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Getting Started 
For this method you will need: 
- An Instagram account 
- A brain 
- A smartphone/computer 
“Proxy selling” is when you partner up with someone and sell his 
product/service. Today I’ll show you my personal method for proxy selling. 
Go to Instagram and search for popular pages like meme pages, they will 
usually have their contact information in their bio.

As you can see, this meme page uses KIK for shoutouts and ads. Make sure to 
contact them and offer them your proxy selling services. Most pages will 
accept your offer since they got nothing to lose.  



An example for a conversation with an Instagram page: 

Remember to be nice and professional.   



Getting Customers 
Now all you need to do is to get customers who may be interested in your 
shoutouts service. Ask the page for his pricing and take $10~$20 more, that 
way you will earn money for every sale. Join Facebook groups and post on 
several forums that are related to social media & business. Make sure to tell 
your customers the necessary details like the amount of followers the page 
has, the niche etc. I recommend sending your customer the page link after 
they sent you a message, ​do not​ post the page name in the original post. 
Remember, the only people that might be interested in this are people who 
are interested in advertising their product, business etc. Recommended 
​ acebook groups:​ Join groups that are related to businesses, startups, 
Shopify, e-commerce etc. There are a bunch of groups out there and bunch 
of people that will give you their money. 
​ orums:​ You can post this in the social media section on HF or on any other 
forum, I recommend posting on forums that are related to social media (such 
as OGUsers). 
​ our choice here:​ Be creative! The more creative you are, the more money 
you’ll make. Offer shoutouts to local businesses from your country or maybe 
people you know, ​possibilities are endless​. 



What are you waiting for? 
Take action! 


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