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EES 0836

Climate Change Literacy

Disasters: Geology vs. Hollywood

We live in a world where people are free to think,
say, and believe whatever they wish. While it is
great that we have this luxury, it opens the door to
misinformation. Conspiracy theories and biases
abound regarding almost everything these days.
Unfortunately, climate and climate science has
been on the receiving end of many of these
conspiracy theories. People are quick to dismiss
climatologists (almost all science for that matter)
that publish results that run counter to their
personal or political belief systems. In return, the
same people that devalue science promote
publications that seek to discredit results.

Learning Objectives
● Analyze how different perspectives lead to different approaches to climate. (1, 2, 3, b)
● Identify possible misconceptions associated with climate science. (1, 2, 3, a, b)

Read the following three articles about climate research, and answer the following questions about each
article. Note these articles are connected to each other, so keep this in mind as you are reading.

~ 2 page write-up
● Times New Roman
● 12 point type
● Double spaced

First Article: A Startling New Discovery Could Destroy All Those Global Warming Doomsday Forecasts
1. The editorial staff at IBD is making an important statement about climate change. What are
the credentials of the IBD editorial staff? Do we know?
2. If we can’t determine who the individual authors are, how else can we find information about
the expertise (or not) of the IBD staff regarding climate science? What is the mission
statement/political views of IBD?
3. Do the links provided by the authors in the article support their arguments? Why or why not?
4. Why do you think the authors jump from such a stunning revelation (climate change isn’t a
problem because of this new study) to arguing about scientific paradigms?

Length: 1-2 paragraphs

Second Article: Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Misrepresents Study to Claim Plants will Prevent
Dangerous Climate Change
1. Generally, what are the credentials of the various authors of this response? Do they seem
equipped to talk about climate change?
2. Does the website have any visible political bias? Can you find a mission statement?
1 Pett, J. (2009, December) Climate Summit. [Cartoon] USA Today. Retrieved from
EES 0836

3. Does the article provide links to support the scientists’ statements? Do you think they need
supporting evidence? Why or why not?
4. In your opinion, do these authors do a thorough job rebutting the IBD editorial? Why or why

Length: 1-2 paragraphs

Third article: Climate Scientists Mount Misleading Attack on IBD Editorial about Global Warming
1. In your opinion, do the authors do a good job defending their original position? Give several
examples that support your opinion.
2. The authors use the scientists’ exact words against them in some cases. Do you think the way
they do this helps or detracts from their arguments?
3. We are shown two graphs. What do these graphs tell us? Do they prove the author’s point?
Why or why not?
4. The authors provide a link to support their statement that they have found no trends in other
natural disasters. Where does this link lead you? Why did they link back to themselves
instead of to primary sources?

Length: 1-2 paragraphs

Finally, briefly, what is your opinion of IBD as a reliable source for scientific news? Would you use them
as a source? Do you think they have a vested interest in promoting one side of the argument over another?
Meaning, is there bias, and if so, what is it? Explain your answer.
Length: 1 paragraph

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