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This chapter aims to present and elaborate the related

literature, theories, concepts and articles connected to the

effects of an employee’s work progress using Microsoft


According to Cook(2016),in an article he had written,

“Advantages of Microsoft Excel.” Microsoft excel or

spreadsheet allows you to analyze, manage and control data

that can help you with decision making and creating

efficiencies that affects your work. In the case of

employees in an organization, Microsoft excel gives an edge

in every employee who knows how to manipulate data that

helps them finish their job easier. In the article written

by Cook, he enumerated advantages of Microsoft excel.

One of these advantages of Microsoft excel, which Cook

listed in his article, is the easy and effective comparison

that focuses on the analytical tools included within the

Microsoft excel, he stated that Microsoft Excel can analyze

big amount of data, summarize data, and enhances your

ability to organize data that helps employees save time,

effort and money. Knowing how to use Microsoft excel gives

an edge to the employee not only by saving time, effort and

money but also educating himself on how to analyze data


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