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To prepare for problem solving, we practice writing algebraic expressions that can be simplified.

General Strategy for Problem Solving

1. UNDERSTAND the problem. During this step, become comfortable with the problem. Some ways of doing this are to:
Read and reread the problem.
Propose a solution and check.
Pay careful attention to how you check your proposed solution. This will help when writing an equation to model the problem.
Construct a drawing.
Choose a variable to represent the unknown. (Very important part)
2. TRANSLATE the problem into an equation.
3. SOLVE the equation.
4. INTERPRET the results: Check the proposed solution in the stated problem and state your conclusion.

CLASSIFICATION OF WORD PROBLEMS (in one or more variables, can be linear, quadratic or polynomial)

1. Digit and Numerical Problems

2. Age Problems
3. Clock Problems
4. Mixture Problems
5. Motion and Distance Problems
6. Rate and Work Problems
7. Investment Problems
8. Miscellaneous Problems (optional)

Note: Geometric Problems will be discussed on Solid Mensuration.


DIGIT PROBLEMS – involves individual digits in integers and how digits are related according to the question.
NUMBER OR NUMERICAL PROBLEMS- involves numbers that can be consecutive or related to each other.

1. Twice the larger of two numbers is three more than five times the smaller, and the sum of four times the larger and three times the smaller is 71.
What are the numbers?
2. The sum of the seven consecutive integers is 77. Find the smallest integer.

Alternate: (x -3) + (x-2 ) + (x-1) +x + (x – 1 ) +(x +2 ) + (x+3) = 77 . x = 11 . , x -3 =8.

3. The sum of two numbers is 27 and their product is 50. Find the numbers.

4. The tens digit of a number is twice the units digit. If the digits are reversed, the new number is 27 less than the original. Find the original number.

EXERCISES – Solve the following problems

1. When a two-digit number is divided by the product of the two digits, the quotient is 2. If 27 is added to the number, the original number turns into
a new number with the digits being swapped around. Find the number. Ans. 36
2. Only once, in 1991, were the winning and losing scores in the Super Bowl consecutive integers. The New York Giants beat the Buffalo Bills in a
nearly error-free game. If the sum of the scores was 39, determine the points scored by the losing team, the Bills, and the winning team, the Giants.
Ans. Giants 20 , Bllls 19
3. Find three consecutive even integers so the sum of the first three is 2 more than the twice the fourth. Ans. 8, 10 and 12
4. Twice the sum of a number and 3 is the same as five times the number, minus 1, minus four times the number. Find the number. Ans. 5
5. Divide 25 into two parts so that the sum of the reciprocals is 1/6. Ans. 10 and 15
6. The sum of the two numbers is 12 and the sum of their squares is 80. Find the numbers. Ans. 4 and 8
7. The sum of the digits of a three digit number is 21. If the digits are reversed , the new number is 198 greater than the original. The sum of the first
and third digits is one more than three times the second digit. Find the number. Ans. 759


Algebra age problems contain the problems based on present age or some year hence.


1. In January of the year 2000, I was one more than eleven times as old as my son Will. In January of 2009, I was seven more than three times as old
as him. How old was my son in January of 2000?
2. Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Anna was when Mary was as old as Anna is now. How old is Anna now?

3. Al's father is 45. He is 15 years older than twice Al's age. How old is Al?
2x+ 15 = 45 , x = 15 Ans.

EXERCISES – Solve the following problems

1. Two years ago, a man was six times as old as his daughter. In 18 years, he will be twice as old as his daughter. Determine the present ages.
Ans. Man – 32 and daughter – 7
2. Yasir is fifteen years elder than Mujtaba. Five years ago, Yasir was three times as old as Mujtaba. Then Yasir’s present age will be ___.
Ans. 29
3. Five years ago, John’s age was half of the age he will be in 8 years. How old is he now? Ans. 18
4. A wool tapestry is 32 years older than a linen tapestry. Twenty years ago, the wool tapestry was twice as old as the linen tapestry. Find the present
age of each. Ans. Wool – 84 and linen -52
5. The ratio of John’s age to David’s age is 6:5. In 7 years, the ratio will be 7:6. What are their ages now? Ans. John 42 and David 35
6. Danielle's mom is 3 less than four times her daughter's age. If M is her mother’s age, what is Danielle’s age in terms of M? Ans. D = (M+3)/4
7. A woman’s age is 120% of what is was 15 years ago but 75% of what will be after 15 years. What is her present age? Ans. 65


These problems relate two distinct measurements: time (can be in seconds, minutes and hours) and angles (can be in degrees, radians or revolutions) . The
angle is measured in degrees from the mark of 12 clockwise. The time is usually based on a 12 hour clock (can be 24 hour clock)
For clocks that is superimposed:

1. At what time between 10 and 11 will the minute and hour hand be at right angles for the first time?
Right angles will be 15 minutes. But since 10 pm is 60° ,

15 10 , 5.45454545 .

2. The hands on the clock shows the time 12 hours and 2 minutes. Calculate the size of a sharp angle between clock hands three hours later.

3. A clock is set right at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 1 p.m. on the following

EXERCISES – Solve the following equations

1. At what time between 2 and 3 o’clock will the hands of a clock together? Ans. 2:10 10/11
2. At what time between 4 and 5 are the minute and hour hand at right angles for the second time? Ans. 4:38 2/11
3. (CE Board) What time between 2 and 3 o’clock will the angle between the hands of the clock be bisected by the line connecting the center of the
clock and the 3 o’clock mark? Ans. 2:18 6/13
4. How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight? Ans 44
5. My watch, which gains uniformly, is 2 min, & show at noon on Sunday, and is 4 min 48 seconds fast at 2 p.m on the following Sunday when was it
correct? Ans. Tuesday 2 pm
6. When the minute hand and the hour hand coincide (have the same direction) for the first time after the noon? Ans. 1:05:27

These are problems that involves creating a mixture from two or more things and then determining some quantity (such as percentage, price, etc.. ) of the
resulting mixture.


1. How many pounds of cream containing 12% butterfat must be added to 1800 lbs of milk containing butterfat to obtain a milk having 3% butterfat?

2. You need to mix a solution that is 70% antifreeze with one that is 30% antifreeze of a mixture to obtain 20 liters of a mixture that is 60% antifreeze.
How many liters of each liters of the solutions must be used?

0.7x + 0.3(20 – x ) = 20(0.60) , upon solving equations results to x = 15 liters for the 70% and 5 liters for the 30%. Ans.

3. The manual for your new car suggests using gasoline that is 89 octane. In order to save money, you decide to use some 87 octane and some 93
octane in combination with the 89 octane currently in your tank in order to have an approximate 89 octane mixture. Assuming you have 1 gallon of
89 octane remaining in your tank (your tank capacity is 16 gallons), how many gallons of 87 and 93 octane should be used to fill up your tank to
achieve a mixture of 89 octane?

EXERCISES – Solve the following equations.

1. A mechanic has 340 gallons of gasoline and 10 gallons of oil to make gas/oil mixtures. He wants one mixture to be 4% oil and the other mixture to
be 2.5% oil. If he wants to use all of the gas and oil, how many gallons of gas and oil are in each of the resulting mixtures? Ans. Gasoline 83.333
gallons (4%) and 266.67 gallons (2.5% mixture) and Oil – 3.3333 (4%) and 6.6667 (2.5%)
2. Rabbits in a lab are to be kept on a strict daily diet that includes 30 grams of protein, 16 grams of fat, and 24 grams of carbohydrates. The scientist
has only three food mixes available with the following grams of nutrients per unit.

Find how many units of each mix are needed daily to meet each rabbit’s dietary need. Ans. A = 2 units, B = 3 units , C = 1 unit
3. The gasoline tank of a car contains 50 liters of gasoline and alcohol, the alcohol comprising 25%. How much of the mixture must be drawn off and
replaced by alcohol so that the tank contain a mixture of which 50% is alcohol? Ans. 16.67 liters.
4. A coffee mix is to be made that sells for $2.50 by mixing two types of coffee. The cafe has 40 mL of coffee that costs $3.00. How much of another
coffee that costs $ 1.50 should the cafe mix with the first? Ans. 20 ml
5. How many pounds of chocolate worth $ 1.20 a pound must be mixed with 10 pounds of chocolate worth 90 cents a pound to produce a mixture
worth $ 1.00 a pound? Ans 5 pounds
6. A fruit salad mixture consists of apples, banana and peaches in the ratio 6:5:4 respectively by weight. If 225 grams of mixture is prepared, how
many more grams of apples than peaches? Ans. 30 g.


Formula for motion:

Distance equals rate(speed) times time.

1. It takes Andrew 30 min to drive to work in the morning. He drives home using the same route, but it takes 10 min longer, and he averages 10 mi/h
less than in the morning. How far does Andrew drive to work?

Now we have to solve for the distance covered:

10 , 40 ℎ.
2 3
Solving the distance: 40(1/2) = 20 miles. Ans.

2. Pawnee and Springfield are 420 km apart. A train leaves Pawnee heading toward Springfield at the same time a train leaves Springfield heading
toward Pawnee. One train is moving at a speed of 45 kph, and the other is moving 60 mph. How long will they travel before they meet?

Then, the time is to be solved.

, 420 45 60 , 4ℎ . .

3. An airplane flying into a head wind travels the 1800-mile flying distance between two cities in 3 hours and 36 minutes. On the return flight, the same
distance is traveled in 3 hours. Find the ground speed of the plane and the speed of the wind, assuming that both remain constant.
Let x – ground speed, and y – wind speed., Then, negative value resisting the wind.

D = rt

1800 = 3.6(x – y) for the inbound flight

1800 = 3(x + y) for the return flight.

Solve the system in two variables:

1800 = 3.6 x – 3.6y , 1800 = 3x + 3y , Using substitution method, Use Eq. 2 , y = 600 – x (* Divide by 3 as common factor)


1800 = 3.6x – 3.6(600 – x) , 1800 = 3.6x – 2160 + 3.6x , 3960 = 7.2x , x = 550 mph Ground speed. Ans.

For wind speed, y = 600 – x = 600 – 550 = 50 mph wind speed. Ans.

4. Suppose you are at a river resort and rent a motor boat for 5 hours starting at 7 A.M. You are told that the boat will travel at 8 miles per hour
upstream and 12 miles per hour returning. You decide that you would like to go as far up the river as you can and still be back at noon. At what time
should you turn back, and how far from the resort will you be at that time?
x - Approaching destination time
5 – x - returning time

Then , d = rt , 8x = 12(5 – x) , x = 3 hours,. So you should go back at 10 AM. Ans.

For distance: 8(3) = 24 miles. Ans.

EXERCISES – Solve the following problems.

1. A boat can travel 16 miles up a river in 2 hours. The same boat can travel 36 miles downstream in 3 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still
water? What is the speed of the current? Ans. 2 mph for current and 10 mph for boat
2. A car passes an intersection heading north at 40 kph. Another car passes the same intersection 15 minutes later heading north traveling at 45 kph.
How long will it take for the second car to overtake the first? Ans. 2 hours
3. A messenger travels from points A to B. If he will leave A at 8 AM and travel at 2 kph, he will arrive at B 3 mins earlier than the expected time of
arrival. However, if he will leave at 8:30 AM and travel at 3 kph, he will arrive 6 mins later than the expected time. What is the expected time of
arrival? Ans. 9:06 AM
4. When a small plane flies with the wind, it can travel 800 miles in 5 hours. When the plane flies in the opposite direction, against the wind, it takes 8
hours to fly the same distance. Find the rate of the plane in still air and the rate of the wind. Ans. 130 mph – still air and 30 mph – wind
5. Two friends, Sherry and Fredrick, live 2000 miles apart. They want to meet each other and decided to both travel so that they can see each other
sooner. If they both drive directly toward each other and Sherry travels at 50 mph and Fredrick travels at 60 mph, how much time will pass before
they meet each other? Ans. 18.18 miles
6. Two motorists start toward each other at 4:30 PM from towns 255 km. apart. If their respective average speeds are 40 and 45 kph, at what time will
they meet? Ans 7:30 PM
7. The distance between two towns is 380 km. At the same moment, a passenger car and a truck start moving towards each other from different towns.
They meet 4 hours later. If the car drives 5 km/hr faster than the truck, what are their speeds? Ans. Car = 50 kph and truck = 45 kph
8. Two trains travel toward each other from points which are 195 miles apart. They travel at rate of 25 and 40 miles an hour respectively. If they start
at the same time, how soon will they meet? Ans. 3 hours


A rate is a mathematical way of relating two quantities, which are usually measured in different units. A favorite type of a rate problem in algebra
courses sends two hypothetical trains rushing towards each other at different speeds, and asks you to determine when they will meet. Less exciting, but also
common, rate situations involve calculating wages or determining the time it takes for a container to fill or empty. The secret to solving all rate problems is
creating a system of equations to represent the situation.

Work problems have direct real-life applications. We often need to determine how many people are needed to complete a task within a given time.
Alternatively, given a limited number of workers, we often need to determine how long it takes to finish a project. Here we deal with the basic math concepts of
how to handle these types of problems.

1. Sandra , who is paid time and a half for hours worked in excess for 40 hours, had gross weekly wages of $ 442 for 48 hours worked. What is her
regular hourly rate:
Time and a half for hours means overtime pay. The value is 1.5 times. So that,

40x + 8(1.5x) = 442., upon direct solving, x = $ 8.50 Ans.

2. One pipe can fill a tank in 5 hours less than another. Together they can fill the tank in 5 hours. How long would it take each alone to fill the tank?
The work rate of pipe A is 1/x and the other is 1/x – 5 . Then the rate of fill the tank together is 1/5 (negative sign if drained)
The working equation is to be:

1 1 1
5 5
Solve next the equation using quadratic equations. (get the LCD first)

Using quadratic formula gives ,

X = 13.09 or 1.909 but 13.09 is only accepted value.

X – 13.09 hours for first tank and x – 5 = 8.09 hours for the second tank. Ans.

3. Suppose one painter can paint the entire house in twelve hours, and the second painter takes eight hours to paint a similarly-sized house. How long
would it take the two painters together to paint the house?
x/12 - painter 1 and x/8 – painter 2 Then,

1 , 4.8 " .
8 12

4. Combined, Megan and Kelly worked 60 hours. Kelly worked twice as many hours as Megan. How many hours did they each work?
M – megan , k – Kelly

# 60 , 2#

Using substitution methods leads to

2# # 60 , # 20. .

2 20 40 .

EXERCISES – Solve the following problems.

1. (CE Board Exam) Melissa Scarlatti can clean the house in 4 hours whereas her husband Jack can do the same job in 5 hours. They agreed to clean
together so that they can finish in time to watch a movie on TV that starts in 2 hours. How long will it take to clean the house together? Ans. 20/9
2. If Art and Rita can do a job in 8 hours (working together at their respective constant rates) and Art can do the job alone in 12 hours. In how many
hours can Rita do the job alone? Ans. 24 hours
3. A tank can be emptied by any one of three caps. The first can empty the tank in 20 minutes while the second takes 32 minutes. If all three working
together could empty the tank in 8 8/59 minutes, how long would the third take to empty the tank? Ans. 24 minutes
4. Together, an experienced word processor and an apprentice word processor can create a word document in 6 hours. Alone, the experienced word
processor can create the document 2 hours faster than the apprentice word processor can. Find the time in which each person can create the word
document alone. Ans. 13.1 hours for apprentice and 11.1 hours for experienced
5. Jay and Morgan work in the summer for a landscaper. It takes Jay 3 hours to complete the company’s largest yard alone. If Morgan helps him, it
takes only 1 hour. How much time would it take Morgan alone? Ans. 1.5 hours
6. Working together, Esteban and Ray-J can clean up a room in 8 hours. If Esteban were working alone it will take him 5 hours to complete the task.
How long will it take Ray-J to clean up the room by himself? Ans. 13 hrs 20 mins
7. Rodney and Tomaso can build a cabinet together in 12 hours. Rodney can build the cabinet alone in 16 hours. How long will it take Tomaso to
build the cabinet alone? Ans. 48 hours
8. A pipe can fill the tank in 4 hours. Due to leakage at the bottom it is filled in 5 hours. When the tank is full, in how much time will it be emptied by
the leak?


Investment problems usually involve simple annual interest (as opposed to compounded interest), using the interest formula I = Prt, where I stands
for the interest on the original investment, P stands for the amount of the original investment (called the "principal"), r is the interest rate (expressed in decimal
form), and t is the time.

For annual interest, the time t must be in years. If they give you a time of, say, nine months, you must first convert this to 9/12 = 3/4 = 0.75 years.
Otherwise, you'll get the wrong answer. The time units must match the interest-rate units. If you got a loan from your friendly neighborhood loan shark, where
the interest rate is monthly, rather than yearly, then your time must be measured in terms of months. (This topic will be discussed further in Engineering
1. You have $50,000 to invest, and two funds that you'd like to invest in. The You-Risk-It Fund (Fund Y) yields 14% interest. The Extra-Dull Fund (Fund
X) yields 6% interest. Because of college financial-aid implications, you don't think you can afford to earn more than $4,500 in interest income this
year. How much should you put in each fund?

2. (ECE Board) If you owned a sari sari store in Kuwait at what price will you mark a small camera for sale that cost P 600 in order that you may offer
20% discount on the marked price and still makes a profit of 25% on the selling price?

3. As an incentive plan, a company stated that employees who worked for four years with the company would receive $516 and a laptop computer.
Mr. Rodriquez worked for the company for 3.5 years. The company pro-rated the incentive plan, and he still received the laptop computer, but only
$264. What was the value of the laptop computer?

Note: Some value related topics will be discussed further on Engineering Economics.

EXERCISES – Solve the following problems.

1. Danny invested $11,000. Part of his money is invested in bonds which yield 8% and the remainder is invested in bonds which yield 10%. His total
annual income from these bonds is $1,020. Find the amount he has invested in each kind of bond. Ans. $ 4,000 at 8% and $7,000 for 10%
2. By selling 5 php per dozen, a vendor gains 20%. The cost of the eggs rise by 12.5% , If he sells at same price as before, find his new gain in
percent. Ans. 6.67%
3. A man has invested $ 2,000 invested at 7% and $5000 at 4% simple interest. What additional sum must he invest at 6% to give him an overall return
of 5%? Ans. $ 1,000
4. Suppose you have P 12,000 to invest. If part is invested at 10% and the rest is 15%, how much should be invested at each rate to yield 12% on the
total amount invested? Ans. P 7,200 at 10% and P 4,800 at 15%
5. A recently retired couple need $ 12,000 per year to supplement their social security. They have $ 150,000 to invest to obtain this income. The have
decided on two investment options: AA bonds yielding 10% per annum and a Bank Certificate yielding 5%. How much should be invested in each
to realize exactly $ 12,000? Ans. $ 90,000 for the AA Bonds and $ 60,000 for Bank Certificates
6. A man leaves P 60,000 to his children and grandchildren seven in all. The children received 1/3 of it, which is P 2,000 more apiece than what the
grandchildren get. How much is the amount received by each grandchildren? Ans. P 8,000

MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS (Geometric related problems are excluded and to be discussed on solid mensuration)

1. The price of gasoline increased by 25% between January and March. If the price per gallon in March was $1.15, what was the price per gallon in

2. In the United States, 7 out of every 25 homes are heated by electricity. At this rate, how many homes in a community of 36,000 homes would you
predict are heated by electricity?

3. Peter has six times as many dimes as quarters in her piggy bank. She has 21 coins in her piggy bank totaling $2.55 How many of each type of coin
does she have?
0.10x – no. of dimes. , 0.25(21 – x) – no. of quarters.
0.10x + 0.25(21 – x) = 2.55 , x = 18 – dimes, 21 – x = 3 quarters. Ans.

4. Ahmed buys some shoes online for $32.00 per pair including tax, and the shipping is $4.00. If he decides to buy more pairs of those same shoes
and it doesn't change the shipping cost, how many can he buy with $100.00?
Let x – no. of pairs of shoes, then ,
32x + 4 = 100 , x = 3 pairs Ans.
EXERCISES – Solve the following problems

1. The body surface area can be modeled in the function

$% &

Where w – weight and h – height.

The BSA of a male 177 cm. tall is 2.1 . Find his weight. Ans. 89.69 kg.

2. An investor purchased a group of lots for P 8.4 M. All but 4 lots were later sold for a total of P 8.4 M. The selling price of each lot was P 350,000
greater than the cost. How many lots were originally purchased? Ans. 12
3. (EE Board Exam) A student has test scores of 75,83, and 78. The final has a weight equal to one third of the total grade, what should the student
strive for a minimum final test score so that he gets a passing minimum average of 80? Ans. 82.66
4. The cost of admission to a popular music concert was $162 for 12 children and 3 adults. The admission was $122 for 8 children and 3 adults in
another music concert. How much was the admission for each child and adult? Ans. $ 10 per child and $ 14 per adult
5. A group of 266 persons consists of men, women, and children. There are four times as many men as children, and twice as many women as
children. How many of each are there? Ans 38, 152 and 76
6. The PAL aircraft has 104 seats more than the Cebu Pacific aircraft. If their total number of seats is 328 , find the number of seats for the PAL aircraft.
Ans. 216
7. A company produces Italian sausages and bratwursts at plants in Green Bay and Sheboygan. The hourly production rates at each plant are given
in the table. How many hours should each plant be operated to exactly fill an order for 62,250 Italian sausages and 76,500 bratwursts?
Ans. Green Bay = 60 hours, Sheboygan = 28.5 hours
8. At a restaurant four people order fried crab claws and four people order a cup of gumbo, with a total bill of $31. If only two people had ordered the
crab claws and one person ordered the gumbo, the bill would have been $12.25. How much is each order of fried crab claws and each cup of
gumbo? Ans. $ 4.50 for crab claws and $ 3.25 for gumbo
9. Mr. Phillips has a total of 26 dimes and quarters in his desk drawer, totaling $3.65. How many of each type of coin does he have? Ans. 19 dimes
and 7 quarters
10. A certain farmer only raises chickens and pigs. Altogether, the animals have 57 heads and 158 legs. How many chickens does he have? Ans. 35



Intermediate Algebra by Elayn Martin

Engineering Mathematics by Gillesania
Cayley Math Olympiad
Schaum’s Outlines of College Algebra
Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 by Besavilla
Algebra and Trigonometry by Cynthia Young
UPCAT Math Reviewer
Introductory Algebra by Blitzer
College Algebra and Trigonometry by Barnett
Algebra Demystified
College Algebra by Ron Sullivan,determine
Licensure Examinations by Besavilla
Glencoe’s Advanced Mathematical Concepts
Precalculus by Blitzer
MTAP Reviewer

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