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Chapter 27: The Reproductive System Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and Early Development Date: _ _ _ _ _ Section: _ _ _ __


The O corresponds to the Learning Objective(s) listed in the chapter opener outline.
Do You Know the Basics?
b not c
Exercise 27.1: Histology of the Ovary

1. The germinal epithelium is composed of which of the following types of epithelial tissue? (Circle one.) 0 c.
a. simple columnar epithelium
b. simple cuboidal epithelium
c. simple squamous epithelium
d. transitional epithelium

2. Identify the structure shown in the following photomicrograph. (Circle one.) f)


~ E.:::I~~

©Christine Eckel
a. primary follicle
b. primordial follicle
c. secondary follicle
d. vesicular follicle
secondary (primary / secondary) follicle, which contains a _secondary
3. The arrow in the following figure demonstrates a _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(primary/secondary) oocyte. f)

©McGraw-Hill Education/Christine Eckel, photographer

Exercise 27.2: Histology of the Uterine Tubes

4. Place the following layers that compose the wall of the uterine tube in order, from outermost to innermost. 9 0
3 a. mucosa
2 b. muscularis
1 c. serosa

5. The uterine tube is lined with simple _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cuboidal/columnar) epithelium. e
Exercise 213: Histology of the Uterine Wall
6. The two layers of the uterine endometrium are the functiona l layer and the basal layer. The _functional
_ _ __ _ _ __ (fun ctional/basal) layer is shed

during menstruation. 0
7. The myometrium is composed of two layers of smooth muscle. _true
_ _ __ _ _ __ (True/False) G
Exercise 27.4: Histology of the Vaginal Wall

8. The wall of the vag ina is composed of which of the following layers? (Check all that apply.) 0
x a. adve ntitia c.
x b. mucosa
x c. muscularis

d. submucosa

9. The innermost lining of the vagina is lined with which of the following type of epithelial tissue? (Circle one.) 8
a. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
b. nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
c. simple columnar epithelium
d. simple cuboidal epithelium
e. simple squamou s epith elium

Exercise 27.5: Histology of the Seminiferous Tubules

10. A cross section of a seminiferous tubule demonstrates a circu lar structure that contains layers of developing sperm. _true
_ _ __ _ _ _ _
(True/False) G)
11. Spermatogo nia are located near the _basement membrane
_ _ _ __ _ __ (basement membrane/lumen) of the seminiferous tubules. •

12. Sustentacular cells, located within seminiferous tubules, produce _androgen-biding

_ _ __ __ __ (androgen-binding protein/testosterone), whereas interstiti .

(Leydig) cells, located in between seminiferous tubules, produce testosterone (androgen-binding protein/testosterone). 4D
Exercise 216: Histology of the Epididymis
13. Upon viewing the epididymis through a microscope, thousands of spermatazoa are visible in the lumen ofthe tube. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (True/False)
14. The epididymis is lined with _ _ __ _ _ _ __ (simple/pseudostratified) columnar epithelium with stereocilia. CD
15. Which of the following is a function of stereocilia within the epidymis? (Check all that apply.) 0
x a. enhance sperm maturation
x b. increase surface area

c. propel sperm
x d. secretion and absorption

e. sperm production

Exercise 27.7: Histology of the Ductus Deferens

16. Identify the structure shown in the following photomicrograph. (Circle one.) 4D
a. ductus deferens c.
b. epididymis
c. penis
d. prostate gland

©Christine Eckel

788 Chapter Tuenty-Seven The Reproductive System and Early Development

17. The ductus deferens contains a mucosa and layers of smooth muscle. The innermost smooth muscle layer is _ __ _ __ _ __(circular/
longitudinal) muscle, whereas the outermost smooth muscle layer is _ __ _ __ _ __(circular/longitudinal) muscle. CD
18. The ductus deferens is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ !True/False) CD
Exercise 27.8: Histology of the Seminal Vesicles
19. Seminal vesicles release substances, including fructose, which nourish sperm. _ __ _ __ ___ !True/False) G)
20. Seminal vesicles are lined with stratified cuboidal epithelium. _________ (True/False) fJ)
Exercise 27.9: Histology of the Prostate Gland
21. Which of the following are distinguishing features of the prostate gland of an aging male when viewed through a microscope? (Check all that apply.) G, (9
a. cilia

b. mucosa! folds

C. muscular wall

x d. prostatic calculi

e. tubuloalveolar glands

Exercise 27.10: Histology of the Penis

22. The urethra is surrounded by which structure in the penis? (Circle one.) G)
a. central artery
b. corpora cavernosa
c. corpus spongiosum
d. dorsal vein

23. When viewing the cross section of the penis through a microscope, there are three erectile bodies, paired corpora cavernosa, and a single co rpus
spongiosum. _ __ _ _ _ __ !True/False) f>
Exercise 27.11: Gross Anatomy of the Ovary, Uterine Tubes, Uterus, and Supporting Ligaments

24. Place the following terms in the correct order to describe the pathway that an ovum takes as it travels from the ovary to the uterus. f.D
3 a. ampulla of uterine tube

2 b. infundibulum of uterine tube

4 c. isthmus of uterine tube

1 d. ovarian cortex
5 e. uterine part of uterine tube
6 f. uterus

25. Which of the following structures travels through the inguinal canal in females? (Circle one.) C,
a. broad ligament
b. ovarian ligament
c. round ligament of the uterus
d. suspensory ligament of the ovary
e. uterosacral ligament
26. The peritoneal cavity is considered an _
_ _ _ __ _ __ (open/closed) cavity in the female because the uterine tube is _ __ _ __ _ _ _

(open/closed) at its distal end (the infundibulum). 9

Chapter 1\venty-Seven The Reproductive System and Early Development 189

Exercise 27.12: Gross Anatomy of the Female Breast

27. Which of the following are the secretory units of the mammary glands, which produce milk? (Circle one.) G) a.
a. alveoli
b. areolar glands
c. lactiferous sinuses
d. lobules
e. nipples

Exercise 27.13: Gross Anatomy of the Scrotum, Testis, Spermatic Cord, and Penis

28. Match the description listed in column A with the associated structure listed in column B. El) '9
Column A ColumnB
c 1. located inferior to the urinary bladder a. bulbourethral gland
a 2. produces fructose, an important component of semen b. epididymis
d 3. produc es a mucous-like substance that neutralizes acidity of the urethra c. prostate gland
b 4. site of sperm maturation d. seminal vesicles
e 5. site of sperm production e. testes

29. Which of the following is the portion of the male urethra that passes through erectile tissue? (Circle one.) fD c.
a. membranous urethra
b. pro static urethra
c. spongy urethra

30. Which of the following are considered accessory reproductive structures that contribute substances to semen (other than sperm)?
(Check all that apply.) • '9
x a. bulbourethral gland

b. epididymis
x c. prostate gland
x d. seminal vesicles

e. testes

31. The spermatic cord is composed of the testicular artery and nerve, the ductus deferens, lymphatic vessels, and the pampiniform plexus of veins.
_ _ _ __ _ _ (True/False) G,
32. Place th e following structures in the order in which a sperm trave ls through the male reproductive tract during ej aculation. e
2 a. ductus deferens
1 b. epididymis
4 c. membranous urethra
3 d. prostatic urethra
5 e. spongy urethra

Exercise 27.14: A Clinical Case in Reproductive Physiology

33. The product of mitosis is two-~diploid haploid

_ _ _ _ _ _ (diploid/haploid) daughter cells, whereas the product of meiosis is four _ _ _ _ _ __ _
(diploid/haploid) daughter cells. •

progesterone secretory
34. Rising levels of ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (estrogen/progesterone) correspond to the _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (proliferative/secretory) phase of the
uterine cycle. C,
35. Elevated levels of testosterone in females may inhibit ovulation. _true
_ __ _ _ _ _ (True/False) G
790 Chapter Twenty-Seven The Reproductive System and Early Development

Exercise 27.15: Early Development: Fertilization and Zygote Formation

36. The diploid cell that forms as a result of fertilization is called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (blastocyst/zygote), w hereas the structure that implants in the
uterine wall is called a _ _ __ __ _ __ (blastocyst/zygote). G)
Exercise 27.16: Early Development: Embryonic Development

37. Embryonic development occurs during gestation weeks 3 through 8. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (True/False) G)
38. Which of the follow ing are germ layers present in an embryo? (Check all that apply.) (9
a. amnion
x b. ectoderm
x c. endoderm
x d. mesoderm

e. yolk sac

Can You Apply What You've Learned?

39. Unlike in the epididymis, it is highly unlikely that sperm cells are visible inside the lumen of the ductus deferens when viewe d histologica lly. Why do you
think this is? _ __to_them
___ being
__ _mobile.
_ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __

40. The homologous structure to the male penis is the fema le clitoris. The clitoris consists of two paired erectile t issues, the corpora cavernosa, but it does
not contain a corpus spongiosum. What structure is the clitoris "missing " as compared to the penis? _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _

41. A woman that is trying to conceive may purchase ovulation kits in order to test for the release of the secondary oocyte. An ovulation kit requires plac ing a
dipstick in a collected urine sample. A positive test indicates that ovulation will happen typically w ithin 48 hours. For which hormone is this t est sens itive?

42. One cause of miscarriage, or loss of pregnancy, is low levels of progesterone in the initial stages of development.
corpus luteum emits progesterone
a. Describe what mechanisms are in place to ensure adequate leve ls of progesterone in the event that fertilization occurs. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

b. What long -term mechanisms are in place to provide a continuous supply of progesterone (to maintain pregnancy)? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
The placenta will produce the progesterone needed.

Can You Synthesize What You've Learned?

43. Viagra®, a drug known for its ability to enhance erection in males, is a drug that was first prescribed to treat hypertension. Using the concepts of

pressure, flow, and resistance, describe w hy a drug used to counteract high blood pressure may also lead to an erection in males. _ _ _ _ __ _ _
Because it will dilate the veins, leading to more blood supply to penis.

44. Birth control pills work to override the hormone cycles in order to prevent a secondary oocyte from being released. Based on your knowledge of
hormonal regulation of the ovarian cycle, design a drug that could be used to prevent ovulation. Be specific about what hormones wou ld be present in the
fema le and why. Would you expect the levels of these hormones to change throughout the 28-day cyc le ? _ Estrogen
__ _ peak
__ will_
_ __ of LH
_ __ _
that will cause ovulation. By taking estrogen in constant levels ovulation won't take place.

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