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ME-Laboratory 2 Manual


Gear Pump Performance Test

1.1 Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Experiment

a) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
b) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems
c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards

1.2 Experiment’s Intended Learning Outcomes (EILOs)

a) Familiarize the effect of pressure limitation in identifying characteristic data of a gear

b) Operate the GUNT HAMBURG Gear pumps bench trainer.
c) Apply knowledge, techniques and skills in identifying the effect of pressure limitation in
the characteristic data of a gear pump, that play a significant role to professional
engineering practice.

1.3. Aim(s) of the Experiment

The aim of this experiment is to identify characteristic data, investigation of typical

dependencies and recording the pump characteristics of a gear pump with respect to the effect of
pressure limitation.

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

1.4. Principle of the Experiment

Fundamental physical principles

The following section looks at the physical principles with reference to fluid energy

Laws of conservation
The laws of conservation describe variables that do not change in the fluid energy
machine, in other words that are preserved.

Continuity equation
The continuity equation states that the mass flow that flows through a system remains
ṁ =ῡ· ρ=c ·A =constant

A= Cross-section area in m2
C=Flow velocity in m/s
ṁ= Mass flow in kg/s
ῡ = Volume flow in m3/s
ρ= Density in kg/m3
In incompressible fluids, the density is not dependent on the pressure. Gases at low
pressure differences can also be considered as incompressible. In this case, the formula can be
reduced to:
ῡ=c · A = constant

Usually two points in the flow are compared to each other. The path traced by a fluid
particle is referred to as the flow filament. These flow filaments are found in the flow conduit as a
bundle, which represents the flowed-through shape.
The significance of the continuity equation is particularly evident when comparing
diffuser and nozzle.
In an incompressible medium it follows:
C1·A1 = C2·A2
C1 / A 1 = C2 / A 2
A= Cross-section area in m2
C= Flow velocity in m/s

The velocities are inversely proportional to the flow cross sections.

The flow velocity is accelerated by the cross section becoming smaller.

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
The flow velocity c is decelerated by the flow cross section becoming larger. In this case
though, the arrangement of the blades results in an increase in the size of the cross section A
With a known surface area ratio, it is therefore possible to calculate the resulting change in

Conservation of momentum

Momentum is a kinetic quantity. The variables of mass m and velocity care applicable:

I=m · c

c= Flow velocity in m/s

I= Momentum in Ns
m= Mass in kg

A change in momentum takes place as a result of a change in the velocity c. The change in
velocity is caused by acceleration a = . As a result of this relationship, a force is connected to the
term of the change in momentum:

I=m · a · t=F · t
or for a mass flow:

I · m= c · t =F · t
a = Acceleration in m/s²
F= Force in N
ṁ =Mass flow in kg/s
t=Time in s

The momentum is a directional quantity. The quantities I, c and F all point in the same
Looking at these formulae it can be seen that the momentum changes when a force acts.
While the value of the velocity c remains constant, the horizontal velocity component changes its
algebraic sign.

C1y = C2y ; C1x = - C2x

A force has to act on the blade so that the deflection can take place; with Formula
(I=m · a · t=F· t) we get:

F=ṁ · (C2x-C1x)
F=ṁ · (2 x (-C1x )

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

c = Flow velocity in m/s
F= Force in N
ṁ = Mass flow in kg/s

The momentum is transferred from one body to another when a force acts. Within a
system that has no interaction with its surroundings, the momentum is constant.

Conservation of energy

Work and energy are similar quantities. Accordingly, energy is also stated in units of
joules. Energy is the capacity to do work.

Energy can be present in various forms (this list only represents a small selection):
– Mechanical energy
• Kinetic energy
• Potential energy
• Spring energy
– Thermal energy
– Electrical energy
– Chemical energy
– Hydraulic energy
• Hydrostatic energy
• Potential energy
• Hydrodynamic energy

The forms of energy can be converted from one form to another. In engineering, machines
are used for this purpose.

Bernoulli's principle

Bernoulli's principle provides essential understanding in the consideration of fluid energy

machines. It correlates energies present in a flow.
No energy is added to or removed from the fluid in this approach.
The important thing to remember when considering the various energies is the fact that the forms
of energy can be transformed.

The following forms of energy are considered

• Hydraulic energy
Ehyd=p · V

Ehyd =Hydraulic energy in J

p = Static pressure in N/m2
V = Volume in m3
• Potential energy
EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
Epot =m · g · h
Epot = Potential energy in J
g = Gravitational acceleration in m/s
h =Height in m
m = Mass in kg

• Kinetic energy
Ekin = · m ·c2
E kin = Kinetic energy in J
c = Flow velocity in m/s

Thermal energy can be ignored if the temperature is constant.

If we consider a fluid particle on its flow path, in practice we can assume that the total
energy of the particle remains constant.

For this assumption, the formulae can be summarized to form Bernoulli's energy
Transposed we get:
c 21 p 1 c 22 p 2
+ + g · h1 = + + g · h2
2 ρ 2 ρ

c = Flow velocity in m/s

g= Gravitational acceleration in m/s2
h= Height in m
p= Static pressure in N/m2
ρ = Density in kg/m3
Strictly speaking this assumption is only valid for frictionless fluids, since friction
leads to losses.
Usually two points in the flow are compared to each other. One possible energy conversion is
shown again using the example of nozzle and diffuser.

Work in the physical sense is performed when a force acts along a path; in this case force
F and distance s point in the same direction.
W = F· s

F= Force in N
W= Physical work in J
s = Active distance of the force in m

In a turbine, the stationary guide wheel provides the incident flow to the rotor blade. A force acts
on the rotor blade in the direction of movement.
According to Formula (W = F · s) work is done in this process while the Impeller is
EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
rotating. This work is transferred from the fluid to the turbine.

Another example of work done can be shown using a piston pump.

During the strokes of the piston pump, fluid is conveyed out of the cylinder. This causes the
pressure p required to overcome the flow resistances in the downstream system to build up in the
The force F that has to be applied by the piston results from the pressure p of the fluid and
the surface area A of the piston. Formula (W = F · s) becomes:

W=F · s = p ·A · s

A= Cross-section area in m2
F= Force in N
p = Pressure in Pa
W= Physical work in J
s = Active distance of the force in m

This work is transferred from the pump to the fluid. Since the processes within a double
stroke are uneven, it is better to calculate mean values in this case.

Specific work

The work W transferred within a fluid energy machine can be based on the mass of the
fluid. This corresponds to the specific work:
m = Mass in kg
W= Physical work in J
Y= specific work in J/kg

Because of the possibility of converting energy, this specific work can also be used to define the
velocity head or pump head:


h= Height in m
g= Gravitational acceleration in m/s2
The velocity head or pump head is an important quantity in the design and selection of
turbines and/or pumps.

Power is the work done per unit of time t. As already explained in Chapter, energy
is the ability to perform work. Accordingly, energy can be used in the same way as work.
EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
Generally speaking, power is defined as:

P= =
t t
E= Energy in J
P= Power in watts
t =Time in s
W= Physical work in J

The key power calculations related to this series of equipment are:

Electrical power:
Pel= U · I

Pel= Electrical power in W

U= Voltage in V
I= Current in A

Mechanical power
P mech= M · ῳ

P mech= Mechanical power in W

M= Torque in Nm
ῳ= Angular velocity in 1/s

Hydraulic power

In incompressible fluids

Powers can be calculated from all of the energies listed in Chapter, Page 37.
Potential energy has a lesser role in the fluid energy machines considered here, because it is
converted into pressure energy and/or kinetic energy before it enters the machine.

Hydraulic power of the fluid

Phyd =p ·V

Phyd =Hydraulic power in W

p =Static pressure in N/m2
V =Volume flow in m3/s
Kinetic power of the fluid

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

1 2
P kin = · ṁ· c

Pkin=Kinetic power in W
c =Flow velocity in m/s
ṁ=Mass flow in kg/s

Note on energy and power:

Energy is the quantity which is preserved. However, it is often used in calculations since it
is easier to calculate from measured values.
Energy is converted in the fluid energy machine. Similarly, a proportion of energy is
stored in each machine, for example in the rotational energy of the shafts and impellers.

The stored energies are relatively small compared to the transferred power. If there is a
change in the operating point, either spent power is stored over a short time or stored work is
released over a short time. The change in speed to the new operating point happens quickly. This
time response can be explained by Formula (4.15), Page 43.The forms of energy in fluid energy
machines are quickly converted into each other. In contrast, lots of heat transfers with heating up
and cooling down processes take place slowly.

The efficiency is defined as the ratio of benefit to effort.

p out
Ƞ= x 100 %

p¿= Incoming power: the effort in W

pout = Outgoing power: the benefit in W
Ƞ = Efficiency in %

Work machines
These convert a mechanical rotational movement into the fluid's pressure energy or
velocity kinetic energy. The structural design takes account of the required pressure ratios and
mass flows as well as the size and direction of the connections.

Power machines (turbines):

These convert pressure energy or velocity kinetic energy into mechanical energy. As with
the work machines, pressure ratios and mass flows are critical variables that determine the
structural design.

The power of the fluid is dependent on the pressure and the volume flow. In a lossless
EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
machine, this would correspond to the shaft power on the machine (cf. Formula (4.17) and
Formula (4.18)).
By equating we get the expression:

M · ῳ=p · ῡ

M= Torque in Nm
p = Pressure in Pa
ῡ= Volume flow in m3/s
ῳ= Angular velocity in 1/s

Looking at powers is equivalent to looking at the converted energy differences. In the case
of mechanical power, it can be assumed that the lower levels of torque and velocity lie at zero.
This is not necessarily the case when it comes to hydraulic power. While the volume flow ῡ can
often be regarded as constant due to incompressible behavior, under pressure it often has to be
calculated with the pressure difference p2 –p1. This is because the lower pressure level does not
have to correspond to the ambient pressure. The formula becomes:

M · ῳ= (p2– p1) · ῡ

The shaft power of the machine in this case is equivalent to the hydraulic power of the
fluid. Initially it does not matter whether the shaft power is achieved by a large torque or high
angular velocity. Likewise, the power of the fluid may signify a large volume flow or a high
pressure difference.
However, the technical implementation can only deliver high efficiency for one particular design
case. The types of fluid energy machines differ depending on the objectives and the
environmental conditions.

1.5. Resources

1. GUNT HAMBURG Gear Pumps Bench Trainer.

2. Hydraulic oil.
3. Laptop or PC with USB port.
4. Equipment software or program.
5. Equipment Operation Manual.
6. Student Laboratory Manual.
7. Pump System Improvement Modeling Tool (PSIM 2)

1.6. Procedures

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

In order to record a pump characteristic, the throttling is varied while under constant pump speed.

1. Observe the safety instructions.

2. Connect experimental unit to the main power supply.
3. Turn main switch "1".
4. Start the PC. Start the measurement data acquisition program.
5. Tare values in the system diagram.
6. Select "Measurement Diagram" in the program.
7. Enable new series of measurements. Make any setting for the measuring value file.
8. Switch on the gear pump, select speed of 250rpm.
9. For the first measurement, open throttle valve (7) fully.
10. Wait until the displayed measurement is stable, and then record measurements.
The program is now ready for the next measurement.
11. Close the throttle valve a little bit.
The position of the throttle valve is dependent on the number of desired measurement points.
Meaningful characteristics are often obtained with 6 to 7 measurement points.
It makes sense to aim for a uniform distribution of measurement points along the characteristic
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the last measurement point is recorded with the throttle valve
fully closed.
13. Repeat steps 7 to 12 with the newly selected speed of 500rpm.
14. Save the measurements file.
15. Switch off the gear pump.
16. With the formula developed in the theory section or bibliography, carry out the total head,
hydraulic and mechanical power and efficiency calculation and represent the characteristic
curves of the pump for that speed.
17. After collecting and computing/solving the necessary data, use the Pump System
Improvement Modeling Tool (PSIM 2) to simulate the close loop centrifugal pump system.
18. Use the collected and solved values that are necessary to define the pump curve specification
of PSIM 2 pump.
19. To define the other parts (Pipes and Junctions) of the pump system modeling tool (PSIM 2),
kindly refer to the specification table to be provided by your instructor.
20. Once the system is fully defined, run the simulation model.
21. Note the result of the simulation. Generate the necessary graphs, note the findings/analysis,
and create a general conclusion base from the result.


EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Manual

Preliminary Data Sheet

Name: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Date Performed:
Course/ Section:
Experiment 4: Gear Pump Performance Test
A. Data:

Speed (n):____250______min-1

Description Symbols Units Measurements

Position 1 2 3 4 5
Suction Pressure p1 bar g (gauge pressure) -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02
Delivery Pressure p2 bar g (gauge pressure) 0.15 0.18 1.5 3.64 4.92
Temperature T1 °C 29 29 29 29 29
Volume flow rate Ṽ (dV/dt ) L/min 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 0
Electric Power Pel W 102 103 125 139 158
Hydraulic Power Phyd W 1.0767 1.2667 9.3733 21.35 0
Efficiency Ƞ % 1.0556 1.2298 7.4986 15.3597 0

Speed (n):____500______min-1

Description Symbols Units Measurements

Position 1 2 3 4 5
Suction Pressure p1 bar g (gauge pressure) -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.03
Delivery Pressure p2 bar g (gauge pressure) 0.33 4.16 4.87 4.9 5.19
Temperature T1 °C 29 29 30 30 30
Volume flow rate Ṽ (dV/dt ) L/min 7.3 7.1 5.8 5.2 0
Electric Power Pel W 129 189 215 216 222
Hydraulic Power Phyd W 4.6233 49.81 47.463 42.7267 0
83 3
Efficiency Ƞ % 3.5840 26.35 22.076 19.7809 0
89 0

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

 Plot the total head and flow curve; ( use the pump curve generated on the PSIM 2)

TABLE 1 (250 RPM)

TABLE 2 (500 RPM)

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

 Plot the pump curve vs. system curve ; ( use the graph generated on the PSIM 2)

TABLE 1 (250 RPM)

TABLE 2 (500 RPM)

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

B. Sample Computation:

TABLE 1 (250 RPM)

P Hyd=γ∗Q∗H t
P Hyd=(9.81)(3.8 ÷1000 ÷ 60)(1.7329) x 1000
P Hyd=1 . 0767 W

P h yd
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=1 .0556 %

TABLE 2 (500 RPM)

P Hyd=γ∗Q∗H t
P Hyd=(9.81)(7.3 ÷1000 ÷ 60)(3.8736) x 1000
P Hyd=4 . 6233 W

P h yd
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=3 .5840 %

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

C. Findings/ Analysis
The experiment focused on using gear pumps. In this experiment different configuration
for speed was used; 250 rpm and 500 rpm. The experiment determined different
parameters such as overall pump power and operating point of the pump system.
 Identify the overall pump power of the system.

 For the 500-rpm

For 250-rpm configuration the overall power is equivalent to 0.1815kW

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

 Identify the operating point of the pump system.

For 500-rpm configuration, the data inside the box is the operating point for this
For 250-rpm configuration, the data inside the box is the operating point for this

 Discuss the pump summary data result.

The pump summary data shows that the system has an overall efficiency of 1.877
and power of 0.1815 KW. The flowrate seen from the results is about 0.02566

 Discuss the pressure characteristic of the pump system (evaluate the pressure
change of all the parts; pipes and junction).

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

For 500 rpm setup

For 250-rpm setup

For the gear pump with two distinct operating speed, the value for highest pressure will be found
on the gear pump (J7) since gear pump is responsible for the circulation of the fluid all
throughout the system.

D. Conclusion
 Draw a conclusion from the simulation test run.

For this experiment, using the PSIM 2, we have performed the application of a gear pump
in a system. A gear pump is a type of positive displacement pump. Gear pumps use the actions
of rotating cogs or gears to transfer fluids. A gear pump delivers a smooth pulse-free flow
proportional to the rotational speed of its gears.
In this experiment, we have conducted 2 simulation test with different input speed which
are 250 rpm and 500 rpm. A fluid with 0.88 kg/L density and 28.6 kg/sec-m dynamic viscosity
that was pumped between pressures of -0.02 barG and 0.15 barG.

EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

As seen in the Pump performance curve, the maximum head pressure of the pump has 0
volumetric flow rate. Also, we have observed and concluded that the relationship of the flow rate
and pressure is inversely proportional. We can also say that the gear pump volumetric flow rate
is proportional with the speed. While with the given set of data above, it shows that the rate value
for the 250 rpm pump is higher than that of 500 rpm pump.

The gear pumps struggle to maintain performance at low speeds and flow rates due to
their weak volumetric efficiency. Therefore to get the best from their output, pumps need to be
operated as close to their maximum rated speeds as they can.

E. Supplemental Questions:

1. What is a gear pump?

2. What are the types of gear pump?
3. What are the applications of gear pump?
4. Explain how Gear pumps work?
5. Describe the effect of pressure limitation in identifying characteristic data of a gear

Noted by:


EXPERIMENT 4: Gear Pump Performance Test

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