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Alfredo Silvertor, Andi Novita Mama Anugrah, Chrismenjdo Frento Jonas Aponno, Faizal Triatmoko, Konita Nafista,
Muhammad Cakrawala Persada, Pandu Bagas Amartya, Rahma Fauziah, Rifqi Syafiq Aqil, Vernan M. Rigzy.
Copyrights 2021, Petrotrin, SKK Migas

This paper was made to fulfill one of the tasks of the Laboratory of Formations Evaluations at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Formation evaluation is one of the important aspects in conducting oil and gas exploration and exploitation
activities. It takes big effort to determine any parameters to make the production rate run optimally on the
estimated depth. Therefore, logging method is one of the important thing to be used to measured, determined,
and obtained geological data on the Field. RRQ as the specific field located at North-West Java Basin, Indonesia.
This field successfully drill Wildcat well namely ARJUNA-1 and estimated (2514 mMD) with lithological
interpretation from limestone, shalestone, sandstone, and volcanic area. The subsurface data with logging already
being collected by the contractor for a better interpretation from company, QA/QC data, and also offset well
analysis that supported with mud log data for the oil show in several depth during drilling operation. According
to the data, there are four layer on this field, which are Oura Layer (904-1310 m), Donkey Layer (1311-1405 m),
Xinn Layer (1405-1895 m), and Lemon Layer (1896-2083 m). Based on the parameters, cut off values, and log
interpretation, provided, it is necessary to determine the value of petrophysical parameters (Vsh, porosity,
saturation, and/or permeability), the method that being used, and OOIP & OGIP estimation from the field.
On the exploration and exploitations of oil and gas, analysis of petrophysics and lithology properties from the
formations is very important. It takes big effort to determine any parameters to make the production rate run
optimally and the estimated depth contains good oil content and can be produced to surface. Logging method is
used to measured, determined, and obtained subsurface geological data by inserting certain type of a tool inside
the wellbore with the purpose to record and report the results the required subsurface data. The main purpose and
objective of formation evaluation is to determine the petrophysics properties, reservoir conditions, and potential
reserves of reservoir. To achieve the purpose, it is important to have a good knowledge towards how to interpret
chart log of the well, method being used, and giving the right analysis (both quantitative and qualitative).
Theory and Definitions
Formation Evaluation is a series of activities in collecting data related to reservoir characteristics. The purpose
of collection data related to the development of the field in the future.
Geological Review
The North West Java Basin or known as the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) is located in the northwest part
of Java Island and extends to the offshore of the Java Sea. This basin covers an area of approximately 40.000
km2, of which 25,000 km2 of which is located in the offshore area and the remaining 15.000 km 2 is located in the
onshore area.

Figure 2.1. North West Java Basin Location

(source: Indonesia Basin Summaries, 2006)

The sub-basins in the North West Java Basin are divided into the Ciputat Sub-Basin, the White Sand Sub-basin,
the Jatibarang Sub-Basin, and the Ardjuna Sub-Basin. The research area is part of the North West Java Basin,
which is more precisely in the central Ardjuna Sub Basin (Central Ardjuna) and located in the middle of the North
West Java Basin which is located approximately 90 km to the northeast of the city of Jakarta. The Ardjuna Sub
Basin is divided into three parts, including the northern part, the central part, and the southern part (Gresko et al,

Figure 2.2.–Location of Central Arjuna Sub-Basin

(source: Noble et al., 1997)

North West Java Basin Stratigraphy

According to Soejono Matodjojo, the North West Java Basin consists of successive layers of formation
from old to young, namely the Jatibarang Formation, Talangakar Formation, Baturaja Formation, Upper
Cibulakan Formation, Parigi Formation, and Cisubuh Formation. The Jatibarang Formation is found in the central
and eastern parts of the North West Java Basin and oil and gas can be found in the tuff fractures. The Talang

Akar Formation, unconformably deposited above the Jatibarang Formation, has a lithology that begins with
alternating sandstone and shale sediments and ends with limestone, shale, and sandstone. The Baturaja Formation,
deposited in harmony above the Talang Akar Formation, consists of limestone that regionally covers clastic rocks.
The Upper Cibulakan Formation, deposited in harmony above the Baturaja Formation, is generally an intersection
of claystone and sandstone. The Parigi Formation, deposited in harmony above the upper Cibulakan Formation,
is generally limestone. The Cisubuh Formation, deposited in harmony above the Parigi Formation, is generally
claystone interspersed with sandstone and calcareous shale.

Figure 2.3.–North West Java Basin Stratigraphy

(source: Pertamina, 1996)


Preparation and Case Analysis

Quantitative Chart Log Qualitative

Method Reading Method



Cut-off Eliminate


Calculation of


Description and Application of Equipment and Processes

Well Logging, also known as Borehole Logging, is a way to obtain detailed log records of geological
formations using measuring instruments inserted into the wellbore or borehole for formation evaluation and
identification of rock features below the surface. The purpose of well logging is formation evaluation, cement
quality analysis, correlation between wells, reservoir inspection and monitoring, area detection by pressure
analysis, reservoir mechanics, and reservoir mapping. Based on the source, log types are divided into 4, namely
electrical, radioactive, acoustic, and mechanical. Meanwhile, based on its function, there are 3 types of logs,
namely Lithology Tools, Porosity Tools, and Resistivity Tools. In interpreting, one must understand the nature
of the curve of each log and the conditions that affect it.
Lithology Tools is a log that serves to distinguish permeable rock lithology from impermeable rock and
divided into 3 types, which are Caliper log, Gamma Ray log (GR log), and Spontaneous Potential log (SP log).
The caliper log has a working principle on this log which is to measure changes in the diameter of a borehole
using a spring that can expand flexibly inside borehole and useful for determining rock lithology, calculating the
volume of cement required, or for estimating the thickness of the mud cake needed, and works optimally in open
hole. Gamma Ray log (GR log) is a passive measure of natural radiation emitted by rocks and serves to control
depth, determine layer boundaries, and distinguish rock types and determine the value of Vsh with the working
principle being influenced by borehole diameter, logging speed, and averaging time. Works optimally on open
hole and cased hole. Shale formations have high radioactivity and can be used for lithological determination.
Spontaneous Potential log (SP log) has 2 electrodes in the borehole and embedded in the borehole surface. SP
log only reacts on permeable layers, so its function is to distinguish layer boundaries and be an indicator of
permeable and impermeable layers. Works optimally on water based mud, because water has high conductivity.
The reading of the curve deflection towards the negative indicates the permeable layer, while the deflection curve
towards the positive indicates the impermeable layer.
Porosity Tools is a log to determine the porosity of rocks and divided into 3 types, which are Density logs,
Neutron logs, and Sonic logs. Density log is used to determine the porosity of the rock. Density log will shoot
gamma rays, then collide with the reflected electrons again and the receiver captures energy in the form of
returning electrons. Working optimum in the unconsolidated sand formation. Neutron log works to measure the
porosity of the rock with the working principle of high-energy neutrons being fired and will hit and react with
hydrogen in the fluid. When combined with a density log, it can detect the presence of gas in the formation. Sonic
log is a log to measuring rock porosity with the working principle of measuring the slowdown of acoustic wave
propagation or measuring transit time intervals and will be received by 2 receivers installed in different places
with a distance of one foot. Sonic logs were used for fracture and permeability evaluation. The denser a rock or
fluid is, the faster the acoustic waves emitted will return.
Resistivity Tools used to measure the resistivity/electrical resistance of the formation by dropping two or
three electrodes into the borehole. The types of resistivity tools are Normal log, Lateral log, Induction log, and
Micro log. The normal log and lateral log are often referred to as the conventional resistivity log. Measurement
of the electrical resistance of conventional resistivity log rocks requires conductive drilling mud to conduct
electric currents such as water-based mud. Normal log works through a certain electrode (A) which penetrates
into the formation to determine the formation resistivity value assuming the medium surrounding the electrode is
homogeneous with rock resistance R ohm-m. Working optimum by using conductive mud used and in open holes.
Lateral log has three electrodes to detect formation resistance that is not invaded by drill mud (Rt). A constant
electric current is passed through the electrode (A), while the potential difference between the electrodes (M) and
(N) is placed on the surface to get the resistance value. Induction log is a special tools created with working
principle sending high-frequency alternating current with constant intensity produces an electromagnetic field
that creates an induced current in the formation. Working optimum on shady shale with Rt < 100 ohm-m, and
Rxo>Rt. Micro log is a tools designed to obtain formation resistance values in the flushed zone (Rxo) area and
as an indicator to determine a permeable layer characterized by mud cake, a pad that expands or contracts and
sits against the borehole wall, and water based mud.

Presentation of Data and Results

Data Marker
 Oura Layer : 904 – 1310 m
 Donkey Layer : 1311 – 1405 m
 Xinn Layer : 1405 – 1895 m
 Lemon Layer : 1896 – 2083 m
Petrophysics Parameter
 Matrix : Sandstone and Limestone
 a : 1 (sandstone), 0,8 (Limestone)
 m : 1,633
 n : 1,875
 Rw :
- Oura Layer : 0,5875 ohmm
- Donkey Layer : 0,5425 ohmm
- Xinn Layer : 0,353 ohmm
- Lemon Layer : 0,535 ohmm
 Boi : 0,864 STB/bbl
 Area : A0 = 1110 acre
A1 = 835 acre
A2 = 740 acre
A3 = 710 acre
A4 = 532 acre
A5 = 442 acre
A6 = 154 acre
A7 = 52 acre
Data Processing
Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative analysis is an analysis by reading the chart log given that contain data about the well, starts from
interpret the lithology tool to make sure where is the layer that porous permeable. The next step is to interpret the
resistivity tool to see if the layer contains water or hydrocarbons. The interpretation can be done by searching for
the cross over zone to show the porous zone and type of fluid through the neutron log. But, in this case, since the
chart log seems have an error on the scale, so the interpretation can’t done by searching for cross over to ease the
analysis, and it needs to be interpret directly on neutron and density log.

Quantitative Analysis
a. Calculation of Vshale (as an example; on Arjuna Well, depth 1321 m).
1. Determine the depth of a layer to be analyzed, which is
2. GRmax = 183,333
3. GRmin = 66,667
4. GRread = 83,333
5. Calculate clay volume with equation below:
GR read  GR min
Vclay =
GR max  GR min
83,333  66,667
183,333  66,667
Vclay = 0,143
b. Calculation of Neutron Porosity (as an example; on Arjuna Well, depth 1321 m).
1. Calculation of neutron porosity clay (ØNclay)
ØNclay = (1,02 x  Nlog) + 0,00425

= (1,02 x 0,454) + 0,00425

= 0,427
2. Calculation of neutron porosity correction (ØNcorr)
ØNcorr =  N - (Vclayx Nclay)
=  N - (0,143 x 0,427)
= 0,444
c. Calculation of Density Porosity (as an example; on Arjuna Well, depth 1321 m).
1. Calculation of ØFDL
  b
ØFDL = ma
 ma   f
2,81  2,35
2,81  1
= 0,254
2. Calculation of ØFDclay
 ma   clay
ØFDclay =
 ma   f
2,81  2,394
2,81  1
= 0,229
3. Calculation of ØFDLcorr
ØFDLcorr = ØFDL – (Vclay × ØFDclay)
= 0,254 – (0,143 x 0,229)
= 0,221
d. Calculation of Effective Porosity (Ø*) (as an example; on Arjuna Well, depth 1321 m).
2N corr  7FDLcorr
Ø* =
2(0,444)  7(0,221)
= 0,233
e. Calculation of Water Saturation (as an example; on Arjuna Well, depth 1321 m).
Sw =
  Vclay 
 1-  
 Vclay  2   *c 
Rt   
 Rclay a  Rw 
 
= 0,0107
f. Determine the Cut-Off Parameter

g. Determine Prospect Zone on every layer

1. Oura Layer; Vbulk = 261.775,719 acre-ft, average porosity* = 17,93%, and Sw = 0,31 %
7758 x  x Vb x (1-Sw)
N =
= 290.536.113,52 STB
2. Donkey Layer; Vbulk = 19.947,309 acre-ft, average porosity* = 18% , and Sw = 0,442%
7758 x  x Vb x (1-Sw)
N =
= 58.628.662 STB
3. Xinn Layer; Vbulk = 79.789,239 acre-ft, average porosity* = 33%, Sw = 0,583%
7758 x  x Vb x (1-Sw)
N =
= 322.476.317,6370 STB
4. Lemon Layer; Vbulk = 23.936,771 acre-ft, average porosity* = 57%, Sw = 0,183%
7758 x  x Vb x (1-Sw)
N =
= 329.683.405,792 STB

To obtain accurate measurement data results, it is necessary to combine the right logs with a minimum
amount, so the selection of various types of logs is very important. Through a combination of logs, petrophysical
parameters such as k, Rw, and Sw can be obtained as well as the type of rock lithology by interpreting the log
data so that accurate information is obtained regarding the prospect zone in the reservoir and the extent of the
distribution of hydrocarbons. Generally, a combination of logs consists of three logs, which are lithology logs,
porosity logs, and resistivity logs.
In conducting an analysis of the prospect zone, it is necessary to have good qualitative and quantitative
analysis, including log readings and calculations as has been done in the previous section. The analysis carried
out on each layer has a different depth, with the aim of determining the layer/zone of prospects containing
hydrocarbons. In petrophysical analysis of reservoir rock, the cut off Vshale value is 0,37, cut off porosity is
0,078, and cut off Sw is 0,65.
Based on the results of calculations and analysis obtained 15 depth prospects of the Oura layer, Donkey
layer, Xinn layer, and Lemon layer. In the Oura layer, there are two prospect depths, at 1080 m and 1224 m. In
the Donkey layer, there are four prospect depths, at 1317 m, 1320 m, 1321 m, 1332 m, and 1394 m. In the Xinn
layer, there are two prospect depths, namely a depth of 1485 m and 1565 m. In the Lemon layer, there are six
prospect depths, namely 1931 m, 1932 m, 1986 m, 2020 m, 2046 m, and 2070 m.

There are some conclusions obtained as the results of data analysis:
1. Based on the results of data processing it can be indicated that 20 prospect zones in the Arjuna’s well with
 Oura layer has 4 prospect depths per 0,1 m.
 Donkey layer has 4 prospect depths per 0,1 m.
 Xinn layer has 4 prospect depths per 0,1 m.
 Lemon layer has 4 prospect depths per 0,1 m.
2. Determination of OOIP is based on cut off data and layer thickness where the cut off value for shale
volume on each layer is 37, the cut off value for porosity on each layer is 7,8%. while the cut-off value of
water saturation on each layer is is 65%.
3. The total OOIP reserves of Joyoboyo Wells 1 and 2 are 17417952.51 STB; with details:

 OOIP in the Oura layer is 290.536.113,52 STB

 OOIP in the Donkey layer is 17.870.016 TB
 OOIP in the Xinn layer is 98.290.781,6158 STB
 OOIP in the Lemon layer is 100.487.502,085 STB

As the author of this paper, would like to express our sincere gratitude to the practical assistance of Formation
Evaluation for the guidance and encouragement in carrying out this project work. This paper is one of the
requirements for final assessment. The publication of this paper is a result of collaboration with Formation
Evaluation Study, Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN “Veteran”

Vsh Volume of shale, %
GR Gamma Ray log, API
GR log Gamma ray formation reading, API
GRmax Maximum gamma ray, API
GRmin Minimum gamma ray, API
SP Sponteneous Potential log, mV
CAL Caliper log, in
Ø Porosity, %
ØN Neutron log index, %
Sw Water saturation, %
a Turtuosity factor
pb Bulk density, g/cm3Vsh
pf Fluid density, g/cm3
pma Matrix density, g/cm3
OOIP Original Oin in Place, STB
OGIP Original Gas in Palce, SCF

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formasi talangakar, di lapangan ‘NA’ sub-cekungan ardjuna tengah. Petroleum Eng., Trisakti University.
Prabowo, Gerry. 2019. Analisa petrofisika pada lapisan batupasir low resistivity di lapangan “GRY”
Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara anggota formasi Cibulakan atas. Petroleum Eng., Trisakti University.
Ghifarry, Mochammad Fahmi, Ildrem Syafri, Febriwan Mohamad, Mualimin. 2017. Fasies dan
lingkungan pengendapan formasi Talangakar, Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara. Geological Eng,, Padjajaran
Schlumberger. 1998. Log Interpretation Principles/Application. Schlumberger Wireline & Testing.
Sugarland, Texas, USA.

Layer Depth GR MAX GR MIN Reading) GR Read Vclay
1080 197,2222222 58,88888889 1,06 58,88888889 0
Oura 1224 197,2222222 58,88888889 1,37 76,11111111 0,124497992
1317 183,3333333 66,66666667 1,8 100 0,2857142857
1320 183,3333333 66,66666667 1,6 88,88888889 0,1904761905
1321 183,3333333 66,66666667 1,5 83,33333333 0,1428571429
1332 183,3333333 66,66666667 1,5 83,33333333 0,1428571429
1394 183,3333333 66,66666667 1,6 88,88888889 0,1904761905
Xinn 1485 156,6666667 38,88888889 1,7 94,44444444 0,3636363636
1565 156,6666667 38,88888889 1,66 92,22222222 0,3409090909
1931 183,3333333 33,33333333 1,3 72,22222222 0,3939393939
1932 183,3333333 33,33333333 0,72 40 0,2181818182
1986 183,3333333 33,33333333 1,17 65 0,3545454545
2020 183,3333333 33,33333333 1,14 63,33333333 0,2
2046 183,3333333 33,33333333 1,54 85,55555556 0,3481481481
2070 183,3333333 33,33333333 1,34 74,44444444 0,2740740741

Reading N (cm) N log ɸN clay ØN ɸNcorr
2,65 0,3211111111 0,6055555556 0,3700333333 0,3700333333
3,5 0,4722222222 0,6055555556 0,5241666667 0,448776216
2,4 0,2766666667 0,4277777778 0,3247 0,2024777778
3,25 0,4277777778 0,4277777778 0,4788333333 0,3973518519
3,4 0,4544444444 0,4277777778 0,5060333333 0,4449222222
2,7 0,33 0,4277777778 0,3791 0,3179888889
2,6 0,3122222222 0,3609666667 0,3609666667 0,2922111111
3,51 0,6409859155 0,3228888889 0,6963056338 0,5788914924
3,5 0,6387323944 0,3228888889 0,6940070423 0,5839312847
2,8 0,4732394366 0,5646666667 0,5252042254 0,3027597809
2,01 0,3397183099 0,5646666667 0,3890126761 0,2658126761
1,9 0,3211267606 0,5646666667 0,3700492958 0,1698492958

Pembacaan ρ (cm) ρb ØFD ØFDclay ØFDLcorr
1,9 2,372222222 0,1683501684 0,2855218855 0,1683501684
2,45 2,494444444 0,09427609428 0,2855218855 0,05872919287
1,9 2,372222222 0,2418661756 0,5701953657 0,07895321393
1,9 2,372222222 0,2418661756 0,5701953657 0,1332575345
1,8 2,35 0,2541436464 0,5701953657 0,1726871656
1,7 2,327777778 0,2664211172 0,5701953657 0,1849646364
2,1 2,416666667 0,2173112339 0,5701953657 0,1087025928
3 3 0,0202020202 0,4821548822 0,1551270279

1,7 1,7 0,1952861953 -0,4821548822 0,3596571778

1,92 2,376666667 0,2237136465 0,5100671141 0,02277811674
1,6 2,305555556 0,2714392245 0,5100671141 0,1601518541
3,4 2,705555556 0,00298284862 0,5100671141 0,1778591282
2,2 2,438888889 0,1819537658 0,5100671141 0,07994034303
3,2 2,661111111 0,03281133482 0,5100671141 0,1447675864
0 1,95 0,5100671141 0,5100671141 0,3702709421

Rt Sw k (Willie Rose I) Cut Off Vsh Cut Off ɸ Cut Off Sw

2,1 0,01678373196 33843,70737 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
19 0,6043734445 4,666742961 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
12 0,5049166053 1,640043133 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
8 0,6087005369 16,05054861 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
3,9 0,01073398814 123914,1331 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
12 0,5275865138 35,24264729 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
12 0,5628416618 6,093699326 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
5,87 0,6343637369 47,92358771 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
2 0,5326389621 634,2449174 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
1,9 0,6285927884 5,805817978 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
1,4 0,559151631 94,92232812 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
4 0,6211035413 10,45581425 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
0,2 0,6001935259 5,436439029 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
10 0,593792742 8,886249495 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK
0,012 0,4307672955 403,3961425 PROSPEK PROSPEK PROSPEK

Oura Layer
Porosity (Ø) = 17,93%
Sw = 0,31058
Boi = 0,864
h = 20 m
= 65,6167979 Ft
Volume Bulk
Luas Area Ketebalan OOIP
Area Produksi Perbandingan Persamaan (Vb)
(Acre) (ft) (Acre-ft) STB
A0 1100 65,6168 0,75909 Trapezoidal 63.484,25197 70.459.048
A1 835 65,6168 0,88623 Trapezoidal 51.673,22835 57.350.388
A2 740 65,6168 0,95946 Trapezoidal 47.572,17848 52.798.769
A3 710 65,6168 0,74930 Trapezoidal 40.748,03150 45.224.877
A4 532 65,6168 0,83083 Trapezoidal 31.955,38058 35.466.208
A5 442 65,6168 0,34842 Pyramidal 18.742,31075 20.801.464
A6 154 65,6168 0,33766 Pyramidal 6.462,97964 7.173.045
A7 52 65,6168 0,00000 Pyramidal 1.137,35783 1.262.315

Total 4565 261.775,7191 290.536.113,52


Donkey Layer
Porosity (Ø) = 18%
Sw = 0,442956
Boi = 0,864
h =5m
= 16,40419948 Ft
Volume Bulk
Luas Area Ketebalan OOIP
Area Produksi Perbandingan Persamaan (Vb)
(Acre) (ft) (Acre-ft) STB

A0 1100 16,40420 0,75909 Trapezoidal 15.871,06299 14.218.266

A1 835 16,40420 0,88623 Trapezoidal 12.918,30709 11.573.007
A2 740 16,40420 0,95946 Trapezoidal 11.893,04462 10.654.514
A3 710 16,40420 0,74930 Trapezoidal 10.187,00787 9.126.143
A4 532 16,40420 0,83083 Trapezoidal 7.988,84514 7.156.894
A5 442 16,40420 0,34842 Pyramidal 4.685,57769 4.197.626
A6 154 16,40420 0,33766 Pyramidal 1.615,74491 1.447.483
A7 52 16,40420 0,00000 Pyramidal 284,33946 254.729

Total 4565 65.443,92977 58.628.662

Xinn Layer
Porosity (Ø) = 33%
Sw = 0,58350
Boi = 0,864
h = 20 m
= 65,6167979 Ft
Luas Area Ketebalan Volume Bulk (Vb) OOIP
Area Produksi Perbandingan Persamaan
(Acre) (ft) (Acre-ft) STB
A0 1100 65,61680 0,7591 Trapezoidal 63.484,25197 78.204.991
A1 835 65,61680 0,8862 Trapezoidal 51.673,22835 63.655.225
A2 740 65,61680 0,9595 Trapezoidal 47.572,17848 58.603.223
A3 710 65,61680 0,7493 Trapezoidal 40.748,03150 50.196.692
A4 532 65,61680 0,8308 Trapezoidal 31.955,38058 39.365.200
A5 442 65,61680 0,3484 Pyramidal 18.742,31075 23.088.281
A6 154 65,61680 0,3377 Pyramidal 6.462,97964 7.961.616
A7 52 65,61680 0,0000 Pyramidal 1.137,35783 1.401.089

Total 4565 261.775,7191 322.476.317,6370


Lemon Layer
Porosity (Ø) = 57%
Sw = 0,18302
Boi = 0,864
h =6m
= 19,68503937 ft
Luas Area Ketebalan Volume Bulk (Vb) OOIP
Area Produksi Perbandingan Persamaan
(Acre) (ft) (Acre-ft) STB
A0 1100 19,68504 0,75909 Trapezoidal 19.045,27559 79.952.810,27462
A1 835 19,68504 0,88623 Trapezoidal 15.501,96850 65.077.868,82818
A2 740 19,68504 0,95946 Trapezoidal 14.271,65354 59.912.958,60372
A3 710 19,68504 0,74930 Trapezoidal 12.224,40945 51.318.547,99022
A4 532 19,68504 0,83083 Trapezoidal 9.586,61417 40.244.980,46898
A5 442 19,68504 0,34842 Pyramidal 5.622,69323 23.604.285,61988
A6 154 19,68504 0,33766 Pyramidal 1.938,89389 8.139.552,23846
A7 52 19,68504 0,00000 Pyramidal 341,20735 1.432.401,76892

Total 4565 78.532,715728 329.683.405,792985



North West Java Basin Location

Location of Central Arjuna Sub-Basin

Stratigraphic Column of “RRQ” Field


Hydrocarbon Play of “RRQ” Field

Well Trajectory

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