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English Work #1 (Part 1)

Yudy Edith Batista Usuga.

Institute Educative Madre Laura

Teacher: Emerson David Betancourt

Grade: 10B

Apartadó- 15/02/2021
Our topics for this term are:

-Having fun.

-Different Verbal tenses

–General Vocabulary.


1- Chatting online

2- White water rafting

3- Playing ice hockey

4- Playing basketball

5- Skydiving

6- Playing music

7- Bowling

8- Fishing

9- Skateboarding

10- Horse riding

11- Playing board games


1. What kind of activities do you prefer? ¿Indoor or outdoor activities?

R// I prefer indoor activities, although outdoor activities with a good company I love.

2. What are your favorite free time activities?

R// In my free time I love to paint a little, although I can't always do it due to lack of
materials, some secondary ones are dancing, watching movies or simply enjoying my free

3. How often do you have fun outdoors?

R// Really rarely the time I have fun outdoors, I am more than staying in a house

4. During this time of confinement, thing have changed a lot, talk about the things you
used to do that you can’t do anymore

R// Before the pandemic, I usually did not go out frequently, much less during the
pandemic, I just enjoy being at home

5. What would you like to do more often?

R// I often like to paint or do some activity that involves something artistic

6. Make a chart of indoor and outdoor activities

exercise at home soccer
watch movies walking the dog
house games Playing basketball
Listening to music Riding a bike

7. What are the weirdest activities you have heard of?

R// the weirdest activities you've ever heard of are Food Stylist and Smell Paper Towels ...


A. Based on the text how do you classify Parkour? Is it dangerous?

R// I personally believe that parkour is an extreme and dangerous sport, however it helps to
exercise and with proper practice I don't find a problem in doing it carefully if you are

B. What do you need to practice this activity?

R// Parkour is that it's very cheap. You need to be in good physical condition and you need
a nice pair of running shoes.

C. What are some of the possible difficulties this activity faces?

R//some of its possible difficulties is that if we are not in good physical condition and do
not develop even the basic steps, accidents could occur that put our health at risk.

D. Watch the videos about these two Parkour practitioners and express what you
think about them

R// He considered that parkurt sport is one more sport and should be accepted and carried
out under his own responsibility, practiced by people like the previous videos passionate
about parkur. It contains more adrenaline and risk compared to other activities but.

E. After watching the videos: Was it fair what happened to the Iraní guy?

R//I don't know anything about the laws of the country in which he was arrested, but I did
hear that a prohibition in those countries is that you shouldn't display romantic photos,
that's why he was arrested, not for doing parkour.

F. Do you think these outdoors activities should be banned? Why?

R// No, because not all of activities can be realized in house, and the people enjoy to do
them in the outdoor cause they are distracted just for a moment in the outdoor.
H. Prepare a short presentation about an unusual outdoor activity in which you
contrast positive VS negative aspects of it.


• Positive: It is positive for people who use it because anyone who started using tobacco
can become addicted to nicotine

 Negative:

Gum problems, tooth wear and cavities. Worsening of

high blood pressure and angina.

Damages the ozone layer.

Odor cannot be tolerated.

Increased risk of cancer of the mouth, tongue, esophagus,

and pancreas.

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