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PRESENTATION The flow of the The flow of the The flow of the The presentation fails
(20 %) presentation is well presentation slightly presentation to exhibit any of the
organized. There’s a organized. There’s somewhat given requirements.
- The flow of the good introduction an introduction and disorganized. There’s Therefore, it fails to
presentation is and conclusion. conclusion. no clear introduction meet the
and conclusion. expectations.
conducted in an
The time given was The time given was
organized manner. fully maximized. utilized. The time given was
- The time given was poorly managed.
utilized Therefore, it requires
productively. improvement.
(20 % Points) (16 % Points) (12% Points) ( 0 POINTS)

The content of the The content of the The content of the

presentation is presentation is presentation is not The content of the
CONTENT (40%) complete. Major and slightly complete. complete. There are presentation fails to
important details of There are some few major and exhibit any of the
- The content the given topic are major and important significant details from given requirements.
provided for the well covered and details from the given the given topic that Therefore, it fails to
presentation is well accurate. Also, topic that were not were not presented meet the
researched and interesting and covered and accurate. Also, there’s expectations.
supporting accurate. Also, very little interesting
information are also there’s little and supporting
- Supporting and provided during the interesting and information are also
interesting facts and presentation. supporting provided during the
details are information are also presentation.
provided. provided during the Therefore, it requires
presentation. improvement.

(40 % Points) (35 % Points) (23 % Points) ( 0 Points)

The group was able The group was able The group was able to The group fails to
- The team/group to present their to present their deliver their assigned exhibit any given
utilizes creative assigned topic in a assigned topic in an topic but was not able requirements.
very interesting interesting manner to motivate all to Therefore, it fails to
ways in presenting
manner which draw leading their participate in their meet the exceptions.
their assigned topic. their audience to audience to join the activities. The
- The group was able participate actively. given activities. The presentation utilizes
to creativity The presentation presentation utilizes very few non-
facilitate learning in utilizes different some non- conventional way of
non-conventional conventional way of facilitating learning.
a non-conventional
way of facilitating facilitating learning.
way ( interactive learning.
activities like games
etc.). (30 % Points) (26 % Points) (17 % Points) ( 0 Points)

*** Separate grading
sheet will be provided.

TOTAL 100 % 34 20 0


Expectation for each member:
- Each member of the group actively collaborated and share their ideas during the preparation and the presentation of the
assigned topic.
- The student significantly contributes to the topic, always make himself/herself available during the meeting and presentation
without complain.
*** DO NOT GRADE YOURSLEF (Group Member Only)



He/she actively He/she cooperates He/she seldom He/she fails to

cooperates and and shares his/her cooperates and shares exhibit the given
consistently shares ideas. He/she had his/her ideas. He/she tasks and
his/her ideas. He/she significant had little contribution requirements.
had significant contribution on the on the topic and make Therefore, it fails to
1. Alas, Jewel 100%
contribution on the topic and make herself available but meet the exceptions.
topic and always herself available. not all the time.
available without (0 PTS)
complain and excuses. (6 PTS)
(10 PTS) (8 PTS)

He/she actively He/she cooperates He/she seldom He/she fails to

cooperates and and shares his/her cooperates and shares exhibit the given
consistently shares ideas. He/she had his/her ideas. He/she tasks and
his/her ideas. He/she significant had little contribution requirements.
had significant contribution on the on the topic and make Therefore, it fails to
2. Calimlim, Marianne 100%
contribution on the topic and make herself available but meet the exceptions.
topic and always herself available. not all the time.
available without (0 PTS)
complain and excuses. (6 PTS)
(10 PTS) (8 PTS)

He/she actively He/she cooperates He/she seldom He/she fails to

cooperates and and shares his/her cooperates and shares exhibit the given
consistently shares ideas. He/she had his/her ideas. He/she tasks and
his/her ideas. He/she significant had little contribution requirements.
had significant contribution on the on the topic and make Therefore, it fails to
3. Denosta, Mian contribution on the topic and make herself available but meet the exceptions.
topic and always herself available. not all the time. 100%
available without
complain and excuses. (6 PTS) (0 PTS)
(10 PTS) (8 PTS)

He/she actively He/she cooperates He/she seldom He/she fails to

cooperates and and shares his/her cooperates and shares exhibit the given
consistently shares ideas. He/she had his/her ideas. He/she tasks and
his/her ideas. He/she significant had little contribution requirements.
had significant contribution on the on the topic and make Therefore, it fails to
4. Fernandez, Andrei contribution on the topic and make herself available but meet the exceptions.
topic and always herself available. not all the time. 100%
available without
complain and excuses.

(10 PTS) (8 PTS) (6 PTS) (0 PTS)

5. Tamayo, Aaron 100%

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