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Avoid smoking or smoke infested places during pregnancy.

A woman's body undergoes many

transformations during the nine months of
PRENATAL CARE Avoid alcohol during pregnancy.
pregnancy. Some of these physical changes Avoid Undercooked or Raw Fish or Meat.
are visible. However, a few bodily changes Avoid soft cheeses and deli meats.
may be unexpected and catch some women Avoid coffee more than 2 cups a day.
by surprise. Changes includes: Avoid walking and standing for long hours at a stretch.
Aches and pains (possibly

PRECAUTONARY MEASURES Talk to your health care professional about how much weight you
in your lower abdomen and
should gain during your pregnancy, and regularly track your
in your joints)  progress.
morning sickness, which  Consume foods and beverages rich in folate, iron, calcium, and
protein. Talk with your health care professional about prenatal
may be nausea or actual
supplements (vitamins you may take while pregnant).
vomiting, and does not  Eat breakfast every day.
just happen in the morning  Eat foods high in fiber, and drink fluids (particularly water) to
avoid constipation.
 Avoid alcohol, raw or undercooked fish, fish high in mercury,
Food cravings and undercooked meat and poultry, and soft cheeses.
aversions  Do moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 150 minutes a week
during your pregnancy. If you have health issues, talk to your
Heartburn and indigestion
LIFESTYLE health care professional before you begin.
A need to urinate more  After pregnancy, slowly get back to your routine of regular,
often moderate-intensity physical activity.
 Gradually return to a healthy weight.
Back pain

vaginal thrush
Dairy products
Skin changes and itching,
and possibly skin tags
Sweet potatoes
hemorrhoids (also known
as piles)
Broccoli and dark leafy greens
Leg cramps
Lean meats and proteins
restless legs (leg
twitching at night) 
Whole grains
varicose vein
Swelling in your ankles,

feet and hands Dried fruits

Dizziness or fainting Water

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