges of hills and seven jungles. In addition, the tiger told the Prince that there is a
fakir or holy beggar in the next jungle, he has a magic bed which will carry you anywhere
you wish to go, he has a bag will give you whatever you ask, and a stone bowl which will fill
itself with water. If you can get these things certainly you can find her easily. Knowingly, the
Prince was very much pleased to find the Fakir. Thankfully, he found it and he talked to the
Fakir and tell about his mission of Princess Lalun. The fakir hold the hands of Prince, while,
look into his eyes and he saw the Prince could be trusted. The fakir agreed to lend him
things and then immediately the Prince wish to take him to Princess Lalun’s country and in
SUMMARY less than a minute he was set down within borders of kingdom where the Princess lived.

Apparently, the name of the Princess father was Afzal and he was king or Rajah of that
country. He said many Princes had sought his daughter in marriage which he was tired
saying “No” to them and tried impossible tasks to do. The Prince came to an old woman’s
cottage and asked if he might spend the night there. In the beginning, the old woman
rejected the Prince to stay yet in the end she allow and agree for the reason that Prince offer
and give the old woman delicious food to eat and water to drink with the help of his bag and
stone bowl which these things belong to fakir. By then, it was a night the Prince and the old
woman sat in darkness wherein they talked about the Princess and his father. The old
woman said that the Princess Lalun sits on the roof of her palace at night and shines so as
to lights up the whole country. At midnight the Princess came down from her roof and went
to her room. Then the Prince sat down on his bed with his bag in his hand and wish take him
to the Princess palace. So the bed took him where she lay fast asleep and left lovely shawl,
embroidered in red and blue and gold the spread gently over the Princess. After that, he
went back to the old woman cottage. Another midnight, the Princess went her room again
and then the Prince came back again with the help of bed. From that, he said to his bag “I
want a very beautiful ring!” The bag gave him and he slipped on the Princess hand as she
lay asleep and then when she woke she said who are you? to Prince. When the Princess
saw what a noble, handsome young man and heard he was the son of a great Rajah and
brought magnificent shawl night before, eventually she fell inlove with him and tell her father
and mother that she wanted him for her husband. Unfortunately, Rajah Afzal give a
challenge and tasks to do to Prince before he marry her daughter. The Prince accepted all,
won and complete the tasks. Of course, with the help of his companions such as the Ant-
king, Couple tigers, Magic bed, and Old woman. Consequently, he overcome three
challenges suchlike crush the oil of mustard seed, kill two demons and beat the kettledrum.
After that, the wedding shall take place as soon as the Prince like, said, Rajah Afzal.
Fortunately, all the kings and queens of the neighboring countries are invited to the wedding.
After, they were married the Prince took the Princess Lalun home to his own country and
they lived happily.

Person vs. Person: Rajah Afzal tried the plan giving impossible tasks to do for those
CONFLICT princes sought his daughter in marriage. He give a three challenges or tasks to Prince
before he marry his daughter.
Prince came to an old woman’s cottage and asked if he might spend the night there. At first
she refused and not allowed to stay the Prince because of the Rajah Afzal.

Person vs. Nature: First challenge, Prince give a task to crush the oil of the mustard seed
with the help of army of ants. Second challenge, he also do task to fight and kill the two
demons with the help of couple of tigers. The last challenge, Prince beat the kettledrum up
into the sky with the help of magic bed.

In addition, searching or seeking for Princess Lalun’s Country

THEME “There is a great reward for those who good to others”

(Fantasy or Fairy Tales)

Third Person Point of View, because based in my comprehension in which the

POINT OF narrator exists outside of the story, addresses the characters by name, and the narrator has
VIEW access to the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. Meanwhile, the story is speaking
through observing and not the actual person or main character is speaking.

II. Guide Questions for Discussion.

1. Describe the prince in the story?
Answer: The Prince in the story is the son of the king and queen in his country and he is Rajah as
called in India as well as he possess attributes that made him special. By that, I can describe the
Prince that he is a great ruler or king, loving prince, rich young prince, fearless, courageous and
generous of all the time. He will do his best to get what he want, he will sacrifice his life and ready to
face nor take all the challenges he encounter without afraid just to meet his destiny, married the
woman he love and become his wife as well. Meanwhile, he is respectful, brave, persistent and smart
prince. Precisely, he is a noble, handsome man, very helpful, valorous, not easy to surrender,
continue to fight despite all the struggles and at the end he achieved his desire as well as become
happily married with the Princess. Ultimately, it also shows the journey of the prince and his struggles
in life. Thus, this type of prince must everyone should follow, and he is truly an inspiration to all the
men when you read this story.
2. Why do the animals (ant and tiger) like the prince?
Answer: Actually, the ant and tiger also known as the animals like the Prince because the Prince
give food to the ants and helped the tiger when he hurt. Nonetheless, he also showed the value of
kindness with sincerity, he never doubt to help them and do good. Literally, he is also thoughtful,
respectful and have a pure heart to save from the hunger and pain of the ant and tiger. Hence, these
are the reasons why the ant and tiger like the prince.
3. What did the prince give to the ant king?
Answer: Certainly, the Prince give to the Ant-king a “cakes” in order to feed nor aid their hunger and
very grateful to the Prince for what he did. For instance, the Prince said to the Ant-king, I think these
cakes belong to you more than they do to me”. So, the generosity of the Prince probably flaunt.

4. How did the prince help the tiger?

Answer: Precisely, the Prince help the tiger by pulled out the thorn at the tiger’s foot and bound some
healing leaves over the wound with a piece of cloth which he tore off his turban. Through this, the
tiger alleviate from the pain and came crashing through the jungle.
5. What did the ant say to the prince?
Answer: I think there are two situations wherein the ant say to the Prince. Firstly, the ant crawled up
to the Prince’s ear as he lay there dreaming and said, “We are much obliged for the cakes and have
eaten them up. What can we do for you in return?” Concisely, the Prince replied he have everything
and he is tired all of them. Secondly, the ant said or replied, “You would never be tired of the Princess
and you should seek her, for she is as lovely as the morning.” Hence, these are the ant say to the
6. To whom did the prince ask for help to reach Princess Lalun? What is his intention in
searching for the princess?
Answer: There are two characters whom ask for help the Prince to reach Princess Lalun namely the
tiger and the fakir or holy beggar. With regards to the shortest way to Princess Lalun’s country, the
Prince asked the tiger and the tiger told him it was across three ranges of hills and through seven
jungles. In addition, the tiger said there is a fakir or holy beggar in the next jungle to this. However,
the fakir or holy beggar was found by the Prince sitting under a tree on the edge of the jungle. When
he found the Prince convince and asked to help him to find Princess Lalun. Because through fakir or
holy beggar he is the way to reach immediately Princess Lalun. He has a magic bed which will carry
him anywhere he wish to go, he has a bag which will give him whatever he ask for, and a stone bowl
which will fill itself with water often he ask for it. These things will make the Prince reach and seek
Princess Lalun’s quickly. On the other part, the Prince intention in searching or seeking for the
Princess is that he want to marry Princess Lalun.
7. What is the significance of the old woman in the story? What did the prince give to her
in return for her kindness?
Answer: Based in my understanding, the significance of the old woman in the story is that she is the
way that the Prince stay in her cottage to take a rest, she has a soft hearted towards the Prince and
become his companion. She is the kind of character who save him from tiredness and problems of
the Prince. Nevertheless, she give information about the Princess Lalun where the Prince make fall in
love so much to the Princess and at the same time she inform about the father of the Princess. When
the father of the Princess give the Prince the three tasks or challenges she is the one that the Prince
will approach to her on how to take the challenges. Luckily, she will give an idea and strategy on how
to do those challenges and she certainly want the Prince to win. Further, she is the reason why the
Prince overcome all the challenges he could take so as to accomplished nor completed and won. To
conclude, I think she consider as his mother during the time as he far for his a true mother, she show
kind, caring and serve as protector of the Prince during the challenges. These are the significance of
the old woman based on the story and my understanding as well. Apart from these, in return to her
kindness the Prince give a food for supper using with his bag wish he spoke about it, then the old
woman ate with him. The food was delicious and served on gold plates with gold spoons. Besides,
when they are done the Prince tapped the bowl with his finger then give some water to wash their
plates and spoons and to drink. So, the Prince give the old woman about her necessary things in her
life like he give foods, water, gold plates, gold spoon, and more just for her. The Prince also help the
old woman, have respect and most of all he care the old woman as well. But I think what matter most
is that they understand each other, loving each other and have peace of mind. Thus, kindness
positively affects others and feel more compassionate.
8. Who helps the prince in his challenge to get the blessing of the Lalun’s Father? Were
they successful?
Answer: Technically, the old woman, the army of ants, the couple of tigers and the magic bed
are the companions of the Prince who helps him the challenge to get the blessing of the Lalun’s
father. Clearly, the old woman who give him an idea, ways and strategies on how to do the challenge
properly that will be given by the father of Princess Lalun so as to cope up. She was suggested and
commented. Through that, the first challenge she said that only an army of ants could crush the oil of
eight pound mustard-seed, next challenge she said only a couple of tigers could do to kill two
demons, and the last challenge was the magic bed is a way to up into the sky to beat the kettledrum.
All of her said the Prince follow from it. Yes, it is evident that they were successful in taking those
three challenges by the help of the Prince companions and get the blessing of the Lalun’s father.
Truly, they were overcome those challenges with wiser, stronger and valiant. At the end of the
challenge, he completed the tasks and of course marriage is happen as well as Princess Lalun’s
became his wife.
9. If you were the prince, would you also be kind to animals?
Answer: Yes, if I were the prince I will also be kind to animals because animals play an important
part in our life, remain essential in every part of the world and they are like a human too which they
must be treated kindly, fairly, feed them food, drink them water, and help them in any ways. As what I
read the story, it made me realize that the Prince give an importance to the animals like ant and tiger,
he show kindness to them by helping them when they are in trouble and have problems. He help
them with a heart, and care them truly. From that realization, I am inspired that I should do for what
he do to animals, and now I will be good to animals as well. Knowingly, kindness is the quality of
sharing and caring which the Prince act in the story to the animals wherein I will do the same. We
also remember that every living being, human or animal has the right to live peacefully. Animals have
emotions and feelings as well in which it is essential that we should treat them kind and we should
understand that even a small act of kindness can improve their wellbeing. They can be our friends
and ready to help if we can do good things to the animals that I should possess too. Lastly, I will be
kind to animals because they have the value, deserve to protect, and deserve to live a life of
reasonable quality no less than we want for ourselves. Thus, it is relevant to be kind to animals as
they are integral part of nature, loving companion, you can feel happiness, and possibly they will be in
return to your kindness from them without asked to help.
10. Do you agree that the prince had positive karma; “as he has shown goodness to others,
positive things come in return.”
Answer: Based in the story I read, the Prince show his kindness and have a good heart to help the
animals which definitely he can receive a good things. In my side, I agree that the Prince had a
positive karma because he shown goodness to others where the animals help him when he need a
help. Just like the challenges he takes are all successfully done and complete because of his
companions. In this case, the Prince have a positive karma return to him. Remember, if you shown
goodness to others it will return a positive things that you will receive like the Prince. To inform, karma
is a belief that whatever you do will come back to you. Moreover, with this statement I totally agree
because I believe in good karma, when a person does something good and that individuals positive
actions seem to lead to positive consequences. I believe also that everything that exist has value and
in doing things there are consequences, it could be bad like tragic stories or good which is successful
story like the magic bed story. The things happen has a purpose and doing good things would have
positive karma because it is the truth. In addition, the more you lend helping hands to others and the
moment you help a lot of people or even animals the more you captivate positive karma then good
things will happen as well. Eventually, positive karma is something you act kind, care and good to
others that will outcome into positive things as well. Thus, the Prince deserve a positive karma and
remind that life is an echo it gives back what you given. So, be good so that good things will occur too
and karma is a real.
11. Have you experienced in your life that you helped someone and in return they helped
you back?
Answer: Helping people is a sign to them to show you care and everyone has helped someone else.
Yes, I have experienced in my life that I helped someone when they are need something financially,
emotionally, and physically. As a person, I love to help others because it makes me happy. I am a
kind of person who will ready to help if I can do. Especially, if there is someone who really need a
help then I will help sincerely that comes from my bottom of my heart. For instance, I have a friend
who have problem about financial, examination, and need an advice. By that, I help her problem by
listening the whole story with understand, debt a money, give an idea or strategy on how to pass the
exam and I will give piece of advice that will enlighten her mind to strive, motivate and continue the
life no matter what obstacles you have, there is a hope, and ways to cope up the problems in life as
well as to make a better decision. As a friend, you can count me and I’ll be there to help them
especially if they are in a difficult situation. Unexpectedly, the persons I helped, eventually, in return
they helped me back without telling them to help me. I am very grateful for them because during that
situation in my life I need someone to lean on, to heard my problems, and give some inspiration
words to fight the struggles that I have financially, emotionally and physically. They always monitor
me if I am okay and they were at my side. Through them, my problems was overcome and I am fine
because of them. I realized that if you help someone probably in return they will help you back. I did
not expect they help me back more than I do. That’s why you need to be kind, and help those people
who are unfortunate because we don’t know the impact of helping them in which make them realize
too that they will help you if you are in trouble in life. Helping someone not only makes them happy
but also gives pleasure to you. Thus, if you shown goodness to others, positive things come in return
and positive karma will happen.
12. What kind of animal is king ant? How about the tiger?
Answer: Actually, I think the Ant-king is a great leader, kind, honest, helpful, wise and respectful,
whilst, the tiger is approachable, kind, helpful, easily hurt, honest and brave. These two animals the
Ant-king and the tiger are became the companion of the Prince wherein the Prince meet the Ant-king
through the cakes, and the Prince meet the tiger though the jungle. Both Ant-king and tiger are the
kind of animals who are the same perspective, they were good to others, serve as rescuer and
protector of the Prince. Ultimately, they want in return and willing to help the Prince no matter what
because of the kindness that Prince shown to them. Hence, they will do their best and ready to help
the Prince.
13. What will you do if the one you offered help refused to help you in times of challenges?
Answer: In time of challenge, in which it is hard to cope up and I need someone to help me then
unfortunately he/she refused my offered to help me. At first, I will greatly appreciate his/ her honesty,
respect, understand and accept his/her decision because we can’t force someone if he/she doesn’t
want, and maybe he/she also in a trouble or did not know on how he/she help me. But I can’t also
avoid that I will be hurt and feel bad in some reason that in times I need the person he/she refused
me. Meanwhile, I will think for the memories we have that certain person, and go back how much I
care for that person so that I will be fine entirely even if he/ she rejected me. All of us can experience
refuse by someone, should be prepare in this kind of situation and be ready. Despite of that, we must
have courage and determination to always find way or a best solution for our specific problem in order
to solve it and develop our strength with faith in God. Because with God nothing is impossible. Hence,
trust yourself and fight for it for the betterment of all.
14. Will you also take challenges to win the heart of the person you love?
Answer: Yes, I will take the challenges to win the heart of the person I love because when I love
someone I will do anything, give everything, I have the strongest will to sacrifice whatever I have at
the moment and would even thrive for its demands. However, there is no such challenges that I could
never conquer, then it is my choice to fight or to win in valley of struggles just to prove how much I
love that person. I believe if you truly love that person you have the patient, strong, and do all the
challenges with bravery. Honestly, I love to take challenges as my inspiration and my stepping stone
to grow. Thus, in facing those challenges I will not forget to pray in God, I will trust myself that I can
do it and constantly think the person that I love so that I can combat properly and defeat which made
my love proud and show how impact her to my life.
15. In taking challenges for marriage, do you think this situation is still applicable today?
Answer: Challenges are an inherent part of our life, play an essential and a key role in our existence.
Nonetheless, it is an obstacles or hurdles by many people but at the same time they make our life
meaningful and give us reason to fight to achieve things we wish for in this world. Precisely, I think it
is still applicable today with regards in taking challenges for marriage because when you get
marriage there are challenges you can encounter before you get that moment in which you need to
have patient and positive mind. Meanwhile, there is also some marriage utilize the challenges just like
the story. For instances, man should court woman, man should wait the answer of the woman, you
are in danger or near to accident, there are lots paper process, things to be done and the man also
will be face the parents of a woman wherein the man will know if the parents are agree to be his wife.
Otherwise, there is a parents will give task to a man nowadays which they need to finish study, have
stable job before marry the woman and at this time it is not appropriate in terms of marrying without
knowing your partner entirely. Just like the story, the Prince also take the challenges before he
married the Princess and I think it is also applied in a real situation as well. Through the challenges,
they may test a man how he love that woman, and knowing what his truly purpose in marrying the
woman. In marriage, challenges is always there and it is a path to strengthen the foundation of
relationship of the couple. Apart from that, I think also that this situation is not applicable in some
marriage because there is a quite distinct in today’s setting as well. Marriage seem to be viable in the
most facile and quick means it can be. Consequently, challenges is the dimension that will never be
vanish throughout the generation because we cannot develop strength without resistant and you will
never know the essence of life without trials because struggle is a gift that the world falls in love with.

Speak your mind

Write a reader response analysis focusing on the theme of the story which is “there is a great
reward for those who do good to others”. You may also focus on other elements of the story
to establish your point of analysis.
“My Analysis of the Theme”
Reward is a way to help someone motivate, inspire and a big achievements in life. Indeed,
there is a great reward for those who do good to others because I strongly believe that good things
happen to good people. Based in the story of the magic bed, my analysis is that the Prince give a
cakes to the Ant-king and help the tiger to get the thorn and heal the wound through leaves. In this
situations, the Prince really showed his kindness to them and never think to return anything. During
the challenges, the Ant-king and the tiger help him immediately without questioning because they had
indebtedness to the Prince. Hence, the Prince deserve a great reward for the reason that he do good
to others especially to the animals and even small acts of kindness probably they have an impact to
the animals. Anyhow, the theme of the story in my own analysis is that “Your action whether good or
bad will have an effect to everyone surrounding you” can reap a various of analysation that an action
is liable for the one who does it and that is exactly the point from the theme of the story for me. In
addition, there is a great reward for those who do good to others on where visibly if you do good you
will taste the recognition for your action. Nevertheless, reward often comes when we do something
remarkable, and when we do something that deserves a payoff. For instances, when we do good to
others, doing good to others is a remarkable and a great action towards other person, we may like it
or not but the way how we act or do our actions will constantly have outcome either good or bad one.
But we know to ourselves that a great reward comes in doing good, people pay back as of what you
will going to treat them. People give rewards to those good actions and people give cold-heartedness
to those bad actions. Doing things to others whether small, unplanned acts or regular volunteering is
a powerful path to boost our own happiness as well of those people around us. Giving to others can
be as simple as a single kind word, smile or thoughtful gestures. It includes giving time, care and
more. Helping others can increase life satisfaction and help take our minds off on troubles. When we
someone do kind eventually we can receiving end of kindness. Anyway, it is true that you can gain
more blessings when you helped sincerely to someone. Lastly, this theme enlighten us to do good in
any ways, to be kind to other people because we never know on how it bring a good impacts to them
and in the end we can achieve great things in life. Therefore, we must be conscious of our actions, be
responsible, good deeds are the fruits we bear today, and do all things with great compassion,
sincerity and dedication in order to get a large compensate in life.

Extend your horizon

Read the story and discuss the values that you think are significant to teach young people
Folktales is a story passed down verbally from generation to generation. It allows students to
experience one of the ways a society develops a sense of moral behavior in its children. Certainly,
values are the positive teachings provided to help us and tread the right path in life. A person who
imbibes good values grows on to become a responsible individual and he is able to make wiser
decisions in life. Based in the story I read, I think the values that are significant to teach young people
today are kindness, patience, faith, and appreciate small things especially in this time of pandemic we
faced right now. In my own comprehension, these are the values possess that I realized and found in
the story that I read. Firstly, kindness is a value that every young people in the world must be learn
and teach them. They should be learn to be kind to those around them so that the people will respect
and admire them as well as will never judge them. This is a great value for them and having a kind
heart presents many opportunities that will help young people. When young people practice kindness
to other people nor towards ourselves they can experience positive mental and physical changes. If
young people will continue doing this value precisely it has a great impact to others even if small acts.
Just like the story, if you do good to others eventually they will return in you goodness as well. It is
very significant to young people to possess this. Being kind is not just an idea, it is an essential form
of self-care and a vital foundation for sustained kindness to others. Kindness is a way to become
polite and know what is right and the power of kindness is boundless. Besides, it can change lives,
allows young people to empathize others and very important. With kindness, people live peacefully,
improve their lives, and will keep us together. Secondly, patience is also important to teach young
people because it will help young people to analyze things and situations beyond their face value.
Having patience means being able to wait calmly in the face of struggles. Just like the Prince, he
have patience to wait until he will married the Princess. Young people should be remind that in order
to success they must be patiently wait as said “all good things come to those who wait”.
Consequently, patience is necessary for young people today so that they will control their temper,
brings peace of mind and lead them to success. Thirdly, faith is another value that young people also
be teach and learn because to achieve anything having faith is very important. Having faith in God will
help young people see things that in our heart. Just like the Prince, he have faith in God that he will
overcome those challenges and the Princess become his wife. Lastly, appreciate small things is also
impact to young people because if young people have the spirit to appreciate small things in life
young people will learn on how to value every blessings that will receive and it will teach young
people on how to be contented of what he/she have to be grateful as well. Furthermore, encouraging
them to unite and have understanding to create a good relationship to people together with have
youth empowerment to boost the youth and motivate them to strive and focus on how they will
become prosper. Thus, the story is really inspiring to us, values can build character, help in decision
making and values can give direction to our life.

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