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Evidence 7 Script

Andrés: Good morning to both of you, how are you doing today?
Jenny: I'm good
Carolina: Me too. By the way, what brings you here?
Andrés: I have a question, since you two are very good with
logistics, can you help me with something?
Carolina: Of course
Jenny: No problem, we can help you. What is your question?
Andres: I heard that people are using something called router
software. It seems that it is very effective to do logistics. Can you
both explain me what is it?
Jenny: It's simple, it's a software that shows you what is the best
route for something to be delivered at the fastest time possible.
Carolina: I can show you an example of what Jenny was talking. Do
you know what Google Maps is?
Andrés: Yes, I use it all the time to go around the city
Jenny: So, I guess that you sometimes saw how Google Maps show
you the most efficient route and it evades traffic jams?
Carolina: And it evades that traffic jam and show you the most
effective route to your destiny
Andrés: Yes, and it's very useful to be honest. Technology is such a
Carolina: Router software is like the same thing, but is not for
common use, is more specialized in logistics rather than other
Jenny: You can make schedules for your delivery trucks, show them
the most effective route, calculate gas price, check if deliveries have
been delivered, and many things.
Andrés: That's awesome, I think that software would be very good if
I use it. Sometimes using paper to make everything can be a little
Jenny: Yes, it can be very heavy. Its far easier to use software, since
it does not make extra space in your facilities, and it is very safe due
to backups.
Carolina: And you can give some extra value to the product, since
the software will help deliver faster the products to your clients.
Andrés: That’s very good. Thank you so much for the help! To be
honest, I have another question. What is a critical path plan?
Carolina: So, have you planned a schedule and followed it exactly as
it was planned?
Andrés: To be honest, I’m conscious of my lack of discipline, that’s
why I’m interested in this critical path plan. Maybe it will help me
and my business.
Jenny: The thing is that a critical path plan will help you with this,
since you will be planning a strategy for a project, and everything
will have an exact time.
Carolina: And you will need to respect those times. If the schedule
says that one of your trucks should deliver something to somewhere,
that’s the thing that the person in charge of that should be doing at
that moment.
Jenny: Doing that, you will have a more organized business, and
your delivery times will be more exactly.
Andrés: So, if I combine critical path plan with the route software,
my business will be getting better?
Carolina: Yes, the competence is getting more technologic those
days, so, you should be updating your business right now
Jenny: If your business is good right now, it will be without a trace
of doubt better.
Andrés: I will start the changes right now. Thank you, and goodbye!
Jenny: Goodbye, take care.
Carolina: Goodbye, if you have some more questions, don’t be
afraid to ask to us.

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