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The term refrigeration means cooling a space, substance or system to lower and/or
maintain its temperature below the ambient one (while the removed heat is rejected
at a higher temperature. In other words, refrigeration is artificial (human-
made) cooling.Energy in the form of heat is removed from a low-temperature
reservoir and transferred to a high-temperature reservoir. The work of energy transfer
is traditionally driven by mechanical means, but can also be driven by
heat, magnetism, electricity, laser, or other means. Refrigeration has many
applications, including household refrigerators, industrial freezers, cryogenics, and air
conditioning. Heat pumps may use the heat output of the refrigeration process, and
also may be designed to be reversible, but are otherwise similar to air conditioning
Refrigeration has had a large impact on industry, lifestyle, agriculture, and settlement
patterns. The idea of preserving food dates back to at least the ancient Roman and
Chinese empires. However, mechanical refrigeration technology has rapidly evolved
in the last century, from ice harvesting to temperature-controlled rail cars. The
introduction of refrigerated rail cars contributed to the westward expansion of the
United States, allowing settlement in areas that were not on main transport channels
such as rivers, harbors, or valley trails. Settlements were also developing in infertile
parts of the country, filled with newly discovered natural resources.

The history of artificial refrigeration began when Scottish professor William

Cullen designed a small refrigerating machine in 1755. Cullen used a pump to
create a partial vacuum over a container of diethyl ether, which then boiled,
absorbing heat from the surrounding air. The experiment even created a small
amount of ice, but had no practical application at that time.
4 Types of Refrigeration Systems
-Evaporative Cooling
Evaporative cooling units are also referred to as swamp coolers. They work by blowing warm outdoor air over
pads that are soaked in water. The water’s job is to absorb the heat from the air. The water then evaporates and
cooler air enters your home while warm air stays out.
An evaporative cooling unit is capable of reducing the temperature in a home by about 15-40 degrees. If you’re in
the southwestern U.S. where the climate is dry, evaporative coolers are for you. An evaporative cooling unit is
easier to install and doesn’t cost half as much as a central air conditioner.
-Mechanical-Compression Refrigeration Systems
Mechanical compression is used in commercial and industrial refrigeration, as well as air conditioning. Most HVAC
companies install this type of cooling system.
By mechanically compressing refrigerant into a cold liquid with low pressure and expanding it into hot gas with
high pressure, this type of system transfers heat. Refrigerants work when pressure is applied or removed. When
they absorb heat, they boil and turn into gas, then turn back into liquid form when they release that heat. The
refrigerant in a mechanical-compression system boils at 40 degrees, sucking the heat out of warm indoor air.
The process in absorption refrigeration is similar to how heat is transferred in mechanical compression.
However, instead of using a mechanical compressor, absorption systems use refrigerants that attract and
absorb other substances. In some systems, for example, ammonia acts as the refrigerant and water acts as
the absorbent. Instead of relying on electric power, heat can come from water, natural gas, steam or other
fuel sources.
These systems don’t need water or any type of refrigerant. They rely on a thermocouple and electric current. One end
of the thermocouple is hot and the other end is cool when current is directed to it. The cold side of the thermocouple
is placed in the area that needs cooled so it can attract heat and remove it from the air. Thermoelectric refrigeration
isn’t usually used for large cooling loads, but it’s perfect for hard-to-access small cooling loads. A good example
would be electronic systems.

Current applications of refrigeration

Probably the most widely used current applications of refrigeration are for air conditioning of private homes and
public buildings, and refrigerating foodstuffs in homes, restaurants and large storage warehouses. The use
of refrigerators and walk-in coolers and freezers in kitchens, factories and warehouses for storing and processing
fruits and vegetables has allowed adding fresh salads to the modern diet year round, and storing fish and meats
safely for long periods. The optimum temperature range for perishable food storage is 3 to 5 °C (37 to 41 °F).
In commerce and manufacturing, there are many uses for refrigeration. Refrigeration is used to liquefy gases –
oxygen, nitrogen, propane, and methane, for example. In compressed air purification, it is used
to condense water vapor from compressed air to reduce its moisture content. In oil refineries, chemical plants,
and petrochemical plants, refrigeration is used to maintain certain processes at their needed low temperatures
(for example, in alkylation of butenes and butane to produce a high-octane gasoline component). Metal workers
use refrigeration to temper steel and cutlery. When transporting temperature-sensitive foodstuffs and other
materials by trucks, trains, airplanes and seagoing vessels, refrigeration is a necessity.
Dairy products are constantly in need of refrigeration, and it was only discovered in the past few decades that eggs
needed to be refrigerated during shipment rather than waiting to be refrigerated after arrival at the grocery store.
Meats, poultry and fish all must be kept in climate-controlled environments before being sold. Refrigeration also helps
keep fruits and vegetables edible longer.
Assignment 2

AIR CONDITIONING is the process of removing heat and controlling the humidity (as well as
removing dust in some cases) of the air within a building or vehicle, in order to achieve a more
comfortable interior environment. This may be achieved using powered devices like 'air
conditioners', by passive cooling or by ventilative cooling. Air conditioning is a member of a family of
systems and techniques that provide hIn some of the strictest definitions, air conditioning is used to
describe systems that control the moisture content of air, that is, its humidity. This can include
humidification and dehumidification. Humidity control can be important for; the comfort of building
occupants, to reduce the incidence of condensation (both surface and interstitial), for specialist
environments such as swimming pools, and where the protection of sensitive items requires
particular conditions.

However, dehumidification of air is generally achieved by cooling. As the temperature of air falls, it is
less able to 'hold' moisture, that is, saturation water vapour density falls, and so relative humidity
rises. When relative humidity reaches 100%, the air will be saturated. This is described as the 'dew
point'. If the air continues to cool, moisture will begin to condense, dehumidifying the air.

This means that humidity control and cooling are often considered together as ‘air conditioning’.
Cooling and dehumidification are important contributors to thermal comfort. This is because the
ability to perspire, and so to lose heat by evaporation from the skin, is limited by the humidity of the

As a result, remaining cool is dependent on both temperature and humidity (as well as a number of
other factors, see Thermal comfort for more information). A combination of reduced air
temperature, and reduced humidity helps people to remain cool.

The cooling of air alone, often described as ‘air conditioning’ is more correctly referred to as
‘comfort cooling’. However, because it cools the air, comfort cooling may include some incidental
dehumidification. heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC).

Temperature is the most significant component to the experience of comfort in a space.
Maintaining a person’s thermal comfort means ensuring that they don’t feel too hot or too
cold. This means keeping the temperature, humidity, airflow and radiant sources within
acceptable range. In the process our bodies’ metabolism generates heat, which must
dissipate into the surrounding air or surfaces.
mechanically air conditioning in a whole building might not be the best solution to achieve occupant
thermal comfort,

In hot and humid climates, controlled humidity, air temperature, mean radiant, air speed and
personal factors To achieve a comfortable environment, building sciences, mechanical systems and
energy must be taken into consideration, affect people’s perceptions of their thermal comfort,

A combination of using dehumidifiers, ceiling and desk fans, improving building enclosures and
wearing reduced clothing, comfort conditioning can increase occupant thermal comfort and use less
energy than an air conditioning system,


ROLL NO. - 18001006030
Carnot cycle:-
 An ideal reversible closed thermodynamic cycle in which the working
substance goes through the four successive operations of isothermal
expansion to a desired point, adiabatic expansion to a desired point,
isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression back to its initial
 The Carnot cycle is a theoretical ideal thermodynamic
cycle proposed by French physicist Nicolas Carnot in 1824 and
expanded upon by others over the next few decades. It provides an
upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine
can achieve during the conversion of Heat into Work, or conversely,
the efficiency of a refrigenation system in creating a temperature
difference by the application of work to the system. It is not an actual
thermodynamic cycle but is a theoretical construct.
 Every single thermodynamic system exists in a particular state. When a
system is taken through a series of different states and finally returned to its
initial state, a thermodynamic cycle is said to have occurred. In the process
of going through this cycle, the system may perform work on its
surroundings, for example by moving a piston, thereby acting as a heat
engine. A system undergoing a Carnot cycle is called a Carot heat engine,
although such a "perfect" engine is only a theoretical construct and cannot
be built in practice. However, a microscopic Carnot heat engine has been
designed and run.
 Essentially, there are two "heat reservoirs" forming part of the heat engine
at temperatures T(h) and T(c) (hot and cold respectively). They have such
large thermal capacity that their temperatures are practically unaffected
by a single cycle. Since the cycle is theoretically reversible, there is no
generation of entropy during the cycle; entropy is conserved. During the
cycle, an arbitrary amount of entropy ΔS is extracted from the hot
reservoir, and deposited in the cold reservoir. Since there is no volume
change in either reservoir, they do no work, and during the cycle, an
amount of energy T(h)ΔS is extracted from the hot reservoir and a smaller
amount of energy T(c)ΔS is deposited in the cold reservoir. The difference
in the two energies (T(h)−T(c))ΔS is equal to the work done by the engine.
Gas Laws:-

 The gas laws were developed at the end of the 18th century, when
scientists began to realize that relationships
between Pressure, Volume and Temprature of a sample of gas could
be obtained which would hold to approximation for all gases.
 Gas laws, laws that relate the pressure, volume, and temprature of
a gas. Boyle’s Law named for ROBERT BOYLE - states that, at
constant temperature, the pressure P of a gas varies inversely with its
volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant. Charle’s Law named for
J.-A.-C. Charles (1746–1823)—states that, at constant pressure, the
volume V of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute (Kelvin)
temperature T, or V/T = k. These two laws can be combined to form
the ideal gas law, a single generalization of the behaviour of gases
known as an equation of state, PV = nRT, where n is the number of
gram-moles of a gas and R is called the universal gas constant.
Though this law describes the behaviour of an ideal gas, it closely
approximates the behaviour of real gases. See also Joseph Gay
Dew Point:-
 The dew point is the temprature to which air must be cooled
to become saturated with water vapour. When cooled further,
the airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid water
(dew). When air cools to its dew point through contact with a
surface that is colder than the air, water will condense on the
 When the temperature is below the freezing point of water,
the dew point is called the frost point, as frost is formed
via deposition rather than condensation to form dew. The
measurement of the dew point is related to humidity. A higher
dew point means there is more moisture in the air.
 In liquids, the cloud point is the equivalent term.
Define the following psychrometric terms:
i) Vapor pressure
ii) Relative humidity
iii) Humid volume
iv) Dew point

Assignment- 2

Submitted By: Manu Sagar

Roll Number: 18001006032
i) Vapor pressure or equilibrium vapor pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by
a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a
given temperature in a closed system. The equilibrium vapor pressure is an indication
of a liquid's evaporation rate. It relates to the tendency of particles to escape from the
liquid (or a solid). A substance with a high vapor pressure at normal temperatures is
often referred to as volatile. The pressure exhibited by vapor present above a liquid
surface is known as vapor pressure. As the temperature of a liquid increases, the
kinetic energy of its molecules also increases. As the kinetic energy of the molecules
increases, the number of molecules transitioning into a vapor also increases, thereby
increasing the vapor pressure.
The vapor pressure of any substance increases non-linearly with temperature
according to the Clausius–Clapeyron relation.
The atmospheric pressure boiling point of a liquid
(also known as the normal boiling point) is the
temperature at which the vapor pressure equals the
ambient atmospheric pressure. With any
incremental increase in that temperature, the vapor
pressure becomes sufficient to
overcome atmospheric pressure and lift the liquid
to form vapor bubbles inside the bulk of the
substance. Bubble formation deeper in the liquid
requires a higher temperature due to the higher
fluid pressure, because fluid pressure increases
above the atmospheric pressure as the depth
increases. More important at shallow depths is the
higher temperature required to start bubble
formation. The surface tension of the bubble wall
leads to an overpressure in the very small, initial bubbles.
The vapor pressure that a single component in a mixture contributes to the total
pressure in the system is called partial pressure. For example, air at sea level, and
saturated with water vapor at 20 °C, has partial pressures of about 2.3 kPa of water, 78
kPa of nitrogen, 21 kPa of oxygen and 0.9 kPa of argon, totaling 102.2 kPa, making
the basis for standard atmospheric pressure.
Estimating vapor pressures with Antoine equation:
The Antoine equation is mathematical expression of the relation between the vapor
pressure and the temperature of pure liquid or solid substances. It is obtained by
curve-fitting and is adapted to the fact that vapor pressure is usually increasing and
concave as a function of temperature. Sublimations and vaporizations of the same
substance have separate sets of Antoine coefficients, as do components in
mixtures. Each parameter set for a specific compound is only applicable over a
specified temperature range. Generally, temperature ranges are chosen to maintain
the equation's accuracy of a few up to 8–10 percent. For many volatile substances,
several different sets of parameters are available and used for different temperature
ranges. The Antoine equation has poor accuracy with any single parameter set
when used from a compound's melting point to its critical temperature. Accuracy is
also usually poor when vapor pressure is under 10 Tor because of the limitations of
the apparatus used to establish the Antoine parameter values.
The Wagner equation gives “one of the best” fits to experimental data but is quite
complex. It expresses reduced vapor pressure as a function of reduced temperature.
Liquid mixtures: Raoult's law
Raoult’s law gives an approximation to the vapor pressure of mixtures of liquids. It
states that the activity (pressure or fugacity) of a single-phase mixture is equal to
the mole-fraction-weighted sum of the components' vapor pressures. Raoult's law
is applicable only to non-electrolytes (uncharged species); it is most appropriate for
non-polar molecules with only weak intermolecular attractions (such as London
Systems that have vapor pressures higher are said to have positive deviations. Such
a deviation suggests weaker
intermolecular attraction than in the pure
components, so that the molecules can
be thought of as being "held in" the
liquid phase less strongly than in the
pure liquid. An example is the
azeotrope of approximately 95% ethanol
and water. Because the azeotrope's vapor
pressure is higher than predicted by
Raoult's law, it boils at a temperature below that of either pure component.

There are also systems with negative deviations that have vapor pressures that are
lower than expected. Such a deviation is
evidence for stronger intermolecular attraction
between the constituents of the mixture than
exists in the pure components. Thus, the
molecules are "held in" the liquid more strongly
when a second molecule is present. An example
is a mixture of trichloromethane (chloroform)
and 2-propanone (acetone), which boils above
the boiling point of either pure component.
The negative and positive deviations can be used to determine thermodynamic
activity coefficients of the components of mixtures.


Vapor pressure
Substance (°C)

(Pa) (bar) (mmHg)

Tungsten 100 Pa 0.001 0.75 3203

Xenon difluoride 600 Pa 0.006 4.50 25

Water (H2O) 2.3 kPa 0.023 17.5 20

Propanol 2.4 kPa 0.024 18.0 20

Methyl isobutyl ketone 2.66 kPa 0.0266 19.95 25

Ethanol 5.83 kPa 0.0583 43.7 20

Freon 113 37.9 kPa 0.379 284 20

Acetaldehyde 98.7 kPa 0.987 740 20

Butane 220 kPa 2.2 1650 20

Formaldehyde 435.7 kPa 4.357 3268 20

Propane[10] 997.8 kPa 9.978 7584 26.85

Carbonyl sulfide 1.255 MPa 12.55 9412 25

Nitrous oxide[11] 5.660 MPa 56.60 42453 25

Carbon dioxide 5.7 MPa 57 42753 20

ii) The relative humidity is the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the highest
possible absolute humidity (which depends on the current air temperature). A reading
of 100 percent relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated with water
vapor and cannot hold any more, creating the possibility of rain. This doesn't mean
that the relative humidity must be 100 percent in order for it to rain — it must be 100
percent where the clouds are forming, but the relative
humidity near the ground could be much less Relative
humidity is normally expressed as a percentage; a
higher percentage means that the air–water mixture is
more humid.
Relative humidity is an important metric used in
weather forecasts and reports, as it is an indicator of the
likelihood of precipitation, dew, or fog. In hot summer
weather, a rise in relative humidity increases the apparent temperature to humans by
hindering the evaporation of evaporation of perspiration from the skin. For example,
according to the Heat Index, a relative humidity of 75% at air temperature of 80.0 °F
(26.7 °C) would feel like 83.6 °F ±1.3 °F (28.7 °C ±0.7 °C). Humans are very
sensitive to humidity, as the skin relies on the air to get rid of moisture. The process of
sweating is your body's attempt to keep cool and maintain its current temperature. If
the air is at 100 percent relative humidity, sweat will not evaporate into the air. As a
result, we feel much hotter than the actual temperature when the relative humidity is
high. Your shirt may become saturated with perspiration that doesn't go anywhere,
leaving you feeling like a swampy bog monster of revolting proportions.
If the relative humidity is low, we can
feel much cooler than the actual
temperature because our sweat
evaporates easily, cooling us off. For
example, if the air temperature is 75
degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees
Celsius) and the relative humidity is
zero percent, the air temperature feels
like 69 degrees Fahrenheit (21 C) to
our bodies. If the air temperature is 75
degrees Fahrenheit (24 C) and the
relative humidity is 100 percent, we feel like it's 80 degrees (27 C) out, and you start
praying that you had the air conditioner serviced last fall.

iii) Humid volume: Humid volume, which is the volume occupied by unit mass of air,
together with its associated water vapor.
Saturated volume, which is the humid volume of air when saturated with water.

iv) Dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated
with water vapor. When cooled further, the airborne water vapor will condense to
form liquid water (dew). When air cools to its dew point through contact with a
surface that is colder than the air, water will condense on the surface.
When the temperature is below the freezing point of water, the dew point is called
the frost point, as frost is formed via deposition rather than condensation to form
dew. The measurement of the dew point is related to humidity. A higher dew point
means there is more moisture in the air.
In liquids, the cloud point is the equivalent term.

Dew point Relative humidity at 32 °C (90 °F)

Over 26 °C Over 80 °F 73% and higher

24–26 °C 75–80 °F 62–72%

21–24 °C 70–74 °F 52–61%

18–21 °C 65–69 °F 44–51%

16–18 °C 60–64 °F 37–43%

13–16 °C 55–59 °F 31–36%

10–12 °C 50–54 °F 26–30%

Under 10 °C Under 50 °F 25% and lower


Q)Explain Dehumidification. What are four principal
methods whereby moist air can be dehumidified?

W hat is Dehumidification?

D ehumidify or dehumidification – literally means

“pulling out or removing” the moisture/humidity
from the air. The dictionary defines dehumidifica-
tion as the process of removing atmospheric mois-

T he process in which the moisture or water vapor

or the humidity is removed from the air keeping
its dry bulb (DB) temperature constant is called the
dehumidification process.

T his process is represented by a straight vertical

line on the psychrometric chart starting from the
initial value of relative humidity, extending down-
wards and ending at the final value of the relative

L ike the pure humidification process, in actual

practice the pure dehumidification process is not
possible, since the dehumidification is always ac-
companied by cooling or heating of the air.

D ehumidification process along with cooling or

heating is used in number of air conditioning

Methods of Dehumidification
Dehumidification can be split into three methods, they are:

A ir Conditioning – Dehumidification by increasing the total pressure or com-

pressing the air

D esiccant Dehumidification (also known as Chemical Dehumidification) – In this

method, a desiccant material or drying substance is introduced into the air-
stream to remove moisture

M echanical Dehumidification (also known as Refrigerative Dehumidification) – It

is the method of removing humidity by cooling the air to condense the water
Types of Dehumidification

There are currently four industry accepted types of dehumidification.

They are:

1 . Compression of the air. This will reduce the absolute moisture content of the
air but will generally produce a saturated condition at the elevated pressure.
Expansion of this high pressure air will result in a lower dew point at the lower pres-
sure because of the increase in actual volume.
This is similar to what one experiences with an air compressor.
The removal of the condensed water is accomplished by use of water traps and
after coolers. However, the amount of air treated does not make this a viable alter-
native for dehumidification within the industrial marketplace.

2 . Liquid sorption. The air is passed through sprays of liquid sorbent, such as lith-
ium chloride or glycol solution.
The sorbent in its active state has a vapor pressure below that of the air being de-
humidified and thus absorbs moisture from the air stream. The sorbent must be
continually regenerated by using heat to drive off the absorbed moisture.

3 . Solid sorption (desiccant). This method utilizes either granular beds or fixed
desiccant structures that are employed in automatic machines through which
the air is passed.
This desiccant also needs to be reactivated by heat to release the previously sorbed
moisture to an outdoor stream.

4 . Condensation-based (Refrigerant). This type unit, pictured above, chills the

air below its dew point, causing moisture to form as condensation on the cold
surface of the cooling coil and thus removes water from the air.
Cooling and Dehumidification Process

The process in which the air is cooled sensibly and at the same time the mois-
ture is removed from it is called as cooling and dehumidification process.
Cooling and dehumidification process is obtained when the air at the given dry
bulb and dew point (DP) temperature is cooled below the dew point tempera-
The cooling and dehumidification process is most widely used air conditioning
It is used in all types of window, split, packaged and central air conditioning
systems for producing the comfort conditions inside the space to be cooled. In
the window and split air conditioners the evaporator coil or cooling coil is main-
tained at temperature lower than the dew point temperature of the room air or
the atmospheric air by the cool refrigerant passing through it.
When the room air passes over this coil its DB temperature reduces and at the
same time moisture is also removed since the air is cooled below its DP tem-
perature. The dew formed on the cooling coil is removed out by small tubing.
In the central air conditioning systems the cooling coil is cooled by the refriger-
ant or the chilled water. When the room air passes over this coil, it gets cooled
and dehumidified.

Heating and Dehumidification Process

The process in which the air is heated and at the same time moisture is removed
from it is called as heating and dehumidification process.
This process is obtained by passing the air over certain chemicals like alumina
and molecular sieves. These elements have inherent properties due to which
they keep on releasing the heat and also have the tendency to absorb the mois-
ture. These are called as the hygroscopic chemicals.
The heating and humidification process is commonly used for reducing the dew
point temperature of air. There are number of automatic valves in the chemical
plants that are operated by the compressed air at high pressure.
If the dew point temperature of this air is high, there are chances of formation of
dew inside the valves which can lead to their corrosion and also faulty their oper-
ation. Thus it is very important that the air passing to such automatic valves have
very low dew point temperature. The heating and dehumidification process by
using hygroscopic materials is used often in the air drying units.



Assignment 2
List the four conditions that an air conditioning system may be required to control.

Subject: Building Services- VI

Submitted to Ar, Satpal

Submitted by : Nikhil Gupta
Roll no: 18001006040
Date of Submission: 30/05/2021



Definition of Air Conditioning:

Air conditioning can be defined as the treatment of indoor air in order to control certain conditions
required for human comfort. The desirable conditions may
be temperature, humidity, dust particle level, odour
level, and air motion.

It is known that the physical properties of air can be

controlled by cooling,
heating, humidification,
and dehumidification.

These processes may be

employed to maintain specific conditions desirable for comfort. Thus,
simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, air motion, and
cleanliness is known as air conditioning.

Requirements of Air Conditioning:

Human body releases about 100 W to 450
W/person depending on the activity of the
person due to metabolism. The body
temperature is maintained to be 97°C. But the
body surface temperature changes according
to the surrounding temperature and relative
humidity. The body heat must be dissipated
from body surface to the surrounding.

If the surrounding temperature is less than the

body temperature, the flow of heat from body
becomes quite easy and normal flow. If the
surrounding temperature is low as in winter, the
rate of flow of heat from the body is rapid and
the person will feel cold. If the surrounding
temperature is too hot, there would be no flow
of heat.

In such situation, sweat glands become

activated. The moisture of body gets
evaporated which brings the temperature
normal. If the outside temperature is hot and humid, little evaporation of moisture will occur from the
body skin and so the person will feel hot and uncomfortable. The movement of air by fan helps to keep
body comfortable.

When the room temperature becomes high due to heat gain, it causes human discomfort. When the
room moisture becomes high, the increased humidity causes difficulties in disposing the body heat. For
human comfort, the indoor temperature of 20°C and relative humidity 60% is quite good. Any air


conditioning unit will be able to achieve the above human comfort, the indoor temperature of 20°C and
relative humidity 60% is quite good. Any air conditioning unit will be able to achieve the above
requirement and maintain the conditions for comfort.

Four conditions that an Air Conditioning system may be required to control:

The process of air conditioning in auditorium, office building, houses, classrooms or any other room is
meant for maintaining comfort conditions for occupants.

The four important conditions for comfort conditioning are to be observed and maintained:
 Temperature,
 Humidity,
 Purity/cleanliness
 Air motion.

(a) Temperature:
The control of temperature is necessary in air conditioning. Even
though the outdoor temperature is varying, the indoor
temperature is maintained to be constant which is the
desired condition. The heat may be either removed or added
to the
depending upon
the surrounding
conditions. The person may feel comfortable when the
temperature is 20°C and relative humidity is 30-
60%.The function of the air conditioning system is to
absorb this heat and throw it to the surroundings
thereby maintaining low temperature inside the room.
An Air Conditioner maintain the temperature using a temp
sensor associated with a controller. The sensor reads the return air temp from the room which is air
conditioned and the controller compare it with set point. Once the set point is achieved the controller cut
down the compressor which in turn stop the room being cooled more. When the temp inside the
conditioned room is increased the temp sensor sense it and the controller cut in the compressor (i.e., Comp
ressor start working). This goes on to maintain the room temperature at the set point.

Mostly advanced systems like Digital Scroll Tandem compressors, VAV and VRF systems are used
nowadays. For very large areas chilled water systems are preferred.

The vapour absorption system is the cycle used for the production of low temperature. It is an established
fact that some substances have more affinity towards other substances at particular conditions and less
affinity at some other conditions. This peculiar behaviour generated the working of a vapour absorption

The vapour absorption system can be classified into two categories:

1. Intermittent Absorption System: 2. Continuous Absorption system

a) Aqua Ammonia Absorption System:

b) Improved Absorption System:

(b) Humidity:
Humidity control means an increase or
a decrease in moisture content inside
the space to be air-conditioned. It is
necessary not only for human comfort
but also to increase the working
capability. In summer, the relative
humidity should be 60% and in
winter it should it should be 40%.It
also absorbs the excess amount of
dew inside the room and maintains humidity levels inside the room. These
units are equipped with a refrigeration system. They provide de-humidification, a
means for biting and cleaning the air, and in some units a means for ventilating and/or exhausting the air.

(c) Purity/Cleanliness:
It is one of the most important
factors which affect the air
conditioning. In addition to the
control of temperature and
humidity for human comfort, it
is necessary to clean air, i.e.,
to make the indoor air free
from dust, dirt, and odour. It
is necessary that proper
filtration and purification of
air should be done and the
supply of air free from dust

and dirt should be made in air-conditioned space. The filter inside the air conditioner cleans and
purifies the air.

(d) Air Motion:

Air motion or proper circulation of air is also a factor affecting the human comfort. In order to maintain
constant temperature throughout the conditioned space, it is necessary that there sh ould be equal
distribution of conditioned air in the space. The air
movement is maintained at the desirable velocity
of about 8 m/min using appropriate distribution
system, grills, etc. The fan inside the air
conditioner maintains proper flow of air inside
the room. Basically there are three types of flow
control devices used on room air conditioning units:
(1) the thermostatic expansion valve, which
maintains a constant super-heat from a point near
the evaporator outlet to a point on the suction line;
(2) the automatic expansion valve, which
maintains a constant suction pressure; and (3) the
capillary tube, also known as a restrictor tube.
This is the most popular type of flow control used on window air conditioning units. It has a low cost and a
high reliability factor, even though it is not the most desirable refrigerant control over a wide range of
ambient temperatures.

Air conditioning serves a dual purpose. If the

surrounding temperature is higher than the
comfort temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, it
acts as a cooler whereby it keeps the room
cool. On the other hand, if the surrounding
temperature is too low, it acts as a heater and
increases the temperature inside the room.
There is a valve in the air conditioner which
enables us to change its functioning. But more
commonly, air conditioning is used to maintain
temperatures lower than the surroundings
and specific levels of humidity.

Some of the important parts of air conditioning systems are: compressor, condenser, expansion valve
and evaporator. To transfer the heat from a room to its surroundings, some media is required. The media
used in air-conditioning systems is a fluid called Freon.

Air conditioning systems come in various capacities with different flow rates of air. The capacity of an air
conditioner is measured in terms of tonnage. If the capacity of an air conditioner is one ton, it can
remove 3024Kcal of heat from a room in an hour. If the size of a closed space is large and the number of
people is also large, the amount of heat generated inside the room is very high; hence more heat is to be
removed and larger capacity air conditioners are required. For smaller rooms, air conditioners of about 1
ton are good enough to maintain comfort conditions.




Submitted by- Nishant (18001006041)

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is the air quality within and around buildings and structures. IAQ is
known to affect the health, comfort, and well-being of building occupants. Poor indoor air
quality has been linked to sick building syndrome, reduced productivity, and impaired
learning in schools.
IAQ can be affected by gases (including carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic
compounds), particulates, microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria), or any mass or energy
stressor that can induce adverse health conditions. Source control, filtration, and the use of
ventilation to dilute contaminants are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality
in most buildings. Residential units can further improve indoor air quality by routine
cleaning of carpets and area rugs.
AQ is part of indoor environmental quality (IEQ), which includes IAQ as well as other
physical and psychological aspects of life indoors (e.g., lighting, visual quality, acoustics, and
thermal comfort).

Primary Causes of Indoor Air Problems

Indoor pollution sources that release gases or particles into the air are the primary cause of
indoor air quality problems. Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutant levels by
not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions from indoor sources and by not
carrying indoor air pollutants out of the area. High temperature and humidity levels can
also increase concentrations of some pollutants
• Pollutant Sources
There are many sources of indoor air pollution. These can include:
1. Fuel-burning combustion appliances
2. Tobacco products
3. Building materials and furnishings as diverse as:
4. Deteriorated asbestos-containing insulation
5. Newly installed flooring, upholstery or carpet
6. Cabinetry or furniture made of certain pressed wood products
7. Products for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies
8. Central heating and cooling systems and humidification devices
9. Excess moisture
10. Outdoor sources such as:
11. Radon
12. Pesticides
13. Outdoor air pollution
The relative importance of any single source depends on how much of a given pollutant it
emits and how hazardous those emissions are. In some cases, factors such as how old the
source is and whether it is properly maintained are significant. For example, an improperly
adjusted gas stove can emit significantly more carbon monoxide than one that is properly
Some sources, such as building materials, furnishings and products like air fresheners, can
release pollutants more or less continuously. Other sources, related to activities like
smoking, cleaning, redecorating or doing hobbies release pollutants intermittently.
Unvented or malfunctioning appliances or improperly used products can release higher and
sometimes dangerous levels of pollutants indoors.

Methods to improve Air Quality

In harsher climates, often the approach is to make the building as impervious to the
outdoors as possible. But the insulation and air-tightness can trap pollutants inside the
building and lead to poor IAQ, which increases the importance of a good ventilation system.
Ventilation systems can utilize natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, or a hybrid of
both. The key features of a ventilation system, as it relates to air quality, are sufficiently
high air-change frequency and clean air supplied to the right places.

In a mechanical ventilation system, either automatic or manual detectors may be utilized to

determine when ventilation is needed in a space. Automated systems can be set to a timer
or programmed to detect pollutants levels, such as CO2, and are the most efficient option.
However, manual control can increase the occupants’ perception of comfort. Another
important human factor in mechanical systems is maintenance and upkeep. Even the best-
designed (and built) ventilation system will not function as intended if not regularly
maintained, for example if the air filters are not regularly changed

. Another option is natural ventilation, which eliminates costly mechanical equipment and
ductwork from a project while also providing lower running costs. Building inhabitants
enjoy the psychological benefits of contact with nature. By nature, however, natural
ventilation is not controlled and therefore may not always be sufficient. Many locations,
climates, and building types also create additional challenges to relying entirely on natural
ventilation, primarily due to outdoor air and noise pollution and extreme indoor/outdoor
temperature differences.

The next step, then, is ventilation and ensuring an adequate number of air changes per
hour are provided to accommodate the volume of space. The number of air changes will be
affected by factors like occupancy and activity in the space. As this air comes into the
building, it should be purified, filtering out particulate matter. This is the time at which
human attention becomes especially important, as if these filters are not maintained often,
they can themselves become a source of pollution.

Another strategy is to incorporate plants into a building design, such as through a green
wall or indoor planting area. Plants not only filter carbon dioxide and possibly some harmful
chemicals out of the air, but the principles of biophilia posit that for humans to be in
contact with nature increases mental and physical well-being. Plants alone, however,
cannot solve a building’s air quality problems.

Effects of bad Indoor Air Quality on Health

• Immediate Effects
Some health effects may show up shortly after a single exposure or repeated exposures to a
pollutant. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and
fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable. Sometimes the
treatment is simply eliminating the person's exposure to the source of the pollution, if it
can be identified. Soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants, symptoms of some
diseases such as asthma may show up, be aggravated or worsened.
The likelihood of immediate reactions to indoor air pollutants depends on several factors
including age and preexisting medical conditions. In some cases, whether a person reacts to
a pollutant depends on individual sensitivity, which varies tremendously from person to
person. Some people can become sensitized to biological or chemical pollutants after
repeated or high level exposures.
Certain immediate effects are similar to those from colds or other viral diseases, so it is
often difficult to determine if the symptoms are a result of exposure to indoor air pollution.
For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the time and place symptoms occur. If
the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the area, for example, an effort
should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes. Some effects
may be made worse by an inadequate supply of outdoor air coming indoors or from the
heating, cooling or humidity conditions prevalent indoors
• Long-Term Effects
Other health effects may show up either years after exposure has occurred or only after
long or repeated periods of exposure. These effects, which include some respiratory
diseases, heart disease and cancer, can be severely debilitating or fatal. It is prudent to try
to improve the indoor air quality in your home even if symptoms are not noticeable.
While pollutants commonly found in indoor air can cause many harmful effects, there is
considerable uncertainty about what concentrations or periods of exposure are necessary
to produce specific health problems. People also react very differently to exposure to
indoor air pollutants. Further research is needed to better understand which health effects
occur after exposure to the average pollutant concentrations found in homes and which
occurs from the higher concentrations that occur for short periods of time.



Q.Define air conditioning system.

Explain the application and advantages/
disadvantages of split air conditioning
Air conditioning (also A/C, air conditioner) is the process of removing heat and controlling
the humidity (as well as removing dust in some cases) of the air within a building or vehicle,
in order to achieve a more comfortable interior environment.
To keep our environment to our desired temperature, the air conditioning system is the device
that helps us achieve that.
Air conditioning is often referred to as aircon, AC or A/C. it features a fan that distributes the
conditioned air to the enclosed space. The enclosed space is often building and car.

What is an air conditioning system?

An air conditioning system is an electrical device that is purposely installed for the removal of
heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space. It is a process that is commonly used
to achieve a more comfortable environment, basically for human and other animals.
Air conditioning system is also used to cool and dehumidify rooms that contain heat-producing
electronic devices, such as computer server, power amplifiers. It also used in space that
contains delicate products like artwork.
Cooling is generally achieved in the air conditioning system through a refrigeration cycle, but
sometimes evaporation or free cooling is employed. The system can also be made based on
desiccants (chemicals that eliminate moisture from the air). Most AC system stores and rejects
heat in pipes called subterranean.

Functions of the air conditioning system

• The primary purpose of air conditioning is to create a room climate comfortable for humans.
• Some special type of conditioning system is used to cool the temperature of electric devices.
• It controls the humidity of a room as 30 to 65% is permitted while the temperature should be
between 20 and 26 degrees Celsius.
• Air conditioning system affects the room air to comfort people and their productivity is not
• The condition of the air is characterized by temperature, pressure and humidity. The air
pressure is not changed.
• Air conditioning system can be for heating, dehumidifying, cooling, and humidifying.
Components of an air conditioner
The compressor is the engine of the system as it works with a fluid that easily transforms the
gas into a liquid. Its primary function is to convert low-pressure gas into a high-pressure gas,
which has a high temperature. in its working, the gap regions between molecules get narrowed
down with a produced energized gas. This energized gas which also known as a refrigerant is
released from the compressor and enters the condenser.
2.Condenser Coil:
The condenser coil contains a fan that cools the high-pressure gas and converts it into a liquid.
The product obtained used by the evaporator to do the work. The compressor and condenser
are ones placed outside of the house.
The thermostat maintains the temperature of an air conditioning system as it regulates the heat
energy inside and outside of it. depending on the design, a thermostat can set manually or
Evaporators are air conditioning components found inside the house near the furnace. It’s
connected to the condenser with an extreme thin pipe. The high-pressure gas is transformed
into a low-pressure liquid of the air conditioner. The liquid is then converted to gas due to the
decreasing pressure. The fluid or refrigerant is what takes away the heat from the and cools it
off. The evaporator releases the fluid in form of a gas in order to get compressed again by the
compressor. All of these happens in a cyclic fashion.
5. Air Handler and Blowing Unit:
This air conditioner components work together to draw the air to the evaporator and distribute
cool air over the room. A duct system facilitates the passage of airflow in the room.
The complete diagram of an air conditioning system:
Types of the air conditioning system
Below are the various types of air conditioning system available in our modern world:
1.Central Air Conditioning
2.Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner
3.Window Air Conditioner
4.Portable Air Conditioner
5.Geothermal Heating and Cooling
6.Hybrid Air Conditioners

A Split System Air Conditioner

A split system air conditioner consists of inner and outer components or units. These two parts
of the system are connected by piping and electric cable, which allows the refrigerant, a cooling
agent used in refrigeration products, to flow to and from each unit. The largest part of the air
conditioning system, which is also the loudest, is situated outside, while the lighter and quieter
unit can be placed almost anywhere inside a building.

More modern designs of split system air conditioning can be worked with a remote control as
well as being fitted with a heating pump facility. This ensures the system can be used all year
round for maximum comfort and optimum room temperatures. As well as this, systems now
have built in timers and different controls to personalise your experience with every use.

How does a split air conditioning system work?

In general, air conditioners use certain chemicals that can change their form from a gas to a
liquid. This particular system works by a refrigerant being fed into the system’s compressor.
The refrigerant starts off as a low pressure gas. When the gas heats up and is pressurised, it is
then condensed into a liquid.The liquid then travels through condenser tubes and becomes a
gas again.

When the gas loses pressure, it also releases heat and becomes cooler, thanks to the refrigerant.
Then, when the gas passes back into the compressor, the process repeats itself. This is the main

Throughout this cycle, the air from a room is pulled into the air conditioning unit and travels
over the evaporator coils. This cools the air and pushes it into the room through the indoor air
conditioning vents. The air continues to circulate around until a specific temperature is reached.
This temperature can be amended remotely by a control. When it is reached, the system shuts
off to conserve energy.

How to install a split system ac unit.

The installation of a split air con system should be carried out by a professional engineer. The
way to install a split system air conditioner may vary depending on its manufacturer, but here
is the basic way an interior unit will be installed:

• You’ll need to find an ideal place for your inside wall unit to sit. This place should be
away from direct sunlight and heat, and somewhere where there is around 15 cm of
open space around all of the sides. The wall you choose should also be able to take the
weight of the system. In some cases, an additional frame can be used to provide much
more support for the unit.
• The first job is to secure the mounting plate to your chosen interior wall. Your engineer
will measure the perfect height for your unit to sit and fix the plate to the wall with
• You’ll then need to create a hole above the mounting plate to fit the system’s piping
through. Before this is done, the length of the piping and the distance to the outside unit
needs to be considered.
• Check the inside unit and its connections, and then connect the pipes from the inside
unit to the outside unit. Your engineer will know the length and type of pipe and connect
the two, as well as how to connect the drainage pipe to the base of the interior unit.
• The indoor unit will then be connected to the mounting plate ready for the set up of the
outside unit.

The outdoor unit can then be installed:

• The outdoor unit will also need to be located in a suitable place, away from hot areas
or where there is a lot of movement. It will need around 30cm of space around the
outside of the unit.
• The ground underneath the outdoor unit will need to be levelled out before it is placed
in position. It’s common for a concrete slab or similar to be laid on the ground where
the unit will sit, but it needs to sit high enough from the ground to prevent anything
such as water from flooding or snow from entering, for example.
• The outdoor unit can now be placed in the desired spot and the wires from the indoor
unit can be connected. Your engineer will remove the cover of the outdoor unit and
connect the wires correctly. When everything is secured, the cover can be replaced.

When the indoor and outdoor units of the split system AC are secured, it’s important to bleed
the air from the outdoor unit. You should also secure the pipework to the wall using clamps
and screws and seal up any holes. It’s important to remember that split system air
conditioner installation should always be carried out by a registered professional.

Advantages/ disadvantages of split air conditioning system:

• Separating the outside and inside units means there is less contact between the inside
and the outside air. This helps efficiency by using available building insulation to keep
the cool side cool. The cassettes are very quiet compared to a window unit, and they
can be placed on interior walls or even in the ceiling. With proper planning, this also
adds to cooling efficiency.

• Split systems do not require duct work like central air and this is one of two major
advantages over traditional systems. Interior cassettes are fed by small tubes that carry
refrigerant from the outside condenser/heat exchanger. This provides the necessary
cooling capacity. Warm refrigerant then flows out again through another tube. These
two tubes, along with an electrical supply for the fan, are then the only connections
needed and this is why they can be placed easily in convenient locations.

• The second major advantage over central air conditioning is the ability to zone split
systems. When more than one cassette is running off the same outside condenser, each
can be programmed separately with a thermostat dedicated to that particular zone. This
allows control over separate rooms and even a shutdown of one or more zones when
rooms are not in use. This latter ability makes them ideal for offices or hotels where
rooms may not be used for some time.

• Bridging the gap between a window air conditioner and a full blown central air system
(with ducts) a split system is within the scope of a home handyman and many
homeowners will install systems themselves. This is a considerable cost savings.
Installation consists of an outdoor unit with power supply and one or more 3” holes for
tubing to run into the house. If supplies to cassettes will be hidden, electricity and tubing
will have to be run through interior walls.

• A final advantage is the ability of a split system to serve as both an air conditioner in
the summer months and a heater in the winter. This is accomplished by switching
functions at the outside compressor which then functions as a heat pump. Generally,
cassettes are provide less heat than is necessary, but they are a useful addition to other
• The major disadvantage of a split system is the initial cost which generally runs as much
as 30% more than a central air system when ducts are already in place for heating. In
some applications, this price differential is made up for with efficiencies because of the
zoning feature and split systems can run a very high SEER rating.

• The length of tube that can be run will be limited depending on the unit and it may not
be possible to place cassettes everywhere in a building where they are wanted.
Refrigerant has to be pumped without too much change in temperature and runs are
limited to about 50 feet in length, although extensions are available up to 90 feet with
qualified installation.

• Homeowners who install systems themselves face a few difficulties. Unit placement
and tube runs can be mishandled leading to costly re-dos. Permits for outdoor units or
roof installations may be required and manufacturer warranties are sometimes voided
or limited when a non-licensed person installs the equipment.

• Water buildup from condensation on indoor cassettes can be an issue and drainage must
be allowed for. This might need a separate run of tubing or direct drainage to the

• Indoor cassettes cool the air directly. There is no air exchange with the outside.
Although this adds efficiency, some users find indoor air gets “stale” over time. Some
units do allow for this when they are mounted on an outside wall, although these are
more common in Asia than in the US.

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