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Annex F

Example of Group LDNA Plan

Teachers Learning and Development Needs Assessment (LDNA) Plan for Groups
School: ______________________

I. Background and Rationale

 Learning outcomes depend on numerous factors but to a great degree on the
ability of teachers to teach effectively
 In order to teach effectively, teachers need to continuously develop their
professional competencies
 Teacher professional development can be responded to through an array of
learning interventions
 However, learning interventions will only be effective if it addresses directly a
teacher’s learning need
 This is a plan for the conduct of a learning needs assessment/validation of
learning needs for all of _____ School.

II. Objectives
This LDNA seeks to
A. Identify groups with gaps in teaching competently (performance need)
B. Identify learning needs (gaps in knowledge, skills and attitudes) of such
C. Identify common and unique learning needs for the purpose of
developing individual and group learning interventions.

III. Data Gathering Methods and Tools

A. Identify Groups with teaching competency problems and their learning needs
a. Document Review
 Individual Development Plans (if updated and available)
 Individual LDNA (See Annex E)
 Teacher Profile (See Annex F)
 Learning Performance of Students
 Classroom Observation Tool (COT) – Comments and Ratings
 PPST Competency Assessment Tool (e-sat)
b. Interview with the School Head/Department Head/ Master Teachers
/Key teacher to identify/validate KSA requirements of each PPST
competency (Annex D)
B. Validation of the findings of the Document Analysis and Demographic Profile
 Interviews or FGDs may be done to validate and prioritize findings from
document analysis and demographic profile analysis on the learning needs
of groups.
 Identify common and unique learning needs of groups of teachers
This will include subject area/ content difficulties of math and science
IV. Data Analysis
A. Identify Groups with teaching competency problems and their learning
b. Document Review
 Teacher Profile – Demographic profile of the school’s teacher population will
be analyzed (see Annex F) to identify some factors that may have impact on
their continuing professional development. Examples are:
1. The age group of the teachers
2. The academic background of the teachers
3. Exeptionalities or special needs
4. Family life stage
5. Distance of school from residence
Quantitative analysis in terms of frequency count and percentage
will be used to identify where most teachers are in a range of
demographic factor. For Example
Age Range
20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-55 56-60 61- Total
5 25 28 22 15 10 3 108
4.63% 23% 26% 20.37% 14% 9% 3% 100%
Data above shows that almost half of the teachers are between 31 to
40 years of age. This will be matched with their family life stage to
See if they have families and dependent children. FGD with this
group is needed to find out their challenges when it comes to
their professional development considering they have to balance
work and family life. Solutions for learning interventions may also
be explored during the FGD.

 Learning Performance of Students – indicators on student

Performance specially in math, science in the formal system and in the ALS
will be gathered to identify teachers with possible teaching difficulties
(teacher made test or standardized test materials-NAT, SDO tests)

 PPST Competency Assessment Tool – (e-SAT) -result of the e-SAT will be

analyzed to identify areas of low competence

 Classroom Observation Feedback and Ratings – classroom observation

sheets accomplished by School Head or Master Teacher /key teacher will
be content analyzed for areas of learning needs of teacher being observed.

 Findings from all of the above will be analyzed to find groups of teachers
with teachers’ competency problems and their learning needs.

c. Interview with the School Head/ Master Teachers/Key Teacher to

identify KSA requirements of each PPST competency
 School Head and Master Teachers/Key teacher will be interviewed to get
their perspective of the KSA requirement of each PPST competency.
 They will also be asked to validate the findings in the document review
regarding the teaching problems of certain groups of teachers.

B. Assessment of each teacher on gaps in KSA in each competency area

 As follow up of the PPST self-assessment too (e-SAT) teachers will answer
an instrument that identifies KSA needed in a competency area. This is to
measure gaps in Teacher’s KSA along each competency area. Quantitative
data analysis will be used.

C. Identify common and unique learning needs of teachers

a. For each group classified as having a learning need (e.g. Math, Science, ALS
Teachers, teachers according to length of service, family life, etc.) the common
and unique learning needs are identified. Quantitative and qualitative analysis
will be done.
b. Assessment of each teacher on gaps in KSA in each competency area will be
analyzed to identify common and unique needs. Qualitative data analysis will
be used.

V. Persons Involved
The following will participate in this LDNA
A. School Head – provide support and resources for the study and data on the
learning needs of teachers
B. Master Teachers/key teachers – provide data on the learning needs of teachers
C. Teachers – participate in the data gathering activities as source of data

VI. Resources Needed

A. Time and presence of the PDC to approve and guide the study
B. Time and availability of the Program Management Team (PMT) to conduct the
C. A conference table or room for PMT to work in
D. Computer and Printer
E. Internet
F. Budget for reproducing data gathering instruments,
G. Budget for snacks for at least 3 meeting with the teachers (to communicate the
conduct of LDNA, to do data gathering, to present findings of the study)

VII. Findings
A. Priority Groups, Competency Gaps – Priority groups and their competency gaps will
be identified
B. Common and Unique Learning Needs per group will be presented
C. Non-learning needs – areas to support teacher’s ability to teach will also be
Annex G
Action Plan to Conduct LDNA

LDNA Action Plan

Persons Resources
Activities Objectives Timeline Expected Output
Responsible Needed

Annex H
Template of LDNA Result

Teachers Learning and Development Needs Assessment (LDNA) Result

I. Background and Rationale

Methodologies (Process and Tools)
IV.Assessment Results
Competency Rated KSA Gaps Teacher/s

V. Findings Conclusion
A. Competency gaps
B. Priority learning needs
C. Non-learning needs

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