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Ryann Davis

Education 301

Dr. Deck


Assignment #2

When reading through the ISTE standards, I found many that related to our present day

world. The first standard that I chose to talk about is learner. It is important today to be willing to

learn and take everything in, our world is constantly changing and adapting. New ideas are

formed each moment so it is important to be continually learning in our environment and open to

new ideas. After that comes leadership, leadership is important in all settings when trying to

accomplish a goal and working together with people. However, strong leadership is exactly what

we need in the world right now with so much uncertainty. We see how our leaders of the country

hold so much power in the state of our nation so it is important to have students who know how

to be leaders and stand up for what they believe. This can be achieved by modeling leader

behavior in the classroom positively. Next is the standard called citizen. This standard elaborates

on encouraging students to be willing to positively and responsibly contribute to the digital

world. This is important today because there is so much negativity spread online. It should be a

platform where people can express ideas respectfully, so it is important to teach students how to

do that, especially because as the years go on, more technology is incorporated into our lives.

After this standard comes working together. This is obviously important in the present day

because we have some big problems. These big problems will also require big solutions, and the

only way to have big solutions is by working together to solve problems. Working together is
also just an important life skill to possess in the work field, especially it can be an asset. The last

standard that I want to talk about is being a designer. This just means being able to adapt and

change things to accommodate learner variabilities. Being a designer is so key today because we

do have so much diversity in our world, that the same approach doesn’t work for everyone.

All of these standards relate to me as a student because I am able to look for them in my

current and past instructors. I can reflect on how these teachers and professors incorporate these

standards into the way that they instruct the class and the way that things are formatted. In

addition to this, I can take note of how they use these standards in the classroom and use similar

approaches when I become a teacher in the future. I can see what worked in instruction and what

didn’t work and alter my approach accordingly. Also, since I am familiar with the standards, I

can use this time that I am still under instruction to ask my professors the most effective ways to

incorporate the standards. I am even able to see the positive effects that the educator standards

have on me personally as a student.

These standards will also influence my future classroom. By knowing and applying the

educator standards in my class, the learning outcome will be much better for my students. I plan

to model all of these standards in the classroom, because they encourage positive behaviors.

Young students are also impressionable, so it is very important to always model good behaviors

that too could adopt. Standards like leadership will help me not only teach students how to be

leaders, but also equip me with skills like advocacy for my students and their needs and model

for colleagues how to behave.

Next, the question is, do these standards increase my understanding of educational

technology? Due to previous assignments, I have a great understanding of educational

technology and how great of a resource it can be in the classroom. However, it did increase my

knowledge in that there is a standard called citizen. This standard has to do with students using

technology in a positive way. I had no idea that digital literacy and media fluency were important

skills that can be developed through educational technology.

When reading these standards, my perspective wasn’t so much changed, but I did create a

deeper understanding and strengthen my connections to the ideas expressed. All of the standards

made sense as to how they would be important, but I had never been in a position to relate them

to have they could be useful in the world today. I also am glad to have deepened my

understanding because now I know better how to incorporate these standards into my classroom

in the future. The website helped break down the standards into smaller pieces and how to use

them in the classroom, which was really useful. I knew that there were educator standards that

would be asked of all teachers, however, I didn’t know what they were specifically. Along with

this, I thought that these were just requirements or things asked of teachers, but after reading

them and relating them to the world and life skills, I see that when you become a teacher, these

standards become more like your duty. These standards relate back to the course standards for

this class in that they all are set to give us a better understanding on how to become an effective

teacher in the classroom. We also study in this course the impact that these standards have on

students. By implementing these standards, the goal is to achieve positive student learning


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