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Aldersgate College, Inc.

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

College of Arts, Sciences and Education


Name: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Course and Year: ____________________________

Multiple Choice (Instructional Design System and Model)

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the CAPITAL
LETTERS in the space provided before the item.

______1. Instructional Design is fluid.

A. True
B. False
_____2. What are the three components of Analysis according to our Instructional Design
A. Learning Task C. Learners E. Learning Contexts
B. Organizational Strategies D. Formative Evaluation
____ 3. At what stage of the design process would you begin to write and produce instruction?
A. Assessment C. Review
B. Strategy D. Analysis
____ 4. Which one of these descriptions is NOT an example of an advantage of using
Instructional Design?
A. Assists in coordination C. Requires lead time
B. Provides Learner Advocacy D. Supports development of alternative delivery
____ 5. Within Instructional Design, when does revision typically occur?
A. Throughout the design process. C. Only after strategies are implement.
B. At the end of the design process D. At the end of instruction.
____ 6. There would no need or purpose of applying Instructional Design to a cooking class.
A. True
B. False
____ 7. What are the three basic elements of Instructional Design?
A. Overview, review, Test C. Analysis, strategies, evaluation
B. Objectives, Summary, Assess D. Objectives, content, review
____ 8. Instructional Design is limited to the classroom and is only applicable in a school
learning environment.
A. True
B. False
____ 9. What is the purpose of instructional design?
A. To create tests
B. To facilitate proper planning
C. To make sure teachers are doing their jobs.
D. To make pretty pictures
____ 10. An instructional designer is assessing the instructional design of a marketing class
targeted to the needs of marketing managers. This is an example of______________.
(Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
A. The application of adult learning theory in designing instruction
B. Objective‐centered instructional design
C. Subjective‐centered instructional design
D. How the VAK model can be applied to improving adult learning
____ 11. While analyzing the characteristics of the target audience for an executive leadership
program, a talent development (TD) professional strives to understand what factors
impact the executives’ motivation.  Which theory would be the most relevant in this
A. Malcolm Knowles’s Adult Learning
B. Subjective‐centered instructional theory
C. Sequential patterns of development
D. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
____12. The instructor of a Microsoft Word workshop informs his students that he modified the
tasks he will cover based on their previous experience with the application. This is an
application of which adult learning theory?  
A. Andragogy C. The whole brain
B. Pedagogy D. Accelerated learning

 ____ 13. A seventh grade mathematics teacher chooses not to adapt his algebra material to his
students. Which of the following is he applying?  
A. The whole brain  C. Accelerated learning
B. Andragogy D. Pedagogy

____ 14. When an instructional designer is developing a Retirement Planning course, which is a

characteristic that she should take into consideration?
A. Multiple perspectives of how adults develop 
B. Readiness to learn is related to age
C. Orientation to learning is self‐centered
D. Motivation to learn is based on external rewards

____ 15. A product training program focused on improving the sales force’s understanding of the
new product features is most likely to focus on which of the following Bloom categories
of learning?
A. Knowledge C. Attitude
B. Skills D. Competencies
____ 16. A psychology instructor walking her class through the differences between
extrasensory perception and telepathy is most likely to use which technique?
A. Brainstorming C. Lectures
B. Discussions D. Questioning
____ 17. A talent development (TD) professional has designed an Effective Coaching course in
which the facilitator first asks each learner what challenges he/she is having when
coaching their direct reports.  During the session the facilitator makes a wide range of
learning resources available and invites the learners to role play situations that reflect key
challenges brainstormed at the beginning of this session. This learning experience is
following whose guidelines?
A. Carl Rogers C. Robert Gagne
B. Benjamin Bloom D. Abraham Maslow
____ 18. A course designer receives a request from a business unit to develop a course that will
help their Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) be more professional.  The designer
conducts an audience analysis to solicit more information on the CSRs’ motivational
factors and their experience working in call centers. The goal of this analysis is to assess
______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)  
A. External and environmental influences C. Individual characteristics of learning
B. Modes of learning D. Types of learning
____ 19. A geology professor shows his students a video of a hurricane followed by
diagramming the wind patterns on a flipchart.  The professor is using strategies founded
in which theory?  
A. Behaviorism
B. Accelerated Learning
C. Developmentalism
D. Cognitivism
____ 20. Based on the learning brain model, which of the following should talent development
(TD) professionals focus on when designing a C+ Programming course in order to
achieve long‐ term learning?
A. The learners dominate side of the brain
B. The learner’s subordinate side of the brain
C. Combination of both the right and left side of the brain
D. The learner’s upper‐left cerebral
_____ 21. According to the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic model, when designing learning for
visual learners, which of the following should an instructional designer include in an e‐
learning course on the human anatomy? 
A. A video of a cardiologist explaining the ventricles
B. An “ask the expert” link for the learners to email questions about the heart
C. An audio clip of the sounds of the heart ventricles pumping blood
D. A diagram of the chambers of the heart
_____ 22. A trainer moves the classroom chairs into a U‐shape to facilitate dialogue, and sets up
“breakout tables” in the corners of the room for team activities. The trainer is taking what
into consideration?   
A. External and environmental influences
B. Physical changes
C. Individual characteristics of learning
D. Psychological changes
_____ 23. A computer programming class allows individuals with musical interest to learn how
to program a musical piece on the computer while individuals with spatial abilities are
able to view flowcharts as they program.  This represents principles related to
______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)  
A. Multiple Intelligences C. Neurolinguistics Programming
B. Hierarchy of Needs D. Accelerated Learning
_____ 24. A talent development (TD) professional is currently in the analysis phase of the
ADDIE Model. Which of the following activities is the TD professional most likely
doing as part of this phase?
A. Confirming that all subject matter is correct and reviewed by Subject Matter Experts
B. Developing the sequencing and structure of the course
C. Modifying the design and materials as suggested by evaluation
D. Identifying the goals and objectives the training should have  
____ 25. When a talent development (TD) professional is creating a blueprint outlining the
objectives, evaluation tasks, and their sequence for a course on Effective Virtual
Facilitation, which step of the ADDIE Model is he/she conducting?
A. Evaluation  C. Implementation
B. Design D. Development  
____ 26. At the end of a virtual Network Administration course, the trainer provides a tip‐sheet
with diagrams on how to configure a simple client server. Which of Gagne’s events is the
trainer applying?
A. Enhance retention and transfer
B. Assess performance
C. Provide feedback
D. Deliver content
_____ 27. When a talent development (TD) professional applies accelerated learning principles
to his development of a training program, the learning environment he designs must be
which of the following?
A. Structured C. Lecture‐based
B. Serious D. Accommodating
_____ 28. Which of the following statements best describes the activities that take place while a
talent development (TD) professional is designing a New Hire course for IT
A. Training is being developed C. Training is being delivered
B. Training is being planned D. Training is being evaluated 
____ 29. Which of the following statements best describes Robert Mager’s contribution?
A. Considered the father of adult learning theory, defined a set of assumptions about
adult learning
B. Best known for popularizing the theory of nine instructional events
C. Developed three learning outcomes based on three domains: cognitive, psychomotor,
and affective
D. Developed behavioral learning objectives with these three elements: performance,
condition, and criterion to judge performance
_____ 30. When a talent development (TD) professional learns that the Subject Matter Experts
(SMEs) for her Linux Networking Fundamentals course can serve as the instructors, and
she can focus less on design, which of the following approaches is she following?
A. Rapid instructional design
B. Dick and Carey systems approach for instructional design
C. Seels and Glasgow instructional system design model
D. Smith and Ragan instructional system design model
_____ 31. A talent development (TD) professional is writing learning objectives focused on
listing all known heart diseases.  Which of Bloom’s behavioral levels is being applied?
A. Knowledge C. Application
B. Comprehension D. Analysis
_____ 32. Which of the four A‐B‐C‐D objective criteria indicates what it takes to meet an
objective, such as a call center representative being able to address an issue “within one
A. Audience C. Condition
B. Behavior D. Degree
_____ 33. Which of the following is not one of the primary factors when a trainer is selecting the
appropriate instructional strategy for teaching basic features of MS PowerPoint software?
A. Facility C. Time availability
B. Budget D. Course pace

_____ 34. A talent development (TD) professional builds role plays and goal‐based simulations
into his Supervisory Skills class. He uses both written, spoken, and demonstrated
instructions. On what are these instructional strategies based?
A. Adults who gather information actively 
B. Deductive information processors
C. Adults learn in different ways
D. Visual information processors

______35. What does ADDIE stand for?

A. Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation
B. Analysis, Design, Delivery, Imagine, Evaluate
C. Acquire, Design, Deliver, Implementation, Evaluation
D. Analyze, Deliver, Design, Imagine, Examine

______ 36. Creating content is a part of which phase?

A. Design C. Implementation
B. Development D. Analysis

______ 37. What is something you would assess in the analysis phase?
A. Learner characteristics C. Student satisfaction
B. Instructor performance D. Content
_____ 38. Another name for Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model is...
A. Students Approach Model
B. Systems Approach Model

_____ 39.  __________ consists of a description of the task or skills to be learned, the standards
or criteria and the conditions that the tasks must be performed.
A. Performance Objective
B. Target Objective
C. Task Objective

_____ 40. Dick and Carey model is the least popular model in schools and educational
A. True
B. False

_____ 41. Below are the components of the Dick and Carey model. Choose the THREE correct
A. Describe entry behaviours
B. Identify entry behaviours
C. Validate instruction
D. Develop instructional strategy
E. Revise instruction

_____ 42. This component describes what the learners are expected to perform at the end of the
A. Identify assessment instruments
B. Identify entry behaviours
C. Identify instructional goals

_____ 43. __________ uses the data from the two types of evaluations to examine the validity of
the instructional material and revise as needed.
A. Design instruction
B. Revise instruction
C. Conduct instruction

_____ 44. The purpose to identify entry behaviours is __________.

A. To ensure the learners meet the necessary prerequisites for performing the new skills.
B. To start the learning process at a level they already understand
C. To identify the learner's progress
_____ 45. What are the goals of the SAMR Model?
A. to force you to use technology in the classroom, so that students will be motivated to
B. to evaluate the use of technology, target higher order thinking skills, provide rich
learning experiences, & impact student achievement
C. to keep students from being bored in class by allowing them to do all of their work on
a device instead
D. to help get students ready for taking Online State Assessments

_____ 46. How many levels are there in the SAMR Model?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8

_____ 47. What does the SAMR model stand for?

A. Supplement, Analyze, Modify, Resubmit
B. Secure, Authorize, Mom, Rabbit
C. People, Order, Our, Patties
D. Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition

______ 48. Teacher uses the computer and SmartBoard to play a video.
A. Substitution C. Modification
B. Augmentation D. Redefinition
______ 49. What is the function of this item?

A. To display video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface

B. To produce audio output that can be heard by the listener
C. To stores computer data of graphics, text and audio

______ 50. What is the last stage in ASSURE model?

A. Evaluate and modify

B. Elaborate and create
C. Enhance and revise
D. Evaluate and revise

Prepared by:
Junelyn G. Villar, LPT

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