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My Assignments Take Test: BBCH102D-Organization Behavior-Jan 21-Assignment2

Take Test: BBCH102D-Organization Behavior-Jan 21-


Test Information

Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES

Organization Behavior
Assignment 2

Total Questions: 56
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring
candidates to Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives against the related question
number. The questions would carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of the
question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

e The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each
question, the total number of questions would be around 56.
e There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
e Incase candidate does not want to attempt the question he | she should not mouse-
click any option.
e The students are allowed to save the responses and come back later to resume,
complete and "Save and Submit" the assignment. However, if the Due Date has
expired, then the assignment will not be accessible and will be marked as zero. In
such cases, the student can re-attempt the assignment allocated after enrolling in the
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e The students are normally allowed 3 chances to attempt and submit the assignment.
The number of attempts availed is displayed under the "Test Information".
¢ The Highest Grade of the 3 attempts shall be considered for grading.
*« The assignments are auto evaluated, and hence no chance of re-evaluation/re-
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QUESTION 1 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

structures are sometimes referred to as self-contained structures
because the major functions are generally contained within each division.
© 1. Hybrid
O 2. Matrix
© 3. Functional
@ 4. Divisional

QUESTION 2 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

Socialization is the process that adapts to the organization’s culture.
Organization wants to help new employees adapt to its culture
© 1. Employer
@ 2.Employee
© 3. Manager
© 4. Worker

QUESTION 3 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

In which stage of the socialization process, the new employee sees what the
organization is really like and confronts the possibility that expectations and
reality may diverge. If expectations prove to have been more or less accurate,
the encounter stage merely provides a reaffirmation of the perceptions gained
during the pre-arrival stage. Those employees who fail to learn the essential or
pivotal role behaviours risk being labelled as “rebels” and face the risk of
expulsion. This further contributes to sustaining the culture.
© 1.Metamorphosis
@ 2. Encounter
O 3. Pre-arrival
© 4. None of the above

QUESTION 4 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

In group decisin making confirmity refer to :
© 1. Risky shift
@ 2. these norms become standards of conduct accepted by participants in a
small group. A group tries to enforce these norms ruthlessly and norm 2/13
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© 3. The average risk-taking score tends to be higher in groups. There is

considerable evidence to show that in some situations, groups make
riskier decisions than individuals.
© 4.A group has more information than an individual. Because many
individuals are involved, more data and information can be brought to bear
on the decision. The group provides specialised inputs in defining
variables and suggests alternatives that the manager acting alone, would
be unlikely to come up with.

QUESTION 5 2points { Saved

Select the most appropriate option
The Traditional concept of the organising process is and emphasizes the
work to be performed by individuals, who are part of the organisation.
@ 1. task-oriented
© 2. Work oriented
O 3.time oriented
© 4. management oriented

QUESTION 6 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

Fill in the same word in both blanks is the obligation of a subordinate
to perform the duty as required by the superior. There should be parity between
authority and :
O 1. Time
@ 2. Responsibility
© 3. Authority
© 4. Authenticity

QUESTION 7 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

means melting resistance to change; the people who will be affected
by the change come to accept the need for it.
@ 1.Unfreezing
© 2. Freezing
O 3. Moving
© 4. Changing

QUESTION 8 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

divisions are divisions set up to service particular types of clients or
@ 1. Customer
© 2. Seller
© 3.Wholeseller
© 4. Buyer

QUESTION 9 2 points Saved 3/13
3/29/2021 Take Test: BBCH102D-Organization Behavior-Jan 21-Assignment2 &...

Question Completion Status:

In a divisional structure, each product department has its own functional
specialists, in areas such as marketing, manufacturing and , who perform
work associated with the product or products of their specific division only.
© 1. Production
@ 2. personnel
© 3.Sales
© 4. Selling

QUESTION 10 2 points Saved

Choose the right option- The question may have more than one answer
Intergroup conflicts are exceedingly common over:
1. Authority
C) 2. Power
3. Jurisdiction and resources
C) 4. Responsibility

QUESTION 11 2 points

State whether the given statement is true or false

Cross-cultural communication problem will also occurs because of difference in
cultures of different countries and this is due when people from more than one
culture communicate with each other.
@ 1. true
O 2. false

QUESTION 12 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

The sender the idea by selecting symbols with which he can compose
a message. It is the use of suitable verbal or non-verbal symbols for sending the
message. Managers usually rely on words, gestures and other symbols for
@ 1.Incoding
O 2. Decodes
O 3.Coding
© 4. Inceding

QUESTION 13 2 points

Select the most appropriate option

In encounter stage of the socialization process, the new employee sees what the
is really like and confronts the possibility that expectations and reality may
© 1. Socialization
© 2. Metamorphosis
@ 3. Organization
O 4. None of the above

QUESTION 14 2 points 4/13
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Question Completion Status:

with those at the middle and lower levels in order to achieve organizational
© 1. Formal
@ 2. Vertical
O 3. Downward
© 4. Upward

QUESTION 15 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Fayol felt that in certain special circumstances, the chain could be avoided. To
facilitate speed and efficiency in administrative matters, communication through
the formal chain (circuitous route) can be avoided and lateral communication
permitted.Name the principle.
© 1. Unity of command
© 2. Departmentation
O 3. Unity of labour
@ 4. Gangplank


Select the most appropriate option

Culture involves the learning and transmitting of , beliefs and patterns
of behaviour over a period of time. Culture can be inferred from what people say,
do, and think within an organizational setting.
@ 1.Knowledge
© 2. Skills
O 3. Information
© 4. Competancy


Select the most appropriate option

is a liability because culture is entirety the learned behaviour of a
group of people that are usually considered to be the custom or tradition of that
people and are transmitted from generation to generation. Organization is liable
for individual worker’s culture most of the time. Organization life personally,
worker’s are also being a great valuable item and for our society as a whole.
© 1. Climate
@ 2. Culture
O 3.Cash
© 4. Organization

QUESTION 18 4 points
Choose the right option- The question may have more than one answer
The wellsprings of conflict in an organisation are many. But mainly three kinds of
internal strains can be identified:
1. The horizontal strain, the competition between different functional
2. Vertical strain, the competition between various levels in the hierarchy for
power, privilege or reward
mao i: dl ntnte flint 5/13
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Question Completion Status:


Select the most appropriate option

In Political Behaviour Lack of Trust refer to :
© 1.People often grab attention and get rewarded too. Unable to control such
politically active people, top management may offer carrots temporarily.
@ 2. The organisational climate is marked by mistrust and suspicion, people
tend to rush ahead of the pack. They feel that honesty does not pay and
sincerity will not work.
© 3. The lag is so long that by the time an individual's actions are compared
with outcomes, he is likely to move to different positions in the
© 4.member at the receiving end

QUESTION 20 4 points

Select the most appropriate option

Substitutability means :
© 1. The organization members who can provide needed information have
power because they can reduce uncertainty for others
@ 2. Central groups are those that have many connections with other groups
and a large effect on work flow.
O 3. The fear of being ultimately responsible compels many managers to
indulge in under-delegation
O 4.He can obtain information, use resources and put people on various tasks
and get results by using authority within the limits laid down by the

QUESTION 21 1 points

Choose the right option- The question may have more than one answer
Examples of economic shocks:
1. Interest rate fluctuations
2. Security market crashes
(C 3. TQM programs
C 4. More cultural diversity

QUESTION 22 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

When departmentalization groups employees according to the organization’s
functions, it is called departmentalization
@ 1. Functional
O 2. Matrix
O 3. Divisional
© 4. Hybrid

QUESTION 23 1 points
Select the most appropriate option 6/13
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© 2. Symbols
@ 3. Behaviour
O 4. Systems


Select the most appropriate option

Management is the ------- of getting things done through other people.
O 1.Science
@ 2. Art
O 3. Production
© 4. Consumption


Fit the best option

A command group consists of individuals with some special
interest or expertise in a specific area, regardless of their positions in the
organizational hierarchy

QUESTION 26 1 points aved

Select the most appropriate option

A of a leader provides greater satisfaction to the followers and so they
recognize him as a good leader.
O 1. Trait
© 2. Consideration
@ 3. Behavior
O 44. Initiating-structure

QUESTION 27 1 points

Fit the best option

Intelligence of a person is partly dependent on brain
structure and the genes shaping brain development.

QUESTION 28 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- is the ability of an individual to react and interact with others in general
or while performing a particular task
@ 1. Individual behaviour
© 2. Human behaviour
© 3. Cognitive behaviour
O 4. Cognitive Attitude

QUESTION 29 1 points Sea


Select the most appropriate option 7/13
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¥ Question Completion Status:

Power position in the organization”.
@ 1. Personal autonomy
© 2. Personal views
© 3. Personal authority
O 4. None of these

QUESTION 30 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Members interact, share information and help each other in order to realize the

QUESTION 31 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Managers are known by the work they do, the ------- they perform.
O 1.Work
@ 2. Functions
O 3. Activities
O 4. None of the above

QUESTION 32 1 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

Aleader is required to plan, organize, direct and control. But a manager is one
who gets others to follow him
O 1. true
@ 2. false

QUESTION 33 1 points

Select the most appropriate option
A-----—- may result when low status waitresses try to give orders to high status
@ 1. Conflict
O 2. Fight
© 3. Negotiation
© 4. Disagreement


Select the most appropriate option

A leader must have a higher level of than the average follower. A leader
should analyze the situation accurately and take decision accordingly
@ 1. Intelligence
© 2. Language
O 3.skills
© 4. competency 8/13
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Question Completion Status:

Select the most appropriate option

After a manager discerns his area's needs, ------- is required.
© 1. Planning
O 2. Organising
@ 3. Staffing
© 4. Directing

QUESTION 36 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- creates a relationship of dependency between the superior and the
@ 1. Delegation
© 2. Elegation
O 3. Regionalization
O 4. Authorization

QUESTION 37 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

Referent Power is also called as
@ 1. Charismatic
© 2. Legitimate
O 3. Expert
O 4. Coercive

QUESTION 38 1 points

Fit the best option

Stimuli which contrast with the surrounding environment are
more likely to be selected for attention than stimuli which blend with the


Select the most appropriate option

Pressures for. are created both inside and outside the organisation.
Organisations must forge ahead on these forces to survive
O 1. Climate
@ 2. Change
O 3. Culture
O 4. None of the above

QUESTION 40 1 points


Select the most appropriate option

People have difficulty in getting along with each other. This is purely a
psychological problem and it has nothing to do with their job requirements or
formal interactions is differences.
@ 1.Personality
CV.9 Individual 9/13
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QUESTION 41 1 points

State whether the given statement is true or false

Virtual teams bring sale effectiveness and speed to teamwork where members
are unable to meet easily face-to-face.
O 1.true
@ 2. false

QUESTION 42 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- is the dynamic organization within the individual of those
psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his
@ 1. Personality
O 2. Attitudes
© 3. Behaviour
O 4. Opinions

QUESTION 43 1 points

State whether the given statement is true or false

Secondary motivation are also known as Psycological motives.
© 1.true
@ 2. false

QUESTION 44 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

can be acquired and perfected by trial and error, formal education,
on the job experience
@ 1. Leadership skills
© 2. Knowledge
© 3. Motivating
© 4. Managing

QUESTION 45 1 points

Fit the best option

The culture largely determines attitudes towards
independence, aggression, competition, cooperation and a host of other human

QUESTION 46 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

Legitimate is similar to
© 1.Polices
mayan 10/13
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¥ Question Completion Status:


QUESTION 47 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

The of stress is not independent of the two factors just discussed.
@ 1. threshold
© 2. Perception
© 3. Motivational Level:
O 4. Inner Conflicts

QUESTION 48 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- group put together by an organisation to complete a particular task or
@ 1. Task
© 2. Work
© 3.Union
O 4.None of these

QUESTION 49 1 points

State whether the given statement is true or false

Problem-solving Teams also called autonomous work group
© 1.true
@ 2. false


State whether the given statement is true or false

Authority is an act of trust, an expression of confidence that the individual to
whom duties are assigned will discharge them in a manner which satisfies the
intention of the assignor.
O 1. true
@ 2. false

QUESTION 51 1 points

Select the most appropriate option

Tell any one of the communication function
© 1. Raising awareness
© 2. Facilitating learning
© 3. Sharing information
@ 4. All of above

QUESTION 52 1 points ; Wael


Select the most appropriate option

The ------- study's the dehaviour of people in relation of their fellow human beings 11/13
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Question Completion Status:

CJ 9 VHeinnouwy

@ 4. Sociology

QUESTION 53 5 points

Select the most appropriate option

A role is a role to which a specific individual is appointed to facilitate
communication and resolution of issues between two or more departments. A
liaison position is a job that builds communication through bargaining,
persuasion, and negotiation, which ensures direct and open communication
between two or more groups. This person has no authority to give orders, but he
or she may mediate inter-group conflicts. This mechanism tends to be the least
costly and least disruptive, but it is not always effective.
© 1.In-depth development of expertise.
© 2. Direct contract
@ 3. Lease
O 4. Lessee

QUESTION 54 5 points

Choose the right option- The question may have more than one answer
If leader wants to be successful which criteria may they used
() 1.A leader should have a thorough knowledge of, and competence in, the
principles, procedures and operations of a job. It involves specialized
knowledge, analytical skill and a facility in the use of the tools and
techniques of a specific discipline.
2. The leader must be perceived as the 'most of us':
3. The leader must be perceived as the ‘best of us':
4. The leader must fit the followers' expectations

QUESTION 55 5 points

Select the most appropriate option

Instead of looking for what makes people susceptible to the effects of stress,
some psychologists have focused on identifying and describing people who
resist illness when exposed to stressors. This view considers people’s appraisal
to stressors as well as the stressors themselves. People who have personality
hardiness resist strain reactions when subjected to stressful events more
effectively than do people who are not hardy
@ 1. Personality Hardiness
© 2. Negative Affectivity
O 3. Self-reliance
O 4. Life Events

QUESTION 56 5 points

Select the most appropriate option

According to this principle, any group of activities that have a common goal
should be managed, ultimately, by one person. The maxim ‘one head and one
plan, for a group of activities having the same objective’ appears to be a sound
one. According to Fayol, all activities with a common goal (for example, all the
activities performed in a plant having the objective of achieving a production
target of 1000 pieces per day) should ultimately report to one (plant) manager.
For other activities, like sales, finance etc. there should be one head, one 12/13
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© 2. Unity of command
O 3. Delegation
O 4. Departmentation

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