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Physics of the human cardiovascular system

Aneta Stefanovska
Version of record first published: 08 Nov 2010.

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Physics, 40:1, 31-55

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Contem porary Physics, 1999, volume 40, number 1, pages 31 ± 55

Physics of the human cardiovascular system


C ontemporary m easurement techniques permit the non-invasive observation of several

cardiovascular functions, both from the central and peripheral points of view . W e show that,
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w ithin one cycle of blood through the cardiovascular system, the sam e dynam ics
characterizes heart function as well as blood ¯ ow in the capillary bed where cells exchang e
energy and matter. Analyses of several quite diŒerent signals derived from respiration,
cardiac function and blood ¯ ow, all reveal the existence of ® ve alm ost periodic frequency
com ponents. T his result is interpreted as evidence that cardiovascular dyna mics is governed
by ® ve coupled oscillators. T he couplings provide co-ordination am ong the physiological
processes involved, and are essential for e cient cardiovascular function. Understandin g the
dynam ics of a system of ® ve coupled oscillators not only represents a theoretical challenge,
but also carries practical implications for diagnos is and for predicting the future behaviour
of this life giving system .

1. Basic role and structure also involved in the regulation of pressure and ¯ ow, and it
In the course of evolution, individual cells organized into dominates in the venous ¯ ow . A long the vessels the ¯ ow is
cellular system s of increasing com plexity and, as animals also regulated by myogenic and neurogenic processes [1,2].
evolved, they further diŒerentiated into specialized tissues B oth are involved in vasom otionÐ continuous oscillatory
and organs. At this level of organization cells w ere no m ovement of the vessels. The myogenic process results
longer capable of individually sustaining autonom ous life. from the continuous contraction and relaxation of smooth
A collective system that provides and distributes oxygen m uscle in the vessels’ w alls. This process aŒects the radial
and nutrient m aterials to each cell and takes away the com ponent of the vessel movement and is based on the
products of their m etabolism becam e essential, and also concentration diŒerence of ions inside and outside the
evolved. It is the cardiovascular system , a closed circuit of m uscle mem brane. The neurogenic process is controlled by
vessels, that enables the life of each individual cell in the the autonom ous nervous system . H aving its origin in some
hum an organism , as w ell as in all m am mals. centres in the brainstem that are connected to other parts of
To enable it to take care of the nutritional and the central nervous system, and sensors throughout the
im munological needs of individual cells, the blood is kept w hole network of vessels, it provides synchronization of the
in continuous motion from the left heart, via the aorta, function of the entire system. It m ainly aŒects the
arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, vena cava, to longitudinal component of the vessels’ m ovem ents.
the right heart, through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, The place w here the cells of the human body have direct
and ® nally, through the pulm onary vein, back to the left access to the blood is nam ed the capillary bed (® gure 2). It
heart (® gure 1). The total volum e of blood (4± 6 l, or 7± 8% serves both transport and exchange functions. The capillary
of the body w eight) circulates along this path in one bed is the netw ork of capillaries, feeding arteriole and
minute, on average in a relaxed, healthy subject in repose draining venule, that act collectively as a functional
[1,2]. W ith 60 beats per minute the heart of a m an outputs m odule. T he average length of a capillary is about 200 ±
5.5 litres on average in a m inute. T he process of respiration, 250 ¹ m, and its diam eter ranges from 8 ¹ m to 10 ¹ m
by which the blood exchanges gases with the atmosphere, is depending on the site, but for the m ost part is com parable
w ith or even sm aller than the diam eter of the red blood
cells. T he ¯ ow of blood in vessels whose diameters are
com parable with that of red blood cells is term ed
m icrocirculation [3]. W hile som e of the blood passes
Authors’ address: G roup of N onlinear D ynam ics and Synergetics, Faculty
of Electrical Engineering, U niversity of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slo venia. directly to the venules, thus m aking circulation continuous,
e-m ail: m aja@ and aneta@ som e stays in the capillaries closed by pre-capillary
0010-7514 /99 $12.00 Ó 1999 Taylor & Francis Ltd
32 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ
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Figure 2. A typical capillary bed, where the cells of human

body have direct access to the blood. An exchange of energy and
matter occurs along the capillary walls so that the cardiovascular
system is thermodynamically open. Modi® ed from [2], with

® nd that physics has a major role to play in accounting for

the operation of this wonderful self-regulating biological
Figure 1. Blood circulates through the cardiovascular system, a
mechanism. W e w ill also see that, contrary to popular
closed system of vessels. In one minute on average the whole
perception, the heart of a healthy person at rest does not
volume of blood passes through the heart and the lungs, and is
then distributed to the diŒerent parts of the body according to beat at a constant rate. Indeed, unevenness of the heart
their individual needs. Oxygenated blood is portrayed as red, de- rhythm seem s to be absolutely essential to physical well-
oxygenated as blue. Modi® ed from [2], with permission. being.

sphincters. The latter are rings of sm ooth m uscles that 2. B ackground

rhythmically switch between the open and closed condition. From the earliest times, blood has been recognized as the
The exchange of matter and energy between the blood life-giving ¯ uid. U ntil the beginning of the seventeenth
and the tissues occurs across the capillary w all, so that the century, however, it had been believed that the blood w as
system is thermodynam ically open. The capillary bed can prepared in the liver and then m oved through veins into
be conceived of as two concentric tubular barriersÐ an organs, w here it w as consum ed. From veins it came to the
inner tube, a layer of endothelial cells, and an outer tube, right heart where it divided into two streams, one supplying
the basement membrane. T he latter is directly continuous the lungs and the other, through `interseptal pores’, going
with the tissue ground substance [4]. The endothelial cells to the left heart. This was seen as a place where the blood
are interdigitated to form the interior ® brillar layer, som e mixed with the air (pneum a), became heated and then
500Ð 600 A thick. T he tw o layers, although continuous in passed to the aorta. The ® rst criticism to this view, which
their structure [5], are capable of selection am ong the was form ulated by Galen of Pergamum in the second
substances that await to enter the intracellular space. From century, w as proposed by Ibn el-Na® s not earlier than in
there, they becom e involved in all form s of tissue thirteenth-century. He proposed that the blood from the
metabolism, both physical and chem ical. T hese processes right heart continued to the lungs, where spread in the
occur on tim e scales longer than one minute, however, and pulmonary substance to m ix with the air and then returned
will not be considered in the analysis presented below. to the left heart. The role of valves in the heart w as ® rst
In what follows, we shall summarize current under- described by Andrea Casalpino in 1571 , who then
standing of the system responsible for the circulation of the introduced the term circulatio [6].
blood and for controlling the concentrations of dissolved It is to W illiam Harvey that w e owe the conception and
gases and nutrients within itÐ the cardiovascular systemÐ proof of the idea that blood does indeed circulate. He w as
restricting our attention to those processes that occur able to show that the valves in the heart are so arranged as
within one cycle of blood through the system . The rhythmic to allow the passage of blood in only one direction.
metabolic process that in¯ uences blood transport by Further, by watching the m otion of the heart in living
facilitating exchange across the capillary wall is thus the animals he concluded that in the phase of em ptying the
slowest dynam ic process that will be considered. W e w ill ventricles, known as systole, the blood is expelled to the
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 33

lungs via the pulm onary artery and to the rest of the body w here K ¢ ¢ is a function of tem perature and the type of
via the aorta. In the phase when the atria are ® lling, known liquid ¯ ow ing. Later, Eduard Hagenbach solved the
as diastole, he observed that the blood enters the heart problem of Poiseuille ¯ ow by application of the N avier±
through the vena cava and the pulm onary vein (® gure 1). Stokes equations. He show ed that K ¢ ¢ 5 p /128¹ , where ¹ is
He calculated that if only a drachma (3.55 ´ 10
Ð 6 3
m ) of the viscosity of the ¯ uid. A lthough viscosity was de® ned by
blood w ere expelled at each beat, in half an hour the heart N avier in 1823 , Poiseuille him self did not use this term, so
would use up all the blood in the body, thus com pletely that the present-day form of the Poiseuille’ s relation w as
emptying the veins and distending the arteries. A fter m ore com pleted by Hagenbach who, in 1860 , proposed calling it
than two decades of system atic work, Harvey form ulated Poiseuille’ s law. The value of ¹ derived from K ¢ ¢ , which
his results in 1628 , when he concluded that the circulation Poiseuille obtained, agrees with currently accepted values
of the blood is `the sole and only end of the m otion and to w ithin 0.1% , which illustrates the remarkable precision
contraction of the heart’ [6]. T he fact that blood moves in a of his experiments. H is quest for the utm ost possible
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circle, entering the veins from arteries, w as supported by precision w as m otivated in part by the fact that accepted
M arcello M alpighi, w ho in 1661 , using a microscope, opinion, including that of the authorities of his tim e,
discovered the capillaries [7]. T hom as Young and Claude Navier, held that Q is
H arvey’ s discovery of blood circulation opened the doors approximately proportional to D 3.
to modern physiology, but at least tw o centuries were to At about the sam e tim e a G erm an hydraulic engineer,
elapse before science had developed su ciently to pass G otthilf Hagen, published in 1839 a paper on the ¯ ow of
through them . Even today, the fact that the lungs and the w ater in cylindrical tubes. A lthough it is general opinion
heart are the only organs through w hich the entire am ount that the careful and precise experim ents of Poiseuille were
of blood passes on average in each cycle is often fully convincing, the law governing ¯ uid ¯ ow through a
overlooked. T heir interplay in m aintaining the ¯ ow and tube is also nam ed the H agen± Poiseuille law.
pressure levels still needs to be clari® ed. The blood ¯ ow It w as George Stokes himself w ho, in 1845 , solved the
through those organs is usually treated separately, mainly problem of Poiseuille ¯ ow as an application of the N avier±
analysing ¯ ow in the heart and / or veins (see [8] and the Stokes equations, but he did not publish his results because
references therein), and gas exchange in the lungs. he believed that they con¯ icted with experiment: he w as
In the follow ing subsections we will trace the develop- evidently unaware of Poiseuille’ s w ork.
ment of our understanding of physics of blood circulation, The Navier± Stokes equations are used universally today
grounded on Harvey’ s observations. First, w e will consider to describe ¯ uid ¯ ow , including velocity pro® les in large
the mechanical function of the heart and the ¯ ow of blood arteries. T he equations are derived from the basic principles
through vessels. Then, secondly, w e will discuss the of conservation of m ass and m omentum. The conservation
regulatory mechanisms that are involved in maintaining of mass is expressed by the continuity equation
rhythm ic ¯ ow of blood through the cardiovascular system.
­ q
­ t
1 Ñ . [q ]5 0, ( 2)

2.1. M echanics of the blood ¯ ow w here q 5 q ( , t) is the density of the ¯ uid, t is the tim e,
The study of mechanics of the blood ¯ ow is marked by the 5 ( , t) the velocity vector, and Ñ is the gradient vector
work of Jean Poiseuille. A fter completing his doctoral operator. F or a scalar function q , Ñ . q = grad q , and for
research on The force of the aortic heart in 182 8 [9], he the vector , Ñ . = div .
turned his attention to circulation through small vessels. To Conservation of momentum leads to the equation of
be able to control all param eters involved, he built a model m otion
device w here he studied the liquid ¯ ow in sm all diameter
glass capillaries. Poiseuille set out to ® nd a functional q 1 [ .Ñ ] 5 Ñ .r 1 q , ( 3)
­ t
relationship am ong four variables: the volumetric e‚ ux
rate of distilled water from a tube Q , the driving pressure w here r is a stress tensor and 5 ( , t) denotes the body
diŒerential P, the tube length L, and the tube diam eter D. force per unit m ass. F or a ¯ uid, the stress tensor is
The diameter of his glass tubes ranged from 15 ¹ m to
600 ¹ m, how ever larger than the size of human capillaries.
r 5 2 p 1 with 5 unit tensor . ( 4)

He varied the other param eters, too, and by careful H ere, 2 p represents an isotropic part, having the sam e
measurem ents established the relation am ong the above form as the stress tensor for a ¯ uid at rest with a
parameters as hydrostatic pressure p, and tensor represents the non-
isotropic part, caused by the ¯ uid motion. However, to
K ¢ ¢ PD4
Q 5 , ( 1) deduce the dependence of on the local velocity gradients,
it is assum ed that d ij is a linear function of the various
34 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

components of the velocity gradients and that the ¯ uid is locally, with separate parts of the system being considered
isotropic, called a New tonian ¯ uid. Under the above in isolation. T he whole approach needs a very detailed prior
assum ptions is expressed as understanding of the system in order to be able to provide a
good description of the observed behaviour. But the more
1 1 ­ vi ­ vj
5 2¹ 2 [Ñ . ] with e ij 5 1 , ( 5) precisely w e try to understand the m echanics of the system,
3 2 ­ xj ­ xi
the more detail we need, and the less we are able to consider
where is the sym metrical part of the velocity gradient its global characteristics and to understand the m echanisms
tensor, know n as the rate of strain tensor, and ¹ is the ¯ uid involved in one cycle of the blood through the system.
viscosity depending on the temperature. B y substituting (5)
into (3), the expression for the velocity is obtained
2.2. Regulation of the heart function
­ 1
q 1 .Ñ 5 q 2 Ñ p1 Ñ . 2¹ 2 [Ñ . ] . 2.2.1. Autorhythm icity of the heart. A s already indicated,
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­ t 3 the heart function consists of two phases: systole, the period

( 6) of the cycle when the heart is emptying; and diastole, the
period when it is ® lling. In order to function e ciently, the
Equations (2) and (6) are known as the N avier± Stokes cardiac pum ping action m ust proceed in a coordinated
equations for ¯ uid motion. For the case w here tem perature fashion. The coordination is maintained by excitatory
diŒerences are small enough for the temperature to be signals generated w ithin the heart itself. It was noticed as
taken as uniform over the ¯ uid, and for a ¯ uid that is early as 177 7 that arteries contracted and dilated in phase
incompressible, they reduce to with heart action, but it w as not until 183 1 that E rnst W eber

Ñ . 5 0, ( 7)
show ed that these were controlled by the same type of nerves
[6]. In 184 5 A lfred and E rnst W eber obtained evidence that
­ the vag us nerve can inhibit heart action, which had already
q 1 .Ñ 5 q 2 Ñ p1 ¹ Ñ 2
. ( 8)
­ t been suggested by A lfred Volkmann in 1837 . Shortly
afterwards, the other type of nerves that innervate the
A complete analytic solution of the Navier± Stokes equa- heartÐ the sympathetic nervesÐ were described by C laud
tions is in general extrem ely di cult. Although for m ost Bernard. W hen they are severed, the m uscles of the heart and
regim es of interest numerical solutions may be obtained, vessels become less stiŒ, causing the vessels to dilate.
® nding them is still a matter of intensive research for m any External stimuli of sympathetic nerves provoke m uscle
types of ¯ uid. Readers interested in a complete derivation stiŒening, or contraction. Those tw o states are known in
and num erical solution for velocity pro® les in large arteries physiology as vasodilatation and vasoconstriction, while the
are referred to [10] and the references therein. Based on the continuous constriction and dilation, by which the blood is
Navier± Stokes equations, both laminar and turbulent types pushed forward, is known as vasom otion.
of ¯ ow are studied. L am inar arises in linear regimes, and Today it is know n that the cardiac centres in the pons
turbulent ¯ ow results from nonlinear characteristics of the and in the m edulla oblongata , w hich are both part of the
system. Linear ¯ ow usually has a Poiseuille velocity pro® le, brainstem ² , exert a direct in¯ uence on the activity of the
while a variety of velocity pro® les can be obtained in the heart, by w ay of sympathetic and parasym pathetic nerves.
case of turbulence. T urbulent ¯ ow is observed mainly in The action of the heart is therefore primarily controlled by
large arteries, where pressure gradients and velocities are the autonomous nervous system .
high, whereas laminar ¯ ow is characteristic for most of the The rhythmic pulsation of the heart is how ever main-
small vessels [10,11]. tained by excitatory signals ³ generated within the heart
The boundary conditions for the N avier± Stokes equa-
tions are complicated, and the initial conditions are di cult
to de® ne. A simpli® ed description of the cardiovascular Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð
system as a w hole m ight serve to obtain the values of initial ² Th e brainstem consists of the m edulla oblongata, pons and m id brain.
The m edulla oblo ngata is an enlarged continuation of the spin al cord
conditions. The equations (7) and (8) are obtained on the
extending up in to the pons. A ll nerve fibres linking the brain to the spinal
assum ptions that the ¯ uid is incompressible, Newtonian cord, ascending and descendin g, as w ell as nerve fibres linking cerebrum
and isothermalÐ which might seem reasonable approxima- to cerebellum pass through the brainstem, thus m akin g it a crossroads of
the nerve pathw ays. C entres of the autonom ic nervous system that provide
tions, but the vessels themselves undergo dynam ic changes
basic control m echanism s for blood pressure, heart and respiratory
in geometry which are not taken into account. function are also located in the brainstem .
The m echanical approach is based on the assum ption ³ N erve excitatio n is the state of autom atic, progressive breakdown of its
m em bran e charg e, producin g a propaga ting potentia l, the a ction
that the system is conservative and that it can be
potential, along the nerve. C ells in w hich an action potential can be
characterized by the equations of mass, momentum and elicited are called excitable. Excitability is a typical property of nerve and
energy conservation. The physics of the system is studied m uscle cells.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 35

itself. Under suitable conditions a heart rem oved from the to all parts of the heart. T heir activity increases the heart
body will continue to beat at a constant frequency [2]. This rate by increasing the rhythmicity of the SA node and,
occurs through the action of specialized cells of the m ore importantly, they increase the strength and speed of
pacemaker and conducting system (® gure 3). T he sinoatrial contraction of muscles in both atria and ventricles. In
node is the primary pacemaker of the heart, having the biological em ergencies, such as ¯ ight, fright or ® ght, an
highest discharge rate, i.e. the frequency of generating an increase in sym pathetic activity is of vital im portance to the
action potential, based on ion concentration diŒerences organism in securing maxim al mobilization of the pum ping
across the membrane. The mechanism by which the action m echanism s of the heart [1].
potential is generated and propagated through the tissue is
however beyond the scope of this article. Readers interested 2.2.2. Electrical and mechanical action of the heart. After
in it are referred to [2,7]. the electrical nature of the excitation of smooth m uscles in
The parasym pathetic nerves branch oΠfrom the vag us the heart and the vessels was appreciated, attempts were
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nerves on both sides of the cervical region in the spinal initiated to record the corresponding electrical signals.
cord. The right branch of the vag us nerve goes to the right U sing a galva nometer, Carlo M atteucci show ed in 183 8
atrium, w here it is concentrated at the sinoatrial node (SA), that the heart muscle generated a m easurable electric
while the left branch goes to the atrioventricular node charge. In 190 3 W illiam Einthoven m odi® ed the string
(® gure 3). A ccordingly, stimulation of the right vag us galva nom eter to record continuously the electrical activity
predom inantly eŒects the heart rate. Externally applied of the heart, creating what was eŒectively an early
electrical stim uli to the cardiac vag i does slow the heart. It electrocardiograph (E CG). Both the characteristics of the
may reduce the cardiac output, or even stop the heart, but electrical activity in the heart, and their mechanisms, have
these eŒects are due to vagi slowing or stopping the been intensively studied since then and standards have been
generation of the stimuli by the SA node. W hen the body is established to m ake the ECG universally useful [2].
at rest, the SA node drives the heart at a rate of about 60 The electrical potentials can be detected by electrodes
im pulses/ min. The left vag us eŒects the velocity of placed at various points of the body. The basic bipolar limb
transmission of electrical im pulses from atria to ventricles leads, nam ed I, II and III, as proposed by Einthoven, are
and thus the time between the atrial and ventricular based on the triangle formed by the shoulders and the
contraction. In this way the left vag us also in¯ uences the crotch. The electrical signal is obtained as a diŒerence of
heart rate. There is only sparse parasym pathetic innerva- potentials sensed by plus and m inus electrode with respect
tion of ventricles. Its role there is indirect and serves to to the third electrode, giving a ground potential. A typical
inhibit the sym pathetic action. signal obtained by electrodes on both shoulders and one
The sympathetic nerves come from the upper thoracic below the heart, from one of the so-called precardial leads
segments of the spinal cord. They are uniform ly distributed [2], is presented in ® gure 4. Each portion of the ECG
represents electrical activity in a particular part of the
heart, and the speci® c peaks w ere denoted as P-Q-R -S-T,
the R -peak being the maxim al value in most of the
electrode con® gurations.
The standard analysis considers the time interval
between the characteristic peaks, obtained after averaging
over some num ber of beats. By convention, P and T are
nam ed w aves, and the distance betw een two waves is called
a segment, w hile an interval com prises both waves and
segments. F rom the EC G curve an atrial and a ventricular
part can be distinguished, as w ell as the states when valves
are open or closed. D uring the P wave the excitation
spreads over both atria, and w ithin the PQ segment the
atria as a whole continue to be excited. The QRS complex
corresponds to the excitation of both ventricles, and the T
w ave re¯ ects recovery from the excitation of the ventricles.
The states of mitral valve, the valve between left
atrium and ventricle, and the aortic valve, the valve
between left ventricle and aorta, are presented in ® gure
4. The mitral valve closes at the R -peak and at the end
Figure 3. The pacemaker and conducting system of the heart as of QR S com plex the aortic valve opens. The blood is
seen in the frontal section. Modi® ed from [2], with permission. then ejected into the aorta. T his phase is nam ed systole.
36 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

in the aorta and ~ 1.2 kPa in the pulmonary artery, both

arterial valves open and blood begins to be expelled. The
intraventricular pressure continues to rise, until it reaches
its m aximum of 16 kPa in the left and 2.7 kPa in the right
ventricle. Towards the end of systole it falls again. The ¯ ow
of blood through the system is driven by the pressure
diŒerence. Its value depends on the side of the system,
being higher in the arterial side, and varies with respect to
the size of the vessels. On the capillary side it is m odulated
by both the central and the peripheral m echanism s. In
® gure 4 one cycle of the electrical activity of the heart
together with the arterial pressure and the blood ¯ ow
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through a capillary bed in the skin of a human hand is

presented. The electrical activity results in a pressure wave
that drives the ¯ ow of blood through the system .

2.2.3. Heart rate variability. Thus far, w e have discussed

the m echanism of a single heart cycle. The tim e between
two successive R-peaks, i.e. the period of a complete heart
cycle, is however not constant, but rather varies in time. In
their pioneering w ork H yndm an et al. [12], Sayers [13] and
Chess et al. [14], in the 1970s , focused attention on the
existence of physiological rhythm s im bedded in the beat-to-
beat heart rate signal.
By plotting the inverse value of the time between two
successive R -peaks, the instantaneous heart rate (IHR ), as
a function of time, a new time series is generated (® gure 5).
Figure 4. A typical signal from the electric activity of the heart
together with the corresponding states of mitral and aortic valves
(top), the blood pressure (middle) and the peripheral blood ¯ ow
(bottom) during one pumping cycle of the heart.

At the end of the T wave the aortic valve closes and

shortly after the m itral valve opens to allow the passage
of blood from ventricles to atria. This is the phase of
® lling or diastole. Sim ilar phases occur also in the right
heart w ith the ejection period being initiated slightly
earlier and the systole slightly later. T hese tim e
diŒerences are relatively small (of the order of 10±
30 ms) and have no particularly eŒect on the dynam ics
of blood ¯ ow. The corresponding valves in the right
heart are named tricuspid and pulm onary valves. T he
tricuspid and m itral valves are also nam ed atrioventri-
cular (AV) valves, w hile the aortic and pulm onary
valves are nam ed arterial valves.
The excitatory events described above govern the
mechanical activity of the heart by causing the contraction
of muscle cells in the heart, known as myocardial cells.
Opening and closing of the valves is brought about by
pressure changes in the adjacent heart cavities or vessels.
The motion of the valves in turn aŒects the mode of
contraction of the myocardium . W hen the intraventricular Figure 5. Steps in derivation of the heart rate variability (HRV)
pressure exceeds the arterial diastolic pressure of ~ 10 kPa signal.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 37

However, the signal that we derive is discrete and not 2 Hz, 3 Hz, etc, as can be seen in ® gure 6a. As already
continuous and has a variable sam pling tim e (® gure 5). m entioned, the heart rate in a healthy subject varies, which
After interpolation the signal nam ed heart rate variability is w hy its basic frequency is not sharp. T he nature of its
(H R V) is obtained. Num erous methods of interpolation variability can be studied by analysing the H RV signal. Its
have been proposed, but they all in¯ uence spectral F ourier spectrum is presented in ® gure 6 b. B ecause of the
components in various ways. The analyses that we present discrete nature of the events the basic sam pling rate of the
below are obtained by linear interpolation between two H RV is inherently the heart rate itself, and consequently
IHR values (® gure 5). The signal is than re-sampled w ith a this provides maximum frequency in the H RV spectrum.
constant sam pling tim e of 0.1 s. T he highest frequency in the spectrum, f max is determined
A mong all physiological signals, HRV is the one least by the sam pling frequency, f s 5 1 /t s , and the relation
in¯ uenced by movement artefacts, or by instrum ental noise. f max 5 f s /2. For exam ple, if the heart rate is ~ 1 Hz, then
It has also an additional advantage. W hile the measure- f max in the H RV spectrum is ~ 0.5 Hz.
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ments of most physiological signals are inevitably in¯ u- The peaks in the HRV signal correspond to the periodic
enced by interference from other physiological processes, processes that m odify the basic heart frequency. It has
the value of the R-peak corresponds to the pumping cycle already been recognized that the information contained in
of the heart and determines precisely a distinct m oment of the H RV signal is of great clinical and physiological
the heart beat. importance. D iŒerent diseases were shown to m anifest
A kselrod et al. [15] were the ® rst to introduce spectral themselves in a speci® c w ay in the HRV spectrum.
analysis of the H RV signal to evaluate quantitatively the R ecently, standards of measurement, physiological inter-
beat-to-beat cardiovascular control. Since then, HR V has pretation and clinical use of the HR V w ere proposed [17]. It
been analysed extensively using the F ourier transform of has been suggested that a sampling rate betw een 250 and
the signal itself, or its autoregressive model, i.e. non- 500 Hz is optim al to record the shape of the ECG curve and
parametric and parametric m ethods (see [16] and the de® ne the R-peak. The importance of the time of
references therein). T he linear frequency analysis is based observation is also pointed out. The recording is recom -
on the assum ption that it is possible to decom pose a time m ended to last at least 10 tim es the period of the lower-
series into the ® nite num ber of periodic sinusoidal functions frequency bound of the investigated component, but should
with diŒerent frequencies and phases. The F ourier spec- not be substantially extended beyond this in order to ensure
trum of the EC G, recorded for 20 m in on a healthy, resting the stationarity of the signal. Two diŒerent types of
subject is presented in ® gure 6a. m easurem ents were suggested: short-term (5 min) and
W hen the shape of the original time-series is non- long-term (24 h) recordings. Three main frequency domains
sinusoidal, higher harmonic com ponents of the fundam en- are distinguished in the short-tim e recordings: (i) high
tal frequency are necessary to reconstruct the function. frequency (H F) range, 0.15± 0.4 H z, (ii) low frequency (LF )
Thus the spectrum of an EC G consists of a fundamental range, 0.04± 0.15 H z, and (iii) very low frequency (VLF )
frequency of ~ 1 H z (60 beats per minute), and components range, £ 0.04 Hz. From the long-term recordings the VLF
at higher integer multiples of this basic frequency, i.e. at range is de® ned from 0.003 to 0.04 H z, and for the

Figure 6. Fourier (top) and wavelet (bottom) transforms of (a) the ECG and (b) HRV signals. The Fourier spectra are obtained as an
average of spectra calculated for 200 s time segments, shifted along the signal for 100 s. The wavelet transform is also averaged in time,
obtained with (a) f0 = 3 and (b) f 0 = 1.
38 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

frequencies £ 0.003 Hz an ultra low range (U LF ) was physical as well as a mathematical representation of the
de® ned. These frequency domains in the H RV spectrum, system, we will turn once again to this question.
calculated using F ourier transform , are presented in the top
section of ® gure 6b.
The physiological origin of the periodic processes 3. Frequency analysis of cardiovascular signals
involved in the modulation of the heart rate is not well The heart rate variability signal allows us to observe the
understood. It has been proposed that vaga l activity is the function of the heart in time. By extracting the inform ation
major contributor to the HF component, w hile disagree- that it contains, the basic principles of heart function may
ment exists in respect to the LF component. It is considered be studied under normal conditions as well as in perturbed
either as a marker of sym pathetic modulation or, alter- states. However, we cannot apply classical perturbation
natively, that it includes both sym pathetic and vagal theory directly, but rather must observe its function after
in¯ uence. T he physiological interpretation of the lower- reversible perturbations, such as physical exercises and
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

frequency components warrants further elucidation (see application of vasodilator substances, or after irreversible
[17] and the references therein). This interpretation is perturbations resulting from diseases.
however based on considering only the electrical activity of The H RV signal allow s for observations of the function
the heart m uscles and is focused on understanding the of the cardiovascular system from a central viewpoint (at
nerve function that is involved in the observed ¯ uctuations the heart itself). L ater in this section w e shall introduce
of the heart rate. another signal derived from ¯ ow through the vascular bed,
As early as 1733, Hales observed that changes in blood namely the peripheral blood ¯ ow. This signal provides a
pressure and heart rate were related in a regular m anner to peripheral viewÐ from one of the places w here blood
the respiratory pattern in the horse [18]. Ludwig’ s invention exchanges substances with the cellsÐ of the dynam ics of the
of the kym ograph allow ed his observation in 184 7 that the cardiovascular system.
dog heart rate increased on inspiration and decreased on The tim e of observation is of crucial importance in
expiration [19]. This phenomenon is known as `respiratory determ ining the type and am ount of inform ation that can
sinus arrhythmia’ and is interpreted as a dynam ic response be extracted from a signal. As we have already stated, our
of the heart achieved by central nervous modulation of the goal is to understand the dynam ics of one cycle of the
input to the sino-atrial node. Here, w e w ould like to stress blood through the cardiovascular system. A s it takes
the im portance of distinguishing the quantities that are approxim ately one m inute, and its dynamics is not strictly
regulated, w hich are blood pressure and ¯ ow, as well as a periodic, we have chosen the observation tim e to be 20 m in.
vessel’ s resistance and conductance, and the way that
information about their values is transmitted. It is the
nervous system that conveys the inform ation about these 3.1. M ethods of analysis
quantities, derived from mechanical and chem ical sensors at The existence of rhythmic activity in the HR V signal has
various points w ithin the cardiovascular system . In general, already been pointed out, so we shall start with an analysis
the function of all nerve cells in the body is to receive of the cardiovascular system in the frequency domain. Let
information, to carry it to other parts of the system , to us ® rst discuss the F ourier transform in more detail.
compare it to other information, and ® nally to control the
function of other cells. That is w hy they operate on smaller 3.1.1. Fourier transform. A physical signal (with ® nite
tim e scales, than for example the scale on which the blood is energy) m ay be presented in either time or frequency
distributed through the body [20]. dom ains. The Fourier transform
In attempting to understand the function of physio- ¥
logical systems, one of the greatest di culties is to G (f ) 5 g(t) exp ( 2 i 2p f t) d t ( 9)
recognize the distinction betw een cause and eŒect. T he 2 ¥
functioning of the cardiovascular system results from an and its inverse
interplay of a variety of m echanism s that serve to keep
1 ¥
the values of pressure and ¯ ow within certain limits. g(t) 5 G (f ) exp ( i 2p f t) d f , ( 10)
2p 2 ¥
Therefore, in the pages that follow we will present our
understanding of the physics of the cardiovascular are the m athem atical tools which connect the two dom ains
system on the assumption that the quantities character- [21]. T he representation in the frequency dom ain G (f )
izing its function are m echanical, w hile the electrical consists of an am plitude and corresponding phase for each
activity of the nerves serves for com munication within frequency f . The power spectrum of the function
2 2
the system. Because an understanding of the physiolo- P ( f ) 5 | G (f ) | 1 | G ( 2 f ) | gives the power (energy density
gical origin of the periodic events that contribute to in the frequency domain) in a given frequency interval
heart rate variability is of central importance for a between f and f 1 d f .
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 39

W hen a tim e series of ® nite length T 5 N t s sam pled at frequency resolution. B y the uncertainty principle, sharp
discrete points n t s is considered, the calculation of the localization in time and frequency are mutually exclusive.
Fourier transform reduces to a ® nite sum over all m easured T herefore, the choice of w indow length is in practice a
values. The resultant discrete Fourier transform (D F T) trade-oΠbetw een time and frequency resolution. If both
N2 1 low and high frequencies w ith diŒerent tim e spans are to
G ( f k) 5 g( j t s ) exp ( 2 i 2p j k /N ) ( 11) be detected simultaneously in a signal, a suitable choice is
j5 0 very di cult. T his is the problem M orlet was facing
is O . . . de® ned only for discrete frequencies f k 5 k /T , w hile analysing seism ic data, w hich comprised diŒerent
k 5 N 2 1. The ® nite length of the signal bounds the features in tim e and frequency. T o overcome the short-
frequency resolution ( D f 5 1 /T ) and the low est detected com ings of the F ourier method he cam e up w ith the
frequency w hilst ® nite sam pling time determ ines the upper basic idea of w avelet analysis in 198 3 [23]. Later,
frequency lim it (f max 5 2 /t s ). Since the sum is taken over G rossm an and M orlet laid the m athematical foundations
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

® nite time, the signal is assumed to be periodic with period of the wavelet transform technique [24].
T . A frequency between any f k and f k1 1 will contribute to W avelet analysis is a scale-independent method. As in
all G ( f k ), known as leakage [22]. T o reduce leakage, the the window ed Fourier transform, one begins with a
original signal is windowed. The choice of the transform w indow function, called a mother w avelet w (u ). This
window is a com prom ise between making the central peaks function introduces a scale (its width) into the analysis.
as narrow as possible versus m aking the tails fall rapidly. C ommitm ent to any particular scale is avoided by using not
Thus it is the w indow length and shape that then only w ( u ), but all possible scaling of w ( u ). T he m other
determ ines the frequency resolution. w avelet is also translated along the signal to achieve tim e
Spectral properties of m easured signals are com monly localization. Thus, a family of generally non-orthogonal
estimated by the periodogram basis functions
1 u2
P (f k ) 5 | G (f k ) | 2 , k5 0, k 5 N /2 , 5 |s |2 pw
. ( 13)
N2 s ,t
1 2
P (f k ) 5 ( | G (f k ) | 1 | G (f N 2 k ) | 2) , k5 1, . .. , N /2 2 1 . is obtained. The parameter p is an arbitrary non-negative
N2 number. The prevailing choice in the literature is p 5 1 /2
( 12) [25]. In this case, the norm of the wavelet || w || and thus its
The normalizing factor in the periodogram estim ate is energy is unaŒected by the scaling operator.
chosen in such a m anner that the sum of all P (f k ) equals The continuous wavelet transform of a signal g( u ) is
the average square value of the original tim e series. de® ned as
¥ ±
Fourier transform s of the ECG and HR V signals g~(s , t) 5 s ,t (u )g(u ) du . ( 14)
presented in ® gure 6, are obtained as average period- 2 ¥
ograms, calculated from 160 s tim e segm ents, taken at a T he wavelet transform g~(s , t) is a mapping of the function
regular intervals of 80 s. g(u ) onto the time scale plane. The interpretation of g~(s , t)
depends on the m other wavelet being used.
3.1.2. W avelet transform. T he representation of time Not every function can be used as the m other wavelet.
series in the frequency domain bears no inform ation about O nly those that enable us to reconstruct the original function
the tim e. Nam ely, the F ourier transform (9) and its inverse g(u ) from its wavelet transform g~(s , t) are adm issible.
(10) reproduce the time series as a superposition of periodic T he su cient condition for the reconstruction [25] is
functions. These have sharp peaks in the frequency domain, ¥
but are spread over all tim e. If a characteristic frequency w (u ) d u 5 0. ( 15)
varies with tim e, the corresponding peak will be broader than
2 ¥
its instrum ental width as determined by the data window . T he total energy of the signal g(u ) can be calculated as
The time-varying nature of characteristic frequencies in
the cardiovascular signals dem ands an analysis in the || g|| 2 5 C2 1 | s | 2p2 3
| g~( s , t) | 2 d s dt , ( 16)
tim e-frequency domain. Yet, the relatively broad fre- .
quency band within which characteristic peaks are w here the constant C is determ ined by the shape of the
expected raises a problem in relation to tim e and m other wavelet. The function
frequency resolution. In the time-frequency analysis, a 2p2 3 ~
q 5 C 2 1| s | | g(s , t) | 2 ( 17)
window of ® xed length is shifted along the signal to
achieve tim e localization and the frequency content of can therefore be interpreted as the energy density of the
each window is evaluated. The window length introduces signal in the time scale plane [26]. It is often called a
a scale into the analysis and determines the time and scalogram .
40 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

In numerical applications, the scale s and tim e t are namely f 1 2 f 2 ³ f 1 /4p f 0. The choice of f 0 thus determ ines
restricted to discrete values only. T he natural discretization the current frequency resolution. W e have taken f 0 5 1.
of the scaling param eter is s m 5 r m , w here m [ Z and the The wavelet transform contains information on am pli-
step r 5 ¤ 1. W ithin the scale r m the signal is sampled only at tude, frequency and tim e. In ® gure 7 the absolute value of
tim es t n 5 n r m s , s > 0, which m eans that the sampling the w avelet transform of the H RV signal in the time-
rate is autom atically adjusted to the scale. frequency plane is presented. However, it is di cult to
For certain mother wavelets, orthogonal basis can be capture all this information at once, especially since several
obtained by using r 5 2, resulting in a special application almost periodic phenomena are present. Their am plitudes
of the wavelet transform, known as multi-resolution and frequencies also vary in time. Therefore, various two-
analysis (M RA ). The original signal, sam pled at t s , is dimensional projections are used. W e will use scalograms
split into a `blurred’ version on a coarser tim e scale 2t s averaged over tim e to compare wavelet transform s
and a detail on scale t s . T his process is then repeated, obtained from diŒerent signals, in diŒerent subjects and
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

giving a sequence of more and more blurred versions under diŒerent conditions. An averaged scalogram of the
together with details removed at every scale. Several HRV signal is presented in the low er part of ® gure 6 b.
applications of M RA to cardiovascular signals were Compared to the spectrum calculated by Fourier trans-
reported [27,28], m ainly to capture the main features of form, the low frequency resolution is im proved, allowing us
the signal. to de® ne the frequency intervals for the characteristic
In this paper, w e follow instead the original idea of processes more precisely. By providing an improved
M orlet. B y choosing r 5 1.05, and a m other wavelet well estimation of the frequency content of the H RV signal, a
concentrated in both tim e and frequency, we can detect better understanding of the physiological mechanisms of
precisely the frequency content in a given time interval. the oscillatory processes involved becom es possible. To
M orlet proposed the use of a Gaussian function, m odu- gain new insight into those processes, w e now present
lated by a sine wave. In the time dom ain, it is w ritten as analyses of the peripheral blood ¯ ow, measured simulta-
2 1/4 neously with other cardiovascular signals.
w (u ) 5 p exp ( 2 i 2p f 0u ) 2 exp ( 2 2p f 02 /2) exp ( 2 u 2 /2) .
( 18)
3.2. Cardiovascular signals
The choice of f 0 is a com prom ise between localization in
Today several m easurem ent techniques enable non-inva-
tim e and in frequency. F or sm aller f 0, the shape of the
sive, continuous, observation of a number of other
wavelet favours localization of singular tim e events, whilst
cardiovascular functions in addition to the electrical
for larger f 0 more periods of the sine wave in the window
activity of the heart. A sensor based on piezoelectric
make the frequency localization better. For f 0 > 0. 8, the
properties of some crystals can be used for pressure
value of the second term in (18) is so sm all that it can be
recordings in larger vessels. The sam e principle is used to
ignored in practice and a simpli® ed expression for the
follow the m ovem ents of the thorax in the inspiration and
M orlet wavelet in the time domain is
expiration phases of lung function. The Doppler principle
w (u ) p 2 1/4 exp ( i 2p f u ) exp ( u 2 2) .
5 2 0 ( 19) 2 /
The corresponding wavelet family consists of Gaussians,
centred at tim e t with standard deviations s . In the
frequency domain we have G aussians w ith a central
frequency f 5 f 0 /s and a standard deviation of 1 /2p s .
Therefore, the w avelet transform at a given scale s can also
be interpreted as band-pass ® ltering giving an estimation of
the contribution of the frequencies in this band. T he
relation between the scale and the central frequency for the
M orlet wavelet is
f 5 . ( 20)
The frequency resolution changes with frequency: at low
frequencies (large scales) the resolution is better than at
high frequencies (sm all scales). A ccordingly, the tim e
resolution is better for high than it is for low frequency
components. In order for peaks to be detected at f 1 and f 2
(f 1 > f 2), they must be separated by at least one half of the Figure 7. The wavelet transform of the HRV signal in the time-
standard deviation of the peak at the higher frequency, frequency plane.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 41

allow s for measurem ents of blood ¯ ow velocity. The tissue quency distribution of the w avelength changes are related
under observation is bathed in either ultrasound or to the num ber and velocity of blood cells. The back-
coherent light. Ultrasound penetrates deeply, how ever, so scattered light is collected by a ® bre and converted into an
that it can not be directed selectively. T hat is w hy, when electrical signal. T his signal is proportional to the ¯ ow but
ultrasound based instruments are used clinically to measure unrelated to the direction of blood cell movem ent.
blood ¯ ow velocity, they are restricted to large vessels. This technique of blood ¯ ow measurem ent is limited by
For peripheral blood ¯ ow measurem ents optical sensors the fact that in the case of occlusion, i.e. stopping of the
with wide dynam ic range are used. T he laser light can be ¯ ow through the measured area, there is a residual value
directed into a very sm all area. Its depth of penetration is called the `biological zero’ , as illustrated in ® gure 9. Even
smaller than that of the ultrasound and it can be controlled during occlusion some blood remains in the area under
by selecting the wavelength and emitted power. Thus, it can observation. It is the random B rownian movement of the
detect blood ¯ ow in the capillary bed. A s already remaining red blood cells that results in this residual value.
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

mentioned, this is w here matter and energy are exchanged A s a result, the ¯ ow cannot be expressed straightforwardly
between the blood and tissue cells, so that w e m ay expect all in absolute units (e.g m l / s / mm 3), but only in arbitrary units
processes involved in blood ¯ ow regulation to be re¯ ected (AU). To obtain an absolute m easure, the value of the
in the corresponding signal. biological zero has to be determined for every measure-
m ent.
3.2.1. Peripheral blood ¯ ow. O nly four years after the W e show in ® gure 9 that during occlusion the oscillations
® rst w orking laser was dem onstrated by M aiman in 1960 vanish com pletely. M oreover, the detection of oscillatory
[29], Cum mins et al. [30] proposed a m ethod of m easuring changes in the ¯ ow is not in¯ uenced by the lack of absolute
the velocity of particles in solution by interpretation of the units, as long as we provide a calibration with a reference
Doppler-frequency-shifted light. Some years later, Riva et value. The problem of biological zero is therefore irrelevant
al. [31] applied this technique to the measurem ent of red to our quest for information about the oscillatory nature of
blood cell velocities in the glass tube ¯ ow model. H ow ever, the peripheral blood ¯ ow. From ® gure 9 w e can also see
it was Stern [32] who ® rst used the laser D oppler technique that the am plitude of oscillations is com parable in
for blood perfusion measurement in the undisturbed m agnitude to that of the steady ¯ ow on w hich they are
microcirculation in 1975 . Nilsson et al. [33,34] subsequently superim posed, im mediately dem onstrating the importance
provided detailed technical and experim ental evaluations of of the oscillations in characterizing the dynam ics of blood
the technique. ¯ ow.
The near-infrared laser is frequently used to measure the
velocity and concentration of red blood cells w ithin a
hemisphere of volume ~ 2 mm 3. A ® bre-optic probe carries
a beam of laser light which is then w idely scattered and
partly absorbed by the tissue. Light scattered from moving
blood cells undergoes a Doppler shift in the wavelength
while the wavelength of light scattered from static objects
remains unchanged (® gure 8). T he magnitude and fre-

Figure 9. The peripheral blood ¯ ow (top) and its wavelet

transforms (below), before, during and after occlusion of the
vessels proximal to the measurement site. An apparent residual
¯ ow, named the `biological zero’ remains during occlusion,
whereas the oscillations vanish. The amplitude of oscillations,
before and after occlusion, is comparable in magnitude to that of
the steady ¯ ow on which they are superimposed, demonstrating
Figure 8. Sketch showing how a beam of laser light is scattered the importance of the oscillations in characterizing the dynamics
and absorbed in the tissue. From [35], with permission. of blood ¯ ow.
42 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

Even in the early analyses of laser D oppler blood ¯ ow intervals around each of the ® ve peaks (labelled I± V) is
recordings [34,36], the oscillatory nature of the ¯ ow was presented for two sets of measurem ents: (a) sim ultaneous
noted. HoŒman et al., using a frequency histogram, measurem ents on tw o diŒerent sites and (b) tw o consecu-
reported oscillations, synchronized w ith the heart rate tive measurem ents on the sam e site. W e have show n that no
and also oscillations in the H F and LF range [37]. Both statistically signi® cant diŒerence exists and therefore that
windowed Fourier and wavelet analyses of signals recorded the energy of each interval can be taken as tim e and space
for 20 min revealed ® ve characteristic frequencies in the invariant. W e will address the question of interval bounds
interval from 0.0095 H z to 2 H z [38,39]. The characteristic and statistical presentation later in section 3.2.4.
peaks typically appear around 1 H z, 0.3 Hz, 0.1 H z,
0.04 H z and 0.01 H z, almost at the same frequencies as 3.2.2. Sim ultaneo us measurem ents. In searching for the
those discussed above: the ® rst one in the ECG spectrum physiological origin of the oscillations observed in the
and the latter four in the spectrum of the HR V signal. ECG , HR V and peripheral blood ¯ ow we m ade simulta-
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

The energy of each particular oscillation varies with the neous recordings of several cardiovascular functions
vessel’ s diameter and network density, i.e. the local ¯ ow [38,40,41]. Signals of cardiovascular origin were m easured
resistance. There are two possibilities for m aking the signals on healthy young m ale subjects. During the m easurem ent
comparable in terms of energy. One is a quantitative the subjects w ere lying still on a bed and they were asked to
assessm ent of the resistance in the adjacent netw ork, w here relax. The E CG and blood pressure were sampled at
the ¯ ow is m easured. A t present, a reliable, non-invasive 400 Hz, while a sampling rate of 40 H z w as used for
technique is unfortunately not available. The other respiration and blood ¯ ow signals. The recordings lasted
possibility is to choose m easurement sites where, based 20 m in. Before evaluating the frequency content the trend
on anatom ical evidences, similar vessel resistance is was rem oved from all signals and all but ECG were
expected. W hen the blood ¯ ow is m easured on the sites resampled to 10 H z. The left part of ® gure 11 presents a
with similar resistance, the contribution of each oscillatory 25 s segment of the respiration, EC G, HR V, blood pressure
process does not depend on the m easurem ent site, or tim e and peripheral blood ¯ ow on the right arm and the right leg
of the measurem ents [39]. In ® gure 10 the energy within after pre-processing. The blood pressure was recorded on
the index ® nger of the left hand, w hile the sensors for blood
¯ ow measurem ents were placed over the bony prom inences,
of the wrist and ankle joint.
The peaks of the average w avelet transforms appear at
sim ilar, in som e cases even at exactly the sam e, frequencies
in all measured signals (® gure 11, right). DiŒerences exist,
however, in the am plitudes of the oscillations. For the ECG
and blood pressure signals the am plitude of the heart beat
frequency dominates the spectrum . T he spectrum of a
respiratory signal has one dom inant peak, at ~ 0.2 Hz. In
the HRV signal this peak is of com parable am plitude to
those of slower oscillation betw een 0.009 5 Hz and 0.15 H z.
In the signal of peripheral blood ¯ ow the am plitudes of all
oscillations are of the same range. Hence, we can see that
the peripheral blood ¯ ow re¯ ects the activities of both the
local and the central m echanism s of cardiovascular

3.2.3. Physiological nature of oscillations. Not all of the

observed oscillations are yet understood in physiological
term s. Those that can be selectively observedÐ the heart-
beat and respirationÐ are of course relatively well under-
stood. In other cases only indirect evidence is available, and
we will see that the position is less clear.
The basic frequency in the ECG signal, around 1 H z
corresponds of course to the heart rate. At rest, its value
Figure 10. (a) Time and (b) space invariance of the oscillatory
components of the peripheral blood ¯ ow, measured in the areas ranges from 0.6 H z in sportsmen to 1. 6 Hz in subjects with
where the vessels have similar density and resistance. For details, im paired cardiovascular systems. The heart’ s pum ping
see text. activity is manifested in every single vessel and is also
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 43
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

Figure 11. Simultaneously measured cardiovascular signals (left) and their wavelet transforms (right). HRV is in Hz, other values are
in arbitrary units.

present in the microcirculation through the capillary bed. It the mem brane of vascular sm ooth m uscles. F or isolated
is highly dom inant at the outlet of the heart, as well as in vessels, the m yogenic origin of these oscillations w as
the larger vessels. Its contribbution gradually diminishes dem onstrated either by measuring dynam ically the dia-
with decreasing vessel diameter. T he elasticity of the m eter changes of vessels [45], or ion concentrations [46],
vessels, and their structural properties, also aŒect the though not in hum ans. In ® gure 11 the peak around 0.1 H z
magnitude of this ¯ ow component. is clearly visible in both blood ¯ ow signals, the frequency of
The spectral peak at around 0.2± 0.3 Hz, corresponding the peak typically being higher on the hands than on the
to 12± 18 events per m inute, w ell known in physiology as the legs.
breathing frequency [2]. T he existence of respiratory The peak of ~ 0.04 Hz was observed in both the HRV
modulation of the heart rate has long been recognized and blood pressure signals [41,42] and in the peripheral
[18]. This frequency, observed earlier in the HR V and blood ¯ ow signal [38]. It is attributed either to m etabolic
blood pressure signals, was designated [12,15,42] as the H F [42], or to neurogenic processes. A lthough these oscillations
interval, and attributed to the parasym pathetic autono- cannot be selectively measured, indirect evidence for their
mous control. In the peripheral blood ¯ ow signal the origin was reported by K astup et al. [47]. After disconnect-
respiratory origin of this peak was discussed by H oŒm an et ing nerves from the vessels, known as denervation, which
al. [37]. By simultaneous recordings of both respiratory and suppresses the neurogenic regulation of the vessel radius,
blood ¯ ow signals, direct evidence was also obtained they observed that the ~ 0.04 H z oscillations disappeared.
[38,43]. T his peak can be detected in the averaged scalograms of all
In early analyses of the blood pressure and HRV signals, sim ultaneously m easured signals presented in ® gure 11. It
oscillations with periods of ~ 10 s were associated with usually appears sm eared due to the variation of its period
blood pressure regulatory mechanisms [12,42]. Since then w ith tim e.
several pieces of indirect evidence as to their local origin Long recordings and good frequency resolution also
have been reported. These oscillations are a manifestation enabled us to isolate a peak at ~ 0.01 Hz. W e have found it
of the m yogenic activity of the smooth muscle cells in all cardiovascular signals, although its exact position
displaced in the walls of resistive vessels. The smooth diŒers from one to another, suggesting that it is of local
muscle cells respond continually to changes in the origin. T here is indirect evidence [48] that this oscillation is
intravascular pressure [44]. T his response is m ediated by related to the endothelial function. M oreover, some
oscillations in the ion concentrations, mainly Ca 1 1 , across experim ents suggest that nitric oxide, a m etabolic substance
44 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

that is released from endothelial cells, has an in¯ uence on The energy is averaged over time and p = ô is tak en.
the state of contraction of the vessel musculature. Recent However, the absolute value of the energy de® ned by
studies demonstrate that nitric oxide plays an essential equation (21) may sometim es be misleading. If the total
im munological and citotoxic role in the hum an organism. energy of the signal increases, it is very probable that the
The reader seeking physiological insight into the involve- energy in each band will increase. In such cases, it is in our
ment of this substance in the dynam ics of blood ¯ ow are interest to ® nd out if and how the distribution of the energy
referred to [49] and the references therein. am ong the processes has changed. Therefore, w e shall
introduce the normalized energy in a given frequency band
3.2.4. Frequency band s and quantitative measures. T he e i (f i 1, f i 2)
positions of the spectral peaks change with tim e and also
e i ( f i 1, f i 2)
diŒer from one subject to another. F or every peak, e i (f i 1, f i 2) 5 , ( 22)
however, a frequency interval exists within w hich it is
e tot al
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

found in all subjects. The local minim a of the average where e t otal is the energy of the signal contained in the
wavelet transform, were used to divide the frequency band frequency band of our interest, i.e. betw een 0. 0095 Hz and
between 0.009 5 Hz and 2 Hz into ® ve intervals. 2 Hz.
The intervals de® ned in ® gure 6 b diŒer from the To avoid anom alies in the average scalogram s intro-
recomm ended standards for heart rate variability [17]. duced by particular subjects, we will base our analyses on
The frequency resolution of the wavelet transform enabled hom ogeneous groups of subjects. Statistical plots will be
us to detect several peaks in the VL F interval ranging from used to present the median values, 10% , 25% , 75% and
0.003 to 0.04 H z, of which tw o w ere above 0.009 5 H z. 90% of the range. T he value that drops out of these limits is
Therefore, w e have split this part of V LF interval into (I) represented as a cross. T o compare the values betw een the
from 0.009 5 Hz to 0.002 Hz w here, according to our groups, the M ann± W hitney test for statistical signi® cance
studies [48,49], the metabolic process is m anifested and will be used [50]. If the probabilities of the m edian being
(II) from 0.02 H z to 0.06 Hz, where the neurogenic process equivalent is below p = 0.05 the diŒerences between the
is manifested [47]. The interval (III) from 0.06 Hz to groups are set as signi® cant.
0.15 H z, where the myogenic process is most probably
manifested, corresponds to the LF interval; however, its 3.2.5. Reversible changes. Because the cardiovascular
lower bound w as set to 0.06 Hz since a peak around system operates continuously, we can reveal many of its
0.04 H z was detected. Interval (IV) from 0.15 Hz to 0.4 H z functional characteristics even from a normal resting state.
on which the respiratory activity, m easured sim ultaneously, Additional insight can be obtained by observing how it
has its dominant peak is the same as the HF interval, while reacts to perturbations. In living organisms, the choice of
the last interval, (V) from 0.4 H z to 2 Hz is the interval of ways of introducing perturbations is limited. One possibi-
heart frequency. lity is to induce changes by delivering pharm acological
These intervals were chosen based on over 500 scalogram s substances, for exam ple vasodilator substances [49]. An-
of around 100 subjects, either healthy subjects, athletes, or other possibility is to impose changes by increased physical
subjects with some cardiovascular impairment. Neverthe- activity. In the following, we will present the exercise-
less, a revision of the boundary values using, for example, induced changes, evaluated by the wavelet transform of the
higher order spectral analysis is needed. The identi® cation of peripheral blood ¯ ow signals.
high harmonics and linear combinations of basic peaks Signals w ere m easured for nine young healthy male
could provide better distinction between the peaks. subjects. In each case, three signals w ere recorded before,
and tw o after, 40 m in of exercise on a treadmill at a 3
The intervals were chosen in such a way that the peak
corresponding to any given physiological prosess is always uphill gradient [51]. Each of the signals w as recorded for
in the same interval. T hus, we can roughly ascribe the 20 m in. The m aximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 m ax ) had been
energy w ithin one interval to the activity of that process, evaluated a day prior to the measurem ents for individual
and w e can thus obtain a quantitative measure of process subjects, and the exercise intensity w as standardized to a
oscillations [39], which can be used to compare diŒerent level of 80% VO 2 m a x . D uring the m easurem ent of peripheral
signals. blood ¯ ow, the subjects were in a supine position in a room
According to equation (17), the physical quantity behind in which the temperature w as maintained constant.
the scalogram is the energy density. T he average energy in a Sixty second segm ents of typical blood-¯ ow signals
given frequency band e i ( f i 1, f i 2) is recorded before and after exercise, and the group m edian
values of norm alized energies, obtained from the wavelet
t 1 /f i 1
1 1 ~ transforms calculated from the entire signals, are presented
e i ( f i 1, f i 2) 5 2
| g (s , t) | 2 d s d t . ( 21)
t 0 1 /f i 2 s in ® gure 12. It is obvious that both the steady level, and the
am plitude of oscillations, are markedly higher after
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 45

exercise. A lthough the characteristic frequencies and 13). The energy in the last measurement, which on average
am plitudes of oscillations have changed, ® ve characteristic w as m ade between the 35 and 55 m in after exercise, had
peaks were found in the averaged scalograms of all signals, decreased almost to the initial value. C hanges in the
both before and after the excercise. frequencies of the peaks, and normalized energies within
The energy w ithin each frequency interval was calcu- the corresponding intervals, are illustrated in the lower
lated from the wavelet transform of the m easured signals. plot of ® gure 12, while the statistical plots are given in
The exercise induced a substantial increase in total energy, ® gure 13. It is evident that exercise induced signi® cant
comparing to that in the blood ¯ ow while resting (® gure changes in heart rate, and in the respiration and m yogenic
frequencies. It is well know n that the heart rate and
respiration frequency increase during exercise and remain
higher for som e time afterwards. The myogenic process
not only has a higher characteristic frequency imm ediately
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

after exercise, but its normalized energy has also increased

signi® cantly.
Indeed, w e may conclude that increased m yogenic
activity, with the characteristic frequency between 0.06 H z
and 0.15 H z, is the m ain change induced by a single episode
of exercise. It is interesting that the normalized energies of
the neurogenic process, w ith its characteristic peak around
0.04 H z, and m etabolic process, w ith its characteristic peak
around 0.01 Hz, are reduced after exercise. All changes
decay shortly after exercise. However, imposed dem ands of
the cells lead to enhanced m etabolic process as w ell as
increased energy of the heart peak w hen exercise is regularly
repeated. Such changes w ere observed in a group of
sportsmen, as com pared to the controls [39].

3.2.6. Irreversible changes. A single episode of exercise

induces short-time changes and, after their decay, the
original dynam ics is re-established. Impairment of the
cardiovascular system, on the other hand, can result in
Figure 12. A 60 s segment of the blood ¯ ow signal before and irreversible changes. In this section w e present the results of
after exercise (upper plot) and the group median values of a clinical study w hich included subjects with cardiovascular
normalized energies and frequencies of all peaks (lower plot). diseases. In addition to a control group, consisting of 17

Figure 13. The total energy of the blood ¯ ow signals, the frequencies of the peaks and the normalized energy of intervals around each
peak, for all ® ve measurements, before and after exercise.
46 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

young male subjects, a group of 15 subjects at least 4 days ® gure. T he energy of this signal is practically zero,
after m yocardial infarction, and a group of 13 subjects with representing a state in which there are almost no variations
diabetes were included in the study. The set of signals in the heart rate.
described in section 3.2.2. was measured for all subjects, The decreased variability of the heart rate is m anifested
while at rest. W e report only the main ® ndings here. T he as a sharpening of the characteristic peaks in all other
complete set of results w ill be presented and discussed cardiovascular signals, as presented in ® gure 15. In this case
elsewhere. the arteriolar and venous pressure w ere measured inva-
W hile infarction aŒects mainly the pum ping function of sively, via an inserted ¯ uid-® lled catheter and transducer
the heart, diabetes changes the metabolic e ciency of the system, as a part of the routine procedure in intensive care
cells and by this resistance of the vessels. Consequently, the units. Since the peaks hardly varied at all in tim e, the
heart is permanently imposed to an increased w ork load. Fourier method gav e distinct spectral peaks. M oreover,
These changes are clearly m anifested in the H RV signal. peaks appearing at linear combinations of the characteristic
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

The total energy of the signal is signi® cantly low er in the frequencies are also observable. It is also obvious that the
two groups of patients than it is in the control group (® gure ratio betw een characteristic frequencies tends to becom e
14). For comparison, the total energy of the HR V signal rational.
measured for a subject in com a is presented in the sam e W e can interpret these results as illustrating that
cardiovascular impairm ent results in signi® cantly reduced
interactions am ong the processes involved in control of the
the blood ¯ ow. T his, am ong other changes, results in
decreased variability of the heart rate and therefore smaller
energy of the H RV signal. T his m ay mean that the other
processes are less e cient in signalling their needs to the
heart, and / or that the heart is unable to cope w ith their
The reduction in heart variability is often interpreted as
decreased com plexity and chaos in the activity of the heart
[27,52]. However, it is the study of changes in the spectral
components that gives us insight into the pathology of
diseases [53,54]. Evaluation of the contribution of each
Figure 14. Total energy of the HRV signal measured in healthy spectral com ponent m ight provide a diagnostic and
subjects, patients after myocardial infarction, diabetic patients predictive tool for a whole range of diseases related to the
and a patient in coma. cardiovascular system.

Figure 15. Signals recorded from the cardiovascular system of an intensive care patient (left) and corresponding amplitude spectra
(right). HRV is in Hz, other values are in arbitrary units.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 47

4. Nonlinear analysis The sim plest attractor of a dynam ical system is a stable
The ultimate goal of a physical description of a system is a ® xed point. A periodic motion, on the other hand, results in a
mathematical formulation as a set of diŒerential equations. limit cycle. A superposition of periodic m otions, quasi-
Before we proceed to such a description, w e m ust learn as periodic motion, has an attractor in the shape of a torus.
much as possible about the system in question. So far, w e F igure 16 presents the phase portrait of the respiratory signal.
have analysed the cardiovascular signals in the frequency T he alm ost periodic nature of the signal, already discussed in
dom ain. The analyses imply that, on a time scale of ~ 1 the time and frequency dom ain, results in a limit cycle in
minute, ® ve alm ost periodic processes contribute to the phase space. Since the other system s in¯ uence the respiratory
dynam ics of the blood ¯ ow . Developments in the theory of function only slightly, we may observe the limit cycle in two
nonlinear dynam ics, and its numerical applications to dimensions, although it is broadened. In blood ¯ ow , the
chaotic time series over the last three decades, have contributions of all processes are comparable and a higher
provided several methods for estimating the invariants of dimensional phase space is needed to portray the attractor.
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

the dynam ics from scalar signals, as we shall now describe. F or this alm ost quasi-periodic ¯ ow with ® ve characteristic
frequencies the attractor is expected to be a 5-torus.
However, w hen nonlinearities are involved, even a ® nite
4.1. System characterization dimensional system need not be quasi-periodic. The m otion
Based on frequency analysis, the following conclusions can w ithin an attractor m ay be unstable in some directions.
be draw n regarding the physical nature of the system: (i) T hese instabilities are manifested as an exponential
well-de® ned spectral peaks at characteristic frequencies are separation of trajectories. Such systems exhibit a sensitive
present in the signals; (ii) peaks at the sam e frequencies dependence on initial conditionsÐ which is the hallm ark of
were found in all signals, regardless of the m easured chaotic behaviour.
quantity or the measurement site; (iii) although the peaks The characterization of nonlinear dynam ical system s is
are not sharp, and vary in time for each one of them a ® nite based on geometrical and statistical properties of the
frequency interval exists within w hich its variations are attractor, such as its entropy, various dim ensions (informa-
con® ned; (iv) the existence of the peaks is not in¯ uenced by tion, H ausdorŒ, correlation ...) and Lyapunov exponents
irreversible or reversible changes, implying their robust [55,56]. Its statistical properties become relevant as soon as
nature and the corresponding structural stability of their the dynam ics is su ciently com plicated that geom etrical
sources; (v) from their response to perturbations w e may information about the shape of the attractor is no longer
conclude that a m utual dependence exists am ong the available. From here on, it is the statistical theory which
sources. T hese results lead to the inference that the source can distinguish diŒerent degrees of com plexity. The basic
of each observed peak is an oscillator, and that the tool w hich enables us to measure statistical properties of
oscillators are m utually coupled. Robustness and structural the system is the ergodic theory. Ergodic theory states that
stability are characteristic of certain nonlinear oscillators. a time average equals a space average. Or, in other words,
The time evolution of an oscillator m ay be obtained as that a trajectory of the system explores the entire phase
one of the solutions of a general diŒerential equation space that is energetically available to it [57].
The numerical algorithms for calculation of the correla-
(t) 5 ( 0) 5 ( 23)
Ç ( ¹ , (t)) 0, [ . ,
tion dimension [58] and Lyapunov exponents [55] have
where (t) is a state vector, Ç (t) 5 d /d t and the ¯ ow is frequently been applied to characterize nonlinearities in
some general nonlinear function. The vector of control biological signals (see [59 ± 61] and references therein).
parameters ¹ is kept constant during the observations. By
changing the control parameter, transitions betw een
diŒerent types of behaviour can be induced. Graphically,
the solutions can be presented as time series
x 1(t), x 2(t) ...x d (t), or alternatively as a trajectory in a
geom etric phase space . d . The phase space, ® lled with
trajectories, is called the phase portrait of the dynam ical
system. After transients are over, the m otion of (t) settles
typically near a subset of the phase space, called an
attractor. The phase space volume occupied by a real
physical system can either be preserved or contracted by
tim e evolution. In the ® rst case, the system is conservative,
in the other dissipative. For dissipative system s, the volum e
occupied by the attractor can be relatively small compared Figure 16. The respiratory signal embedded in two-dimensional
to the initial volum e of the phase space. phase space.
48 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

Since the very long observation tim e introduces non- local behaviour on the attractor. Therefore, local L yapu-
stationarities, the number of points necessary for a nov exponents were introduced [66]. In this case, the limit
successful estim ation of correlation dimension for high- t® ¥ is not taken in equation (25) . T hese values may vary
dimensional system s [62] can only be obtained by over- signi® cantly over the attractor, but their means converge
sam pling. Oversam pling, however, emphasizes the noise in tow ards the global exponents.
the signal. Therefore the correlation dim ension cannot be If any ¸i is positive, small perturbations will grow
reliably estimated for the case of biological signals resulting exponentially. If all ¸i are negative, any perturbation w ill
from high-dimensional system s [63]. It was proposed, decrease and the attractor is a stable ® xed point. In the case
however, that the correlation dimension can still be used of a zero exponent, the size of the perturbation does not
for qualitative characterization [64]. By comparing correla- change in time. A stable periodic state, for exam ple, has one
tion integrals obtained from original tim e series and their zero exponent corresponding to a perturbation tangent to
surrogates, i.e. random ized sequences with similar spectral the limit cycle, and all the other exponents are negative. A
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

and statistical properties as the original signal, one may quasi-periodic system with k incom mensurate frequencies
distinguish between determ inistic and stochastic or noise- has k zero exponents, and all others are negative. Every
dominated signals. W e have show n that all m easured attractor of a sm ooth dynam ic system, given by equation
signals are largely deterministic [40]. (23), has at least one zero Lyapunov exponent correspond-
The number of points is crucial for all algorithm s used ing to a perturbation tangent to the trajectory. Such a
for the characterization of nonlinear system from m easured perturbation simply m oves one along the sam e orbit. The
signals, including the estim ation of Lyapunov exponents. exponents of a Ham iltonian system com e in conjugate pairs,
As we shall see below, an algorithm is available for the consisting of a positive and a negative exponent of the same
estimation of L yapunov exponents, based on an approx- magnitude, and two of them vanish [55]. One zero exponent
im ation of the local ¯ ow in phase space. In this case, the is associated with the conservation of energy and the other
quality of approximation is more important than the with the fact that the evolution equations are diŒerential.
number of points itself. For system s whose equations of m otion are known
explicitly there is a straightforward method of com puting
all Lyapunov exponents [67]. This method cannot, how -
4.2. The Lyapuno v exponents ever, be applied directly to experimental data. There are
The L yapunov or characteristic exponents measure the rate two approaches to estim ating the exponents from m easured
of convergence or divergence of nearby trajectories in the signals. In the ® rst, introduced by W olf et al. [68] and
phase space. Thus, they determ ine both the stability of the Rosenstein et al. [69], two nearby points in the phase space
trajectories and the system’ s sensitivity to initial conditions. are followed and only the largest exponent is evaluated.
This m akes them one of the most meaningful characteriza- The second approach, introduced by Eckm ann and Ruelle
tions of a nonlinear dynamical system. U sing L yapunov [55], as well as by Sano and Sawada [70], is based on
exponents, one can distinguish between ® xed points and estimating the Jacobians of the m ap.
periodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic m otions. For scalar time series s (t) the attractor can be
The Lyapunov exponents characterize the response to reconstructed by the method of delay coordinates, intro-
small perturbations of the trajectories of the system (24). duced by Packard et al. [71]
The tim e evolution of a small perturbation is governed by
( t) 5 [s (t), s ( t 1 s ), . .. , s ( t 1 (d 2 1) s ) ], ( 26)
linearized equation in the tangent space
where t 5 t s , 2t s , . .. n t s 2 (d 2 1) s , d is the dim ension of the
d Ç (t) 5 D ( ¹ , (t) ) d (t) d ( 0) 5 d 0, ( 24)
embedding space and the time lag s is an integer multiply of
where D is the Jacobi matrix of the ¯ ow . A t the end of the sampling time t s .
the last century, A. M . Lyapunov introduced a measure of In the points along a chosen trajectory on the embedded
average contraction of the perturbation to a given attractor, a set of neighbouring points is evolved for a
trajectory as chosen time (evolution time). Based on these two sets, the
local ¯ ow is approximated by a set of basis functions. From
1 5 d (t) | d 0 5
¸( d 0) 5 lim log , ( 25) subsequent Jacobi matrices, d Lyapunov exponents are
t® ¥ t 5 d 05
calculated (for details see [56]). The great advantag e of this
today know n as the Lyapunov exponents. U sing d linearly method compared to the trajectory tracing method is that
independent initial conditions d 01 .. . d 0d , one obtains a one can deal with arbitrary vectors in tangent space while
fundam ental system of solutions ¸1 ³ ¸2 .. . ³ ¸d . For the observed data points are used only to approximate local
ergodic systems the set of ¸i does not depend on the initial ¯ ow. Thus, we can calculate all exponents (including
condition d 0i and so the ¸i are global properties of the negative ones) as long as the approximation of the ¯ ow is
attractor [65]. As such, they bear no inform ation about the adequate.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 49

The number of calculated exponents is equal to the vanishing autocorrelation function [40]; a zero L yapunov
dimension of the reconstructed phase space d. If d is too exponent of peripheral blood ¯ ow signal; and diŒerences
small, the attractor is not able to unfold and the calculated between the correlation integrals of original signals and
exponents are erroneous. O n the other hand, if d is too their surrogates.
large, the reconstructed attractor is contained in a It is therefore possible to describe the dynam ics within
subm anifold of dim ension m < d, and d Ð m spurious the cardiovascular system as a solution of a set of
exponents that are unrelated to the dynam ics of the system diŒerential equations. The oscillatory nature of the
are obtained. U nder time reversal, true exponents change processes involved in blood ¯ ow regulation, and their ® nite
sign, w hile the spurious ones do not [56]. In this way, they number, provided the starting point for the formulation of
can be identi® ed. these equations. It must be borne in mind that the processes
In low em bedding dimensions, the global Lyapunov are mutually interdependent. Their joint action is directed
exponents of the blood-¯ ow signal vary from one dim en- tow ards a single goal: to provide matter and energy
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

sion to the other, but as the dim ension reaches 10, two continuously to each cell. To achieve this goal, they m ust
patterns are observed: either four paired and one zero or act collectively so that, at any given m om ent, the reaction
® ve paired exponents are calculated. In the latter case, one of each depends on the state of all the others. In the
pair equals zero w ithin the calculation error [72,73]. Am ong m athematical formulation, these mutual dependences
the exponents of the reversed signal, four or ® ve pairs were appear as couplings between the oscillators.
observed again. The other exponents were found to be
negative and of the same m agnitude as some of the
exponents obtained from the original signal, also with 5.1. Coupling s
negative sign. Therefore, they can be identi® ed as spurious. T he eŒect of coupling between tw o oscillators on their
To reveal local properties of the attractor, local behaviour depends on its strength. W eak couplings result in
Lyapunov exponents were calculated. F igure 17 presents a variation of the characteristic frequencies of the
the distribution of the values of the ® rst nine exponents, oscillators, w hile strong couplings may lead to qualitative
calculated in an 11-dimensional em bedding space. Paired changes in the system behaviour, i.e. phase transitions.
values are obtained againÐ four paired and one zero If couplings did not exist in the cardiovascular system,
exponent. w e w ould have sharp peaks and the characteristic
The appearance of an exponent equal to zero within the frequencies, which in healthy subjects at rest are only
calculation error shows that the blood ¯ ow dynam ics is tending towards a rational ratio, may further become
governed by a determ inistic system . Paired values are an com mensurate. The resonance phenom enon, for example,
indication of the almost Ham iltonian nature of the system is one of the possible scenarios of how the system collapses.
that regulates the ¯ ow of blood on a time scale of minutes. T he other possible scenario is that in this case the
M oreover, the number of pairs, nam ely ® ve, support the characteristic frequencies m ight becom e completely incom -
hypothesis that ® ve oscillatory subsystems are involved in m ensurate. T he couplings enable the exchange of inform a-
the regulation. tion am ong the processes and are therefore fundam ental to
the appropriate functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Understanding the physical and physiological nature of
5. System description these couplings is obviously essential to understanding how
W e have obtained some convincing evidence that the the whole system works. The frequency and am plitude of
system is largely deterministic: the existence of character- each observed oscillation re¯ ect both the activity of the
istic frequency peaks in all m easured signals; their non- oscillator itself and the eŒect of all couplings. Although the

Figure 17. The distribution of local exponents of the blood ¯ ow signal of a healthy person, calculated from 40 diŒerent starting points.
50 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

eŒect of couplings cannot be m easured separately, we may First, we shall introduce the ¯ ow (x i ) and its velocity (y i ),
however extract it from the data using a variety of contributed by each oscillator separately and then consider
techniques for the analysis of phase, frequency and their collective activity. T he sam e type of oscillator will be
am plitude couplings. used for all ® ve processes. In view of the experimental
One of earliest couplings to be identi® ed, and the m ost evidence showing that the oscillators are both robust and
frequently investigated, is that between the heart and nonlinear in nature, a form
respiratory activity, know n as the respiratory arrhythm ia. xÇ i 5 2 x i qi 2 y i 2p f i ,
Although it is usually studied from the H RV signal, it is
also visible in the peripheral blood ¯ ow signal. W e present yÇ i 5 2 y i qi 1 x i 2p f i , qi 5 a i ((x 2i 1 y 2i ) / 2 ai ) , ( 27)
in ® gure 18 the corresponding w avelet transform . Fre-
quency and am plitude variations of the ¯ ow com ponent, was chosen [38]. The index i denotes the ith oscillator, i= 1
driven by the heart are also show n. They are presented as the heart, i= 2 the respiratory, i= 3 the m yogenic, i= 4 the
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

projections of the peak value of the wavelet transform onto neurogenic and i= 5 the metabolic oscillator. a i is the
the tim e-frequency and time-am plitude planes. It is notable am plitude, and f i the characteristic frequency of the
that the heart frequency is modulated by the frequency of oscillator. T he constant a i determ ines the stability of the
respiration, while the am plitude of the ¯ ow, synchronized limit cycle. It is interesting to compare (27) with the van der
with the heart beat, is modulated by slow er oscillatory Pol oscillator [74], w hich has often been used to describe
processes, dom inated by the m yogenic frequency of around heart activity. The latter is a relaxation oscillator, and m ost
0.1 H z. of the energy is exchanged in a particular part of a cycle. In
W e can see from the scalogram s that the peaks at lower the cardiovascular system , this is true only at the output of
frequencies vary in time as well. It may be assum ed that the heart, whereas in the periphery energy is uniformly
couplings, similar to the one presented in ® gure 18, also exchanged during the w hole cycle. T he shape of the ¯ ow in
exist am ong the other oscillators. Based on the analysis of one heart beat cycle, presented in ® gure 4, also diŒers from
the system in diŒerent states, norm al and perturbed, w e the solution of the van der Pol equations.
may presume that all couplings are weak. Equation (27) describes an autonomous oscillator. The
couplings lead to additional terms in the equation. The
present understanding of couplings allow s us to specify
5.2. Coupled oscillators only the sign of coupling term s. T herefore, linear couplings
In the following, we present diŒerential equations which will be used. For the heart oscillator, we obtain
govern the regulation of the peripheral blood ¯ ow in a
single point of the vessels network. W hile the N avier± Stokes xÇ 1 5 x 1q1 2 y 12p f 1 1 g 2x 2 2 g 3x 3 2 g 4x 41
equations, presented in section 2 give the E uler description
of the ¯ ow , w e use the L agrangian description to follow the
g 5x 5 2 g 6( 1 2 2) ,

contribution of individual processes to the ¯ ow. yÇ 1 5 y 1q1 1 x 12p f 1 1 g 2y 2 2 g 3y 3 2 g 4y 4 1 g 5y 5 . ( 28)

1 and 2 represent the in¯ ow and out¯ ow of blood at the

point observed. The coe cient g 2 represents the in¯ uence of
respiration to the heart rate. D uring inspiration the heart
beats faster, w hile in the expiration phase its rate decreases.
Both the myogenic and neurogenic activities contribute to the
stiŒness of the vessels and by this increase the resistance to the
¯ ow. T herefore, their in¯ uences are introduced by 2 g 3 and
2 g 4. T he m etabolic activity reduces stiŒness and decreases
resistance to the ¯ ow. T his coupling is introduced via g 5.
As it is evident from the H RV signal, all processes have
an im pact on the pum ping action of the heart and through
this on the ¯ ow and velocity of the blood. The respiratory
activity, on the other hand, is in¯ uenced least by the rest of
the system .
The equations for the respiratory ¯ ow and velocity
Figure 18. The wavelet transform of the peripheral blood ¯ ow
signal within the frequency interval corresponding to heart components can then be written as
activity. Variations of frequency and amplitude are plotted as xÇ 2 5 x 2 q2 2 y 2x 2 1 h 4x 4 1 h 5x 5 1 h 6( 1 2 2) ,
projections of the peak value onto the time± frequency and time±
amplitude planes. yÇ 2 5 y 2q2 1 x 2x 2 1 h 4y 4 1 h 5y 5 . ( 29)
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 51

Only the neurogenic ( h 4) and m etabolic ( h 5) activities solution of such a system w ould be, to say the least, hard
modulate the ¯ ow com ponent, driven by the pressure to obtain. T he alternative possibility is a numerical
diŒerence generated by the respiratory activity. The calculation, w hich is how ever sensitive to the choices of
neurogenic in¯ uence is considered because breathing is integration method and of parameter values. A recently
under a continuous autonom ous control. M oreover, the discussed method based on analogue circuits [86] seem s
bilateral transection of the vag us nerve has been shown to potentially a promising way of studying the solutions of
result in slower breathing and deeper inspiration [2]. The high order diŒerential equations of this kind.
lungs also adapt their activity to the metabolic needs of the For the present, how ever, instead of solving the
cells. T he higher the m etabolic activity the deeper and equations directly, we have obtained a solution starting
faster the respiration is. from the known physical and physiological properties of
In the proposed model, the other three systemsÐ the cardiovascular system [87]. The eŒects of all experi-
myogenic, neurogenic and m etabolicÐ w ere also described m entally observed processes on one pumping cycle of the
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

in an analogous w ay. The experimentally observed heart were considered and a m athematical description of
characteristic frequencies were used to characterize each oscillations in the blood ¯ ow was acquired. Physical
of them, and their interrelations were approxim ated by characteristics of vessels were described by the windkessel ²
linear couplings, based on physiological evidence. H ow - model [88]. This consists of a capacitor representing the
ever, additional studies are necessary to elucidate further com pliant aorta, and a resistor representing the stiŒer
the origin and nature of these slower oscillators and their peripheral vessels, connected in parallel. Earlier variants of
mutual couplings. this model attempted to describe either the wave m otion of
N ote that, in form ulating our m athematical description, the blood [89] or the regulatory processes [8,90], but dealt
we have consciously chosen an oscillator as the basic unit separately with individual sections of the cardiovascular
for construction of our model. A lthough this choice is system. Given the couplings that are know n to exists
based on the experimental and clinical evidence discussed between the processes, however, a proper understanding of
above, and although m any biological systems have been the ¯ ow dynam ics clearly requires consideration of the
show n to be governed by oscillators [75 ± 77], it is not the physics of the system as a w hole, treated as an entity.
only possible choice. In addition to van der Pol, Clynes [78]
also described the heart activity with an oscillator. H e used
a harmonic oscillator w ith a variable frequency and two 5.3. Relations am ong the oscillators
separate equations to describe the variability during T he relationship between the blood ¯ ow , the pressure P
inspiration and expiration. T he m ajority of the proposed and the vessel’ s resistance R is de® ned by O hm ’ s law
models, how ever, interpret the observed oscillations in the P
5 .
HRV and blood pressure signals in terms of nonlinearities R
and tim e delays [79 ± 85]. They concentrate mainly on E ach of these variables oscillates around its steady-level
short-term blood pressure control mechanisms, including
5 0 1 D 0, P 5 P0 1 D P0 , R 5 R0 1 D R0 .
respiratory oscillations and oscillations w ith a period of
~ 10 s. T he ¯ uctuations are determ ined by the state variables of the
The reason w hy we favour coupled oscillators as a model oscillators x i . From the existing physiological evidence
of the processes governing blood ¯ ow through the discussed above, we may assum e that the heart’ s activity
cardiovascular system , rather than a set of delay-diŒer- (x 1) directly increases the blood ¯ ow value
ential equations, is tw ofold. F irst, the delay is introduced
D 5 e 1x 1,
somew hat arti® cially to create an oscillatory behaviour that
is already inherent for our basic units. In reality, there is and the respiratory activity (x 2) increases the pressure
physiological evidence that the underlying processes can diŒerence
also function autonomously, supporting the idea of an
oscillator-based model. Secondly, whereas delays are
certainly important in reactions to isolated transients, the Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð
² Th e w in dkessel m odel is based on m echanical properties of vessels and
cardiovascular system is constantly reacting to sm all describes the pulse-w ave propagation of the blood. V essels that consist of
perturbations. Its existence is determ ined by its ability to a rela tively large proportion of elastic fibres, such as the aorta, the
cope on a continuing basis w ith changes resulting from the pulm onary arteries and the adjacent parts of the great arteries, are called
w indkessel vessels. W ith each pulse any given segm ent of such a vessel
mutual interaction of the processes involved. In the coupled distends to store a volum e of blood. As it subsequently contracts back to
oscillator model, the time needed for mutual interactions is its original dim ensions, it pushes blood on to the next segm ent. Th e nam e
manifested as phase shifts betw een the oscillators. w indkessel (Germ an for air cham ber) has been given to these vessels and
their function because of the resem blance to the air-filled cham bers that
The full version of the proposed model consists of ten sim ilarly affect the velocity and pressure of fluids driven by pistons
coupled ® rst order diŒerential equations. A n analytic through system s of pipes.
52 A. Stefanovska and M. BracÏ icÏ

the left atrium [92]. There, the value of P (l, t) becomes 0.

D P 5 e 2x 2 .
By analogy, w e may assume the value of ¯ ow at this
Furthermore, the myogenic (x 3) and the neurogenic (x 4) boundary condition to be (l, t) 5 0.
activity constrict the vessels and resist the ¯ ow , while the The wave motion of the blood along the cardiovascular
metabolic activity (x 5) dilates the vessels and decreases its system can be w ritten as
­ ­ P
D R 5 e 3x 3 1 e 4x 4 2
5 2 j 1 2 j 2x 5 , j i >0
e 5x 5 . ­ t ­ z

From the point of view of the capillary bed, where the cells
­ P ­
of the human body have direct access to the blood, the 5 2 ¹1 1 ¹ 2x 3 1 ¹ 3x 4 , ¹i > 0, ( 33)
­ t ­ z
peripheral ¯ ow consists of an in¯ ow 1, which is driven by
the heart through the arteries, and an out¯ ow 2 through where j i , ¹ i are control param eters.
Downloaded by [California State University of Fresno] at 16:12 29 November 2012

the veins, which is pumped by the pressure diŒerence The values of these control parameters in equations (31)±
generated by the lungs (33) may diŒer with respect to the part of the system under
0 consideration: arterial, capillary or venous. T he blood
Ç 1 5 n (D 1 D R2 1) ,
R0 pressure values are higher at the origin of the aorta and
lower at the entrance of the vena cava into the heart. The
Ç 1
2 5 v ( D P 2 2) . ( 30) arterial ¯ ow near the heart is dom inated by the heart pum p
oscillations, w hile on the way to the capillaries the
The constants n and v determ ine the ¯ ow dynam ics. myogenic activity takes charge over the regulation of the
¯ ow. At the capillary bed the am plitude of oscillations of
the metabolic activity dom inates.
5.4. The ¯ ow along a vessel The model w as built to summarize the experimental
Above, w e have considered the oscillations of the blood ® ndings and known physiological facts. It still needs to be
¯ ow at a single point in the cardiovascular system. T he evaluated, analytically and numerically, and further experi-
contribution of each process diŒers at diŒerent points of ments are also needed. W ith appropriate choice of
the system . H ow ever, all ® ve characteristic frequencies parameter values, we expect it to serve in obtaining the
were found in diŒerent physiological signals and on initial conditions for locally oriented models, such as
diŒerent sites along the vessel’ s network. Therefore, w e described by N avier± Stokes equations. M oreover, equa-
may assum e that blood ¯ ow s in the form of travelling tions for wave motion of the blood may reduce locally to
waves. The heart’ s contribution to the ¯ ow at each point Navier± Stokes equations.
results not only from the in¯ uences of local regulatory
mechanism s, but also from the values of pressure and ¯ ow
along the entire system. T herefore, equations (28) and (29) 6. O utlook
were rearranged [91] On the way tow ards reaching an understanding of the
cardiovascular system, physics, m athematics, physiology
xÇ 1 5 x 1q1 2 y 1x 1 1 g 2x 2 2 g 3x 3 2 g 4x 4 1 g 5x 51 and clinical m edicine meet under the wings of nonlinear
l l dynam ics. Therefore, the current comprehension of the
g 6 P ( z , t) d z 1 g 7 ( z , t) d z , physical and physiological properties of the processes
0 0
involved in the control of blood circulation has been
yÇ 1 5 y 1q1 1 x 1x 1 1 g 2y 2 2 g 3y 3 2 g 4y 4 1 g 5y 5 , ( 31)
combined with experimental ® ndings in order to arrive at a
l characterization of the system dynam ics.
xÇ 2 5 x 2q2 2 y 2x 2 1 h 4x 4 1 h 5x 5 1 h 6 P ( z , t) d z 1 Processes on many diŒerent time scales and of w idely
l diŒerent structural complexity are re¯ ected in a single cycle
h 7 ( z , t) d z , of blood through the system . On one hand, this fact m akes
the understanding of the system di cult. However, we have
yÇ 2 5 y 2q2 1 x 2x 2 1 h 4y 4 1 h 5y 5 . ( 32)
show n that the system exhibits clear signatures of
Here, ( z , t) is the ¯ ow at any point of the circulatory determ inistic dynam ics. T he sam e dynam ic properties
system. It is generated by the heart, therefore characterize all signals generated by the system , regardless
( 0, t) 5 e 1x 1( t). The pressure P is generated by the of the measurement site, and are also preserved in tim e.
lungs and P ( 0, t) 5 e 2x 2(t) . W e have assum ed the ¯ ow in Therefore, the system can be treated as a single entity. This,
the z direction, and l is a length in this direction. T he on the other hand, provides a simpli® cation that oŒers the
blood returns to the right atrium of the heart at a pressure possibility of evaluating the m icroscopic and m acroscopic
of 0 Pa , and at almost 0 Pa from the pulmonary vein to mechanisms together.
Physics of the human cardiovascular system 53

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Physics of the human cardiovascular system 55

Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, she related to its function which all illustrate that in
continue d her work in developing and applying spite of being complex and nonlinear, it is not
the techniques of linear and nonlinear dynamic s complicated beyond understan ding. Her main
to studie s of real system s. Am ong them, the interest lies in the analysis of the coupling s within
huma n cardiova scular system prove d to be one of the system , and she is currently preparin g her
the most challenging. She perform ed extensive PhD thesis on this topic.
analyses of its behaviour by analysin g signals
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