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1. A branch of Psychology that studies how people grow and change throughout the
course of their lives is ____________________.
a. Social psychology
b. Biological Psychology
c. Developmental Psychology
d. Behavioral Psychology
2. The first prenatal stage of development which begins at conception and lasts two weeks
a. Germinal stage
b. Zygotic stage
c. Fetal stage
d. Embryonic stage
3. The term for the developing organism from 2 weeks to 8 weeks of conception
a. Zygote
b. Fetus
c. Embryo
d. chromosomes
4. These _______________ contain the master plan for your body
a. Zygote
b. Fetus
c. Embryo
d. chromosomes
5. The process by which events in the womb alter the development of physical and
psychological health
a. Gestation
b. Menopause
c. Prenatal programming
d. Pregnancy
6. Substances that can disrupt normal prenatal development and cause lifelong deficits
a. Teratogens
b. Caffeine
c. Alcohol
d. drugs
7. A developmental issue concerned with whether an individual is a product of his/her
genes or of his/her culture
a. Prenatal/postnatal
b. Nature/nurture
c. Continuity/stage
d. Stability/change
8. Specific period in development when individuals are most receptive to a particular kind
of input from the environment
a. Critical period
b. Early sensory development
c. Growth
d. Brain development
9. It is the brain’s ability to change from experience
a. Learning
b. Growth
c. Tabula rasa
d. Plasticity
10. It refers to an individual’s bodily change in size and structure
a. Maturation
b. Learning
c. Growth
d. Development
11. Developmental changes due to aging is called _______________
a. Maturation
b. Learning
c. Growth
d. Development
12. It is one’s readiness to learn walking at about 1 year of age
a. Maturation
b. Learning
c. Growth
d. development
13. the degradation of synapses and dying off of neurons that are not strengthened by
a. retardation
b. pruning
c. forgetting
d. aging
14. This helps explain why our earliest memories seldom predate our third birthdays
a. Forgetting
b. Learning
c. Infantile amnesia
d. Sensory motor development
15. It was noticed by the mother that her 6 month-old child no longer cries when left in the
room. What was developed by the child?
a. A feeling of trust
b. Independence
c. Object permanence
d. Initiative
16. During the first day of school, crying children are a common sight especially in the pre
school department. What explains this?
a. Object permanence
b. Stranger shyness
c. Separation anxiety
d. Temper tantrums
17. Aside from crying, a child may also manifest this behavior during the first month of
a. Temper tantrums
b. Selective mutism
c. Stranger shyness
d. All of the above
18. Kate, a 7 year old child, always tells her friends not to talk to a classmate who happens
to be her “enemy for the day.” If she sees a friend who talks to this “enemy of the day,”
that friend will also become her enemy. In what stage of Cognitive Development is this
behavior evident?
a. Concrete Operational
b. Pre operational
c. Sensorimotor
d. Formal Operational
19. Her mother noticed that Ysabelle completes her tasks at a slower pace than usual.
When she tried to investigate, she saw that Ysabelle was meticulously arranging her
things according to their size and color. In Piaget’s Theory, this ability is called
a. Seriation
b. Conservation
c. Classification
d. Centration
20. Mrs. Cruz noticed that her child has the tendency to ask for her yaya whenever she is
sick . Her child is also closer to her yaya than her parents. What would explain this
a. Separation anxiety
b. Object permanence
c. Attachment
d. Nature vs nurture principle
21. A person who cannot form a healthy intimate relationship with other people developed a
problem in his childhood particularly in which stage, according to Erik Erikson?
a. Identity vs Role confusion
b. Basic trust vs mistrust
c. Intimacy vs isolation
d. Autonomy vs shame and doubt
22. In the TV Show, “Your Face Sounds Familiar,” participants are asked to imitate music
industry’s icons. To be able to succeed in this endeavor, each participant need the
following processes EXCEPT _______________________
a. Motivation
b. Retention
c. Attention
d. Recreation
23. The theorist behind the type of learning in the above example is:
a. Bandura
b. Skinner
c. Pavlov
d. Watson
24. Sometimes, our favorite subject becomes our favorite not because we like the subject
but because we like the teacher. This is explained by whose theory?
a. Maslow
b. Vygotsky
c. Bowlby
d. Bandura
25. It has been found out that not all intelligent people become successful and not all
successful people are intelligent. What has been found out to be the missing link to
a. Motivation
b. Training
c. Education
d. Emotional Intelligence
26. Some people depend on other people in making important decisions in their lives such
as the choice of course, where to enroll, etc. According to Erik Erikson, where did this
problem arise?
a. Identity vs Role confusion
b. Autonomy vs shame and doubt
c. Industry vs Inferiority
d. Generativity vs Stagnation
27. Which theory of learning best explains why students start to cut classes?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Social learning
d. Cumulative learning
28. A woman, 55 years of age, decided to take the LET exam. When asked why it took her
years to finally take the exam, she answered that at her age, all her children have
graduated and are ready to live their own lives and since she will have no more children
to take care of, she decided to pursue her own career. The woman is in what stage of
her life?
a. Identity vs Role confusion
b. Integrity vs despair
c. Industry vs Inferiority
d. Genarativity vs Stagnation
29. In a play school, it was noticed that Therese, the child who plays as the teacher, has a
tendency to bring a stick with her and excessively taps it on the table as she shouts,
listen! Listen! How would you explain this?
a. Therese is a smart kid and knows how to get the attention of the students
b. Therese is rather old for her age
c. Therese is reacting to her “students” behavior
d. Therese is modeling her behavior from her actual teacher
30. It is the tendency to view the world from one’s own perspective and not being capable of
seeing things from another person’s perspective
a. Egocentrism
b. Empathy
c. Narcissism
d. Stability
31. Elvin lost his job and not long after, his job met an accident and was in critical condition.
Elvin tried to borrow money from relatives and friends but came up short for a very
critical operation needed to save his child’s life. Stealing became an option. What would
a person in the conventional stage say?
a. “Elvin has the right to steal since nobody wants to help him.”
b. “Elvin should not steal because he will go to jail.”
c. “Stealing is morally wrong but Elvin has to save his son’s life. It is a choice he has to
make but he has to be ready for the consequences of his action.”
d. “Elvin should not steal because it is wrong and against the law.”
32. It refers our knowledge and ideas about how other people’s minds work.
a. Intuition
b. Theory of mind
c. Metacognition
d. Cognition
33. It is a strong emotional connection that develops early in life between infants and their
a. Attachment
b. Love
c. Care
d. intimacy
34. By age 1, a child can make sense of his/her mother’s emotional facial expressions and
use them as basis for his/her behavior. This is known as __________________.
a. Social referencing
b. Theory of the mind
c. Attachment
d. Emotional competence
35. In Piaget’s _________________________ stage, a person can reason scientifically and
a. Sensorimotor
b. Concrete operational
c. formal operational
d. pre operational
36. in the newborn infant, the sense of _____________ is almost fully developed, but the
sense of ______________ continues to change and improve over the first few years of
a. Taste, hearing
b. Vision, taste
c. Vision, hearing
d. Hearing, vision
37. With learning and experience, certain synaptic connections grow stronger, while those
that are not strengthened by experience degrade and die off. This process is known as
a. Neural efficiency
b. Honing
c. Pruning
d. reductionism
38. Piaget’s concrete operational stage of cognitive development begins when the child
already knows that the amount of a liquid or substance stays the same even when it
changes shape. This is known as _________________
a. Conservation
b. Reversibility
c. Centration
d. Seriation
39. They all affect attachment, EXCEPT ONE:
a. Body contact
b. Familiarity
c. Physical appearance
d. Temperament
40. A parenting style that develops children with the highest self esteem, self reliance, and
social competence
a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Permissive
d. Neglecting
41. The biologically based tendency to behave in a specific way is called _______________.
a. Temperament
b. Personality
c. heredity
d. aptitude
42. The period of declining reproductive capacity is called climacteric. It applies to
a. Women only
b. Men only
c. Both men and women
d. Neither
43. Which of the following enhances neural growth in adulthood?
a. Gingko biloba
b. Diet
c. Caffeine
d. Exercise
44. As people age and become more aware of their limited time on earth, they become more
_____________________ about how they expend their resources inpersonal and
emotional relationships.
a. Selective
b. Anxious
c. Regretful
d. Concerned
45. He said that a human is a “social animal, destined to live in close relationship with
important other.”
a. Watson
b. Aristotle
c. Erikson
d. Freud
46. When a child is allowed to exercise choice and self- restraint, he will develop a sense of
a. Will
b. Purpose
c. Fidelity
d. Competence
47. This is under what stage, according to Erikson?
a. Trust vs Mistrust
b. Identity vs Confusion
c. Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
d. Initiative vs Guilt
48. In what stage does a person develops his sense of purpose?
a. Trust vs Mistrust
b. Identity vs Confusion
c. Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
d. Initiative vs Guilt
49. Interactive learning is one of the major thrust of education today. Who is the proponent
of this kind of learning where one learns through the guidance of more capable peers?
a. Vygotsky
b. Brofenbrenner
c. Bowlby
d. Bandura
50. It is the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflict
a. Socil awareness
b. Self awareness
c. Relationship management
d. Self management
51. The theory that focuses more on the effects of childhood experiences to adult behavior
a. Psychosexual Development
b. Cognitive development\
c. Moral Development
d. None of the above
52. The conflicts faced by an individual at every stage of psychological development are
a. Equilibrium
b. Changes
c. Crises
d. Confusion
53. An abused child will develop ________________
a. confusion
b. mistrust
c. autonomy
d. anxiety
54. Which principle is NOT TRUE?
a. Development is a function of nature and nurture
b. Development occurs at different rates
c. Development occurs in a predictable manner
d. Development occurs in an unpredictable manner
55. A person who based his decisions on the existing norms and rules is in the _______
stage of moral development
a. Conventional
b. Pre-conventional
c. Post conventional
d. Pre moral
56. What stage follows the resolution of the oedipal complex?
a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Latency
d. Phallic
57. Children who are always prohibited by their parents to do things on their own will likely
develop ___________________
a. Mistrust
b. Shame and doubt
c. Industry
d. Guilt
58. The post conventional stage of moral development is characterized by:
a. Willingness to do one’s duty
b. Obeying to get away from punishment
c. Having one’s principle and personal beliefs
d. Obeying social norms to maintain peace and order
59. At the start of school, some children are observed to be manifesting selective mutism –
the tendency not to talk and be a part of the group. This is an indication of:
a. Anxiety
b. Mistrust
c. Guilt
d. Role confusion
60. What positive behavior results when both parents and teachers encourage the study
habits of the students?
a. Initiative
b. Trust
c. Industry
d. Autonomy
61. During a counseling session, the student expressed distress in getting low scores
because she feels that she has been doing her part in studying her lessons but she still
finds it hard to study especially in memorizing for the exams. What factor may have
contributed to this:
a. Environment
b. Study habits
c. Heredity
d. None of the above
62. Guia and Bea often see their teacher brush her teeth, fix her hair, and powder her face
after lunch. After some time, the two girls were observed doing the same things. What
theory of learning is involved in this situation?
a. classical conditioning c. social learning
b. information processing d. discovery learning
63. In guiding the development of attitudes and values, a teacher should try to
a. Shape students attitudes all the time
b. Provide exemplary models
c. Be the sole authority
d. Simple discuss moral values with students
64. Teacher D is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior provide
him reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On
which principle is the conviction based?
a. Environmentalism c. Constructivism
b. Behaviorism d. Cognitivism
65. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
a. Watson c. Chomsky
b. Gardner d. Piaget
66. If a teacher believes that a child’s mind in TABULA RASA then the teacher will most
likely engage the students in process for them to learn.
a. sensory impressions c. reflections
b. reasoning d. metacognition
67. What is a primitive view about the pupil/student?
a. active participant c. empty vessel
b. hypothesis generator d. module builder
68. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. Which of the following
statements/principles is supported by this?
a. Heredity has a part in determining physical appearance
b. Intelligence is determined party by prenatal nutrition
c. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins
d. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
69. Who would most likely agree with the statement “To be truly ethical, a person must have
the experience of sustained responsibility for the welfare of others”?
a. Fowler c. Piaget
b. Schale d. Kohlberg
70. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?
a. Social contract c. Law and order
b. Universal ethical principle d. Good boy/good girl
71. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory?
a. Modeling c. Questioning
b. Lecturing d. Inductive Reasoning
72. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless
voice from within you.” In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work?
a. Id c. Ego
b. Superego d. Id and Ego interact
73. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal operations stage III. Preoperational stage
II. Sensorimotor stage IV. Concrete operations stage
a. II, III, IV, I c. II, I, III, IV
b. II, III, I, IV d. II, I, IV, III
74. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?
a. Independent thinking c. Individual mental work
b. Social interaction d. Scientific thinking
75. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which
statements go/es with this sentence?
a. The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes
b. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her world becomes
c. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged
the child become
a. I only c. I and II
b. II only d. III only
76. The role of play in the preschool and early childhood years is that is .
a. Develops competitive spirit
b. Separates reality from fantasy
c. Develops the upper and lower limbs
d. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range
77. What is an application of Vygitsky’s idea of scaffolding?
a. Give the learner task that challenge her ability.
b. From the start leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self
c. Don’t spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.
d. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.

78. Which is an underlying assumption of the social cognitive theory? People .

a. Are social by nature c. Learn by trial and error
b. Learn by observing other d. Lean by association
79. According to Piaget’s stage of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children
reach formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?
a. Can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event.
b. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively.
c. Can reason inductively or deductively
d. Can do multi-tasking
80. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage what is it that a child CANNOT do?
a. Reasoning applied to specific example.
b. Doing mentally what was just physical done.
c. Classifying objects into different sets.
d. Imagining the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation
81. Student X says: “I must not cheat even if everyone in class cheats. Never mind if I get
ostracized for that. I will only cheat myself if I do. Besides. Cheating erodes people’s
trusts and relationship. I condemn cheating.” In the context of Kohlberg’s moral
development level is Student X?
a. Pre-conventional c. Conventional
b. Post-conventional d. Between conventional and port-
82. Kendric, a Grade I pupil, plays with his classmates but cannot accept defeat. Based on
Piaget’s theory on cognitive development, in what developmental stage is Kendric?
a. Sensorimotor c. Concrete operation
b. Pre-operational d. Formal operation
83. Based on Erickson’s theory, what is the greatest danger in the elementary school years
for children’s development? The development of a sense of .
a. identity confusion c. guilt
b. isolation d. inferiority
84. For Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is sexual in nature while for
Erickson, it is in nature.
a. Intellectual c. social
b. biological d. emotional
85. Laughing at a two-year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do
because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is .
a. considering the views of other c. socializing
b. distinguishing sex differences d. distinguishing right from wrong
86. A student with Attention Deficit Disorder exhibits
a. Care for his/her personal things
b. Impatient while waiting for his/her turn during games
c. Completes work before shifting to another
d. Excessively quiet
87. An adolescent exhibits what common characteristics?
a. reasonable and secure
b. feels intense emotions and sense of disequilibrium
c. slow but steady physical growth
d. passive and obedient
88. The idea that children’s knowledge, ideas, attitudes, and values develop through
interaction with others is emphasized in one theory of cognitive development. Whose
view is this?
a. Piaget’s c. Bruner’s
b. Vygotsky’s d. Ausubel’s
89. In the middle years, the developed behavior is generativity, which is described as
a. A time for getting education for a good future
b. A time of getting closer to one’s spouse
c. A time of productivity and caring
d. A time of searching for one’s identity
90. A child who is in stage 1 of Kohlberg’s moral development is afraid of .
a. responsibility c. authority
b. punishment d. social norms
91. We know that conversation has been developed in a child if:
a. He can identify direction.
b. He can understand basic math operations.
c. He can conceptualized the earth in both maps and globes.
d. He can observe similarities and differences.
92. A child aged one year old realizes that things continue to exist even when it is no longer
present to the senses. According o Piaget, the child has achieved .
a. object movement c. concrete movement
b. object permanence d. concrete performance
93. John is an average young man who seems to be experimenting with different roles. At
homes he is obedient and quiet but with his friend he is relaxed and easily suggest trying
out new things. According to Erickson, what stage of development is John experiencing?
a. intimacy vs. isolation c. identity vs. role confusion
b. identity vs. isolation d. intimacy vs. role confusion
94. Children’s ability to make judgment about moral issues is related to their
a. physical development c. moral development
b. cognitive development d. social development
95. The psychologist who stressed that libido is a broad concept of the sex drive as the
basic motivation of man is
a. Erickson c. Kohlberg
b. Freud d. Piaget
96. As we enter adulthood, Erickson outlines the development stage as one
a. integrity vs. despair c. generativity vs. stagnation
b. identity vs. role confusion d. intimacy vs. isolation
97. This stage of development is known as the questioning age or exploratory because the
child is constantly asking so many questions.
a. Babyhood c. early childhood
b. Infancy d. late childhood
98. The Freudian stages when the child isn’t aware of or concern with sexual impulses,
instead he is more interested in developing friendship with other children of the same
a. anal c. latency
b. phallic d. genital
99. In formal operation stage, adolescents enter the highest level of cognitive development
characterized by the ability to
a. think abstractly c. understand the concept of identity
b. think logically d. deal with numbers
100. What crisis appears in late childhood?
a. shame and doubt c. role confusion
b. guilt d. inferiority

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