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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

Listening Section

Text for number 1 to 10

A sandwich is a … (1) item, typically consisting of two or more slices of… (2) with one or more fillings
between them, or one … (3) of bread with a topping or toppings, commonly … (4) an open sandwich.
Sandwiches are a widely … (5) type of lunch food, typically taken to …(6) or school, or picnics to be … (7)
as part of a packed lunch. They generally contain a combination of salad vegetables, … (8), cheese, and a
variety of sauces or savory spreads. The bread can be used as it is, or it can be coated with any
condiments to enhance …(9) and texture. They are widely sold’in restaurants and cafes.

1. The correct answer is ….

a. food

b. fight

c. fetch

d. fit Jawaban: a

Jawaban: a

Jawaban yang benar adalah food.

2. The correct answer is ….

a. beard

b. bear

c. bread

d. bed

Jawaban: c

Jawaban yang benar adalah bread.

3. The correct answer is ….

a. ice

b. slice

c. nice

d. face

Jawaban: b

Jawaban yang benar adalah slice.

4. The correct answer is ….

a. waited

b. stopped

c. entered

d. called

Jawaban: d

Jawaban yang benar adalah called.

5. The correct answer is ….

a. familiar

b. popular

c. known

d. brown

Jawaban: b

Jawaban yang benar adalah popular.

6. The correct answer is ….

a. dark
b. park

c. work

d. fork

Jawaban: c

Jawaban yang benar adalah work.

7. The correct answer is …

a. eaten

b. beaten

c. fasten

d. taken

Jawaban: a

Jawaban yang benar adalah eaten.

8. The correct answer is ….

a. seat

b. beat

c. meat

d. cheat

Jawaban: c

Jawaban yang benar adalah meat.

9. The correct answer is ….

a. Flour

b. Spur

c. Blur
d. flavor

Jawaban: d

Jawaban yang benar adalah flavor.

10. The correct answer is ….

a. lives

b. cafes

c. lies

d. flies

Jawaban : b

Jawaban yang benar adalah cafes.

11. Natural food does not have chemicals, additives or growth hormones. Natural food is simply
food grown … the way nature intended.

The best word for the missing word above

a. organic

b. nature

c. organically

d. natural

Jawaban : a

Jawaban yang benar adalah organic.

Text for number 12 to 15

In the meat industry, they need to mass produce, so they … (12) their livestock chemicals and … (13)
hormones, this way the animals… (14) bigger and faster. Could this be the reason our children are
becoming … (15) at an earlier age? It is quite possible. The meat industry also uses sneaky tactics to trick
consumers into thinking the meat still fresh.
12. The correct answer is ….

a. need

b. feed

c. eat

d. grow

Jawaban : b

Jawaban yang benar adalah feed (memberi makan).

13. The correct answer is ….

a. growth

b. grow

c. green

d. grown

Jawaban : a

Jawaban yang benar adalah growth (pertumbuhan).

14. The correct answer is ….

a. make

b. become

c. are

d. grow

Jawaban: d

Jawaban yang benar adalah grow (tumbuh).

15. The correct answer is ….

a. sick

b. health

c. obese

d. thiny

Jawaban: c

Jawaban yang benar adalah obese (kegemukan).

16. Her hand writing is … mine.

a. bigger than

b. well than

c. beautiful than

d. better than

Jawaban: d

Tulisan tangannya lebih bagus dari pada tulisan tanganku.

17. The first singer sings …, but the second one j sings better.

a. beautifully

b. better

c. well

d. bad

Jawaban: c

Penyanyi pertama menyanyi dengan bagus, tetapi penyanyi kedua menyanyi lebih bagus.

18. Organic foods are traded in a way that limits the use of synthetic materials during production.

The meaning of the bold typed word above is….

a. buatan

b. membuat

c. terbuat dari

d. dibuat

Jawaban: a

Makanan- makanan organik dibuat/diproduksi dengan cara membatasi penggunaan bahan- bahan
sintetis/buatan selama masa produksi.

19. The needed of food makes people … a way to get healthy food.

The best word to complete the sentence above

a. choose

b. think

c. buy

d. cook

Jawaban: b

Kata yang tepat adalah think (berpikir/ memikirkan)

20. Indah: What do you plan to do next Sunday?

Rangga: Nothing. What about you?

Indah: I… to the Book Store. Can you join me?

Rangga: Sure.

a. go

b. am going to go

c. gone

d. have gone

Jawaban: b

Dialog tersebut membicarakan suatu rencana, maka tense yang tepat adalah simple future tense,
bentuk yang dipakai adalah be going to.
21. Her two younger sisters are at Senior high school and her… sister studies in university.

a. old

b. older

c. eldest

d. oldest

Jawaban: c

Dua adik perempuannya sekoiah di SMU dan kakak perempuan tertuanya kuliah di universitas. Eldest
tidak digunakan untuk membandingkan dan hanya digunakan untuk orang. Eldest digunakan untuk
menunjukkan orang yang paling tua dalam suatu keluarga.

22. Lulu : Dinar, do you think Ms. Dian is going to ask a question about the Study Tour report?

Dinar: …I doubt it will be a difficult question, but there will be a question. Rest assured.

a. l am not certain of it

b. I am sure of it

c. I’m little uncertain

d. I am unsure about it.

Jawaban: b

Expression of certainty yang, tepat untuk dialog diatas adalah I am sure of it. (Saya yakin tentang hal

23. Is- attend- -in- University- to- going-lndonesia- He- the- of-meeting

Arrange the words above into the correct-a

a. He a is attend meeting to going of the University in Indonesia.

b. He attend is going a to meeting in the University of Indonesia.

c. He is going a to attend of meeting in University the Indonesia.

d. He is going to attend a meeting in the University of Indonesia.

Jawaban: d

Dia akan menghadiri pertemuan di Universitas Indonesia.

24. Organic food is … than fast food.

a. More health

b. Healthier

c. Healthiest

d. The most health

Jawaban: b

Makanan organik lebih menyehatkan (healthier) dari pada makanan cepat saji.

25. Mount Merbabu is 11,000 feet high.

Mount Semeru is 8,000 feet high.

The comparasion of those sentences is ….

a. Mount Merbabu is higher than Mount Semeru.

b. Mount Semeru is higher than Mount Merbabu.

c. Mount Merbabu is as high as Mount Semeru.

d. Mount Merbabu is the highest in the world.

Jawaban: a

Gunung Merbabu lebih tinggi (higher) daripada gunung Semeru.

Pages: 1 2 3



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