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Nezv Phytol.

(1991), 118, 527-533

Development of the ovular structures in

peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]


1 U.F.I. Pomologia, E.E. Aula Dei, Apartado 202, ^ U. Fruticultura, SJ.A.-D.G.A.
(INIA), Apartado 727 Campus de Aula Dei, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain
(Received 19 July 1990; accepted 22 April 1991)


Changes in the ovular tissues of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) were studied from anthesis to fertilization or
degeneration in pollinated and unpolHnated flowers. During this time the ovule undergoes a continuous
developmental process. At anthesis the megagametophyte is immature and is not fully developed until 12 days
later. Durmg the first three weeks following anthesis the ovule increases in length from 400 to 1200/fm, and the
nucellus and integuments undergo various changes particularly in the distribution of starch and cutin. These
appear to be connected with early embryo sac nutrition and protection. As the ovule matures, starch accumulates
mainly in the embryo sac, integuments and at the nucellar tip. This starch disappears during early embryo sac
elongation. Concomitant with starch depletion, the cutin that separated the integuments from the nucellus
vanishes. Other cutin accumulates between cells in the nucellar tip, thus protecting and isolating the embryo sac.
Most of these changes appear to be a fixed feature of ovule development since they were also observed in a few
long lived ovules in unpollinated flowers. However, in unpolHnated fiowers development of most of the ovules is
soon interrupted: callose accumulates at the chaiaza, starch disappears and the ovules degenerate.

Key words: Prunus persica, peach, ovule, fertilization.

ovular tissues during embryo sac development may

INTRODIiCTIOK shed new light on embryo sac nutrition and pro-
While much work has been done on megagame- tection.
tophyte development in angiosperms (Willemse & In peach (Prunuspersica (L.) Batsch), while details
van Went, 1984), information is scarce on the of megagametophyte and emhryo or endosperm
function of the ovular tissues that envelop the development have been described (Ragland, 1934;
embryo sac. Work on the ovule itself has mainly been Lilien-Kipnis & Lavee, 1971), no information is
from a purely structural or taxonomic standpoint available on how ovular structures develop during
(Bouman, 1984) and tbe developmental changes that the course of flowering. In this paper we follow the
occur in these tissues during the reproductive changes in peach ovular structures from anthesis to
process have been largely neglected. The fact that in fertilization or degeneration paying special attention
most angiosperm species the embryo sac is enclosed to nutritional and isolation processes.
in a well differentiated ovular structure, suggests
that these tissues may have a role in development. MATERIALS AND METHODS
It has been tacitly assumed that these tissues have The plant material
a protective role since the embryo sac is buried in
Peach flowers cv ' Sudanell' were used in this
them and a cuticular layer covers most ovules (Esau,
experiment. To make the flowers unattractive to
1977). On the other hand, Bueli (1952) suggested
insects and to avoid self-pollination flowers w-ere
that ovular tissues might act as a source of nutrients.
emasculated and their petals removed one day before
In many species the nucellus is considered to be a
anthesis (Free, 1964). At anthesis a group of flowers
food storage reservoir, thus being a remote source of
was left unpollinated and a different group was
photoassimilates (Panchaksharappa & Rananaware,
pollinated with poUen from cv 'Baby Gold 9'.
1976; Prasad, 1976; Bhandari, Bhargava & Sach-
deva, 1985). Likewise, the integuments also have
Microscope preparations
been considered a source of reserves in many species
(Mogensen, 1973; Sehgal & Gifford, 1979; Hawker Pistils from both treatments were fixed every
& Buttrose, 1980). A study of the changes in the alternate day from anthesis until 21 days later and
528 A. Arbeloa and M. Herrero

Figure 1. Longitudinai section of an ovule at anthesis. The outer (oi) and inner (ii) integuments envelop the
nucellus (n). JB4 embedded. PAS + Toluidine blue stain. X 170. Figure 2. Mature embryo sac 12 days after
anthesis showing the synergids; cytoplasm and nucleus are at the micropylar pole, and a large vacuole (v) is
located in the opposite poW. Paraffin embedded. Gerlach stain, x 1250, Figure 3. Same embryo sac showing
the egg and central cells. The egg cell (ec) contains a large vacuole towards the micropyle. The polar nuclei
(arrow) within the central cell (cc) have already fused. Paraffin embedded, Gerlach stain, x 1175. Figure 4,
Column of cells (arrow) degenerate at the nucellar tip extending from the micropyle (m) to embr>'o sac (es).
Paraffin embedded. Gerlach stain, x 530. Figure 5. Pollen tube (arrow) growing through the micropyle and
reaching the nuceWar tip (nt) 19 days after pollination. Paraffin embedded, Calcofiuor stain, x 490. Figure 6.
Embryo sac 19 days after pollination. The egg ceil (ec) and central cell (cc) contain starch reserves (arrows) in
their cytoplasm, the synergid (s) has degenerated. JB4 embedded. PAS + Toluidie blue stain, x 560,
Ovule development in peach 529


Figure 7. Nucellar tip stained with auramine. External cells of nuceilus and the adjacent cells of the inner
integuments have culinized walls (arrows) at anthesis. JB4 embedded, x 550. Figure 8. Nucellar tissue stained
for starch, 12 days after anthesis. Starch reserves are mainly present at the nucellar tip (nt), in central areas of
the nuceilus and inside the embryo sac (es). Paraffin embedded. IKI stain, x 220. Figure 9. Nucetlar tip of a
fertilized ovule, 28 days after pollination, stained with auramine. Cutin is present not only in the external walls
surrounding the nuceMus but also between cells, A young embryo (em) can be seen inside the embryo sac.
Paraffin embedded, x 630. Figure 10. Nucellar tip (nt) showing the external cells with a thick wall (arrow)
towards the micropyle. Inner integumentary- cells (ii) are degenerate and deeply stained with safranin. Paraffin
embedded. Gerlach stain, x 550, Figure 11. Unstained ovule seen with fluorescent light. Inner integumentary
cells surrounding the micropyle (m) are degenerate and show autofluorescence, Paraffin embedded, x 205.
Figure 12. Outer integumentary cells (oi) projecting towards the obturator (ob). These cells show PAS-positive
staining (arrows) when a pollen tube lies in close proximity. JB4 etnbedded. xS30.
530 A. Arbeloa and M. Herrero

then on days 28 and 36 after anthesis. Five pistils per enters the embryo sac via the degenerate synergids.
treatment were fixed in formalin - acetic acid- Eertilization occurs approximately 19 days after
alcohol (FAA), dehydrated in a tertiary butyl alcohol pollination. Following fertilization, the fused polar
series and then embedded in paraffin wax. In nuclei quickly divide forming free nuclear endo-
pollinated flowers, five extra pistils were similarly sperm. The embryo attains a globular shape of about
fixed on the same days to observe pollen tube eight cells one week after fertilization and seven
growth. Additionally five pistils per treatment were weeks later it contains two incipient cotyledons.
fixed at weekly inter\-als in 2-5 % glutaraidehyde in By the time of fertilization the embryo sac
003 M phosphate bufTer (Sabatini, Bensch & Barr- elongates and reaches the chalazal end of the
nett, 1963), dehydrated in an ethanol series and nucellus. As the embryo sac matures starch accum-
embedded in JB4 plastic resin (Polysciences Inc). ulates both in the central and in the egg cells (Eig. 6).
Resin-embedded specimens were sectioned at Eollowing fertilization, starch disappears progress-
2/im and stained with periodic acid-SchifPs reagent ively from the embryo and the endosperm.
(PAS) for insoluble carbohydrates (Feder & O'Brien,
1968), with calcof^our (Hughes & McCuliy, 1975) for Nucellus
cellulose, and with PAS counterstained with tol-
uidine blue (Feder & O'Brien, 1968) for general The embryo sac is inside a conspicuous nucellus
histological observations. comprising several layers of cells. The nucellus is
surrounded by a thick layer that contains cutin since
Paraffin-embedded material was sectioned at
it stains with auramine O (Eig. 7). This layer is
10/.im and stained with safranin, crystal violet and
continuous around the nucellus except at the chalazal
light green according to Gerlach (1969), with IKI
end. At the nucellar tip, the cells are rich in starch
for starch reserves (Johansen, 1940) and with
reserves (Eig. 8) and maintain their structure
auramine O (Heslop-Harrison, 1977) for cutin.
throughout ovule development. In growing ovules
Autofiuorescence was monitored in these sections
starch is also present in a central area between the
with epifiuorescence and with a filter combination
embryo sac and the chalaza. This area follows the
violet-ultraviolet (exciting filter BP3 55-425 and
path through which the embryo sac will elongate
barrier filter LP460).
(Eig. 8).
Pollen tube growth was observed in squash
Eollowing fertilization, the starch in the nucellar
preparations until the time of arrival of the tube at
tip cells gradually disappears. At the same time the
the base of the style. Pistils previously autoclaved in
cutin layer that separated the nucellus from the
5 per cent sodium sulphite to soften the tissues
integuments becomes restricted to the micropylar
(Jefferies & Belcher, 1974), were stained with 0-1 per
area. The cutin that surrounds the nucellar tip
cent aniline blue in 01 N K3PO4 for the presence of
remains in place and it accumulates further between
callose (Linskens & Esser, 1957). Penetration of the
the cell walls of this area and towards the micropyle
pollen tube into the ovule was observed on paraffin
(Fig. 9).
sections stained in a similar manner.
In the first three weeks following anthesis, both in
unpollinated and pollinated flowers, the ovule in-
RESULTS creases in length from 400 to 1200/im.
Embryo sac
The ovule of peach is crassinucelate and bitegmic
(Fig. 1). The fully developed nucellus encloses the In peach ovules the inner and outer integuments are
emhryo sac and is covered by two integuments that clearly differentiated in the vicinity of the micropyle
are distinguishable only at the tnicropylar end where (Eig. 1). The micropyle is simple at anthesis and
the outer integument overtops the inner. At anthesis then it twists and elongates. At anthesis cutin is also
the embryo sac is immature and the megagame- present between both integuments and along the
tophyte undergoes a similar developmental process inner surface of the micropyle (Eig. 7). The in-
in both pollinated and unpollinated flowers. Embryo- tegumentary cells lining the micropylar canal contain
genesis is of the Po/v^oKum type (Maheshwari, 1950). abundant starch at anthesis. These reserves soon
During the 12 days after anthesis, the megaspore disappear. As these cells subsequently degenerate
gives rise to an eight nucleate embryo sac. Synergids they stain deeply with safranin (Eig. 10) and display
are well developed with a vacuole at the chalazai end autofiuorescence (Eig. 11). In the micropylar region
(Fig. 2); the egg cell sits near them and contains a of the outer integument after anthesis large vacuo-
vacuole at the micropylar end (Fig- 3). Antipodals lated cells grow outwards towards the obturator
are ephemeral and degenerate three days after forming the exostome. These cells are rich in starch
formation. One day later the polar nuclei fuse (Fig. reserves. In the ovules approached by a pollen tube,
3) and the synergids begin to degenerate. The pollen at the same time that the starch disappears, PAS
tube reaches the nucellus, penetrates through a stained material (Eig. 12) that also stains with
previously degenerate column of cells (Eigs 4, 5) and calcofiuor appears in these cells.
Ovule development in peach S31

V 14

Figure 13. Unpollinated ovule 36 days after anthesis. An elongated embryo sac (es) is still visible. Paraffin
embedded. Gerlach stain. x216. Figure 14. Nucellar tip (nt) of unpotlinated ovule 28 days after anthesis
stained with auramine O. Cutin is present not only in the external walls surrounding the nuceilus but also in
the intercellular spaces. The egg cell (ec) is still apparent. Paraffin embedded. x295.

Starch accumulates in both inner and outer flower. Apart from the formation of a mature
integumentary cells from anthesis and throughout megagametophyte, ovule development includes a
ovule development up until fertilization. After tripling in the size of the nuceilus and integutnents,
fertilization starch progressively disappears and both from anthesis until fertilization. Changes in the
integuments degenerate. different tissues enveloping the embryo sac may play
important roles in fertilization and early postfertili-
zation development.
Ovule degeneration
Peach pistils contain two ovules although only one
Embryo sac development and fertilisation
seed is normally produced. There is a delay of three
days between tbe maturation of the two ovules in the At anthesis the embryo sac is immature and
same Bower. One of the ovules stops growing and maturation is not synchronous between the two
degenerates within two weeks of anthesis while the ovules of a flower. While early reports (Bradbury,
other one continues to grow until fertilization or 1929; Tukey, 1933) assumed that in Prunus mega-
degeneration. Both ovules follow a similar pattern of gametophyte maturation coincided with anthesis,
degeneration. The first clear symptom is the ap- later work has also recorded a delay m tnega-
pearance of callose, identified with aniline blue stain, gametophyte maturation in other Prunus species
in a localized region at the chalazal end of the ovule. (Jefferies, 1975; Pimienta & Polito, 1983). However,
It then spreads to the whole ovule. Starch disappears despite this delay, by the time the pollen tubes reach
from the ovular tissues, the nuceilus shrinks and the embryo sac (Herrero & Arbeloa, 1989) develop-
separates from the integuments and the integuments ment is complete. Once the pollen tubes enter the
collapse. In unpollinated flowers, pistil degeneration ovary, by tracking along the obturator (Arbeloa &
manifested by the collapse of both ovules starts 19 Herrero, 1987), they meet the exostome since
days after anthesis, and degeneration is observed in during ovule development the outer integuments
most of the pistils 28 days after anthesis. However, a project outwards towards the obturator. This integu-
proportion of the ovules were still viable 36 days mentary growth may facilitate pollen tube penetra-
after anthesis (Fig. 13). Although lacking embryos or tion into the micropyle as it brings both structures
endosperm, they showed the same changes in starch into closer proximity. However, physical proximity
and cutin distribution (Fig. 14) as well as embryo sac probably is not the only requirement for pollen tube
elongation as in pollinated fiowers. entry into the ovule; some kind of chemotropic
stimulus may also be required (Herrero, Arbeloa &
Gascon, 1988). Further research is now needed to
DISCUSSION understand the presence of PAS positive material in
Development of ovule the external cells of the exostome associated with the
It has been tacitly assumed that the tissues of the pollen tube.
ovule play a passive role enveloping the ennbryo sac. After the pollen tube enters the exostome, it grows
The present work clearly shows that the ovule in the micropylar inner canal and enters the nuceilus.
continues to develop throughout the lifespan of the The column of cells that degenerates in the nucellar
532 A. Arbeloa and M. Herrero

tip may be related to pollen tube growth since this starch distribution accompanying pollen tube pas-
would facilitate pollen tube passage from the micro- sage throughout the nucellus. Likewise, early
pyle to the embryo sac. A similar column of embryo sac nutrition probably relies on starch
degenerate cells was first observed by Jensen (1969) reserves that accumulate in the integuments and
in cotton and later in other species (Wilms, 1981; embryo sac of mature ovules; these reserves are also
Tilton & Lersten, 1981; Pimienta & Polito, 1983). depleted following fertilization.
In this respect, cutin modifications may be
significant in allowing communication between, or
Embryo sac protection isolating, particular structures. A cuticle around the
The thick layer of material surrounding the nucellus nucellus, except at the chalazal end, would act as an
is almost certainly cutin since it stains with auramine impermeable barrier to the passage of nutrient
O (Considine & Knox, 1979; Heslop-Harrison & reserves, supporting the idea of a nutrient pathway
Heslop.-Harrison 1981; Boland & Sedgley, 1986) through the chalaza (Zhang & Zheng, 1988; Olesen
and because of the epidermal origin of these ovular & Bruun, 1990). In peach it would facilitate starch
tissues (Esau, 1977). While the presence of an consumption from the nucellar tip and the embryo
external cuticular layer may act as a protective and sac itself. Afterwards., the disappearance of the cutin
transpiration barrier, the possible functional signi- that separates the nucellus from the integuments
ficance of an inner cuticle in ovules (Ryser et al., could be related to the passage of carbohydrate
1988) is far from clear. A cuticular layer has been reserves from the integuments to the nucellus and
described in the ovules of various species sur- embryo sac. This idea is further supported by the
rounding either the micropyle (Tilton, 1980; Tilton fact that, following the disappearance of this cutin
& Lersten, 1981), nucellus (Wilms, 1981; Ryser barrier, starch also disappears from the integuments.
et al., 1988; Bruun & Olesen, 1989), or the embryo sac
(iVlogensen, 1981). In peach it surrounds the nuc-
ellus leaving the chalazal end free. During ovule The significance of ovule development
development it disappears from lateral regions of the Results herein indicate that the ovular tissues in
nucellus becoming relegated to the micropylar half peach, far from being passive structures that envelop
of the nucellus and accumulates in the intercellular the embryo sac, undergo a number of changes during
spaces at the nucellar tip. This accunnulation at the the lifespan of the flower that may play an important
nucellar tip could be related to embryo sac isolation. part in the reproductive process. It is clear that
Cutin accuinulation would play a protective role pollination triggers a number of biochemical and
avoiding later pathogen infection. Embryo sac iso- developmental changes in the ovary (Fuller &
lation has also been pointed out in Ornithogalum Leopold, 1975; Deuremberg, 1976) and even in the
(Tilton, 1980) although mediated by a different final stages of megagametophyte development (Pimi-
mechanism since in this genus a plug occludes the enta & Polito, 1983; Herrero and Gascon, 1987).
micropyle during embryogenesis. Likewise, in other species the entire ovule matu-
ration process depends on pollination (Law & Yeung,
1989; Yeung & Law, 1989). However, in peach, the
Early embryo sac nutrition fact that most of the changes reported here take place
Embryo sac nutrition appears to be via the chalazal in a similar way in unpoJlinated flowers indicates that
end of the ovule (Mogensen, 1973). However, the they are not triggered by pollination or fertilization
way the ennbryo sac derives nutrition during early but rather they are intrinsic to ovule development
development, when it elongates until it reaches the and play subsequent roles in fertilization and early
chalazal end, is still unclear. Results herein indicate embryo sac development.
that the ovule's own reserves could account for this
early phase of development. The disappearance of
starch at the nucellar tip concomitant with early
embryo sac elongation may be associated with early Thanks are due to CICYT, to IN IA and to the U.S.-Spain
nutrition of the embryo sac and with providing the Joint Committee for Scientific and Technological Co-
reserves required for the elongation process. Alter- operation for financial support.
natively, Buell (1952) pointed out that the reserves
located at the nucellar tip might be used during
pollen tube growth along the nucellus. This idea REFERENCES
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