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Why would I hire you?

Answer: Even though I don't have experience in this position, I'm applying, I can promise that I'll be able
to go through and face the tasks I'm asked to do and be able to organize the tasks well for the good of
the company.

Why did you leave your previous job?

Answer: in the first job I just leave there to find another job because that job. The company was to stop
working so I decided to stop and find someone else and get a big salary.

in my second job, I leave too because my brother planned to get married, and then I asked my
supervisor for a leave just for 1 week in case, but sad to say I was not allowed to leave for 1 week
because I hadn't reached a year, so I decided to resign because my brother wants me to come in his
wedding that time.

in my third job I reach my contract in 1yr, but the company not push me to go, I am the one who decide
to stop my work because I would like to study again to find a better job.

What sort of job you are looking for?

Answer: for me, it applies if I work as an HR staff, even if I know that I have no experience in the job, I
will try my best to be able to do the job and learn to learn for the good of the company and they will
never regret that they accepted me as a they are employed because I need a job wherever I am placed I
will be accepted just so I can have a meeting every day.

What appeals to you about this job?

Answer: for me ma’am id like this job because i think it can challenge me because i have no experience
so i really need to show everyone that I can do it and face the first test as an hr staff

Why do you think you’d be good at this job?

Answer: yes, ma’am I'll be good because I'm looking for a job and I'm not the person who easily gives up
and leaves the job unfinished.
What are your strengths?

Answer: my strength is my son and my parents who even though they were struggling I was still able to
study and my partner who did not give up. and he is always there for me to support and he was always
there to tell me that we can overcome our trials in life.

What are your weaknesses?

Answer: My weakness is to see my child suffering because we can't give him what he wants sometimes,
so it is necessary to work hard so that I can provide for my child's needs and also help my parents
especially to my partner.

Would you accept this job if it were offered to you?

Answer: Yes, ma’am I will accept this job for the future of my family and I can also promise to improve
the job given to me and I will not. You will not regret that you hired me in your company,

What do you know about this company?

Answer: to be honest ma’am I don't know anything about your company but if I can be taught that I can
easily learn what I'm going to do and I'll train my work and give advice if I have an idea for this company

If you take this job, how long would you stay?

Answer: if you accept me ma’am and your company’s good, I will not leave the company I worked, and I
will also give my knowledge so that the company runs well.

Don’t you think you may be too old/young/ in experienced?

Answer: for me ma’am age is not important for the experience that I have because whatever the test
that I can handle and focus on my work without any doubt and hesitation for this company
What would you say in 5years from now?

Answer: Over the next few years, I want to explore and develop skills in project management. In five
years, I want to have gained experience in leading projects for major clients. I will be looking for
opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal.

“How Will You Achieve Your Career Goals?”

My goal is to achieve chartered tax adviser status. I have the required qualifications and am seeking to
obtain the practical experience necessary to apply my skills.

“What Does Success Mean to You?”

To me, success is going above and beyond what is expected.

“What Do You Want for Your Next Job?”

My previous experience in a customer-facing capacity means I am confident and proficient at sales. I am

looking for a position at a larger company where I can apply my customer service skills and boost sales.

What kind of people you like to work with?

I want to work with those people who can be trusted, and not those who don't know how to understand
my life. because I already experienced when the person was able to work with our leader then they talk
to everything even I don’t know what they talking about but I feel it.

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