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Present 1: Intercultural Communication and Cross-Cultural

Communication Introduction

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Intercultural Communication v.s. Cross-Cultural Communication
 Intercultural Communication: face-to-face communication between people of
different cultures (Gudykunst & Mody, 2002) 內部文化的溝通: 人與人在不同文
-all aspects of the study of culture and communication (including cross-cultural
communication) 所有文化及溝通(包含跨文化溝通)方面的研究
 Cross-Cultural Communication: comparing to face-to-face communication across
cultures (involving two or more different cultures and their ideas and customs) 跨
文化的溝通:以面對面的溝通方式比較跨越的文化 (包含兩個或以上的香藝文

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Interpersonal Communication: the interpersonal interaction between members of
different groups, which differ from each other in respect of the knowledge shared by
their members and in respect of their linguistic forms or symbolic behavior
內部文化溝通: 不同群組之間的溝通方式,使共享的知識、語言學的形式或代表
Cross-Cultural Communication: a field of study that looks at how people from
differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among
themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across cultures.
跨文化溝通: 一項關於人如何使文化背景的溝通出現相差性、在相似及相異的方

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The common characteristics of cross-cultural studies is their comparative nature; that is,
to make comparison of at least two cultural populations (Leung, Vijver, & Vijver,1997)
跨文化研究的特徵: 自然性的比較;也就是至少拿 2 個(或以上)的人口做比較

Example: In order to investigate the difference of the regional customs, you must take
the difference superstitious person to compare, such as Islamism, Christians or Taoism.
為了要調查各國宗教習俗的差異, 必須利用不同的信徒來比較。例如: 伊斯蘭教
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- Comparative studies can also be made between different ethnic groups from a single
country 一個國家的不同族群之間也可能被拿來當可以比較的研究
- “merely an extension of intra-cultural group comparison” (Price-Williams,1969,
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Single Country: The unique country which has their own traits, cultures or specialists.
單一的國家: 擁有獨一無二屬於他們的特徵、文化或特色。
Intra-cultural group: Taking place within a group, especially within a social group.
Having the same meaning with internal group.
內部互動文化群組: 互動的之間取代文化,尤其是在社交族群裡面。也稱作內部

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Intercultural Communication: 內部文化溝通 (Reprise from the page 1)
- all studies devoted to the history, the functions and the conditions of life of any
isolated element of a cultural whole, of a sphere of culture or an entire local culture,
providing that the examples and materials are taken from more than one local culture
(Arutiunov, 1983)

Example: Using cultural symbols, diagrams and pictures 使用當地文化的符號、方言

-intercultural studies: “all comparative, culturological, and ethnographical studies and

much more besides” (Arutiunov 1983, p. 54).
內部文化的研究: 所有的研究都是可比較的、有文化邏輯的、專門研究人種學的

-studies of several subcultures of a same local culture


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Intergroup Communication: 內部族群溝通
-studies of communication between different ethnic groups or between different
generations (including intercultural comm; Gudykunst & Mody, 2002)

Additional Definition for page 6: Focusing on how communication within and

between groups affects relationships

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