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Module 3 – Diversity of Learners



Instruction: With your group, analyze the given situation below, propose a long-
term solution that will help address learners diversity in the classroom.

Teacher A has a learners (student B) who is frequently absent, she found out that
student B was being bullied by her classmates calling him “bakla” and other name-
calling that made student B feel ashamed of going to school.

What can Teacher A do about the situation?


The Teacher A do the first step is to have a private conversation with Student B. Create
a safe and confidential space for them to share their feelings and experiences. Listen
empathetically to their concerns and reassure them that you are there to help. Ask
Student B to provide details about when and where the bullying occurs and who is
involved. Encourage them to keep a record of each incident, including dates, times,
locations, and any witnesses. Then Review the school's anti-bullying policy and ensure
you understand the procedures in place for reporting and addressing bullying incidents.
Inform Student B's parents or guardians about the situation. Share your concerns and
the steps you plan to take to address the issue.

Encourage open communication between the school and the family. Speak to the
students who are involved in bullying behavior. Emphasize the seriousness of the issue
and the school's anti-bullying policies. Encourage them to reflect on their actions and
the impact they have on others. Consequences may be necessary in line with the
school's policies. If the bullying continues or escalates, involve the school
administration, such as the principal or counselor. Provide them with all the
documented information and seek their assistance in addressing the issue.

Arrange for counseling or support services for Student B. They may benefit from
talking to a school counselor or a mental health professional to help them cope with the
emotional impact of bullying. Organize classroom discussions or assemblies on the topic
of bullying, respect, and empathy. Encourage students to understand the consequences
of their actions and promote a culture of kindness and inclusion. Keep a close eye on the
situation and check in regularly with Student B to ensure that the bullying has stopped
and they feel safe at school. Also, continue to monitor the behavior of the bullies.

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