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Experiment 4: Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity

Submitted by:

Co, Lorenzo Gerald V.

Derain, Precious G.

Ilao, John Marc G.

Pabularcon, Glenford Rene D.

Tee, Joshua Anthony F.

Submitted Date:

June 16, 2021


Weight, volume, density and specific gravity are all physical properties of matter. Weight is
the force that is caused by the gravitational pull of earth toward the surface of an object.
Volume is a measure of three-dimensional space that is being occupied by a liquid, solid or
gas. Density refers to the measurements of how compact and object is and specific gravity is
the ratio of an object's density and its contact substance.
For this experiment, we aimed to determine the relationship of the mentioned properties
with each other and the effect of temperature to them. Materials used for this experiment
are Hydrometer, Graduated Cylinder, Platform scale balance, Calibrated volume tank, fluid
sample (H2O,Brine and Oil) and Infrared Thermometer. These following materials are used
to get the measurements of the properties of the liquid.
And with the given data gathered, the group can conclude that density is directly
proportional to weight and specific gravity and inversely proportional with volume. And
temperature affects the density and their relationship is inverse.


Weight and Specific Weight

In physics, weight is defined as a force that operates on all objects on the planet. This is due to Earth's
gravity, which is a downward force that pulls all objects toward the surface of the planet. Multiplying the
mass of the object by the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity yields the magnitude of the
gravitational force.


where: m=mass
g= gravity
The Earth's gravitational force is exerted on all objects, regardless of which way they are going or what
other forces are acting on them. To put it another way, all objects near the Earth are subjected to a
gravitational force of magnitude, which is exerted downward on them whether they are falling, flying up
at an angle, resting at rest on a table, or rushing upward in an elevator. Other forces may contribute to
an object's acceleration, but gravity is always present.

While a person's true weight is dictated by his mass and gravity's acceleration, his "perceived weight" or
"effective weight" is dictated by the fact that he is supported by the floor, chair, etc. When all of this
support is abruptly withdrawn and the individual begins to fall freely, he feels "weightless." As a result,
the term "weightlessness" refers to a state of free fall in which there is no apparent support.
Weightlessness can be achieved in a variety of ways, all of which rely on important fundamental

Weight per unit volume, on the other hand, is known as specific weight. Weight is a type of force. (N/m 3)
is the SI unit for specific weight. (lb/ft 3) is the imperial unit. The table below consists of common
material’s specific weight.
Volume and Specific Volume

Volume is a fundamental physical quantity by definition. The three-dimensional extent of an object is

expressed by volume, which is a derived quantity. The SI-derived unit, the cubic meter (m3), is
commonly used to quantify volume, however Imperial units can also be used (ft3). The following is a list
of figures, along with their volume formulas and surface area:

On the other hand, specific volume is an intensive variable, whereas volume is an extensive variable. In
the SI system, cubic meters per kilogram (m 3/kg) is the standard unit for specific volume. The English
system's standard unit is cubic feet per pound mass (ft 3/lbm). The reciprocal of a substance's specific
volume is its density (v).


The mass of an object divided by its volume is the definition of density. The density formula is as follows:

In the sciences, density is a fundamental notion. Because the density of material rarely varies, it is
frequently employed in identifying rocks and minerals. A gold, for example, will always have a density of
19.3 g/cm3; if a mineral does not have this property, it is not gold.
Many applications require high densities. One of the most important is that a substance's density
determines whether or not it will float on another. Less dense materials will float on top of (or rise
through) denser materials. The following table are the list of some common materials densities;
Specific Gravity

The specific gravity is the ratio between the density of an object, and a reference substance. The specific
gravity can tell us, based on its value, if the object will sink or float in our reference substance. Usually,
our reference substance is water which always has a density of 1 gram per milliliter or 1 gram per cubic

When a substance's specific gravity ratio is less than one (1), the material will float in the reference
substance. When a material's specific gravity ratio is larger than one (1), it suggests the material will sink
in the reference substance. The phrase "specific gravity" is used to describe this rising vs. sinking
phenomenon, despite the fact that gravity plays no part in this process. As a result, it would be
considerably preferable to use the phrase "relative density" to describe the relationship between two
substances, but the phrase "specific gravity" has lingered around for historical reasons. Specific gravity is
a notion that can be found in a wide range of industrial applications, particularly in fluid dynamics.


A hydrometer (areometer) is a device that measures the specific gravity (relative density) of liquids,
which is defined as the ratio of the liquid's density to that of water. Hydrometers are calibrated for
specific uses; a lactometer is calibrated to measure the density (creaminess) of milk, while a
saccharometer is calibrated to measure the density of sugar in a liquid, or an alcoholometer for
detecting higher alcohol concentrations in spirits.

The hydrometer works on Archimedes' principle, which states that a solid suspended in a fluid is buoyed
by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the suspended solid's submerged section. A
hydrometer of a particular weight falls deeper the lower the density of the fluid; the stem is calibrated
to give a numerical measurement.

These following parameters are inter-connected or very related to one another, and will be the main
focus point of this experiment.


Density is m/V (mass over volume)

Hydrometer is used to measure density of a liquid

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance over the density of a reference
Temperature is a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold
Volume is a measure of the amount of three-dimensional space that is being occupied by a
liquid, solid, or a gas
Weight is a force that is caused by the gravitational pull of the earth towards its surface.



Graduated Cylinder

Platform Scale balance

Calibrated volume Tank

Fluid sample (H2O, Brine and Oil)

Infrared Thermometer

Using weighing scale and volume tank.

a. Ready all the tools and equipments that are necessary, also making sure that it’s dry and clean.

b. Check the volume tank and place it on the weighing scale.

c. Calibration of weighing scale set to zero and measure the empty tank.

d. Record these parameters, temperature, weight, and volume by pouring the fluid sample into the
empty tank until the level reaches the first scale.

e. Measure the temperature after adding specific amount of fluid until the next scale is reached. Record
also weight and volume.

f. Repeat the step e until it reaches the last scale.

g. Clean and dry the tank by removing the first fluid sample. Use another fluid sample and repeat steps
d, e, and f. (Repetition of these steps are dependent on number of fluid sample)

h. Work station and all the equipments must be clean after the experimentation, and all the necessary
things should be back in place.

Using Hydrometer and Graduated Cylinder

a. Prepare all the necessary tools or equipments, make sure that these equipments are dry and clean.

b. Pour the fluid sample into the graduated cylinder until it reaches the maximum level.
c. Submerged the hydrometer pointing the endpoint with granule weight tip downward, when the
hydrometer floats before then, let it go. Hydrometer should not have bubbles on its body and make sure
that it doesn’t touch the surface of graduated cylinder to prevent inaccuracy of the readings.

d. Specific Gravity indicated in the hydrometer should be recorded after stabilizing the hydrometer.

e. Clean and dry the graduated cylinder, remove the first fluid sample and repeats process b, c, and d.

f. When the experiment is done, clean the work station and also the equipments being used. Return it to
the laboratory technician.


A. Data Sheet

1. Hydrometer (g/ml)

Hydrometer 1 = 1.2 to 1.0

Hydrometer 2 = 1.0 to 0.8

Fluid/Substance Graduated cylinder Density Hydrometer used

Water 450mL 1.0 g/ml Hydrometer 1&2
SAE/Bike Oil 350mL 0.87 g/ml Hydrometer 2

Specific Gravity/Relative Density

density of substance
density of reference
0.87 g/ ml
1.0 g /ml

Specific Weight


y= pg
1.0 g 1000 ml 1 kg
y=( x x )¿)
ml 1L 1000 g
y=9.81 ∨9810 3
L m
SAE/Bike Oil

y= pg
g 1000 ml 1 kg
y=(0.87 x x )(9.81 m/s 2)
ml 1L 1000 g
y=8.5347 ∨8534.7 3
L m

B. Schematic Diagram

1. Hydrometer (areometer)

2. Graduated Cylinder
3. Platform scale balance


For this experiment, the group have seen what are the basic physical properties of matter— mass,
weight, volume, density, temperature and specific gravity. And specifically, we have seen how
hydrometer was used to measure the density of the liquid. And with analyzing the results given above
we can concluded that density is directly proportional with weight and specific gravity. But density on
the other hand is inversely proportional with volume given the formula p=m/v.The group also
determined the Specific Gravity and Specific Weight of a substance with a the given formulas
density of substance
respectively: SG= , y= pg
density of reference



Derain, Precious G.– (Conclusion, Abstract) Leader
Co, Lorenzo Gerald V. – (Data Sheet and Schematic Diagram) Member
Ilao, John Marc G.– (Methodology) Member
Pabularcon, Glenford Rene D. – (Introduction) Member
Tee, Joshua Anthony F.– (Methodology) Member

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