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Done: Tolegen Arlan

109 A group Checked
: Gulshat .N.
To be healthy means to live in the joy of Knowing
your body
Body hygiene
Oral hygiene
Food hygiene Occupational and recreational
Prevention of infectious diseases Bad habits
Nutrition and health
What is health?

Health is a state of
complete physical,
mental and social well-
Physical health is the
state of organs and
organ systems, vital
functions of the body.
Mental health is a state
of mind characterized
by general mental
Social health is a system
of motives and values
that regulate behavior.
Healthy lifestyle

 A healthy lifestyle is: 1) a

person's worldview, which
consists of knowledge
about health; 2) an
individual system of human
behavior aimed at
preserving and
strengthening health; 3) a
system of human life, in
which the main component
is quitting smoking, alcohol
and dietary nutrition.
Body hygiene

 Body hygiene is a harmonious interaction, preservation and improvement

of all systems of our body.

 "The more creative forces

you spend, the more
strength you will gain." Sports
clubs and clubs for
improving your body. Yoga
classes, sports or
Oral hygiene Hygiene products: toothbrushes; toothpastes; liquid oral
hygiene products; floss; toothpicks; chewing gum; irrigators, brushes;
Food hygiene

 Food hygiene studies the problems of

full-fledged food and rational nutrition
of a healthy person. One should
beware of gastrointestinal disorders and
diseases. You can not bite your nails,
eat with dirty hands, you can not drink
dirty water, eat substandard and
unprocessed foods. To protect yourself
from these diseases, it is necessary to: -
protect food and water from insects,
keep the house clean; - wash any fruit; -
do not store food for a long time before
cooking; - sterilize kitchen items,
preferably in boiled water; - monitor the
timely disposal of waste and waste.
When vomiting, do not eat heavy food.
Drink in small portions, at regular
intervals. Do not salt your food too
Food hygiene

 Nutrition and health The health

of schoolchildren can be
strengthened not only by
correctly dosing educational
loads, by connecting sports,
but also with the help of
properly organized meals in the
school cafeteria. Diseases of
the digestive system in the
structure of the overall
morbidity of children are in
second place (after respiratory
diseases). The school menu
should meet the needs of the
child's body both in
composition (balance of
proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
vitamins and trace elements)
and in energy saturation.

 Remember! Nine-tenths of
our happiness depends on
health. Take care of your

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