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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a

dramatic loss of human life worldwide and
presents an unprecedented challenge to
public health, food systems and the world of
o to present an unprecedented
challenge to …: đặt ra thách thức
chưa từng có đối với …
The economic and social disruption caused o devastating /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ (adj) =
by the pandemic is devastating: tens of causing a lot of damage and
millions of people are at risk of falling into destroying things: tàn khốc
extreme poverty, while the number of o to fall into extreme poverty: rơi vào
undernourished people, currently estimated cảnh nghèo khó cùng cực
at nearly 690 million, could increase by up to o border closures: việc đóng cửa biên
132 million by the end of the year. giới
o trade restrictions: việc hạn chế
Border closures, trade restrictions and thương mại
confinement measures have been o confinement measures: các biện
preventing farmers from accessing markets, pháp hạn chế đi lại
including for buying inputs and selling their o to disrupt something /dɪsˈrʌpt/ (v) =
produce, and agricultural workers from to make it difficult for something to
harvesting crops, thus disrupting domestic continue in the normal way: làm gián
and international food supply chains and đoạn
reducing access to healthy, safe and diverse o food supply chains: các chuỗi cung
diets. ứng thực phẩm
o breadwinner /ˈbredwɪnər/ (n) = a
As breadwinners lose jobs, fall ill and die, person who supports their family with
the food security and nutrition of millions of the money they earn: người trụ cột
women and men are under threat, with trong gia đình
those in low-income countries, particularly o to be hardest hit = to be most
the most marginalized populations, which affected: bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất
include small-scale farmers and indigenous
peoples, being hardest hit.


o to be at risk » to be under threat

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