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Language Classroom Management (Eng521)

Spring 2021
Assignment No. 2

SHUMAILA JAMEEL (mc190405711)

Study Program

MA English Language Teaching

Q1. Suppose you are a second class in charge in a private elite school. How will you manage
the following discipline problems which arise frequently in your class? (Describe each issue
in 250-300 words). (4*5=20)

 Student racial/ethnic tensions

 Student bullying
 Student harassment of other students based on gender identity
 Student verbal abuse of teachers

A. Student Racial / ethnic Tensions management in the classroom

First of all, as a teacher, I know individual students regarding cultural background, learning

styles, and hobbies. I should maintain ongoing communication throughout the schooling year. I

will ask the student to respect other's diverse backgrounds. I will encourage students to

understand others' cultures and differences in terms of ethnicity. I will ensure knowledge

differences of culture and promote understanding in the classroom. I will make sure that how to

talk about other cultures respectfully and maturely in the classroom.

It is very important to keep an open dialogue among students. Students should very sensitive to

everyone’s beliefs, cultures, and language concerns. I will present diverse lesson plans in the

classroom. I will broaden the lesson so that students encompass the world culture beyond a

particular culture. I will use cultural diversity in lesson plans and assignments to help students.
There are various ways the teacher can incorporate cultural awareness and diversity in lesson

plans and it’s easier to promote cultural awareness in the classroom. I will ensure freedom and

flexibility in the classroom within the limit.

B. Student bullying

As a teacher, I will communicate with students how bullying affects others. I will ensure students

know the consequences of bullying others at school. I will tell students bullying is not tolerable

and need to pay attention. I will watch for bullying indicators because girls and boys often bully

differently. Some possible gateway indicators are such as make jokes, laughing under their

breath, rolling eyes, and using sarcasm.

I will try to build a rapport with all the students and greet each student daily. I will engage

parents in bullying prevention programs. I will increase awareness of PTO meetings, newsletters,

conferences, and social media. I will encourage parents to support school rules and bullying

intervention strategies.

I will assign students to the group in a group project to prevent bullying in the classroom. It will

ensure that students learn to work with those outside their circle of friends. When I spot bullying,

I will address it right away. I will speak with the victim privately. I will create an environment

where students feel safe talking with you. I will make sure a schedule a safe time to talk with the

victim to tackle bullying. When I meet with students that bully others, and address bullying

behavior and administer the appropriate discipline. I will commit to helping the victim resolve

the issue.
C. Student harassment of other students based on gender identity

As a teacher, I will address students equally instead of girls and boys. I will encourage avoiding

nick or pet names in the classroom. I will avoid the separation of children based on gender. I will

make the elimination of sexual harassment a top priority. I will take a stand against unsuitable

sexual comments and name-calling. I will make a plan to educate students about sexual

harassment. I will teach the difference between friendly teasing and bullying, harassment and

flirting. I will clearly define and explain the consistent consequences of harassment based on


Parent involvement is important to long-term behavior modification. I will get the parent

involved. Parents, in many cases, need to be educated about sexual harassment and its effect to

help them recognize harassment and respond accordingly. When I spot harassment in the

classroom, I will inform both the parent victims and perpetrators so that emotional and

development needs can be addressed. Family involvement is necessary to avoid long-term

emotional damage and to modify inappropriate behavior.

Ignoring the harassment often leads to a cycle of the ongoing situation. I will make sure that

students must learn and establish strong personal boundaries. Students must inform others to stop

when their behavior is inappropriate and offensive.

D. Student verbal abuse of teachers

 Followings are effective responses to tackle student verbal abuse of teachers.

 I will stay calm and keep emotions in check to gain control of such situations.

 I will stand firmly and observe students in that situation.

 I will not speak to the angry student until the student is calm emotionally.
 I will talk to an agitated student to temper his emotion.

 I will talk to school staff that is experienced with handling such behavior.

 I will speak to the student calmly and try to redirect his/her aggression.

 I will remind the rule of the classroom students.

 I will follow a school safety plan in case of a threat.

 I will try to isolate her/him from the class or remove other students from a safer place.

 I will document the student’s behavior. I will write everything said or done and interview

all other students near or involved in this situation.

 I will make contact with parents and report the student’s behavior.

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