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Discuss briefly the five considerations in critical period hypothesis. State the main focus
in each consideration. Use a table to present your discussion. (10 points each)

Our brain is plays a very important role in

Neurological Considerations developing and acquiring second
language. It helps us to process all the
learnings that encompasses of our left and
right hemisphere of the brain. The
neurological consideration shows us how
brain works in acquiring the second
language. The right hemisphere of the
brain controls the functions related to the
emotions, and the social needs, while the
left hemisphere of the brain controls the
functions of the intellectual, logical and
analytical, also the left hemisphere of the
brain where the language function appear.

In the psychomotor considerations

language is not all about how we say it but
Psychomotor Considerations is all about how we utter or pronounce it
properly. It focuses on the accent on how
we pronounce the word correctly. It is an
important thing that we know how to
pronounce it correctly to avoid
misunderstanding and confusions. But
some of the individuals are having a hard
time or having difficulties in uttering words
with correct pronunciation it is because
there are hundreds of muscles that is been
used in the articulation of human speech.

This is the crucial stage where there is a

change and the developmental of learning
Cognitive Considerations the second language occur. The crucial
stage is from concrete operational stage to
formal operational stage. The changes
here is critical and difficult to detect.
According to Jean Piaget outline of
puberty, puberty plays a big role in this
stage because a person becomes capable
of abstraction of formal thinking that
transcends to have a concrete experience
and direct perception.

All human beings has emotions because

we all know that it is our nature a person. It
Affective Considerations focuses on the on the heart of all and it
means of having emotions. The
happenings in their surroundings affects
their feelings specifically their self-esteem,
inhibition, empathy, attitudes and anxiety.
And any affective factors may lead them to
acquire and found it relevant in learning
second language.

In acquiring a second language it is easy

to use a similar strategies in learning first
Linguistic Considerations language or the primary language of a
child. Using similar strategies in acquiring
and learning second language is very
helpful to them because they are used to
do this kind of strategies. This will help
them to learning second language easily
and convenient for them.

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