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QUIZ - 3

Name / zahoor Ahmed

Time Allowed: 10 minutes

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted?
a. Null Hypothesis
b. Positive Hypothesis
c. Negative Hypothesis
d. Alternative Hypothesis.

2. The rejection probability of null hypothesis when it is true is called as?

a. Level of Confidence
b. Level of Significance
c. Level of Margin
d. Level of Rejection

3. The p-value in hypothesis testing represents which of the following:

Please select the best answer of those provided below.
a. The probability of failing to reject the null hypothesis, given the observed results
b. The probability that the null hypothesis is true, given the observed results
c. The probability that the observed results are statistically significant, given that the null hypothesis
is true
d. The probability of observing results as extreme as or more extreme than currently observed, given
that the null hypothesis is true

4. Which of the following statements is correct about questionnaire?

a. A questionnaire should run to at least twenty pages.
b. The questions should have no spaces between them so that the whole questionnaire looks small.
Instructor: Munaza Bibi
Class/section: BBA 7C
Course:Research Methods and Techniques

c. Only questionnaires that are A3 size achieve high response rates.

d. Clear presentation is more important than overall size.

5. Critical decision area in questionnaire construction is which of the following?

a. Question content
b. Question wording
c. Response strategy
d. All of the given options

6. Sources of hypothesis are as follows except

a. Literature Review
b. Conclusion
c. Theoretical Framework
d. Observations

7. Which research paradigm is based on the pragmatic view of reality?

a. Quantitative research
b. Qualitative research
c. Mixed research
d. none of the above
8. Hypothesis refers to
a. The outcome of an experiment
b. A conclusion drawn from an experiment
c. A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter
d. A tentative statement about the relationship

9. Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating------------.

a. Primary data
b. Secondary data
c. Qualitative data
d. None of the above
10. One of the most critical stages in the survey research process is:
a. Observation design
b. Questionnaire design
c. Interview design
d. All of the above

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