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Unlike traditional bullying - which is often

o bullying /ˈbʊliɪŋ/ (n) = the use of
limited to school and known bullies -
strength or power to frighten or hurt
cyberbullying can occur at any time, day or
weaker people: sự bắt nạt
night, and be perpetrated by anonymous
o cyberbullying /ˈsaɪbərbʊliɪŋ/ (n) =
sources. This makes it more relentless and,
the activity of using messages on
often, more cruel. social media, emails, text messages,
etc. to frighten or upset somebody: bắt
Humiliation: When cyberbullying occurs, the
nạt trên mạng, bắt nạt qua thế giới ảo
nasty posts, messages, or texts can be
o anonymous /əˈnɑːnɪməs/ (adj) =
shared with multitudes of people. The sheer
with a name that is not known or that
volume of people that know about the
is not made public: vô danh
bullying can lead to intense feelings of
o nasty /ˈnæsti/ (adj) = unkind;
unpleasant: xấu xa
o the sheer volume of = large number
Isolation: Cyberbullying sometimes causes
of …: số lượng lớn …
kids to be excluded and ostracized at school.
o humiliation /hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃn/ (n) = a
Consequently, they often feel alone and
feeling of being ashamed or stupid and
having lost the respect of other people:
sự xấu hổ, bẽ mặt (vì bị làm nhục)
Anger: Many victims of cyberbullying will
o isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/ (n) = the state
get angry about what is happening to them.
of being alone or lonely: sự cô lập
Some kids that are victimized may even
o to plot revenge: âm mưu trả thù
plot revenge and engage in retaliation.
o suicidal thoughts = having thoughts,
ideas, or ruminations about the
Suicidal thoughts and self-harm:
possibility of ending one's life: ý nghĩ
Sometimes targets of cyberbullying
tự tử
respond to their intense feelings by harming
o depression /dɪˈpreʃn/ (n) = a mental
themselves in some way.
illness in which a person is very
unhappy and anxious (= worried and
Depression and anxiety: Cyberbullying also
nervous) for long periods and cannot
can erode self-confidence and feelings of
have a normal life during these
self-worth, which can contribute to
periods: trầm cảm
depression and anxiety.

o victims of cyberbullying » kids that are victimized » targets of cyberbullying
o self-harm » harming themselves
o to lead to … » to contribute to …

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