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Attending the 3-day International Webinar on Online Learning on the Use of Technology
and Its Application in Different Subject Areas made me realized that we have been using
technology even before distance learning. Most of us are relying heavily upon its features and
functions. We use them for education, household work, personal errands, entertainment, or for
business. Surely, technology is leaving us a positive impact and makes life easier. It has become
part of most curricula and learning plans. We also used it in making interactive presentations,
gamified lessons, and school forms. More educational institutions are using learning
management systems, digital materials, and online services to improve education.

Technology will only be effective if the teachers and learners are using it the right way. It
can improve the learning experience of the students and acquire the skills needed in real-life
situations. I also learned that there are many new tools or software that can be used in the class.
These modern programs allow online tests and quizzes, digital boards, multimedia content, and
the likes. One of the speakers discussed how to choose the right app to achieve learning goals.
There are plenty of apps to choose from, but it is a must to know that not all of them will suit the
needs of the learners. We must consider the pedagogy wheel. For example, we may use apps like
Padlet, Khan Academy, and Quiz Dojo at the onset of the lesson. This is to cover the
“Understanding” domain. For “applying,” we may utilize Google slides and Quiz Maker. For an
online class, Zoom, Google meet, and Facebook live comes in handy. Modular and asynchronous
sessions can also use Facebook, messenger, chat rooms, and emails.

On a personal note, I love that the speakers also incorporate technology and applications
during the session. I was amazed by the features and services these applications offer. There is
still more to explore and learn.

Unlike the traditional approach to education, technology promotes a student-centered

approach. The students can create new things, demonstrate new skills, and learn at their own
pace. Teachers will only serve as guides. Educational systems are a vital component of today’s
society. Technology has become a necessity for most of us and education.

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