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VOL. 141, NO. 17 75¢ THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011

Council to add Weave the Web:

Make sure to click on www. around the clock

flouride to water
for the most in-depth coverage
of Washtenaw County. Our
Most Viewed story this week
is “Chelsea Lumber, former
contractor could mediate.”
By Sean Dalton notice on the display screen at
Heritage Media the library and contacting local
dentists,” said assistant village
More than two years after manager Courtney Nicholls of
Dentist Barbara Wehr began the village’s effort to inform the
speaking out about the village’s public on an important public Check out our video:
deficient fluoride levels in health matter. ■ 2ForU
■ Creekside Earth Day
water supplied from its five Until the additive hits celebration
municipal wells, the additive Dexter’s water Monday, the ■ Scott Beal at LitWalk
will be applied to Dexter’s water amount of fluoride in the ■ Dearborn unites in
on May 2. village’s water is 0.4 parts per peace against Pastor
The additive will bring the million. The amount added Terry Jones
fluoride level in the village’s will be 0.3 parts per million, on
water up to 0.7 parts per mil- average. Some wells have more
lion, which is the recommended naturally occurring fluoride
amount for fluoride in drinking than others.
water, according to the Centers The village has five wells
for Disease Control. from which village residents
Wehr and 111 other dentists are supplied their drinking
in Chelsea, Dexter and Western water. Connect with
Ann Arbor have received let- “If your child takes fluoride HotJobs by Monster:
ters letting them know of the supplements please consult Click on the “jobs” tab on the
change in Dexter’s water, which with your dentist to determine home page of our website or go
will have immediate impacts on whether they are still neces- directly to http://jobs.heritage.
how residents served by water sary,” she warned. com.
in Dexter should handle contin- Brent Kolb of Dexter has
ued use of fluoride supplements been practicing dentistry in the
and treatments. village for roughly three years
“We have been getting the now.
word out through our newslet-
ter, email update, posting a PLEASE SEE WATER/3-A

Township board, Join us on Twitter:

Become a Dexter Leader
follower. Click on the Twitter

church debate
tab on the home page of our
website or go directly to http://

fees over steeple

By Krista Gjestland church at the meeting. Photo by Erica McClain
Special Writer “We are here to ask for some Dexter Lion and lifelong friend Louie Ceriani holds onto a plaque commemorating Henry
Thurston’s 47 years of service at the board of education meeting April 25. The plaque will be
North Lake Methodist
relief from the expenses that we
might occur,” Honbaum said. placed within the newly-named Henry Thurston Field House, along with a short biography Join us on
Church appealed to the Dexter Included in the cost is a $2,500 on Thurston’s life. Facebook:

Remembering Henry
Township Board for relief flat fee that covers a petition We already have 319 fans
of fees associated with the to the Planning Committee on Facebook. Click on the
and expenses incurred by the Facebook tab on the home
church’s steeple restoration page of our website or search
project Tuesday, April 20. township’s engineer and zoning for us on Facebook.
North Lake, in honor of its director. Also included in the
175th-year anniversary, intends church’s costs is a $400 fee to
to restore a steeple that used to appeal to the Zoning Board of By Erica McClain more than just that. mother, she told Marshall that
top the building more than 60 Appeals. Heritage Media “He was so generous with she found dozens of receipts
years ago. In addition, the church could his time and the resources and thank you cards addressed
According to church member also see another $1,150 from A Dexter legend will never he did have – he made dona- to Henry – even receipts of
Merritt Honbaum of Chelsea, the township engineer and
the challenge is the $5,250 in $1,200 from the zoning director
be forgotten, thanks to a school
board vote that approved dedi-
tions everywhere,” Dexter
Superintendent Mary Marshall
donations to the Republican
Party and the Democratic
The Marketplace:
administrative fees set forth by depending on how many hours cating the field house to him. said before the board unani- Party.
Local ads are just a hop
the current township ordinance. are required the review the site away at the
Henry Thurston worked for mously voted to approve the Having passed away last year marketplace. While you are
Honbaum, who is an ordinance plan. 47 years volunteering as the dedication. on Oct. 7 of pancreatic cancer there, you can check out all the
officer for Lyndon Township, “Why do we need to spend high school’s team football Marshall said that when she special supplements of Journal
acted as spokesperson for the PLEASE SEE STEEPLE/3-A manager, but he was so much spoke to Leona Toon, Henry’s
Register Co. newspapers in
Click on “marketplace” on the
home page of our website or

Creekside students celebrate Earth Day

go directly to www.marketplace.

By Sean Dalton “Earth Day is a day to give

Heritage Media back to the Earth ... it means a
lot to me because we wouldn’t
Students at Creekside be here without (it),” said Emily Editorial Page 6-A
Intermediate School did their Koppen, a student at Creekside.
part last Thursday to honor the Koppen added that she felt Sports Section B
planet by recognizing and cel- humanity has been “rude” to
ebrating Earth Day. the ecosystems that benefit us so Community Section C
The celebration came a day greatly.
earlier than the actual Earth “I think Earth Day is impor- Deaths Page 10-A
Day date, which was established tant because we need trees to
on April 22, survive,” said Calendar Page 4-C
1970, due to Creekside stu-
the efforts of dent Jonathan Printed
Wisconsin Turza, whose on NEWS TIP
Sen. Gaylord parents have HOTLINE:
Nelson, who was an environ- planted dozens of trees in their recycled
mental activist looking to start a family yard. paper 475-1371
political movement in support of Fellow student Jojo Koppen
environmental protection policy. said she was concerned about
Nelson, who died on July 3, the health of the Earth and its
2005, wanted “teach-in” events to soil.
be the cornerstone of Earth Day “The soil gives us trees, and
in practice. He would be particu- the trees give us oxygen,” she
larly pleased with Dexter’s sons explained. Photo by Sean Dalton
and daughters.
PLEASE SEE EARTH/5-A Dan Riddle from Lodi Farms and student Nick D’Orio begin to plant the tree at Creekside.

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