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Principle of Self Confidence

When I was in my elementary days, I am a kid equipped with confidence. I joined quiz bee’s
because I am confident of my intelligence. I teach dancing to my classmates and lower year levels at an
early age because I am confident of my dancing skill. I join choir, dancing and muse competitions
because I am confident with myself up to high school and college. I think my parents is the one
thatboost my self-confidence because they believe in me, they believe of the things that I can do. I never
ever had a stage freight. I can face people with a smile and prove to them my capabilities. That’s why I
always succeed.

But we are not perfect. So am I. So, I disobey my parents when I was about to graduate. I am
ongoing 4th year student taking up Bachelor in Science in Nursing back then when I suddenly needed to
stop. I didn’t finish college and that’s when my insecurities began to appear. I lose self-confidence. I
become sad when it comes to my mind that I was being left behind by my peers. I am proud of my
partners achievement when he become a Registered Nurse then to becoming police officer but that’s
when I try to question myself. Am I just going to be a non-college graduate? No diploma? Am I just going
to be at home for the rest of my life? I also want my kids to be proud of me and of course I wanted my
parents to believe in me again.

That’s when the time that I talk to myself and convince us to study again. Yes, I talk to myself to
build again my self-confidence. It gives my life a redirection. Until now when I lose focus and self-esteem
I still to myself these:

When you feel sad, remember your kids smile;

that would brighten up your day.
When you feel tired, rest;
tomorrow is another day to keep going.
When you feel down, get up.
Someone needs you so be tough.
When it hurts, cry;
Crying doesn’t mean your weak.
You’ve surpassed many life’s obstacles; so now isn’t the time to give up.
When people mock you because they think that you are making the wrong choice;
learn the art of ignoring and stand up for what you think is right,
It’s your life after all.
When you lose faith, call God.
God loves you because He knows that you are a good person
You are beautiful.
You are worth it.
You are loved.
And always remember that we all have different timeline
So, stop comparing yourself with others.
Continue. Keep Going,
It is never late to be who you were meant to be.

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